

On 2/13/14, 13:20 , Mario Juric wrote:
> Fabrice et al,
> 	Questions re mysqlproxy: it depends on glib2 and libevent. Did you plan
> to make EUPS packages for these, or will you ask the users to install
> the required -dev[el] packages on their distributions?

Ah, OK -- I see that libevent is already there. Let me know what you
intended to do re glib2; it won't take me more than 10 minutes to
package it.

Otherwise, I managed to build everything up to (but excluding) qserv:

[mjuric@lsst-dev /ssd/mjuric/buildbot/lsst_build master]$ time
./bin/lsst-build build ./build ./build/manifest.txt            libevent:
master_g410bd5abbb (already installed).
              python: 2.7_1_g4b5dedd60d (already installed).
               expat: master_g4a0254e0b2 (already installed).
       zopeinterface: master_g0277429914+0a4801e32d (already installed).
                 lua: master_ge6f8f65424 (already installed).
              xrootd: master_gc482612125 (already installed).
           luasocket: master_gc334468692+f083576d5c (already installed).
               mysql: 5.1.65_2_g6c6a3b8387 (already installed).
            luaexpat: master_g2e51c46583+8bb3c3661f (already installed).
         mysqlpython: master_gf144fc96d5+63a8112594 (already installed).
           luaxmlrpc: master_g55ddf7ee18+12ef1d036c (already installed).
            protobuf: master_g1ec0f6d55a+0a4801e32d (already installed).
          mysqlproxy: master_g769d47e3fb+5a834d7aac ok (14.4 sec).
             twisted: master_g3cdcb63100+6abb9c9f40 ok (8.0 sec).
               qserv: 0.5.1rc3_28_g2ba3abe916+95fcd65228 ERROR (0 sec).
*** error building product qserv.

The qserv error is not surprising, since there's only a table file
present there (I suspect it will need its own

Btw., I noticed you had a dummy qserv package in /personal/fjammes,
probably for testing purposes. The way I treated similar issues was to
just add a branch to a package (usually u/mjuric/eupspkg) on which all
eupspkg-related changes live. For consistency (and to avoid collisions
on REPOSITORY_PATH between the LSST/DMS/qserv and the other one), I made
a branch /u/mjuric/eupspkg in LSST/DMS/qserv, and copied the table file

PS: I think we should jointly continue working on packages in:

I've kept your version of mysqlpython and mysql; in retrospect, I think
it's not really worth the hassle splitting up mysql to -server and
-client packages.

I left out your changes to Python, however -- your changes allow 2.6,
which breaks the rest of the stack (e.g., users aren't warned on RHEL6
that they have the wrong version of Python). I think that if one *knows*
they won't need 2.7, they can use the manifest.remap mechanism to tell
EUPS not to install the 2.7 stub package. And this issue will most
likely go away entirely in a ~year or two, as RHEL7 will have 2.7 by
default (RHEL6 is basically the only major distribution still 2.6).

I'll now continue on to fixing the remaining eupspkg bugs...

- M.

> PS: I found some cycles to make a push of eupspkg, and I'm unifying your
> work on external packages for qserv with the work I did on external
> packages for the rest of the stack. I cloned them all to:
> so both of us can write there. For now, I implemented the ./ups/eupspkg
> -> ./ups/ change that I mentioned in the previous e-mail, and
> I'm going down the list fixing issues that have arisen because of that,
> trying to work my way up to building qserv.
> Cheers,

Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web :     Phone : +1 617 744 9003

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