


I wanted to fill everyone in on the current state of the HPS Java SVN trunk.

I am preparing for a release of all the Java software in order to make a clean tag of the code that was used for 
Test Run 2012 results as well as presentations made at the collaboration meeting.  

I have just cleaned up all the POM files in preparation for this release, so you should 'svn up' all your modules and rebuild 
them to make sure everything still works for you.  I know that the build of all modules works fine for me locally.

Some things to note about how the project is structured:

The dependency on lcsim has been fixed to lcsim 3.0.2 for the time being.  This is managed through the value of the lcsimVersion
variable in trunk/parent/pom.xml.  So if you have made local changes to lcsim and they are not showing up in your hps builds,
this is why.

At least until a clean release of the HPS software is made, this fixed version of lcsim will be used.  Should you need to pull in the 
current snapshot of lcsim then change the value to 3.0.3-SNAPSHOT in your local copy of the parent POM only.  Then you should 
be able to either pull current snapshots from the remote repository or get the correct locally installed jars for that snapshot.  

I cleaned up the versioning so that there are a minimal number of custom versions defined in module POM files.  (I kept versions of
ET and JEVIO that are in line with those used at JLAB for our own reference.)  This means that most of the inter-dependencies should
be managed automatically AND that there is probably not a very good reason to be changing any of the dependency versions
yourself, especially those defined in the dependencyManagement section of the parent POM.  

Please ask if you have any questions.


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