Here is a link to the smallest file on dropbox:

I have a terrible upload speed, so I couldn't get the larger ones up in any reasonable time frame. Hopefully this one will do!

On an unrelated note, I have a probably stupid question. In JAS3, how do I load an AIDA file as part of a script? All the examples online seem to generate a new random file to do analysis on, and there doesn't seem to be any clear example of what command loads a pre-existing file to modify.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Sho Uemura <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dropbox is fine, and no rush - spacing events should make things work for you, so finding this memory leak is not critical.

You want to make it use the collection name EcalTriggerClusters (defined in the steering file) instead of EcalClusters.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:

If you give me about a half-hour to hour, I can try to upload the files to
dropbox and see if I can get them to you that way. I am not in a position
where I can do that at the moment, unfortunately, and I do not have a JLab
account yet.

I tried using the HPS2014ReadoutNoPileup.lcsim driver. By itself, it works
great and seems to resolve the massive memory issue. However, when I input
the HPSTriggerPlotsDriver, it gives the following error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown event component EcalClusters
      at hep.physics.event.BaseEvent.get(
      at org.lcsim.event.base.BaseLCSimEvent.get(
      at org.lcsim.util.Driver.doProcess(
      at org.lcsim.util.Driver.processChildren(
      at org.lcsim.util.Driver.process(
      at org.lcsim.util.DriverAdapter.recordSupplied(
      at org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop.loop(
      at org.lcsim.job.JobControlManager.main(

Any idea on why it fails when inserted into the same spot on this driver,
but not the old one?
I guess you don't have a JLab computing account?

Is there any web server at UNH that you can upload these files to so I can
grab them?

The easiest thing to do would be to use HPS2014ReadoutNoPileup.lcsim - that
doesn't simulate pileup at all, so it's safe to use with unspaced events,
and is otherwise a drop-in replacement for HPS2014ReadoutToLcio.lcsim. I'll
add a note about that on the Confluence page.

You can also use the instructions for spacing photon beam data for readout
simulation, given on Confluence - that hasn't been tested for A' events but
should work. But I would only do that if you find there's something about
HPS2014ReadoutNoPileup.lcsim that doesn't work for you; and let me know in
that case.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:

I could upload the SLCIO files somewhere if you can suggest a good place. I
am unsure of the best way to host them - they are between 0.25 - 2.5 GB, so
they are rather large.

I had not considered spacing. The background events I had been working with
were already spaced with many empty events, so I suppose I assumed the A'
files would be too. I'm happy to apply some spacing if you send me the
On Oct 14, 2013 1:26 PM, "Sho Uemura" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 Is there any way you can make your input LCIO files available?

Your events have a lot of hits because you have no spacing between A'
events (we normally add empty bunches so that A' events only occur once
every 500 events) - that's probably exacerbating any memory problems. You
should add empty bunches, since without empty bunches your results are
going to be nonsense; in production MC this is done at the stdhep level,
but I can work out simpler instructions for you to do it with hps-java.

But I agree that your symptoms suggest some memory leak that needs to be
looked at. We can help.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2013, Kyle McCarty wrote:

 Hello hps-software,

I have been running some A' events through the lcsim software and have
running into memory problems.

System Information:
OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)
RAM: 22 GB

SLCIO File Generation Information:
SLIC: 4.9.6
GEANT4: 9.6.1
Geometry: HPS-Proposal2014-v5-6pt6.lcdd
Input Files: ap6.6gevXXXmev.stdhep
where XXX = { 050, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 } are the A' masses.

LCSim Information:
hps-java: 1.8
    - EventMarkerDriver
    - CalibrationDriver
    - TestRunTriggeredReconToLcio
    - FADCEcalReadoutDriver
    - EcalRawConverterDriver
    - CTPEcalClusterer
    - FADCTriggerDriver
    - SimpleSvtReadout
    - HPSEcalTriggerPlotsDriver
    - AidaSaveDriver
    - ClockDriver
The steering file is attached for more detailed reference. It is a
version of Sho's HPS2014ReadoutToLcio.lcsim.

Problem Manifestation:
When I started running the A' events through LCSim, I got heap errors and
OutOfMemoryErrors. These were intially resolved by including the
-Xmx[Amount] option when running, but for the larger files (>1 GB,


events) I still received memory errors even when I allotted Java the
entirety of the server's available memory. I was ultimately able to get
the files to run by downloading them to my personal machine (a Windows
device) and running hps-java there, but it was necessary to allot Java
approximately 55 GB of RAM to accomplish this.

I ran some diagnostics while the LCSim software was running on my local
machine and observed the memory footprint of the software. I found that
started low, but continually increased throughout the duration of the
My guess from what I saw is that the Java virtual machine is not
cleaning old objects from memory, so they are building up causing the
event files to rapidly expand in memory.

I have attached two log files. The first is from the 2.5 GB A' file for
MeV masses. This run was ultimately terminated by me because it reached
maximum amount of server memory that I could allot it and then froze
it tried to get more memory. The second log files are from another run
where it did yield an OutOfMemoryError.

Any ideas as to cause of this?


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