

See <>



[...truncated 181 lines...]
Found 1 source(s) for chip R22_S11.
Photon Raytrace
Setting up sky.
Setting up atmosphere.
Setting up instrument.
Modules and Basic Setup 
[outputdir] Output directory: .
[outputfilename] Output filename: lsst_e_99999999_R22_S11_E000
[seddir] SED directory: /a/surrey04a/vol/vol1/g.srs/hudson/lsst-build01/workspace/Phosim/data/SEDs
[telescopemode] Telescope mode (0=off/1=on):               1
[trackingmode] Tracking mode (0=off/1=on):                 1
[detectormode] Detector mode (0=off/1=on):                 1
[diffractionmode] Diffraction mode (0=off/1=on):           1
[zernikemode] Zernike mode (0=off/1=on):                   1
[straylight] Straylight mode (0=off/1=on):                 1
[aperturemode] Aperture mode (0=normal/1=on):              0
[ghostonly] Ghost-only mode (0=normal/1=on):               0
[saturation] Saturation mode (0=off/1=on):                 1
[blooming] Blooming mode (0=off/1=on):                     1
[eventfile] Output event file (0=no/1=yes):                0
[eventFitsFileName] Output event Fits file name:          output.fits
[centroidfile] Output centroid file (0=no/1=yes):          0
[throughputfile] Output throughput file (0=no/1=yes):      0
[platescale] Plate Scale:                                  180000.000000
[minr] Minimum aperture radius:                            2558.000000
[maxr] Maximum aperture radius:                            4180.000000
[exptime] Exposure time (s):                               15.000000
[shuttererror] Shutter error (s):                          0.000000
[timeoffset] Time offset (s):                              0.000000
[filter] Filter (0=u,1=g,2=r,3=i,4=z,5=Y):                 2
[seed] Random seed:                                        1000
Pointing and Tracking 
[pointingra] Pointing RA (radians):                        0.000000
[pointingdec] Pointing Dec (radians):                      0.000000
[rotationangle] Rotation Angle (rotSkyPos) (degrees):      0.000000
[spiderangle] Angle of Spider (rotTelPos) (degrees):       0.000000
[zenith] Zenith Angle (degrees):                           1.000000
[azimuth] Azimuthal Angle (degrees):                       0.000000
[rotationjitter] Rotation Jitter (arcseconds):             1.000000
[elevationjitter] Elevation Jitter (arcseconds):           0.020000
[azimuthjitter] Azimuthal Jitter (arcseconds):             0.020000
[trackingfile] Tracking File:
[groundlevel] Ground level (m):                            2660.000000
[xtellocation] X Telescope location (m):                   0.000000
[ytellocation] Y Telescope location (m):                   0.000000
[latitude] Telescope latitude (degrees):                   -30.660000
[izernike optic# zernike#] Zernike amplitude:        
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000050 -0.000018 -0.000015 0.000004 0.000013 -0.000012 -0.000009 0.000001 0.000021 -0.000031 -0.000013 -0.000007 -0.000008 0.000014 0.000021 0.000001 0.000001 -0.000017 
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.000031 -0.000104 -0.000118 0.000004 -0.000024 0.000156 -0.000039 0.000064 -0.000030 0.000036 -0.000047 0.000011 0.000053 -0.000016 0.000031 -0.000016 -0.000011 -0.000021 
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000050 -0.000018 -0.000015 0.000004 0.000013 -0.000012 -0.000009 0.000001 0.000021 -0.000031 -0.000013 -0.000007 -0.000008 0.000014 0.000021 0.000001 0.000001 -0.000017 
0.001930 -0.000730 -0.000360 0.000950 -0.000220 0.000300 0.000310 0.000240 -0.000690 -0.000160 0.000350 0.000280 -0.000320 0.000220 0.000210 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 
[body optic# dof#] Body motion of optics:                    
2.497004 3.995291 -0.000000 0.002874 -0.000356 0.001082 
3.772535 5.386307 -0.000000 -0.000358 0.000717 -0.001814 
2.497004 3.995291 -0.000000 0.002874 -0.000356 0.001082 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
3.087039 3.161626 -0.000030 -0.002421 -0.008375 -0.004642 
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 
[natmospherefile] Number of atmosphere files:              7
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 0: atmospherescreen_99999999_0
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 0:      
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 0 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.071371
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 0 (m/s):                         13.889783
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 0 (degrees):              146.635856
 [height layer#] Layer height 0 (km):                      16.000000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 0 (m):                    11.398241
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 0:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 0:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 0 (km):          0.000000
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 0 (km):  0.000000
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 1: atmospherescreen_99999999_1
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 1:      cloudscreen_99999999_1
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 1 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.030509
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 1 (m/s):                         48.865955
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 1 (degrees):              353.084443
 [height layer#] Layer height 1 (km):                      8.000000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 1 (m):                    14.286488
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 1:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 1:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 1 (km):          0.488014
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 1 (km):  0.017543
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 2: atmospherescreen_99999999_2
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 2:      cloudscreen_99999999_2
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 2 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.074943
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 2 (m/s):                         10.730749
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 2 (degrees):              356.280508
 [height layer#] Layer height 2 (km):                      4.000000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 2 (m):                    19.634047
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 2:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 2:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 2 (km):          0.046848
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 2 (km):  0.001003
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 3: atmospherescreen_99999999_3
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 3:      
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 3 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.022959
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 3 (m/s):                         7.753009
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 3 (degrees):              348.826504
 [height layer#] Layer height 3 (km):                      2.000000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 3 (m):                    25.204784
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 3:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 3:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 3 (km):          0.000000
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 3 (km):  0.000000
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 4: atmospherescreen_99999999_4
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 4:      
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 4 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.082579
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 4 (m/s):                         8.032716
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 4 (degrees):              353.033572
 [height layer#] Layer height 4 (km):                      1.000000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 4 (m):                    15.557941
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 4:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 4:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 4 (km):          0.000000
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 4 (km):  0.000000
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 5: atmospherescreen_99999999_5
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 5:      
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 5 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.093844
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 5 (m/s):                         8.490282
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 5 (degrees):              361.365501
 [height layer#] Layer height 5 (km):                      0.500000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 5 (m):                    15.034888
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 5:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 5:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 5 (km):          0.000000
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 5 (km):  0.000000
 [atmospherefile layer#] Atmosphere File 6: atmospherescreen_99999999_6
 [atmospherefile layer#] Cloud File 6:      
 [seeing layer#] Seeing 6 at 5000 Angstroms (arcsec):    0.230562
 [wind layer#] Wind speed 6 (m/s):                         9.155693
 [winddir layer#] Wind direction 6 (degrees):              331.817120
 [height layer#] Layer height 6 (km):                      0.020000
 [outerscale layer#] Outer scale 6 (m):                    10.000000
 [densityfluc layer#] Density fluctuation 6:               0.026458
 [densitymean layer#] Density mean 6:                      1.000000
 [cloudmean layer#] Mean cloud extinction 6 (km):          0.000000
 [cloudvary layer#] Variation of cloud extinction 6 (km):  0.000000
[atmosphericdispersion] Atmos. Dispersion (0=off/1=on):    1
[atmosphericdispcenter] Atmos. Disp. Ctr. Corr.:           1
[pressure] Air pressure (mmHg):                            520.000000
[waterpressure] Water vapor pressure (mmHg):               8.000000
[temperature] Ground Temperature (degrees C):              20.000000
[reldensity] Relative density:                             0.991943
[relo2] Relative O2 fraction:                              1.005587
[relh2o] Relative H2O fraction:                            1.195398
[aerosoltau] Aerosol optical depth:                        0.020000
[aerosolindex] Aerosol index:                              -1.280000
[relo3] Relative O3 fraction:                              0.895429
[lascatprob] Large angle scattering probability:           0.135000
[domeseeing] Dome seeing:                                  0.100000
[pixelsize] Pixel Size (microns):                           10.000000
[chipid] Chip/Amplifier ID: R22_S11
[focalplanefile] Focal plane file name: /a/surrey04a/vol/vol1/g.srs/hudson/lsst-build01/workspace/Phosim/data/lsst/focalplanelayout.txt
[centerx] Chip center x (microns):                          0.000000
[centery] Chip center y (microns):                          0.000000
[pixelsx] Chip x pixels:                                    4000
[pixelsy] Chip y pixels:                                    4072
[minx] Minimum x pixel of amplifier:                        0
[maxx] Maximum x pixel of amplifier:                        3999
[miny] Minimum y pixel of amplifier:                        0
[maxy] Maximum y pixel of amplifier:                        4071
[chipangle] Angle of Chip (degrees):                        0.006000
[welldepth] Full well depth:                                100000
[nbulk] Bulk doping density:                                1.000000e+12
[nf] Front side doping density:                             -5.000000e+15
[nb] Back side doping density:                              0.000000e+00
[sf] Front side doping scale:                               1.000000e-02
[sb] Back side doping scale:                                2.500000e-03
[siliconthickness] Silicon Thickness (microns):             100.000000
[overdepbias] Over depletion bias (volts):                  -45.000000
[ccdtemp] CCD temperature (K):                              173.000000
[qevariation] QE variation:                                 0.000000
Number of Sources: 1
Photons: 1.28e+06   Flux: 1.64e-27 ergs/cm2/s
Photon Raytrace
commit 6495f35f42c0e5c037c1191d83276719875a9388
Type                Sources         Photons  (Sat,Rem,Rej,Acc)%  Time (s)       Photons/s
Astrophysical m = 19        1       1,275,965  (  0, 94,  1,  5)       2.66         477,889
Electron to ADC Image Converter
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C00
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C01
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C02
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C03
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C04
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C05
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C06
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C07
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C10
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C11
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C12
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C13
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C14
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C15
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C16
Reading out chip R22_S11 with amplifier chain R22_S11_C17

    PhoSim Unit Testing Framework

find                            |Index finding                   |60.000000|60.000000|none            |Pass
findLinear                      |Index finding                   |60.000000|60.000000|none            |Pass
findLinearWrap                  |Index finding                   |60.000000|60.000000|none            |Pass
normalize                       |Normalize vector                |0.707107|0.707107|none            |Pass
interpolate                     |Interpolate array               |0.605000|0.605000|none            |Pass
interpolateLinear               |Interpolate array               |0.605000|0.605000|none            |Pass
interpolateBilinear             |Interpolate 2-D array           |0.605000|0.605000|none            |Pass
interpolateBilinearFloatWrap    |Interpolate 2-D array           |0.605000|0.605000|none            |Pass
reflect                         |Ray component after reflection  |0.707107|0.707107|none            |Pass
refract                         |Ray component after snell's law |0.353553|0.353553|none            |Pass
propagate                       |Ray position after propagation  |1.000000|1.000000|none            |Pass
running boost.test unit tests
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing BoostTest-1.x (default)
[xUnit] [INFO] - [BoostTest-1.x (default)] - 2 test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'boosttests/*.xml' relative to '<'> for the testing framework 'BoostTest-1.x (default)'.
[xUnit] [ERROR] - The result file '<'> for the metric 'BoostTest' is not valid. The result file has been skipped.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to FAILURE
[xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.

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