

Attendees: Bill, Fabrice, Andy Salnikov, AndyH, Daniel, Jacek

  - Jeff's visit at SLAC (Jan 22-23) re prep for construction
  - AndyS officially transitioning (March-Apr) then @50%,
    will work on Qserv, specific tasks tbd
  - finished #3042 (mysql python wrapper)
  - in progress #3084 (switching cat to use the wrapper,
    moving away from using policy for mysql credentials
    to play my.cnf)

  - the bug reported last week fixed
  - still need to run all benchmark tests
  - also need to remove debugging statements
  - then merge into master
  - documented fault tolerance tests on trac
  - one private test not passing, will look into it w/Daniel
  - log4cxx
    - issues with dependencies, planning to look into
      this soon, expecting to have prototype mid Feb

  - new structure ready for release, but need to talk
    to Fabrice about eups, and integrate with the latest
    eups changes done by Fabrice
  - would be good to close #2834
     - all code is in master branch
     - ticket not properly reviewed
        - Jacek will check

  - trying partitioner on Data Challenge data,
    (DeepForcedSource, tried on small subset so far)
    partitioner sometimes fails, need to debug
  - slowly migrating qserv-related eups files
    to eupsPkg
  - next task: switch from Oracle's MySQL to
    MariaDb distribution


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