

Commit in projects/lcsim/trunk/site on MAIN
TODO+31added 2855
src/site/apt/build.apt+216added 2855
            /intro.apt+12added 2855
            /maven-repo.apt+30added 2855
            /source-code.apt+103added 2855
            /users.apt+15added 2855
src/site/site.xml+30added 2855
7 added files
commit website content so can work locally on laptop

TODO added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/TODO	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/TODO	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+X Maven build instructions
+X top level descriptive paragraph of lcsim (get more from Norman)
+X list of users (SiD, CLiC, etc.)
+X lcsim Maven repository information
+explanation of Maven module structure
+software license
+coding standards
+Eclipse instructions
+Netbeans instructions
+links e.g. to Confluence etc
+instructions on running the software on the grid; should mostly be links to ILCDIRAC documentation
+steering file usage; can point to the lcsim xml documentation page
+see freehep/trunk/site/src/site/apt/*.apt for examples and for the output

build.apt added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/build.apt	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/build.apt	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+    ---
+LCSim - Build Instructions
+    ---
+Build Instructions
+* Prerequisites
+    The following tools are required for building HPS Java software:
+    * {{{}Subversion}}
+      This is the revision control system used by the experiment.  
+      Unix and OSX machines should have this installed by default.  
+      Windows users can install TortoiseSVN or the SVN command line tool.
+    * {{{}Java}}
+      A valid JDK 1.7 installation is required for building and running the software.  
+      The commands java and javac must both work from the command line.
+    * {{{}Maven}}
+      This is the build tool used to create a local installation of the Java software.  
+      Any 3.x.x version should work fine.
+    []
+    Should any of these tools be missing on your system, you need to install them before proceeding with the build instructions.
+    The following are optional IDE applications, either of which will be very useful for developing Java code:
+    * {{{}Eclipse}}
+      This is the most popular Java IDE and has a wide range of plugins available for various other languages and purposes. 
+    * {{{}Netbeans}}
+      This development tool is supported by Oracle and comes with built-in Maven support.
+    []
+    The instructions below which involve command line input assume a bash shell on Unix but those which don't involve Unix-specific
+    utilities will also work from a Windows command prompt.
+* Downloading
+    The {{{./source-code.html}source code instructions}} should be followed to obtain the project code.
+* Maven Overview
+    LCSim projects are built using the Maven project management tool.  It provides facilities for compiling Java source code, 
+    as well as downloading a project's dependencies from remote repositories, among other {{{}features}}.
+* Installing Maven 
+ 	The command line 'mvn' tool can be installed by getting the latest release from the {{{}download area}}.
+ 	Or you may fetch it directly from the command, e.g. using a wget command such as:
+    Once downloaded, untar the file into a directory on your system where you install local software:
+tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.1.1-bin.tar.gz
+    Now all that needs to be done is setting up your environment to find the command line tool:
+cd apache-maven-3.1.1/
+export MAVEN_HOME=$(pwd)
+export PATH=$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH
+    Finally, check that the command line client is accessible in your shell:
+mvn -version
+   This should print out the local configuration starting with a line like:
+Apache Maven 3.1.1
+   Now you are ready to build LCSim on your system.
+* IDE Support
+   Both Netbeans and Eclipse support Maven builds.  
+   Netbeans comes with built-in support and will automatically detect if your project has a POM file in it.
+   For Eclipse, install the {{{}m2e}} plugin and then enable it for a given project
+   by right-clicking on it in the "Project Explorer" pane and selecting <Configure \> Convert to Maven Project>.
+* Installing a Module
+    The default target of most modules is "install" which will compile, package and copy the artifacts
+    into the local Maven repository on your machine.  This can be done using either of the following commands
+    from a system shell, assuming that your current working directory is the module's root directory containing
+    the pom.xml file:
+mvn install
+    After the build completes successfully, the artifact for the project, usually a jar file containing compiled Java classfiles, 
+    will show up in the target directory with the form:
+    For instance, suppose you have compiled a local copy of the tracking module, then its artifact will show up at:
+    This jar would also be installed into your local Maven repository here:
+    There it will be accessible to other Maven projects as a dependency.   
+* Running Tests
+    Some modules come with unit and integration tests, which run by default.
+    To skip these tests, the following command can be used:
+mvn -DskipTests=true
+    Tests can be executed individually using the following syntax:
+mvn test -Dtest=[TestCaseName]
+    For instance, suppose you are in the detector-framework module.  The test <org.lcsim.geometry.GeometryReaderTest> could
+    be executed as follows:  
+mvn test -Dtest=GeometryReaderTest
+    The package name is not used here, so it will always be a good idea to make the class names of tests unique within a 
+    given module. 
+* Resolving Dependencies
+    Maven can resolve project dependencies by downloading jar files from remote repositories.  But in order to do this, it must know
+    about the locations of the repositories where these jars are available.  When required artifacts are not avaiable either locally or
+    remotely, it can fail with errors about missing dependencies.
+    When building all the modules together from the top project directory, this is unlikely to be an issue.  However, errors can occur
+    when building individual modules, if the parent POM files have not already been installed locally beforehand.
+    There are several ways to deal with these kinds of issues:
+    [[1]] Install the parent POM files.
+    The modules site-parent and parent can be checked out individually and built using the standard build commands.  This should allow
+    other projects to find the external jar on which they depend. 
+    [[2]] Install the entire project.
+    If you install all modules by building from the top level directory in the SVN, then all necessary parent POM files will be put
+    into your local repository for other modules to use for resolving their dependencies.
+    [[3]] Add the LCSim remote repository to your Maven settings.
+    Repositories may also be added to a file at <~/.m2/settings.xml> which you may create if it does not already exist.  The following
+    text should be used:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <profiles>
+        <profile>
+            <id>yourNameHere</id>
+            <activation>
+                <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>
+            </activation>
+            <repositories>
+                <repository>
+                    <id>lcsim-maven</id>
+                    <name>org.lcsim Maven Repository</name>
+                    <url></url>
+                </repository>
+            </repositories>
+        </profile>
+    </profiles>
+    This will allow the LCSim repository to be used by all projects for resolving their dependencies.
+    []
+* Distribution Module
+    TODO
\ No newline at end of file

intro.apt added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/intro.apt	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/intro.apt	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+    ---
+LCSim - Introduction
+    ---
+    LCSim, standing for "Linear Collider Simulation", is a Java-based framework for physics
+    event reconstruction and analysis.  It uses the {{{}LCIO}} event model,
+    the {{{}AIDA}} histogramming and plotting API, and also makes use of
+    the {{{}JAS}} (or Java Analysis Studio) GUI which includes the
+    {{{}Wired Event Display}}.  LCSim also makes extensive use of the 
+    {{{}FreeHEP Java Libraries}}.
\ No newline at end of file

maven-repo.apt added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/maven-repo.apt	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/maven-repo.apt	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+    ---
+LCSim - Maven Repository
+    ---
+Maven Repository
+    LCSim module artifacts such as jar files are deployed to a remote repository where they are 
+    publically available for download, either manually or via a dependency in a POM file.
+* Repository Information
+    The following information can be put into the repositories section of your Maven project:
+    <id>lcsim-repo-public</id>
+    <name>LCSIM Public Maven Repository</name>
+    <url></url>
+    Both releases and snapshots are available through that URL, so this should be the only
+    configuration that is required.
+* Nexus
+    The {{{}Sonatype Nexus}} application is used to manage the repository.
+    To search for jars, go to the {{{}SLAC SRS Nexus Application}} and
+    enter "lcsim" in the "Keyword Search" box, which will show the artifacts that are available.
\ No newline at end of file

source-code.apt added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/source-code.apt	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/source-code.apt	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+    ---
+LCSim - Source Code
+    ---
+Source Code
+* Check Out the Code
+    The full project sources are stored in a Subversion repository at the following location:
+* Repository Credentials
+    The project sources can be downloaded anonymously, but checking in changes to the SVN requires a valid username and password combination.
+    These should be supplied when executing the 'commit' command:
+svn commit --username [username] --password [password] -m "commit message goes here" the/file/to/commit
+    Generally, this will only need to be done once, as you may allow Subversion to cache this information locally (unencrypted unfortunately!).
+    Repository write access can be requested by emailing jeremym AT and including your full name, institution, and desired username.
+* Getting All the Modules        
+    The entire set of modules can be found under this directory:
+    This command will checkout all of the modules locally:
+svn co svn:// lcsim
+* Getting a Single Module
+    The HEAD revision of an individual module can be found at a URL with the following form:
+    To see a list of available modules, e.g. directories containing Maven modules, the following
+    command can be used:
+svn list svn://
+    For instance, to checkout the HEAD copy of the tracking module, this command can be used:
+svn co svn:// lcsim-tracking
+* Downloading Tags and Branches
+    Global tag names are used, and Maven generates these automatically for releases.
+    All tags can be found at this URL:
+   To download a certain tag, use a command with this form:
+svn co svn://[tagName]
+   To see what tags are available, use this command:
+svn list svn://
+   Similarily, branch names also have globally unique names, and all branches can be found here:
+   To download a certain branch, use a command with this form:
+svn co svn://[branchName]
+    To see what branches are available, use this command:
+svn list svn://
\ No newline at end of file

users.apt added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/users.apt	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/apt/users.apt	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+    ---
+LCSim - Users
+    ---
+    The following groups are users of the LCSim framework:
+    * {{{}Silicon Detector (SiD) Collaboration}}
+    * {{{}CERN Linear Collider Detector Project}}
+    * {{{}Muon Collider Detector}}
+    * {{{}Heavy Photon Search Experiment}}
\ No newline at end of file

site.xml added at 2855
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/site.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/site/src/site/site.xml	2013-12-14 22:02:58 UTC (rev 2855)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<project name="LCSim Project Homepage">
+    <body>
+        <menu name="General">
+            <item name="Introduction" href="intro.html"/>
+            <item name="Users" href="users.html"/>
+            <item name="Team" href="team-list.html"/>
+            <item name="Mailing List" href="mail-lists.html"/>
+        </menu>
+        <menu name="For Users">
+            <item name="Bugs and Issues" href="issue-tracking.html"/>
+        </menu>
+        <menu name="For Developers">
+            <item name="Getting the Source Code" href="source-code.html"/>
+            <item name="Building the Software" href="build.html"/>
+            <item name="LCSim Maven Repository" href="maven-repo.html"/>
+            <item name="Continuous Integration" href="integration.html"/>
+        </menu>
+        <menu ref="reports"/>
+    </body> 
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