Hello hps-software,

I am still working on a getting a good local install of slic. Everything compiled fine, but I have issues using slic. No matter the detector  or input files, the results are always a "segmentation fault (core dumped)". I am certain it is in my install, but as everything is up to date, I am really not sure where the problem is. 

Started Run Timer.
>>>> BeginRun <0>
Creating new LCIO file: ./output_trial.slcio
Detector name set to <HPS-TestRun-v3> in run header.
StdHep file </home/holly/egs_5.5gev_0.0018x0_2bb_90na_01.stdhep> opened with <999947> events.
>>>> BeginEvent <0>
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This was after I ran:
slic -g ~/hps-detectors/detectors/HPS-TestRun-v3/HPS-TestRun-v3.lcdd -i ~/egs_5.5gev_0.0018x0_2bb_90na_01.stdhep -x -o output_trial -r 100


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