Commit in java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman on MAIN removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed removed
24 removed files
Nuke the kalman package.

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import Jama.Matrix;
-// Fit tracks using Kalman filter.
- *AddFitKalman  uses a Kalman filter to update the track fit.
- *
- *
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class AddFitKalman extends AddFitter {
-    boolean _DEBUG = false;
-    // Maximum allowed hit dimension.
-    private static final int MAXDIM = 3;
-    // Maximum number of track vectors.
-    private static final int MAXVECTOR = 1;
-    // Maximum number of track errors.
-    private static final int MAXERROR = 1;
-    //private:  // nested classes
-    // The nested class Box holds the vectors, matrices and symmetric
-    // matrices needed for adding a hit in the main class.
-    class Box {
-        /*
-        private:  // typedefs
-        typedef Ptr<TrfVector,AutoPolicy>   VectorPtr;
-        typedef Ptr<TrfSMatrix,AutoPolicy>  SMatrixPtr;
-        typedef Ptr<TrfMatrix,AutoPolicy>   MatrixPtr;
-        typedef vector<VectorPtr>           VectorList;
-        typedef vector<SMatrixPtr>          SMatrixList;
-        typedef vector<MatrixPtr>           MatrixList;
-         */
-        // enums
-        // number of vectors
-        private static final int NVECTOR = 2;
-        // number of errors
-        private static final int NERROR = 3;
-        // number of vectors
-        private static final int NDERIV = 2;
-        // number of gains
-        private static final int NGAIN = 2;
-        // attributes
-        // dimension of the vector, matrix, etc
-        private int _size;
-        // array of vectors
-        List _vectors;
-        // array of error matrices
-        List _errors;
-        // array of derivatives (Nx5 matrices)
-        List _derivs;
-        // array of gains (5xN matrices)
-        List _gains;
-        // methods
-        // constructor
-        public Box(int size) {
-            _size = size;
-            _vectors = new ArrayList();
-            _errors = new ArrayList();
-            _derivs = new ArrayList();
-            _gains = new ArrayList();
-            int icnt;
-            // Track vectors
-            for (icnt = 0; icnt < NVECTOR; ++icnt)
-                _vectors.add(new Matrix(size, 1));
-            // Track errors
-            for (icnt = 0; icnt < NERROR; ++icnt)
-                _errors.add(new Matrix(size, size));
-            // Track derivatives
-            for (icnt = 0; icnt < NDERIV; ++icnt)
-                _derivs.add(new Matrix(size, 5));
-            // Gains
-            for (icnt = 0; icnt < NDERIV; ++icnt)
-                _gains.add(new Matrix(5, size));
-        }
-        // return the dimension
-        public int get_size() {
-            return _size;
-        }
-        // fetch a vector
-        public Matrix get_vector(int ivec) {
-            return (Matrix) _vectors.get(ivec);
-        }
-        // fetch an error
-        public Matrix get_error(int ierr) {
-            return (Matrix) _errors.get(ierr);
-        }
-        // fetch a derivative
-        public Matrix get_deriv(int ider) {
-            return (Matrix) _derivs.get(ider);
-        }
-        // fetch a gain
-        public Matrix get_gain(int igai) {
-            return (Matrix) _gains.get(igai);
-        }
-    } // end of Box inner class
-    // static methods
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName() {
-        return "AddFitKalman";
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType() {
-        return typeName();
-    }
-    // attributes
-    // Array of boxes for each supported size.
-    private List _boxes;
-    // Track vectors.
-    private List _tvectors;
-    // Track errors.
-    private List _terrors;
-    //methods
-    //
-    /**
-     *Construct a default instance.
-     * Allocate space needed for hits of dimension from 1 to MAXDIM.
-     *
-     */
-    public AddFitKalman() {
-        _boxes = new ArrayList();
-        _tvectors = new ArrayList();
-        _terrors = new ArrayList();
-        // Create boxes for hit containers.
-        for (int dim = 1; dim < MAXDIM; ++dim)
-            _boxes.add(new Box(dim));
-        int icnt;
-        for (icnt = 0; icnt < MAXVECTOR; ++icnt)
-            _tvectors.add(new Matrix(5, 1));
-        for (icnt = 0; icnt < MAXERROR; ++icnt)
-            _terrors.add(new Matrix(5, 5));
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public String type() {
-        return staticType();
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Add a hit and fit with the new hit.
-     * Use a Kalman filter to add a hit to a track.
-     * The hit is updated with the input track.
-     * Note: We make direct use of the underlying vector and matrix
-     *       classes here.  It will probably be neccessary to modify
-     *       this routine if these are changed.
-     *
-     * @param   tre The ETrack to update.
-     * @param   chsq The chi-square for the fit.
-     * @param   hit The Hit to add to the track.
-     * @return  0 if successful.
-     */
-    public int addHitFit(ETrack tre, double chsq, Hit hit) {
-        // Update the hit with the input track.
-        hit.update(tre);
-        // Fetch hit size.
-        int dim = hit.size();
-        Assert.assertTrue(dim <= MAXDIM);
-        // Fetch the box holding the needed hit containers.
-        // The chice of boxes depends on the size of the hit.
-        Box box = (Box) _boxes.get(dim - 1);
-        Assert.assertTrue(box.get_size() == dim);
-        // Fetch the hit containers.
-        Matrix diff = box.get_vector(0);
-        Matrix hit_res = box.get_vector(1);
-        Matrix hit_err = box.get_error(0);
-        Matrix hit_err_tot = box.get_error(1);
-        Matrix hit_res_err = box.get_error(2);
-        Matrix dhit_dtrk = box.get_deriv(0);
-        Matrix new_dhit_dtrk = box.get_deriv(1);
-        Matrix trk_err_dhit_dtrk = box.get_gain(0);
-        Matrix gain = box.get_gain(1);
-        // Fetch the track containers.
-        Matrix new_vec = (Matrix) _tvectors.get(0);
-        Matrix new_err = (Matrix) _terrors.get(0);
-        hit_err = hit.measuredError().matrix();
-        //System.out.println("hit_err= \n"+hit_err);
-        // Fetch track prediction of hit.
-        diff = hit.differenceVector().matrix();
-        //System.out.println("diff= \n"+diff);
-        dhit_dtrk = hit.dHitdTrack().matrix();
-        //System.out.println("dhit_dtrk= \n"+dhit_dtrk);
-        // Fetch track info.
-        Matrix trk_vec = tre.vector().matrix();
-        Matrix trk_err = tre.error().getMatrix(); //need to fix this!
-        //System.out.println("trk_vec= \n"+trk_vec);
-        //System.out.println("trk_err= \n"+trk_err);
-        // Build gain matrix.
-        hit_err_tot = hit.predictedError().matrix().plus(
-                hit_err);
-        //System.out.println("hit_err_tot= \n"+hit_err_tot);
-        //if ( invert(hit_err_tot)!=0 ) return 3;
-        hit_err_tot = hit_err_tot.inverse();
-        //System.out.println("hit_err_tot inverse= \n"+hit_err_tot);
-        trk_err_dhit_dtrk = trk_err.times(dhit_dtrk.transpose());
-        gain = trk_err_dhit_dtrk.times(hit_err_tot);
-        //System.out.println("trk_err_dhit_dtrk= \n"+trk_err_dhit_dtrk);
-        //System.out.println("gain= \n"+gain);
-        //  if ( get_debug() ) {
-        //System.out.println("\n");
-        //System.out.println("      trk_vec: " + "\n"+       trk_vec + "\n");
-        //System.out.println("      trk_err: " + "\n"+       trk_err + "\n");
-        //System.out.println("    dhit_dtrk: " + "\n"+     dhit_dtrk + "\n");
-        //  }
-        // We need to return dhit_dtrk to its original state for the
-        // next call.
-        // dhit_dtrk = dhit_dtrk.transpose(); //need to check this!
-        dhit_dtrk.transpose();
-        // Build new track vector.
-        new_vec = trk_vec.minus(gain.times(diff));
-        //System.out.println("new_vec= \n"+new_vec);
-        // Build new error;
-        new_err = trk_err.minus(trk_err_dhit_dtrk.times(hit_err_tot.times(trk_err_dhit_dtrk.transpose())));
-        //System.out.println("new_err= \n"+new_err);
-        // Check the error.
-        {
-            int nbad = 0;
-            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-                if (new_err.get(i, i) < 0.0)
-                    ++nbad;
-                double eii = new_err.get(i, i);
-                for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
-                    double ejj = new_err.get(j, j);
-                    double eij = new_err.get(j, i);
-                    if (Math.abs(eij * eij) >= eii * ejj)
-                        ++nbad;
-                }
-            }
-            if (nbad > 0)
-                return 5;
-        }
-        // Create track vector with new values.
-        tre.setVectorAndKeepDirection(new TrackVector(new_vec));
-        tre.setError(new TrackError(new_err));
-        // Calculate residual vector.
-        // Update the hit with the new track.
-        //System.out.println("update the hit");
-        hit.update(tre);
-        hit_res = hit.differenceVector().matrix();
-        new_dhit_dtrk = hit.dHitdTrack().matrix();
-        //System.out.println("new_dhit_dtrk= \n"+new_dhit_dtrk);
-        // Calculate residual covariance and invert.
-        hit_res_err = hit_err.minus(dhit_dtrk.times(new_err.times(dhit_dtrk.transpose())));
-        //		System.out.println("hit_res_err= \n"+hit_res_err);
-        hit_res_err = hit_res_err.inverse();
-        //System.out.println("hit_res_err inverse= \n"+hit_res_err);
-        // Update chi-square.
-        // result should be 1x1 matrix, so should be able to do the following
-        //System.out.println( " hr*hre*hrT=\n"+(hit_res.transpose()).times(hit_res_err.times(hit_res)) );
-        double dchsq = (hit_res.transpose()).times(hit_res_err.times(hit_res)).get(0, 0);
-        //System.out.println("chsq= "+chsq+", dchsq= "+dchsq);
-        chsq = chsq + dchsq;
-        setChisquared(chsq);
-        if (_DEBUG) {
-            System.out.println("         gain: " + "\n" + gain + "\n");
-            System.out.println("      new_vec: " + "\n" + new_vec + "\n");
-            System.out.println("      new_err: " + "\n" + new_err + "\n");
-            System.out.println("new_dhit_dtrk: " + "\n" + new_dhit_dtrk + "\n");
-            System.out.println("      hit_res: " + "\n" + hit_res + "\n");
-            System.out.println("  hit_res_err: " + "\n" + hit_res_err + "\n");
-            System.out.println(" dchsq & chsq: " + "\n" + dchsq + " " + chsq + "\n");
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     *
-     * @return The String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString() {
-        return getClass().getName();
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
- * Adds a hit prediction to a track, refits the track and uses the
- * new track parameters to update the hit prediction.
- *<p>
- * Two methods are provided: one updates an ETrack and its chi-square
- * and the other updates an HTrack.
- *<p>
- * This base class will always return an error.  Subclasses will typically
- * implement the ETrack method which is then invoked by the HTrack method
- * defined here.
- *
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class AddFitter
-    // Static methods.
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return String representation of this class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ versin.
-     *
-     * @return String representation of this class' type.
-     */
-    public static String typeName()
-    { return "AddFitter"; }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return String representation of this class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ versin.
-     *
-     * @return String representation of this class' type.
-     */
-    public static String staticType()
-    { return typeName(); }
-    // workaround
-    private double _chsq;
-    // methods
-    //
-    /**
-     *Construct a default instance.
-     *
-     */
-    public AddFitter()
-    {
-        _chsq = 0.;
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return the generic type.
-     * This is only needed at this level.
-     *
-     * @return String representation of this class' type.
-     */
-    public String genericType()
-    { return staticType(); }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Add a hit and fit with the new hit.
-     * Return status 0 if fit is successful, negative value for a local
-     * error and positive for an error in add_hit_fit.
-     * The default method calls add_hit_fit and return its status.
-     * If the fit is successful, then the track fit is updated and the hit
-     * is added to the end of its list.
-     *
-     * @param   trh The HTrack to which the hit will be added.
-     * @param   hit The Hit to add.
-     * @return 0 if hit update and fit are successful.
-     */
-    public  int addHit(HTrack trh,  Hit hit)
-    {
-        // Fetch the starting fit and chi-square.
-        ETrack tre = trh.newTrack();
-        double chsq = trh.chisquared();
-        // check the track and hit are at the same surface
-        Surface tsrf = tre.surface();
-        Surface hsrf = hit.surface();
-        Assert.assertTrue( tsrf.pureEqual(hsrf) );
-        if ( ! tsrf.pureEqual(hsrf) ) return -1;
-        // Check the track is fully fit before adding hit.
-        // Unless this is the first hit.
-        if ( trh.hits().size() !=0 )
-        {
-            Assert.assertTrue( trh.isFit() );
-            if ( ! trh.isFit() ) return -2;
-        }
-        // Fit with the new point; exit if error occurs.
-        int stat = addHitFit(tre,chsq,hit); //chsq is return argument in c++
-        // need to fix this
-        if ( stat != 0 ) return stat;
-        // Update the track with the new fit and hit.
-        trh.addHit(hit);
-        trh.setFit(tre,_chsq);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Set the chi-squared for the fit.
-     *
-     * @param   chsq The value of chi-square to set for this fit.
-     */
-    public void setChisquared(double chsq)
-    {
-        _chsq = chsq;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return the chi-squared for the fit.
-     *
-     * @return  The value of chi-square for this fit.
-     */
-    public double chisquared()
-    {
-        return _chsq;
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Refit a track and update its chi-square by adding the specified hit.
-     * Return status 0 if fit is successful, positive value for error.
-     * This is the method implemented by subclasses.
-     * If the fit fails, the track and chi-square may return any value
-     * and the hit may be updated with any track.
-     * If the fit is successful, the fit track and chi-square are
-     * returned and the hit is updated with the fit track.
-     * Normally this is not invoked directly but is called by add_hit.
-     * The default method here returns an error and throws and AssertException.
-     *
-     * @param   tre The ETrack to which the hit will be added.
-     * @param   chisq The value of chi-square to set for this fit.
-     * @param   phit The Hit to add.
-     * @return 1.
-     */
-    public int addHitFit(ETrack tre, double chisq,  Hit phit)
-    {  Assert.assertTrue( false );
-       return 1;}
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     *
-     * @return AString representation of this object.
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return getClass().getName();
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class BoxHelper implements ShapeHelper{
-    public void printShape(ISolid solid) {
-        checkBox(solid);
-        System.out.println("Shape: Box");
-    }
-    public void printLocalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-    }
-    public void printGlobalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-    }
-    private void checkBox(ISolid solid){
-        if (solid instanceof Box) {
-        } else {
-            System.out.println("Error! This is not a box! ");
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    public void findIntersection(ISolid solid, Track track) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface getKalmanSurf(ISolid solid) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ListIterator;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.util.RKDebug;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.util.SurfaceCode;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMs;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.FullFitter;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.ThinZPlaneMs;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
- *
- * Copied from org.lcsim.contrib.RobKutschke.TRF.trffit. Added some very naive
- * multiple scattering, which will need to be updated.
- *
- *
- * Full track fit using Kalman filter.  The propagator is specified
- * when the fitter is constructed.  The starting surface, vector and
- * error matrix are taken from the input track.  Errors should be
- * increased appropriately if the fitter is applied repeatedly to
- * a single track.
- *
- *@author $Author: mgraham $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.6 2011/11/16 18:00:03 mgraham Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2011/11/16 18:00:03 $
- *
- */
-public class FullFitKalman extends FullFitter {
-    boolean _DEBUG = true;
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    // Flags to control: multiple scattering, energy loss and adding the hit.
-    private boolean doMs = true;
-    private boolean doEloss = true;
-    private boolean doMeas = true;
-    private double dedxscale = 1.;
-    private double dedxsigma = 0.0;
-    // static methods
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName() {
-        return "FullFitKalman";
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' the type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType() {
-        return typeName();
-    }
-    // The propagator.
-    private Propagator _pprop;
-    // The add fitter.
-    private AddFitKalman _addfit;
-    int AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = 0;
-    //
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance specifying a propagator.
-     *
-     * @param   prop The Propagator to be used during the fit.
-     */
-    public FullFitKalman(Propagator prop) {
-        _pprop = prop;
-        _addfit = new AddFitKalman();
-//	try{
-//	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
-//	    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel = config.getInt( "AddFitKalmanDebugLevel",
-//						    AddFitKalmanDebugLevel );
-//	    dedxscale = config.getDouble("dEdXScale");
-//	    dedxsigma = config.getDouble("dEdXSigma");
-//	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
-//            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
-//            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
-//            System.exit(-1);
-//        }
-//	System.out.println ("FullfitKalman dedxscale: " + dedxscale );
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' the type name.
-     */
-    public String type() {
-        return staticType();
-    }
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return the propagator.
-     *
-     * @return The Propagator used in the fit.
-     */
-    public Propagator propagator() {
-        return _pprop;
-    }
-    //
-    public void setDoMs(boolean b) {
-        doMs = b;
-    }
-    public void setDoEloss(boolean b) {
-        doEloss = b;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Fit the specified track.
-     *
-     * @param   trh The HTrack to fit.
-     * @return 0 if successful.
-     */
-    public int fit(HTrack trh) {
-        // Copy the hits from the track.
-        List hits = trh.hits();
-        if (_DEBUG)
-            System.out.println("FullFitKalman::Hits has " + hits.size() + " elements");
-        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
-        while (trh.hits().size() > 0)
-            trh.dropHit();
-//        System.out.println("Hits has "+hits.size()+" elements");
-        // Set direction to be nearest.
-        PropDir dir = PropDir.NEAREST;
-//        PropDir dir = PropDir.FORWARD;
-//        RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
-        // Loop over hits and fit.
-        int icount = 0;
-        for (Iterator ihit = hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext();) {
-            // Extract the next hit pointer.
-            Hit hit = (Hit);
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("*******   ADDING NEW HIT    *********** ");
-                System.out.println("Hit " + icount + " is: \n");
-                System.out.println("Before prop: " + trh.newTrack());
-                System.out.println("Propogating to surface : " + hit.surface());
-            }
-            //            System.out.println("Before prop spacepoint: " + hit.surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-            // propagate to the surface
-            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop, hit.surface(), dir);
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("pstat = " + pstat);
-                System.out.println("After prop: " + trh.newTrack());
-            }
-            if (!pstat.success())
-                return -666;
-//            System.out.println("trh= \n"+trh+", hit= \n"+hit);
-//            System.out.println("_addfit= "+_addfit);
-//            System.out.println("After prop spacepoint: " + hit.cluster().surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-//            System.out.println("trh surface: " + trh.newTrack().surface().toString());
-//            System.out.println("hit surface" + hit.surface().toString());
-//             fit track
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("Predicted Hit Vector before addHit: " + hit.predictedVector());
-            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh, hit);
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("Predicted Hit Vector after addHit: " + hit.predictedVector());
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("Measured Hit Vector after addHit: " + hit.cluster());
-                System.out.println("After addhit: " + fstat + " chi^2 = "
-                        + trh.chisquared() + "\n" + trh.newTrack());
-//            System.out.println("After addhit spacepoint: " + hit.cluster().surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-            }
-            // Multiple scattering--this is a silly way to do it..
-            ThinXYPlaneMs interactor = new ThinXYPlaneMs(.02);
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("trh error pre MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-//            ThinXYPlaneMs interactor = new ThinXYPlaneMs(.005);
-            ETrack tre2 = trh.newTrack();
-            interactor.interact(tre2);
-            trh.setFit(tre2, trh.chisquared());
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("trh error pre MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-            if (fstat > 0)
-                return 10000 + 1000 * fstat + icount;
-            icount++;
-        }
-        if (_DEBUG)
-            System.out.println("fit completed");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    public int fitForward(HTrack trh) {
-        if (_DEBUG)
-            System.out.println("fitting forward...");
-        PropDir dir = PropDir.FORWARD;
-//        RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
-        // Copy the hits from the track.
-        List hits = trh.hits();
-        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
-        while (trh.hits().size() > 0)
-            trh.dropHit();
-        double sumde = 0.;
-        // Loop over hits and fit.
-        int icount = 0;
-        for (Iterator ihit = hits.iterator(); ihit.hasNext();) {
-            Surface s_save = trh.newTrack().surface().newPureSurface();
-            ETrack e_save = trh.newTrack();
-            // Extract the next hit pointer.
-            Hit hit = (Hit);
-            int from = (new SurfaceCode(s_save)).getCode();
-            int to = (new SurfaceCode(hit.surface())).getCode();
-            // Propagate to the next surface.
-            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop, hit.surface(), dir);
-            if (!pstat.success()) {
-                if (AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0) {
-                    System.out.println("Error:        "
-                            //                            + RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " "
-                            //                            + RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " "
-                            + icount);
-                    System.out.println("From surface 5: " + s_save);
-                    System.out.println("To surface 5:   " + hit.surface());
-                    System.out.println("Params: " + e_save.vector());
-                }
-//		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop from Surface",5,0,5).fill( from );
-//		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
-//		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd prop to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
-                if (_DEBUG)
-                    System.out.println("pstat not success :(");
-                return icount + 1;
-            }
-            if (icount != 0) {
-                int istat = interact(trh, hit, dir);
-            }
-            // Add the hit.
-            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh, hit);
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("Hit added!");
-            if (fstat > 0) {
-                if (AddFitKalmanDebugLevel > 0) {
-//                    System.out.println("Error:        "
-//                            + RKDebug.Instance().getTrack() + " "
-//                            + RKDebug.Instance().getPropDir() + " ");
-                    System.out.println("From surface 4: " + s_save);
-                    System.out.println("To surface 4:   " + hit.surface());
-                }
-//		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit from Surface",5,5,5).fill( from );
-//		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit to Surface",5,0,5).fill( to  );
-//		aida.cloud2D("/Bugs/Fit/Failed Fwd addhit to vs from Surface").fill( from, to  );
-            }
-            /*
-            if (fstat > 0)
-            return 10000 + 1000 * fstat + icount;
-            VTUtil before = new VTUtil(trh.newTrack());
-            int istat = interact(trh, hit, dir);
-            VTUtil after = new VTUtil(trh.newTrack());
-            double de = before.e() - after.e();
-            sumde += de;
-            SurfCylinder ss = (SurfCylinder) trh.newTrack().surface();
-            if (_DEBUG)System.out.printf("Forw dedx: %10.4f %12.8f  %12.8f\n", ss.radius(), de, sumde);
-             */
-            // Multiple scattering--this is a silly way to do it..
-            ThinXYPlaneMs interactor = new ThinXYPlaneMs(.02);
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("trh error pre MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-//            ThinXYPlaneMs interactor = new ThinXYPlaneMs(.005);
-            ETrack tre2 = trh.newTrack();
-            interactor.interact(tre2);
-            trh.setFit(tre2, trh.chisquared());
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("trh error pre MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-            if (fstat > 0)
-                return 10000 + 1000 * fstat + icount;
-            ++icount;
-        }
-        //System.out.println ("Forward fit sumde: " + sumde );
-//	aida.cloud1D("Forward dedx check:").fill(sumde-RKDebug.Instance().getDeGen());
-        if (_DEBUG)
-            System.out.println("Completed forward fit");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    public int fitBackward(HTrack trh) {
-        PropDir dir = PropDir.BACKWARD;
-//	RKDebug.Instance().setPropDir(dir);
-        //RKPrintSymMatrix psm = new RKPrintSymMatrix();
-        // Copy the hits from the track.
-        List hits = trh.hits();
-        // Delete the list of hits from the track.
-        while (trh.hits().size() > 0)
-            trh.dropHit();
-        double chold = 0.;
-        double sumde = 0.;
-//	RKZot zot = new RKZot(trh);
-        boolean zottable = true;
-        int nc = 0;
-        int nz = 0;
-        int nu = 0;
-        String thishit;
-        ListIterator bkglist = hits.listIterator(hits.size());
-        // Loop over hits and fit.
-        int icount = 0;
-        _DEBUG = false;
-        while (bkglist.hasPrevious()) {
-            Hit hit = (Hit) bkglist.previous();
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("*******   Fit Backward:  ADDING NEW HIT    *********** ");
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Hit " + icount + " is: \n");
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Before prop: " + trh.newTrack());
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Propogating to surface : " + hit.surface());
-            }
-            //            System.out.println("Before prop spacepoint: " + hit.surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-            dir = PropDir.BACKWARD;
-            if (icount == 0)
-                dir = PropDir.FORWARD;//if it's the first hit, propagate forward.
-            // propagate to the surface
-            PropStat pstat = trh.propagate(_pprop, hit.surface(), dir);
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: pstat = " + pstat);
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: After prop: " + trh.newTrack());
-            }
-            if (!pstat.success()) {
-                if (_DEBUG) {
-                    System.out.println("*****************************************************************************");
-                    System.out.println("FullFitKalman::fitBackward     pstat =" + pstat.toString() + " for hit# " + icount);
-                    System.out.println("FullFitKalman::fitBackward     hit   = " + hit.toString());
-                    System.out.println("FullFitKalman::fitBackward     track   = " + trh.toString());
-                    System.out.println("FullFitKalman::fitBackward     propagator   = " + _pprop.toString());
-                }
-                return -666;
-            }
-//            System.out.println("trh= \n"+trh+", hit= \n"+hit);
-//            System.out.println("_addfit= "+_addfit);
-//            System.out.println("After prop spacepoint: " + hit.cluster().surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-//            System.out.println("trh surface: " + trh.newTrack().surface().toString());
-//            System.out.println("hit surface" + hit.surface().toString());
-//             fit track
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Predicted Hit Vector before addHit: " + hit.predictedVector());
-            int fstat = _addfit.addHit(trh, hit);
-            if (icount > 2 && trh.chisquared() < 0.1)
-                _DEBUG = true;
-            if (_DEBUG)
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Predicted Hit Vector after addHit: " + hit.predictedVector());
-            if (_DEBUG) {
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: Measured Hit Vector after addHit: " + hit.cluster());
-                System.out.println("Fit Backward: After addhit: " + fstat + " chi^2 = "
-                        + trh.chisquared() + "\n" + trh.newTrack());
-//            System.out.println("After addhit spacepoint: " + hit.cluster().surface().spacePoint(trh.newTrack().vector()));
-            }
-            // Multiple scattering--this is a silly way to do it..
-            if (isEven(icount)) {
-                ThinXYPlaneMs interactor = new ThinXYPlaneMs(0.01);
-                if (_DEBUG)
-                    System.out.println("Fit Backward: trh error pre MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-                ETrack tre2 = trh.newTrack();
-                interactor.interact(tre2);
-                trh.setFit(tre2, trh.chisquared());
-                if (_DEBUG)
-                    System.out.println("Fit Backward: trh error post MS:  " + trh.newTrack().error().toString());
-                if (fstat > 0) {
-                    System.out.println("FullFitKalman::fitBackward     fstat= = " + fstat);
-                    return 10000 + 1000 * fstat + icount;
-                }
-            }
-            icount++;
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }///    }
-    private int interact(HTrack trh, Hit hit, PropDir dir) {
-        if (hit.surface().pureType().equals(SurfCylinder.staticType())) {
-            SurfCylinder s = (SurfCylinder) hit.surface();
-            double r = s.radius();
-            if (doMs) {
-                TrackError eold = trh.newTrack().error();
-//		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Fit scat radius:",300,0.,150.).fill(r);
-                double l_over_radl = 0.;
-                if (r < 1.3) {
-                    l_over_radl = 0.006136;
-                } else if (r < 10.) {
-                    l_over_radl = 0.000916;
-                } else {
-                    l_over_radl = 0.013747;
-                }
-                ThinCylMs scat = new ThinCylMs(l_over_radl * RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
-                ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
-                ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
-                double chnew = trh.chisquared();
-                scat.interact(et);
-                hit.update(et);
-                trh.setFit(et, chnew);
-                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-                    double ex1 = et.error().get(i, i);
-                    double ex2 = ets.error().get(i, i);
-                    double sigsq = ex1 - ex2;
-                    double pull = -9.;
-                    double sig = -1.;
-                    if (sigsq > 0.) {
-                        sig = Math.sqrt(sigsq);
-                        pull = (et.vector(i) - ets.vector(i)) / sig;
-                    }
-//		  aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Fit/Forward Fit Delta param:"+i).fill(et.vector(i)-ets.vector(i));
-//		  if ( sig > 0. ) aida.cloud1D("/Bugs/Fit/Forward Fit Delta error:"+i).fill(sig);
-                }
-//		  System.out.println( "Error after: " + trh.newTrack().error().minus(eold) );
-//		  */
-            } // end if MS enabled
-        } // end CYlinder MS
-        if (hit.surface().pureType().equals(SurfZPlane.staticType())) {
-            SurfZPlane s = (SurfZPlane) hit.surface();
-            double z = s.z();
-            if (doMs) {
-                TrackError eold = trh.newTrack().error();
-////		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Fit scat z forward:",300,-150,150.).fill(z);
-                double l_over_radl = (Math.abs(z) < 25) ? 0.000916 : 0.013747;
-                ThinZPlaneMs scat = new ThinZPlaneMs(l_over_radl * RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
-                ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
-                ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
-                double chnew = trh.chisquared();
-                scat.interact(et);
-                hit.update(et);
-                trh.setFit(et, chnew);
-            } // end if MS enabled.
-        } // end ZPlane MS
-//    if ( hit.surface().pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) ){
-//	    SurfXYPlane s = (SurfXYPlane) hit.surface();
-//	    double z = s.z();
-//	    if ( doMs ){
-//		TrackError eold = trh.newTrack().error();
-//////		aida.histogram1D("/Bugs/Fit/Fit scat z forward:",300,-150,150.).fill(z);
-//		double l_over_radl = ( Math.abs(z)< 25) ? 0.000916 : 0.013747;
-//		ThinZPlaneMs scat = new ThinZPlaneMs(l_over_radl*RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
-//		ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
-//				ETrack ets = new ETrack(et);
-//		double chnew = trh.chisquared();
-//		scat.interact(et);
-//		hit.update(et);
-//		trh.setFit(et,chnew);
-//	    } // end if MS enabled.
-//	} // end ZPlane MS
-        // Successful return;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // There is no hit at this site so we only need to do the interaction, not update hits.
-    private int interactonly(HTrack trh, double r, double l_over_radl) {
-        ThinCylMs scat = new ThinCylMs(l_over_radl * RKDebug.Instance().getMsFac());
-        ETrack et = trh.newTrack();
-        double chnew = trh.chisquared();
-        scat.interact(et);
-        trh.setFit(et, chnew);
-        // Successful return;
-        return 0;
-    }
-//    /**
-//     *output stream
-//     *
-//     * @return The String representation of this instance.
-//     */
-    public String toString() {
-        return getClass().getName();
-    }
-    private boolean isEven(int num) {
-        return num % 2 == 0;
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- * Created on July 7th, 2008, 11:09 AM
- *
- * 
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
- * Class used for calculating MC particle track paramters
- * @author Pelham Keahey
- * 
- */
-public class HelixParamCalculator  {
-    MCParticle mcp;
-    private double R,BField,theta,arclength;
-    //Some varibles are usesd in other calculations, thus they are global
-    /*
-    xc, yc --coordinates
-    mcdca -- MC distance of closest approach 
-    mcphi0 --azimuthal angle
-    tanL -- Slope SZ plane ds/dz
-    x0,y0 are the position of the particle at the dca
-    */
-    private double xc,yc,mcdca,mcphi0,tanL;
-    private double x0,y0;
-    /**
-     * Constructor that is fed a magnetic field and MCPARTICLE
-     * @param mcpc
-     * @param cBField
-     */
-    public HelixParamCalculator(MCParticle mcpc,double cBField)
-    {
-        //mc and event global varibles used for calculation
-        mcp=mcpc;
-        //Returns the MagneticField at point (0,0,0), assumes constant magfield
-        BField = cBField;
-        //Calculate theta, the of the helix projected into an SZ plane, from the z axis
-        double px = mcp.getPX();
-        double py = mcp.getPY();
-        double pz = mcp.getPZ();
-        double pt = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py);
-        double p = Math.sqrt(pt*pt + pz*pz);
-        double cth = pz / p;
-        theta = Math.acos(cth);
-        //Calculate Radius of the Helix
-        R = ((mcp.getCharge())*(mcp.getMomentum().magnitude()*Math.sin(theta))/(.0003*BField));
-        //Slope in the Dz/Ds sense, tanL Calculation
-        tanL = mcp.getPZ()/(Math.sqrt(mcp.getPX()*mcp.getPX()+mcp.getPY()*mcp.getPY()));
-        //Distance of closest approach Calculation
-        xc   = mcp.getOriginX() + R * Math.sin(Math.atan2(mcp.getPY(),mcp.getPX()));
-        yc   = mcp.getOriginY() - R * Math.cos(Math.atan2(mcp.getPY(),mcp.getPX()));
-        double xcyc = Math.sqrt(xc*xc + yc*yc);
-            if(mcp.getCharge()>0)
-            {
-            mcdca = R - xcyc;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-            mcdca = R + xcyc;      
-            }
-        //azimuthal calculation of the momentum at the DCA, phi0, Calculation
-        mcphi0 = Math.atan2(xc/(R-mcdca), -yc/(R-mcdca));
-            if(mcphi0<0)
-            {
-                mcphi0 += 2*Math.PI;
-            }
-        //z0 Calculation, z position of the particle at dca
-        x0 = -mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
-        y0 = mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
-        arclength  = (((mcp.getOriginX()-x0)*Math.cos(mcphi0))+((mcp.getOriginY()-y0)*Math.sin(mcphi0)));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Calculates the B-Field from event
-     * @param mcpc
-     * @param eventc
-     */
-    public HelixParamCalculator(MCParticle mcpc,EventHeader eventc)
-    {
-        this(mcpc,eventc.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(new BasicHep3Vector(0.,0.,0.)).z());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the magneticfield at point 0,0,0
-     * @return double BField
-     */
-    public double getMagField()
-    {
-        return BField;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the radius of the Helix track
-     * @return double R
-     */
-    public double getRadius()
-    {
-        return R;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the theta angle for the projection of the helix in the SZ plane 
-     * from the  z axis
-     * @return double theta
-     */
-    public double getTheta()
-    {
-        return theta;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the particle's momentum
-     * @return double mcp momentum
-     */
-    public double getMCMomentum()
-    {
-        return mcp.getMomentum().magnitude();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the curvature (omega)
-     * @return double omega
-     */
-    public double getMCOmega()
-    {     
-        return mcp.getCharge()/((mcp.getMomentum().magnitude()*Math.sin(theta))/(.0003*BField));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the transvers momentum of the MC particle, Pt
-     * @return double Pt
-     */
-    public double getMCTransverseMomentum()
-    {
-        return (mcp.getMomentum().magnitude())*Math.sin(theta);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the slope of the helix in the SZ plane, tan(lambda)
-     * @return double tanL
-     */
-    public double getSlopeSZPlane()
-    {
-        return tanL;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the distance of closest approach
-     * @return double mcdca
-     */
-    public double getDCA()
-    {
-      return mcdca;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the azimuthal angle of the momentum when at the position of closest approach
-     * @return double mcphi0
-     */
-    public double getPhi0()
-    {
-      return mcphi0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the z position at the distance of closest approach
-     * @return double z0 position
-     */
-    public double getZ0()
-    {
-        double x0 = -mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
-        double y0 = mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
-        double s  = (((mcp.getOriginX()-x0)*Math.cos(mcphi0))+((mcp.getOriginY()-y0)*Math.sin(mcphi0)));
-        return mcp.getOriginZ()-(s*tanL);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the arclength of the helix from the ORIGIN TO THE DCA
-     * @return double arclength
-     */
-    public double getArcLength()
-    {
-        return arclength;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the x position of the particle when at the dca
-     * @return double arclength
-     */
-    public double getX0()
-    {
-        return x0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the y position of the particle at the dca
-     * @return double arclength
-     */
-    public double getY0()
-    {
-        return y0;
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
- *
- * @author ecfine ([log in to unmask])
- */
-/* Takes Matched Tracks from the Track Reconstruction Driver, and makes TRF
- * HTracks. Adds hits from the original tracks to the new HTrack, and runs a
- * Kalman filter over the HTrack.
- *
- * This only does a forward fit, and multiple scattering is only included at
- * interacting planes, and just by assuming that each plane is .01 radiation
- * lengths. Energy loss is not accounted for. Additionally, the method for
- * constructing hits assumes that every hit occurs at an XY plane, while ideally,
- * there would be a method which checks the lcsim detector geometry and then
- * decides what kind of surface to model the shape as. There may be some methods
- * in the ShapeHelper interface (particularly in TrdHelper) that would be useful
- * for this, but nothing completed. Additionally, to run realistic multiple
- * scattering with non-interacting detector elements, there would need to be a
- * way to find the intercepts between a specific track and the detector elements.
- *
- * Also, magnetic field is just set at 1.0 in each class. It should be taken from
- * the detector geometry. */
-public class KalmanFilterDriver extends Driver{
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDis = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    TrackUtils trackUtils = new TrackUtils();
-    Propagator prop = null;
-    FullFitKalman fitk = null;
-    KalmanGeom geom = null;
-    Detector detector = null;
-    HTrack ht = null;
-    double bz = 0.5;
-    public void detectorChanged(Detector det){
-        detector = det;
-        geom = new KalmanGeom(detector); // new geometry containing detector info
-        prop = geom.newPropagator();
-        System.out.println("geom field = " + + ", trackUtils field = " +;
-//        trackUtils.setBZ(;
-        fitk = new FullFitKalman(prop);
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event){
-        /* Get the tracklist for each event, and then for each track
-         * get the starting track parameters and covariance matrix for an
-         * outward fit from the seedtracker. */
-         if (event.hasItem("MatchedTracks")) {
-            List<Track> trklist = (List<Track>) event.get("MatchedTracks");
-            System.out.println("number of tracks: " + trklist.size());
-            for (int i = 0; i < trklist.size(); i++) {
-                /* Start with a HelicalTrackFit, turn it into a VTrack,
-                 * turn that into an ETrack, and turn that into an HTrack.
-                 * Then add detector hits from the original track. */
-                if(trklist.get(i).getTrackerHits().size()<4) {
-                    System.out.println("Continue, this track has only " + trklist.get(i).getTrackerHits().size());
-                    continue;
-                }
-                System.out.println("Making tracks...");
-                Track track = trklist.get(i);
-                HelicalTrackFit helicalTrack = shapeDis.trackToHelix(track);
-                VTrack vt = trackUtils.makeVTrack(helicalTrack);
-                TrackError initialError = trackUtils.getInitalError(helicalTrack);
-                ETrack et = new ETrack (vt, initialError);
-                ht = new HTrack(et);
-                /* Add hits from original track */
-                for (int k = 0; k < track.getTrackerHits().size(); k++) {
-                    TrackerHit thit = track.getTrackerHits().get(k);
-                    System.out.println("Adding hit...");
-                    //ht = geom.addTrackerHit(thit, ht, helicalTrack, vt);
-                    // phansson
-                    // removing unused arguments to avoid confusion (see function for details)
-                    ht = geom.addTrackerHit(thit, ht); 
-                }
-                /* Once we have an HTrack with the ordered list of hits, we pass
-                 * this to the Kalman fitter. */
-                System.out.println("Running Kalman fit...");
-                int fstarf =;
-//                 System.out.println("geom field = " + + ", trackUtils field = " +;
-//                List<RawTrackerHit> rawHits = event.get(RawTrackerHit.class, "RawTrackerHitMaker_RawTrackerHits");
-//                System.out.println("SimTrackerHits info: ");
-//                for(int j = 0; j < rawHits.size(); j++){
-//                    List<SimTrackerHit> simHits = rawHits.get(j).getSimTrackerHits();
-//                    for(int l = 0; l < simHits.size(); l++){
-//                        System.out.println("point = [" + simHits.get(l).getPoint()[0]
-//                                + ", " + simHits.get(l).getPoint()[1] +
-//                                ", " + simHits.get(l).getPoint()[2] +
-//                                "], momentum = [" + simHits.get(l).getMomentum()[0]
-//                            + ", " + simHits.get(l).getMomentum()[1]
-//                            +", " + simHits.get(l).getMomentum()[2] + "]");
-//                    }
-//                }
-            }
-        }
-//        } else {
-//            System.out.println("No tracks!");
-//        }
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Matrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Matrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.HPSTransformations;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.util.PropDCAZ;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Point3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.ChargeCarrier;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensor;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensorElectrodes;
-import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Hit;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDispatch;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.PropCyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropCylZ;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropZCyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropCylDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropDCACyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.ClusXYPlane1;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.PropXYXY;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.PropZZ;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
- *
- * Extract needed information from the geometry system and serve it
- * to the callers in a convenient form.
- *
- *
- *@author $Author: phansson $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.6 2013/10/15 00:33:54 phansson Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2013/10/15 00:33:54 $
- *
- */
-/* To make the Kalman filter work for any detector, the type of hit that is
- * added to the HTrack has to be determined based on the lcsim detector
- * geometry. Additionally, this class has to be able to find the intersections
- * between a track and the detector elements to be able to implement more
- * realistic multiple scattering. Currently this class does not support
- * any of this functionality, and just adds hits. However there are methods for
- * looping through detector elements, etc. that may be useful for finding
- * intersections at some point. (ecfine) */
-public class KalmanGeom {
-    // TRF wants distances in cm, not mm.
-    private double mmTocm = 0.1;
-    // this flag is a temporary fix to avoid making a surface behind the origin in x.
-    private double flag = 0;
-//    //    private Array radius = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tbar  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_vbar  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tec   = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_vec   = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tfor  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_bpipe = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tbar  = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_vbar  = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tec   = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_vec   = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tfor  = null;
-    // Nominal magnetic field.
-    public double bz = 0.5;
-    // Lists of interesting surfaces.
-    public List<KalmanSurface> Surf = new ArrayList<KalmanSurface>();
-    KalmanSurface surf = null;
-    // Specific surface type A to surface type B propagators.
-    private PropCyl propcyl = null;
-    private PropZZ propzz = null;
-    private PropDCACyl propdcacyl = null;
-    private PropCylDCA propcyldca = null;
-    private PropZCyl propzcyl = null;
-    private PropCylZ propcylz = null;
-    private PropXYXY propxyxy = null;
-    private PropDCAZ propdcaz = null;
-    private PropDCAXY propdcaxy = null;
-    private PropXYDCA propxydca = null;
-//    private PropZDCA propzdca     = null;
-    // The master propagator that can go between any pair of surfaces.
-    private PropDispatch pDispatch = null;
-    // The run time configuration system.
-    //ToyConfig config;
-    // Information from the run time configuration system.
-//    double  respixel;
-//    double  resstrip;
-//    boolean trackerbarrel2d;         
-//    double  zres2dTrackerBarrel;
-//    boolean vtxFwdEquivStrips;
-    // Does this detector have forward tracking.
-    boolean hasforward = false;
-    // Stuff for adding surfaces
-    static ArrayList physicalVolumes = new ArrayList();
-    ILogicalVolume logical;
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDispatcher = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    Detector detector = null;
-    public KalmanGeom(Detector det) {
-        detector = det;
-        System.out.println("New detector: " + detector.getName());
-        logical = detector.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-        // Extract information from the run time configuration system.
-        //	try{
-        //	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
-        //	    respixel            = config.getDouble("respixel");
-        //	    resstrip            = config.getDouble("resstrip");
-        //	    trackerbarrel2d     = config.getBoolean("trackerbarrel2d");
-        //	    zres2dTrackerBarrel = config.getDouble("zres2dTrackerBarrel");
-        //	    vtxFwdEquivStrips   = config.getBoolean("vtxFwdEquivStrips");
-        //
-        //	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
-        //            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
-        //            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
-        //            System.exit(-1);
-        //        }
-        //	Map<String, Subdetector> subDetMap = detector.getSubdetectors();
-        //
-        //	Subdetector sd_tbar = subDetMap.get("TrackerBarrel");
-        //	Subdetector sd_vbar = subDetMap.get("VertexBarrel");
-        //	Subdetector sd_tec  = subDetMap.get("TrackerEndcap");
-        //	Subdetector sd_vec  = subDetMap.get("VertexEndcap");
-        //	Subdetector sd_tfor = subDetMap.get("TrackerForward");
-        //	Subdetector sd_bpipe  = subDetMap.get("BeamPipe");
-        //	System.out.println ("Checking .... " + sd_tbar + " | " + sd_tfor);
-        // Don't use subdetectors anymore...
-        //	 Check for forward tracking system.
-        //	if ( sd_tfor == null ) {
-        //	    System.out.println ("Checking 1 .... " );
-        //	    if ( detector.getName().compareTo("sid00") != 0 ){
-        //		System.out.println("Expected to find a TrackerForward Subdetector but did not!");
-        //		System.exit(-1);
-        //	    }
-        //	}else{
-        //	    System.out.println ("Checking 2  .... " );
-        //
-        //	    hasforward = true;
-        //	}           // I may want to implement something like this at some point but not now.
-        //	if ( hasforward ){
-        //	    de_tfor = sd_tfor.getDetectorElement();
-        //	}
-        /* Cycle through detector and add all surfaces to the surface list. */
-        //    addAllSurfaces();
-        System.out.println("Number of surfaces: " + Surf.size());
-        for (KalmanSurface surf : Surf) {
-            surf.Print();
-        }
-        double[] origin = {0., 0., 0.};
-//    	Map<String,Field> fields = detector.getFields();
-//    	Set<String> keys = fields.keySet();
-//    	for ( String key : keys ){
-//    	    Field field = fields.get(key);
-//    	    String classname = field.getClass().getName();
-//    	    String shortname = classname.replaceAll( "org.lcsim.geometry.field.", "");
-//    	    if ( shortname.compareTo("Solenoid") != 0 ){
-//    		System.out.println("Expected, but did not find, a solenoid: " + shortname );
-////    		System.exit(-1);
-//    	    }
-//    	    Solenoid s = (Solenoid)field;
-//    	    bz = s.getInnerField()[2];
-//    	    if ( bz == 0. ){
-//    		System.out.println("This code will not work with a magnetic field of 0: " + shortname );
-////    		System.exit(-1);
-//    	    }
-//    	    break;
-//    	}
-        // Instantiate surface-pair specific propagators.
-        propcyl = new PropCyl(bz);
-        propzz = new PropZZ(bz);
-        propdcacyl = new PropDCACyl(bz);
-        propcyldca = new PropCylDCA(bz);
-        propzcyl = new PropZCyl(bz);
-        propcylz = new PropCylZ(bz);
-        propxyxy = new PropXYXY(bz);
-        propdcaxy = new PropDCAXY(bz);
-        propxydca = new PropXYDCA(bz);
-        //	propdcaz   = new PropDCAZ(bz);
-        //	propzdca   = new PropZDCA(bz);
-        // Again, need xy plane propagators!
-        // Instantiate and configure the general purpose propagator.
-        pDispatch = new PropDispatch();
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfZPlane.staticType(), SurfZPlane.staticType(), propzz);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propcyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfDCA.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propdcacyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfDCA.staticType(), propcyldca);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfZPlane.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propzcyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfZPlane.staticType(), propcylz);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfXYPlane.staticType(), SurfXYPlane.staticType(), propxyxy);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfDCA.staticType(), SurfXYPlane.staticType(), propdcaxy);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfXYPlane.staticType(), SurfDCA.staticType(), propxydca);
-        //	pDispatch.addPropagator( SurfDCA.staticType(),      SurfZPlane.staticType(),   propdcaz);
-        //	pDispatch.addPropagator( SurfZPlane.staticType(),   SurfDCA.staticType(),      propzdca);
-    }
-    public Propagator newPropagator() {
-        // Clone not supported for pDispatch.
-        //return pDispatch.newPropagator();
-        return (Propagator) pDispatch;
-    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getCylinders(){
-//	return Surf;
-//    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZplus(){
-//	return ZSurfplus;
-//    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZMinus(){
-//	return ZSurfminus;
-//    }   
-    public double getBz() {
-        return bz;
-    }
-    public void setBz(double bfield) {
-        bz = bfield;
-    }
-//   Return a list of z surfaces, going foward along the track.
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZ( double z0, double cz ){
-//	List<RKSurf> zlist = new ArrayList<RKSurf>();
-//	if ( cz > 0 ){
-//	    for ( Iterator ihit=ZSurfAll.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); ){
-//		RKSurf s = (RKSurf);
-//		if ( s.zc >= z0 ){
-//		    zlist.add(s);
-//		}
-//	    }
-//	} else if ( cz < 0 ){
-//	    for ( ListIterator ihit=ZSurfAll.listIterator(ZSurfAll.size());
-//		  ihit.hasPrevious(); ){
-//		RKSurf s = (RKSurf) ihit.previous();
-//		if ( s.zc <= z0 ){
-//		    zlist.add(s);
-//		}
-//	    }
-//	}
-//	return zlist;
-//    }  
-    // Adds all surfaces to the surface list
-    private void addAllSurfaces() {
-        addDaughterSurfaces(logical);
-    }
-    private void addDaughterSurfaces(ILogicalVolume logical) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            // need to avoid making surface for target. for now, flag..
-            flag++;
-            if (flag > 5) {
-                surf = shapeDispatcher.getKalmanSurf(logical.getSolid());
-                Surf.add(surf);
-            }
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            addDaughterSurfaces(physicalToLogical(physical));
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Given a point, find the solid that contains it. Doesn't work.
-    private ISolid findSolidFromPoint(Point3D hitPoint) {
-        ISolid solid = checkDaughterSurfaces(logical, hitPoint);
-        return solid;
-    }
-    private ISolid checkDaughterSurfaces(ILogicalVolume logical, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            if (pointIsOnSolid(logical.getSolid(), hitPoint)) {
-                return logical.getSolid();
-            }
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            checkDaughterSurfaces(physicalToLogical(physical), hitPoint);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-        System.out.print("This hit isn't on a solid!");
-        return null;
-    }
-    // Given a TrackerHit, return the surface the hit should be placed on. Doesn't work.
-    private KalmanSurface findTrackerHitSurface(TrackerHit thit) {
-        double[] position = thit.getPosition();
-        Point3D hitPoint = new Point3D(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
-        ISolid hitSolid = findSolidFromPoint(hitPoint);
-        KalmanSurface hitSurf = getKSurfFromSolid(hitSolid);
-        return hitSurf;
-    }
-    private KalmanSurface getKSurfFromSolid(ISolid hitSolid) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
-    }
-    // Adds the physical volume to the physicalVolumes ArrayList.
-    private ILogicalVolume physicalToLogical(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        physicalVolumes.add(physical.getTransform());
-        return physical.getLogicalVolume();
-    }
-    // Adds intercepts between a HTrack and the detector. Doesn't work.
-    public void addIntercepts(HTrack ht, Detector detector) {
-        logical = detector.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-        addDaughterIntercepts(logical, ht);
-    }
-    private void addDaughterIntercepts(ILogicalVolume logical, HTrack ht) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            ht = shapeDispatcher.addIntercept(logical.getSolid(), ht);
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            addDaughterIntercepts(physicalToLogical(physical), ht);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Add a hit from an lcsim Track to a trf HTrack.
-    public HTrack addTrackerHit(TrackerHit thit, HTrack htrack, HelicalTrackFit track,
-            VTrack vtrack) {
-        /* This should check the kind of solid that got hit and model it as the
-         * correct surface based on the solid dimensions. For now it just
-         * assumes XY planes. */
-        double[] position = thit.getPosition();
-        if (position.length != 3) {
-            System.out.println("Position has more than 3 coordinates?!");
-        }
-//        // For checking surfaces
-//        KalmanSurface surface= findTrackerHitSurface(thit);
-//        PropStat prop = new PropStat();
-//        prop.setForward();
-//        double path = (position[2] - track.z0())/track.slope();
-//        KalmanHit khit = new KalmanHit(track, surface, vtrack, prop, path);
-//        Hit hit = khit.MakeHit();
-//        Point3D hitPoint = new Point3D(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
-//        ISolid hitSolid = findSolidFromPoint(hitPoint);
-        //PELLE:
-        // The HelicalTrackFit track and VTrack vtrack are not used
-        // Need an ETrack to add hits from clusters.
-        ETrack tre = htrack.newTrack();
-        // This also assumes the hit in question is a Helical Track Cross.
-        HelicalTrackCross htrackcross = (HelicalTrackCross) thit;
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip1 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(0);
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip2 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(1);
-        double dist1 = dotProduct(strip1.origin(), strip1.w());
-        double dist2 = dotProduct(strip2.origin(), strip2.w());
-        double phi1 = Math.atan2(strip1.w().y() * dist1 * strip1.origin().y(), strip1.w().x() * dist1 * strip1.origin().x());
-        double phi2 = Math.atan2(strip2.w().y() * dist2 * strip2.origin().y(), strip2.w().x() * dist2 * strip2.origin().x());
-        // phi needs to be between 0 and 2PI. Additionally, it seemed like
-        // rounding errors caused problems for very small negative values of phi,
-        // so these are approximated as 0.
-        if (phi1 < 0) {
-            if (phi1 > -0.00000001) {
-                phi1 = 0;
-            } else {
-                phi1 = phi1 + 2 * Math.PI;
-            }
-        }
-        if (phi2 < 0) {
-            if (phi2 > -0.00000001) {
-                phi2 = 0;
-            } else {
-                phi2 = phi2 + 2 * Math.PI;
-            }
-        }
-        System.out.println("Origin of strip1: " + strip1.origin());
-        System.out.println("u,v,w of strip1 : " + strip1.u().toString() + "," + strip1.v().toString() + "," + strip1.w().toString());
-        System.out.println("Origin of strip2: " + strip2.origin());
-        System.out.println("u,v,w of strip2 : " + strip2.u().toString() + "," + strip2.v().toString() + "," + strip2.w().toString());
-        System.out.println("dist1: " + dist1 + ", phi1: " + phi1);
-        System.out.println("dist2: " + dist2 + ", phi2: " + phi2);
-        // ClusXYPlane needs wz, wv, avz, phi and dist to create a cluster.
-        double wz1 = strip1.u().z();
-        double wz2 = strip2.u().z();
-        double wv1 = strip1.u().x() * (-Math.sin(phi1)) + strip1.u().y() * Math.cos(phi1);
-        double wv2 = strip2.u().x() * (-Math.sin(phi2)) + strip2.u().y() * Math.cos(phi2);
-        double avz1 = strip1.umeas()
-                - (dist1 * (Math.cos(phi1) * strip1.u().x() + Math.sin(phi1) * strip1.u().y())
-                - (strip1.origin().x() * strip1.u().x() + strip1.origin().y() * strip1.u().y()
-                + strip1.origin().z() * strip1.u().z()));
-        double avz2 = strip2.umeas()
-                - (dist2 * (Math.cos(phi2) * strip2.u().x() + Math.sin(phi2) * strip2.u().y())
-                - (strip2.origin().x() * strip2.u().x() + strip2.origin().y() * strip2.u().y()
-                + strip2.origin().z() * strip2.u().z()));
-        double davz1 = strip1.du();
-        double davz2 = strip2.du();
-        System.out.println("avz1 = " + avz1 + " = " + strip1.umeas() + " - " + (dist1 * (Math.cos(phi1) * strip1.u().x() + Math.sin(phi1) * strip1.u().y())
-                - (strip1.origin().x() * strip1.u().x() + strip1.origin().y() * strip1.u().y()
-                + strip1.origin().z() * strip1.u().z())));
-        System.out.println("avz2 = " + avz2 + " = " + strip2.umeas() + " - " + (dist2 * (Math.cos(phi2) * strip2.u().x() + Math.sin(phi2) * strip2.u().y())
-                - (strip2.origin().x() * strip2.u().x() + strip2.origin().y() * strip2.u().y()
-                + strip2.origin().z() * strip2.u().z())));
-//        // Just to check and make sure Vtrf makes sense:
-//        if((dist1*Math.cos(phi1) - strip1.origin().x())*Math.cos(phi1) ==
-//                (dist1*Math.sin(phi1) - strip1.origin().y())*Math.sin(phi1)){
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf1 coherent!");
-//        } else{
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf1 doesn't make sense :(");
-//        }
-//        if((dist2*Math.cos(phi2) - strip2.origin().x())*Math.cos(phi2) ==
-//                (dist2*Math.sin(phi2) - strip2.origin().y())*Math.sin(phi2)){
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf2 coherent!");
-//        } else{
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf2 doesn't make sense :(");
-//        }
-        System.out.println("wz1 = " + wz1 + ", wv1 = " + wv1 + ", avz1 = " + avz1 + ", davz1 =" + davz1);
-        System.out.println("wz2 = " + wz2 + ", wv2 = " + wv2 + ", avz2 = " + avz2 + ", davz2 =" + davz2);
-        // Create new clusters and get hit predictions.
-        ClusXYPlane1 cluster1 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist1, phi1, wv1, wz1, avz1, davz1);
-        ClusXYPlane1 cluster2 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist2, phi2, wv2, wz2, avz2, davz2);
-        List hits1 = cluster1.predict(tre);
-        List hits2 = cluster2.predict(tre);
-        Hit hit1 = (Hit) hits1.get(0);
-        Hit hit2 = (Hit) hits2.get(0);
-        System.out.println("hit1 predicted vector: " + hit1.predictedVector());
-        System.out.println("hit2 predicted vector: " + hit2.predictedVector());
-        System.out.println("hit position from trackerhit: [" + thit.getPosition()[0] + ", "
-                + thit.getPosition()[1] + ", " + thit.getPosition()[2] + "]");
-        hit1.setParentPointer(cluster1);
-        hit2.setParentPointer(cluster2);
-        htrack.addHit(hit1);
-        htrack.addHit(hit2);
-        return htrack;
-    }
-     // Add a hit from an lcsim Track to a trf HTrack.
-    public HTrack addTrackerHit(TrackerHit thit, HTrack htrack) {
-        /* This should check the kind of solid that got hit and model it as the
-         * correct surface based on the solid dimensions. For now it just
-         * assumes XY planes. */
-        System.out.println("\nAdd Tracker Hit at position " + thit.getPosition()[0]  + "," + thit.getPosition()[1] + "," + thit.getPosition()[2]);
-        //PELLE:
-        // The HelicalTrackFit track and VTrack vtrack are not used so was removed 
-        // to avoid confusion.
-        // They might be needed to be able to figure out what solid to 
-        // to extrapolate between if this gets implemented.
-        double[] position = thit.getPosition();
-        if (position.length != 3) {
-            System.out.println("Position has more than 3 coordinates?!");
-        }
-//        // For checking surfaces
-//        KalmanSurface surface= findTrackerHitSurface(thit);
-//        PropStat prop = new PropStat();
-//        prop.setForward();
-//        double path = (position[2] - track.z0())/track.slope();
-//        KalmanHit khit = new KalmanHit(track, surface, vtrack, prop, path);
-//        Hit hit = khit.MakeHit();
-//        Point3D hitPoint = new Point3D(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
-//        ISolid hitSolid = findSolidFromPoint(hitPoint);
-        // Need an ETrack to add hits from clusters.
-        ETrack tre = htrack.newTrack();
-        // This also assumes the hit in question is a Helical Track Cross.
-        HelicalTrackCross htrackcross = (HelicalTrackCross) thit;
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip1 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(0);
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip2 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(1);
-        Hep3Vector u1 = strip1.u();
-        Hep3Vector u2 = strip2.u();
-        Hep3Vector v1 = strip1.v();
-        Hep3Vector v2 = strip2.v();
-        Hep3Vector w1 = strip1.w();
-        Hep3Vector w2 = strip2.w();
-        Hep3Vector origin1 = strip1.origin();
-        Hep3Vector origin2 = strip2.origin();
-        double u1meas = strip1.umeas();
-        double u2meas = strip2.umeas();
-        System.out.println("strip1 origin: " + origin1);
-        System.out.println("strip2 origin: " + origin2);
-        System.out.printf("strip1 u=%s\tv=%s\tw=%s\n",u1.toString(),v1.toString(),w1.toString());
-        System.out.printf("strip2 u=%s\tv=%s\tw=%s\n",u2.toString(),v2.toString(),w2.toString());
-        System.out.println("strip1 umeas: " + u1meas);
-        System.out.println("strip2 umeas: " + u2meas);
-        System.out.println("Rotate strip2 u,v,w into strip1 frame");
-        Hep3Matrix strip2ToTrk = getStripToTrackRotation(strip2);
-        System.out.println("Strip2ToTrk matrix " + strip2ToTrk.toString());
-        System.out.println("Get the rotation matrix for going from track frame to strip1 frame");
-        Hep3Matrix trackToStrip1 = getTrackToStripRotation(strip1);        
-        Hep3Matrix strip2ToStrip1 = VecOp.mult(trackToStrip1,strip2ToTrk);
-        u2 = VecOp.mult(strip2ToStrip1, u2);
-        v2 = VecOp.mult(strip2ToStrip1, v2);
-        w2 = VecOp.mult(strip2ToStrip1, w2);
-        System.out.printf("strip2 u=%s\tv=%s\tw=%s\n",u2.toString(),v2.toString(),w2.toString());
-        double dist1 = dotProduct(origin1, w1);
-        double dist2 = dotProduct(origin2, w2);
-        double phi1 = Math.atan2(w1.y() * dist1 * origin1.y(), w1.x() * dist1 * origin1.x());
-        double phi2 = Math.atan2(w2.y() * dist2 * origin2.y(), w2.x() * dist2 * origin2.x());
-        // phi needs to be between 0 and 2PI. Additionally, it seemed like
-        // rounding errors caused problems for very small negative values of phi,
-        // so these are approximated as 0.
-        if (phi1 < 0) {
-            if (phi1 > -0.00000001) {
-                phi1 = 0;
-            } else {
-                phi1 = phi1 + 2 * Math.PI;
-            }
-        }
-        if (phi2 < 0) {
-            if (phi2 > -0.00000001) {
-                phi2 = 0;
-            } else {
-                phi2 = phi2 + 2 * Math.PI;
-            }
-        }
-        System.out.println("dist1: " + dist1 + ", phi1: " + phi1);
-        System.out.println("dist2: " + dist2 + ", phi2: " + phi2);
-        // ClusXYPlane needs wz, wv, avz, phi and dist to create a cluster.
-        double wz1 = u1.z();
-        double wz2 = u2.z();
-        double wv1 = u1.x() * (-Math.sin(phi1)) + u1.y() * Math.cos(phi1);
-        double wv2 = u2.x() * (-Math.sin(phi2)) + u2.y() * Math.cos(phi2);
-        double avz1 = u1meas
-                - (dist1 * (Math.cos(phi1) * u1.x() + Math.sin(phi1) * u1.y())
-                - (origin1.x() * u1.x() + origin1.y() * u1.y()
-                + origin1.z() * u1.z()));
-        double avz2 = u2meas
-                - (dist2 * (Math.cos(phi2) * u2.x() + Math.sin(phi2) * u2.y())
-                - (origin2.x() * u2.x() + origin2.y() * u2.y()
-                + origin2.z() * u2.z()));
-        double davz1 = strip1.du();
-        double davz2 = strip2.du();
-        System.out.println("avz1 = " + avz1 + " = " + u1meas + " - " + (dist1 * (Math.cos(phi1) * u1.x() + Math.sin(phi1) * u1.y())
-                - (origin1.x() * u1.x() + origin1.y() * u1.y()
-                + origin1.z() * u1.z())));
-        System.out.println("avz2 = " + avz2 + " = " + u2meas + " - " + (dist2 * (Math.cos(phi2) * u2.x() + Math.sin(phi2) * u2.y())
-                - (origin2.x() * u2.x() + origin2.y() * u2.y()
-                + origin2.z() * u2.z())));
-//        // Just to check and make sure Vtrf makes sense:
-//        if((dist1*Math.cos(phi1) - origin1.x())*Math.cos(phi1) ==
-//                (dist1*Math.sin(phi1) - origin1.y())*Math.sin(phi1)){
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf1 coherent!");
-//        } else{
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf1 doesn't make sense :(");
-//        }
-//        if((dist2*Math.cos(phi2) - origin2.x())*Math.cos(phi2) ==
-//                (dist2*Math.sin(phi2) - origin2.y())*Math.sin(phi2)){
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf2 coherent!");
-//        } else{
-//            System.out.println("Vtrf2 doesn't make sense :(");
-//        }
-        System.out.println("wz1 = " + wz1 + ", wv1 = " + wv1 + ", avz1 = " + avz1 + ", davz1 =" + davz1);
-        System.out.println("wz2 = " + wz2 + ", wv2 = " + wv2 + ", avz2 = " + avz2 + ", davz2 =" + davz2);
-        // Create new clusters and get hit predictions.
-        ClusXYPlane1 cluster1 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist1, phi1, wv1, wz1, avz1, davz1);
-        ClusXYPlane1 cluster2 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist2, phi2, wv2, wz2, avz2, davz2);
-        List hits1 = cluster1.predict(tre);
-        List hits2 = cluster2.predict(tre);
-        Hit hit1 = (Hit) hits1.get(0);
-        Hit hit2 = (Hit) hits2.get(0);
-        System.out.println("hit1 predicted vector: " + hit1.predictedVector());
-        System.out.println("hit2 predicted vector: " + hit2.predictedVector());
-        System.out.println("hit position from trackerhit: [" + thit.getPosition()[0] + ", "
-                + thit.getPosition()[1] + ", " + thit.getPosition()[2] + "]");
-        hit1.setParentPointer(cluster1);
-        hit2.setParentPointer(cluster2);
-        htrack.addHit(hit1);
-        htrack.addHit(hit2);
-        return htrack;
-    }
-    private boolean pointIsOnSolid(ISolid solid, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        return shapeDispatcher.pointIsOnSolid(solid, hitPoint);
-    }
-    private double dotProduct(Hep3Vector v1, Hep3Vector v2) {
-        double dotProduct = v1.x() * v2.x() + v1.y() * v2.y() + v1.z() * v2.z();
-        return dotProduct;
-    }
-    private Hep3Matrix getStripToTrackRotation(HelicalTrackStrip strip) {
-        //This function transforms the vec to the track coordinates that the supplied strip has
-        //Transform from strip frame (u,v,w) to JLab frame (done through the RawTrackerHit)
-        ITransform3D stripToDet = GetLocalToGlobal(strip);
-        //Get rotation matrix
-        Hep3Matrix stripToDetMatrix = (BasicHep3Matrix) stripToDet.getRotation().getRotationMatrix();
-        //Transformation between JLab and tracking coordinates
-        Hep3Matrix detToTrackMatrix = (BasicHep3Matrix) HPSTransformations.getMatrix();
-        if (true) {
-            System.out.println("Getting the rotation to go from strip (u,v,w) to track coordinates");
-            System.out.println("stripToDet (JLab) translation:");
-            System.out.println(stripToDet.getTranslation().toString());
-            System.out.println("stripToDet Rotation:");
-            System.out.println(stripToDet.getRotation().toString());
-            System.out.println("detToTrack Rotation:");
-            System.out.println(detToTrackMatrix.toString());
-        }
-        return (Hep3Matrix) VecOp.mult(detToTrackMatrix,stripToDetMatrix);
-    }
-    private ITransform3D GetLocalToGlobal(HelicalTrackStrip strip) {
-        //Transform from sensor frame (u,v,w) to tracking frame
-        RawTrackerHit rth = (RawTrackerHit) strip.rawhits().get(0);
-        IDetectorElement ide = rth.getDetectorElement();
-        SiSensor sensor = ide.findDescendants(SiSensor.class).get(0);
-        SiSensorElectrodes electrodes = sensor.getReadoutElectrodes(ChargeCarrier.HOLE);
-        return electrodes.getLocalToGlobal();
-    }
-    private Hep3Matrix getTrackToStripRotation(HelicalTrackStrip strip) {
-        //This function transforms the hit to the sensor coordinates
-        //Transform from JLab frame to sensor frame (done through the RawTrackerHit)
-        ITransform3D detToStrip = GetGlobalToLocal(strip);
-        //Get rotation matrix
-        Hep3Matrix detToStripMatrix = (BasicHep3Matrix) detToStrip.getRotation().getRotationMatrix();
-        //Transformation between the JLAB and tracking coordinate systems
-        Hep3Matrix detToTrackMatrix = (BasicHep3Matrix) HPSTransformations.getMatrix();
-        if (true) {
-            System.out.println("Getting the rotation to go from track to strip (u,v,w)");
-            System.out.println("gblToLoc translation:");
-            System.out.println(detToStrip.getTranslation().toString());
-            System.out.println("gblToLoc Rotation:");
-            System.out.println(detToStrip.getRotation().toString());
-            System.out.println("detToTrack Rotation:");
-            System.out.println(detToTrackMatrix.toString());
-        }
-        return (Hep3Matrix) VecOp.mult(detToStripMatrix, VecOp.inverse(detToTrackMatrix));
-    }
-    private ITransform3D GetGlobalToLocal(HelicalTrackStrip strip) {
-        //Transform from JLab frame (RawTrackerHit) to sensor frame (i.e. u,v,w)
-        RawTrackerHit rth = (RawTrackerHit) strip.rawhits().get(0);
-        IDetectorElement ide = rth.getDetectorElement();
-        SiSensor sensor = ide.findDescendants(SiSensor.class).get(0);
-        SiSensorElectrodes electrodes = sensor.getReadoutElectrodes(ChargeCarrier.HOLE);
-        return electrodes.getGlobalToLocal();
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IGeometryInfo;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.material.IMaterial;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Tube;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Subdetector;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.PolyconeSupport;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.PolyconeSupport.ZPlane;
-import org.lcsim.material.Material;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.BSurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMs;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.ThinCylMsSim;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
- *
- * Holds summary information about one sensitive surface.  The information
- * is extracted from the org.lcsim geometry system.  This is a routine
- * that needs to know that org.lcsim uses mm for distances but TRF uses cm.
- *
- *
- *@author $Author: jeremy $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2011/06/01 17:08:04 jeremy Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2011/06/01 17:08:04 $
- *
- */
-public class KalmanSurface{
-    // TRF wants distances in cm, not mm.
-    private double mmTocm = 0.1;
-//    // Name of this Subdetector.
-//    public String name = "";
-    // Readout dimension:
-    // 0 = inactive
-    // 1 = strips
-    // 2 = pixels
-    public int rodim;
-    // References to subdetector and detector element info.
-//    public Subdetector      sd = null;
-//    public IDetectorElement de = null;
-    public double radius = 0.;
-    public double thick  = 0.;
-    public double zmin   = 0.;
-    public double zmax   = 0.;
-    public double zc     = 0.;
-    public double rmin   = 0.;
-    public double rmax   = 0.;
-    // Does a 1D measurement measure the first or second coordinate?
-    public int ixy = -1;
-    static public int ixy_Undef = -1;
-    static public int ixy_x   = 0;
-    static public int ixy_y   = 1;
-    static public int ixy_phi = 0;
-    static public int ixy_z   = 1;
-    private double[] resolutions;
-    // Different inputs have different places to find materials.
-    public Material   material = null;
-    public IMaterial imaterial = null;
-    // Name of the material.
-    public String matname = "Undefined";
-    // Radiation length of the material;
-    public double radl = 0;
-    // Thickness in units of radiation length.
-    public double thick_radl = 0.;
-    // Density.
-    public double density = 0.0;
-    // Tolerance for comparing floating point numbers.
-    private double tolerance = 1.e-4;
-    // Types
-    private int type;
-    // Types
-    static public int type_tube=0;
-    static public int type_zdisc=1;
-    static public int type_xyplane=2;
-    Surface surf = null;
-    KalmanSurface(String string, double distnorm, double normphi) {
-        if(string.equals("xyplane")){
-            System.out.println("dist norm = " + distnorm + ", normphi = " + normphi);
-            surf = new SurfXYPlane(distnorm, normphi);
-            type = type_xyplane;
-        } else{
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
-        }
-    }
-    public SurfCylinder getCylinder(){
-	if ( type != type_tube ){
-//	    System.out.println("Cannot return a cylinder from a non-tube surface: " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	SurfCylinder s    = new SurfCylinder( radius*mmTocm );
-	ThinCylMs    scat = new ThinCylMs   ( thick_radl );
-	ThinCylMsSim sim  = new ThinCylMsSim( thick_radl );
-	s.setInteractor(scat);
-	s.setSimInteractor(sim);
-	return s;
-    }
-    public BSurfCylinder getBCylinder(){
-	if ( type != type_tube ){
-//	    System.out.println("Cannot return a bounded cylinder from a non-tube surface: " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	return new BSurfCylinder( radius*mmTocm, zmin*mmTocm, zmax*mmTocm );
-    }
-    public boolean inBounds ( double trfarg ){
-	if ( type == type_tube ){
-	    double z = trfarg/mmTocm;
-	    return (z>=zmin)&&(z<=zmax);
-	} else if ( type == type_zdisc ){
-	    double r = trfarg/mmTocm;
-	    return (r>=rmin)&&(r<=rmax);
-	}
-	return false;
-    }
-    public int getType(){
-	return type;
-    }
-    public String getTypeAsString(){
-	if ( type == type_tube ){
-	    return "Tube ";
-	} else if ( type == type_zdisc ){
-	    return "Zdisc";
-	}
-	return "Unknown";
-    }
-    public SurfZPlane getZPlane(){
-	if ( type != type_zdisc ){
-//	    System.out.println("Cannot return a ZPlane from a non-zplane surface: " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	return new SurfZPlane( zc*mmTocm );
-    }
-    public double[] getResolutions(){
-	return resolutions;
-    }
-    public double getResolution0(){
-	boolean ok = true;
-	if ( resolutions == null ){
-	    ok = false;
-	} else {
-	    if ( resolutions.length < 1 ){
-		ok = false;
-	    }
-	}
-	if ( !ok ){
-//	    System.out.println ("KalmanSurface: Illegal request for getResolution0 " + name );
-	    return 0.;
-	}
-	return resolutions[0];
-    }
-    public double getResolution1(){
-	boolean ok = true;
-	if ( resolutions == null ){
-	    ok = false;
-	} else {
-	    if ( resolutions.length < 1 ){
-		ok = false;
-	    }
-	}
-	if ( !ok ){
-//	    System.out.println ("KalmanSurface: Illegal request for getResolution1 " + name );
-	    return 0.;
-	}
-	return resolutions[1];
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface( IDetectorElement de, int rodim, int ixy, double[] res ){
-	if ( de == null ){
-//	    System.out.println("KalmanSurface: Cannot instantiate RKSurf with null DetectorElement." );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-//  = de.getName();
-	this.rodim = rodim;
-	this.ixy   = ixy;
-	resolutions = new double[res.length];
-	for ( int i=0; i<res.length; ++i){
-	    resolutions[i] = res[i]*mmTocm;
-	}
-	Build( de);
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface( IDetectorElement de, int rodim, int ixy, double res ){
-	if ( de == null ){
-	    System.out.println("KalmanSurface: Cannot instantiate KalmanSurface with null DetectorElement." );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-//  = de.getName();
-	this.rodim = rodim;
-	this.ixy   = ixy;
-	resolutions = new double[1];
-	resolutions[0] = res*mmTocm;
-	Build( de);
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface( IDetectorElement de, int rodim, int ixy, double res0, double res1 ){
-	if ( de == null ){
-	    System.out.println("KalmanSurface: Cannot instantiate KalmanSurface with null DetectorElement." );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-//  = de.getName();
-	this.rodim = rodim;
-	this.ixy   = ixy;
-	resolutions = new double[2];
-	resolutions[0] = res0*mmTocm;
-	resolutions[1] = res1*mmTocm;
-	Build( de);
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface( Subdetector sd ){
-	if ( sd == null ){
-	    System.out.println("KalmanSurface: Cannot instantiate RKSurf with null Subdetector." );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-// = sd;
-	rodim   = 0;
-//	name    = sd.getName();
-	Build( sd );
-    }
-    // Adjust z position.  Used in the equivstrips model.
-    public void hackZc( double dz){
-	zc+=dz;
-    }
-    public void Print(){
-	if ( type == type_tube ){
-//	    System.out.printf ( "%-40s %1d %3d %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %-20s %10.2f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
-//				name,
-//				rodim,
-//				ixy,
-//				radius,
-//				thick,
-//				zmin,
-//				zmax,
-//				matname,
-//				radl,
-//				thick_radl,
-//				density
-//				);
-	} else {
-//	    System.out.printf ( "%-40s %1d %3d %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f %-20s %10.2f %10.6f %10.6f\n",
-//				name,
-//				rodim,
-//				ixy,
-//				zc,
-//				thick,
-//				rmin,
-//				rmax,
-//				matname,
-//				radl,
-//				thick_radl,
-//				density
-//				);
-	}
-    }
-    private void Build( Subdetector sd ){
-	String classname  = sd.getClass().getName();
-	String shortname  = classname.replaceAll("org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.","");
-	if ( shortname.compareTo("PolyconeSupport") == 0 ) {
-	    PolyconeSupport pc = (PolyconeSupport) sd;
-	    AddPolycone(pc);
-	} else {
-//	    System.out.println("KalmanSurface: Do not know how to add this subdetector: "
-//			       + name + " " + classname);
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	matname = material.getName();
-	radl    = material.getRadiationLength();
-	thick_radl = thick/radl;
-    }
-    private void Build( IDetectorElement de ){
-	//System.out.println ("Starting: " + name );
-	IGeometryInfo g   = de.getGeometry();
-	if ( g == null ){
-//	    System.out.println("Missing geometry for detector element: " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	ILogicalVolume lv = g.getLogicalVolume();
-	if ( lv == null ){
-//	    System.out.println("Missing logical volume for detector element: " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	IMaterial mat     = lv.getMaterial();
-	ISolid solid      = lv.getSolid();
-	Hep3Vector center = g.getPosition();
-	String solidname  = getSolidTypeName(solid);
-	if ( solidname.compareTo("Tube") == 0  ){
-	    Tube tube = (Tube) solid;
-	    if ( tube.getZHalfLength() > 1.0 ){
-		AddTube( tube, center );
-	    }else{
-		AddZDisc( tube, center);
-	    }
-	} else {
-//	    System.out.println ( "KalmanSurface: Do not recognize this shape for this DetectorElement: "
-//				 + solidname + " " + name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	matname = mat.getName();
-	radl    = mat.getRadiationLength();
-	density = mat.getDensity();
-	thick_radl = thick/radl;
-    }
-    private void AddPolycone ( PolyconeSupport pc ){
-	type = type_tube;
-	List<ZPlane> zplanes = pc.getZPlanes();
-	boolean ok = false;
-	for ( int i=1; i<zplanes.size(); ++i ){
-	    ZPlane zp1 = zplanes.get(i-1);
-	    ZPlane zp2 = zplanes.get(i);
-	    if ( zp1.getZ() < 0. && zp2.getZ() > 0. ){
-		if ( Math.abs(zp1.getRMax()-zp1.getRMax()) > tolerance ||
-		     Math.abs(zp1.getRMin()-zp1.getRMin()) > tolerance    ){
-//		    System.out.println ("RKSurf: Mismatched radii in beampipe: "
-//					+ name );
-		}
-		radius = 0.5*(zp1.getRMax() + zp1.getRMin());
-		thick  = zp1.getRMax() - zp1.getRMin();
-		zmin   = zp1.getZ();
-		zmax   = zp2.getZ();
-		ok = true;
-	    }
-	}
-	if ( !ok ){
-//	    System.out.println( "RKSurf: Could not parse PolyconeSupport for subdetector"
-//				+ name );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	// Depracated but replacement appears not to be in place.
-	material = pc.getMaterial();
-	radl = material.getRadiationLength();
-	density = material.getDensity();
-    }
-    private void AddTube ( Tube tube, Hep3Vector center ){
-	type = type_tube;
-	if ( Math.abs( center.x()) > tolerance ||
-	     Math.abs( center.y()) > tolerance ||
-	     Math.abs( center.z()) > tolerance    ){
-	    System.out.println("RKSurf: Only do tubes centered on (0.0,0.0,0.) " );
-	    System.exit(-1);
-	}
-	zmin   = -tube.getZHalfLength();
-	zmax   = tube.getZHalfLength();
-	radius = 0.5*(tube.getOuterRadius()+tube.getInnerRadius());
-	thick  = tube.getOuterRadius()-tube.getInnerRadius();
-    }
-    private void AddZDisc ( Tube tube, Hep3Vector center ){
-	type   = type_zdisc;
-	zmin   = center.z()-tube.getZHalfLength();
-	zmax   = center.z()+tube.getZHalfLength();
-	radius = 0.5*(tube.getOuterRadius()+tube.getInnerRadius());
-	thick  = 2.*tube.getZHalfLength();
-	zc     = center.z();
-	rmin   = tube.getInnerRadius();
-	rmax   = tube.getOuterRadius();
-    }
-    // Utility function to extract a short version of the class name.
-    private String getSolidTypeName( ISolid s ){
-	String fullname = s.getClass().getName();
-	String name     = fullname.replaceAll( "org.lcsim.detector.solids.", "");
-	return name;
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class PlayingWithTracksDriver extends Driver{
-    public PlayingWithTracksDriver() {
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event){
-        System.out.println("event number " + event.getEventNumber());
-        System.out.println("event detector name: " +event.getDetectorName());
-        List<MCParticle> mcparticles = event.getMCParticles();
-        System.out.println("number of mcparticles: " + mcparticles.size());
-        MCParticle firstParticle = mcparticles.get(0);
-        System.out.println("energy of first particle: " + firstParticle.getEnergy());
-        if (event.hasItem("MatchedTracks")) {
-            List<Track> trklist = (List<Track>) event.get("MatchedTracks");
-            System.out.println("number of tracks: " + trklist.size());
-            for (int i = 0; i < trklist.size(); i ++){
-                Track trk = trklist.get(i);
-                for (int k = 0; k < trk.getTrackerHits().size(); k++){
-                    TrackerHit hit = (TrackerHit) trk.getTrackerHits().get(k);
-                    if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack2DHit){
-                        System.out.println("HelicalTrack2DHit");
-                    } else
-                    if (hit instanceof HelicalTrack3DHit){
-                        System.out.println("HelicalTrack3DHit");
-                    } else if(hit instanceof HelicalTrackCross){
-                        System.out.println("HelicalTrackCross");
-                    } else
-                    if (hit instanceof HelicalTrackHit){
-                        System.out.println("HelicalTrackHit");
-                    } else {
-                        System.out.println("Don't know this kind of track...");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            System.out.println("No tracks!");
-        }
-    }

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+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Point3D;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class PrintDetectorElements{
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDispatcher = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    static int indent = 0;
-    List<Point3D> coords = null;
-    static ArrayList physicalVolumes = new ArrayList();
-    Boolean printing = true;
-    public void run(Detector detector, Boolean print) {
-       printing = print;
-       if (printing) {
-           System.out.println();
-           System.out.println();
-           System.out.println("Detector name is " + detector.getDetectorName());
-       }
-       ILogicalVolume logical = getLogicalVolume(detector);
-       loopThroughDaughters(logical);
-    }
-    private ILogicalVolume getLogicalVolume(Detector det) {
-         ILogicalVolume logical = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-         return logical;
-    }
-    private void loopThroughDaughters(ILogicalVolume logical) {
-        if (printing) {
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Logical Volume: " + logical.getName());
-            indent ++;
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Solid: " + logical.getSolid().getName());
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Material: " + logical.getMaterial().getName());
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Volume: " + logical.getSolid().getCubicVolume());
-            printIndent();
-            shapeDispatcher.printShape(logical.getSolid());
-            printIndent();
-            shapeDispatcher.printLocalCoords(logical.getSolid());
-            shapeDispatcher.printGlobalCoords(logical.getSolid());
-            System.out.println();
-            indent ++;
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            loopThroughDaughters(physicalToLogical(physical));
-            indent = (indent - 2);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Prints the information in the physical volume and returns the logical
-    // volume associated with the physical volume. Adds the physical volume to
-    // the physicalVolumes ArrayList. Obtains the local rotation and caluculates
-    // global rotation.
-    private ILogicalVolume physicalToLogical(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        physicalVolumes.add(physical.getTransform());
-        if (printing){
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Physical Volume: " + physical.getName());
-            indent ++;
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Sensitive? " + physical.isSensitive());
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Local Translation: " + physical.getTranslation());
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("Local Rotation: [" + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0,0) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0, 1) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                 " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1,0) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1, 1) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                 " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2,0) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2, 1) +
-                    "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2, 2) + "]");
-        }
-            getGlobalTransform(physical);
-            indent --;
-            return physical.getLogicalVolume();
-    }
-    private void getGlobalTransform(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        ITransform3D transform = (ITransform3D) physicalVolumes.get(0);
-        for (int i = 1; i < physicalVolumes.size(); i++){
-            ITransform3D lastTransform = (ITransform3D) physicalVolumes.get(i);
-            transform.multiplyBy(lastTransform);
-        }
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("Global Transform: " + transform.getTranslation());
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("                   [" + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                    " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                    " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2, 2) + "]");
-    }
-    public void printIndent () {
-        for (int k = indent; k > 0; k --) {
-             System.out.print("     ");
-        }
-    }

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+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class PrintDetectorElementsDriver extends Driver{
-    final boolean printing = true; // Determines whether results are printed
-    public void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
-        PrintDetectorElements loop = new PrintDetectorElements();
-, printing);
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class PrintIntersections{
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDispatcher = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    static int indent = 0;
-    static ArrayList physicalVolumes = new ArrayList();
-    Track track;
-    public void run(Detector detector, Track trk) {
-       System.out.println();
-       System.out.println();
-       System.out.println("Detector name is " + detector.getDetectorName());
-       track = trk;
-       ILogicalVolume logical = getLogicalVolume(detector);
-       loopThroughDaughters(logical);
-    }
-    private ILogicalVolume getLogicalVolume(Detector det) {
-         ILogicalVolume logical = det.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-         return logical;
-    }
-    private void loopThroughDaughters(ILogicalVolume logical) {
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("Logical Volume: " + logical.getName());
-        indent ++;
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Solid: " + logical.getSolid().getName());
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Material: " + logical.getMaterial().getName());
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Volume: " + logical.getSolid().getCubicVolume());
-//        printIndent();
-//        shapeDispatcher.printShape(logical.getSolid());
-//        printIndent();
-//        shapeDispatcher.printLocalCoords(logical.getSolid());
-//        shapeDispatcher.printGlobalCoords(logical.getSolid());
-//        System.out.println();
-//        indent ++;
-          if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0){
-              System.out.println("finding intersections");
-              shapeDispatcher.findIntersection(logical.getSolid(), track);
-          }
-          for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            loopThroughDaughters(physicalToLogical(physical));
-            indent = (indent - 1);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Prints the information in the physical volume and returns the logical
-    // volume associated with the physical volume. Adds the physical volume to
-    // the physicalVolumes ArrayList. Obtains the local rotation and caluculates
-    // global rotation.
-    private ILogicalVolume physicalToLogical(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        physicalVolumes.add(physical.getTransform());
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("Physical Volume: " + physical.getName());
-//        indent ++;
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Sensitive? " + physical.isSensitive());
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Local Translation: " + physical.getTranslation());
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("Local Rotation: [" + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0,0) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0, 1) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(0, 2));
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("                 " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1,0) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1, 1) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(1, 2));
-//        printIndent();
-//        System.out.println("                 " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2,0) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2, 1) +
-//                "  " + physical.getRotation().getComponent(2, 2) + "]");
-//        getGlobalTransform(physical);
-//        indent --;
-        return physical.getLogicalVolume();
-    }
-    private void getGlobalTransform(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        ITransform3D transform = (ITransform3D) physicalVolumes.get(0);
-        for (int i = 1; i < physicalVolumes.size(); i++){
-            ITransform3D lastTransform = (ITransform3D) physicalVolumes.get(i);
-            transform.multiplyBy(lastTransform);
-        }
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("Global Transform: " + transform.getTranslation());
-        printIndent();
-        System.out.println("                   [" + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(0, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                    " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(1, 2));
-            printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                    " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2,0) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2, 1) +
-                    "  " + transform.getRotation().getComponent(2, 2) + "]");
-    }
-    public void printIndent() {
-        for (int k = indent; k > 0; k --) {
-             System.out.print("     ");
-        }
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
- * Propagates tracks from a DCA surface to a Cylinder.
- *<p>
- * Propagation will fail if either the origin is not a DCA surface,
- * or the destination is not a Cylinder.
- *<p>
- * The default direction for propagation is forward.
- *<p>
- * Propagation to a cylinder at the radius of the DCA will succeed
- * and the track parameters are valid but the errors are not valid.
- *
- *
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class PropDCACyl extends PropDirected
-    // static variables
-    // Assign track parameter indices
-    public static final int IRSIGNED = SurfDCA.IRSIGNED;
-    public static final int IZ_DCA   = SurfDCA.IZ;
-    public static final int IPHID    = SurfDCA.IPHID;
-    public static final int ITLM_DCA = SurfDCA.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_DCA = SurfDCA.IQPT;
-    public static final int IPHI     = SurfCylinder.IPHI;
-    public static final int IZ_CYL   = SurfCylinder.IZ;
-    public static final int IALF     = SurfCylinder.IALF;
-    public static final int ITLM_CYL = SurfCylinder.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_CYL = SurfCylinder.IQPT;
-    // Attributes   ***************************************************
-    // bfield * BFAC
-    private double _bfac;
-    // Methods   ******************************************************
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public  static String typeName()
-    { return "PropDCACyl";
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public  static String staticType()
-    { return typeName();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
-     */
-    public PropDCACyl(double bfield)
-    {
-        super(PropDir.FORWARD);
-        _bfac=bfield * TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Clone an instance.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Propagator newPropagator()
-    {
-        return new PropDCACyl( bField() );
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type()
-    { return staticType();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp( VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv )
-    {
-        return dcaCylPropagate( _bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv );
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp( VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir )
-    {
-        TrackDerivative deriv =null;
-        return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    // propagate a track with error in the specified direction
-    //  PropStat err_dir_prop( ETrack& tre,  Surface& srf,
-    //                                            PropDir dir ) ;
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     */
-    public  double bField()
-    {
-        return _bfac/TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "DCA propagation to a Cylinder with constant "
-                + bField() + " Tesla field";
-    }
-    /**
-     * Propagate from dca to cylinder.
-     * Why is this public?
-     *
-     * @param   _bfac The numerical factor (including the field)
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The cylindrical surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat dcaCylPropagate(       double             _bfac,
-            VTrack             trv,
-            Surface            srf,
-            PropDir            dir,
-            TrackDerivative    deriv )
-    {
-        // construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        // fetch the originating Surface and check it is a DCA surface
-        Surface srf0 = trv.surface();
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf0.pureType().equals(SurfDCA.staticType() ));
-        if ( ! srf0.pureType( ).equals(SurfDCA.staticType()) ){
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCACyl because it's not a DCA surface");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        SurfDCA srf_dca = ( SurfDCA ) srf0;
-        // Check that dca surface has zero tilt.
-        boolean tilted = srf_dca.dXdZ() != 0 || srf_dca.dYdZ() != 0;
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tilted);
-        if(tilted)    {
-             System.out.println("Failing PropDCACyl DCA surface is tilted");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        // check that the destination surface is a Cylinder
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) );
-        if ( !srf.pureType( ).equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) ){
-             System.out.println("Failing PropDCACyl because it's not a Cyl surface");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        SurfCylinder srf_cyl = ( SurfCylinder ) srf;
-        //SurfCylinder srf_cyl = new SurfCylinder( (SurfCylinder) srf);
-        // fetch the originating TrackVector
-        TrackVector vec_dca = trv.vector();
-        double r1p   = Math.abs(vec_dca.get(IRSIGNED));        // r
-        double z1    = vec_dca.get(IZ_DCA);                // z
-        double phid1p= vec_dca.get(IPHID);                 // phi_direction
-        double tlam1 = vec_dca.get(ITLM_DCA);              // tan(lambda)
-        double qpt1  = vec_dca.get(IQPT_DCA);              // q/pT
-        double xv = srf_dca.x();
-        double yv = srf_dca.y();
-        // calculate alf1 and phi1
-        double sign_alf1p;
-        double sign_r1p=0.;
-        if ( !TRFMath.isZero( vec_dca.get(IRSIGNED) ) )
-        {
-            sign_alf1p  = vec_dca.get(IRSIGNED)/Math.abs(vec_dca.get(IRSIGNED));
-            sign_r1p = sign_alf1p;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sign_alf1p  = 0.0;
-        }
-        if( (!TRFMath.isZero(xv) || !TRFMath.isZero(yv)) &&  TRFMath.isZero(sign_alf1p) )  sign_alf1p=1;
-        double alf1p = sign_alf1p * TRFMath.PI2;                 // alpha
-        double phi1p = phid1p - alf1p;                    // phi_position
-        phi1p = TRFMath.fmod2( phi1p, TRFMath.TWOPI );
-        // calculate salf1, calf1 and crv1
-        double salf1p=0.;
-        salf1p = alf1p>0. ? 1.:( alf1p < 0. ? -1. : 0.) ;
-        double cosphi1p=Math.cos(phi1p);
-        double sinphi1p=Math.sin(phi1p);
-        double x1=r1p*cosphi1p+xv;
-        double y1=r1p*sinphi1p+yv;
-        double phi1 = Math.atan2(y1,x1);       // phi position in (xv,yv) coord system
-        double r1 = Math.sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);    // r1 in (xv,yv) coord system
-        double alf1 = alf1p + phi1p - phi1; // alf1 in (xv,yv) coord system
-        if( TRFMath.isZero(x1) && TRFMath.isZero(y1)  )
-        {
-            phi1 = phid1p;
-            alf1 = 0.;
-        }
-        if( sign_r1p == 0 && !TRFMath.isZero(r1) )
-            sign_r1p=1;
-        // calculate salf1, calf1 and crv1
-        double salf1 = Math.sin( alf1 );
-        double calf1 = Math.cos( alf1 );
-        if( TRFMath.isZero(alf1) )
-        {
-            salf1=0.;
-            calf1=1.;
-        }
-        if( TRFMath.isEqual(Math.abs(alf1),TRFMath.PI2) )
-        {
-            salf1= alf1 > 0 ? 1. : -1. ;
-            calf1=0.;
-        }
-        double  crv1 = _bfac * qpt1;
-        double sign_crv = 1.;
-        // fetch r2 of the destination Cylinder
-        double r2 = srf_cyl.parameter(SurfCylinder.RADIUS);
-        // calculate tlam2, qpt2 and crv2 of the destination Cylinder
-        double tlam2 = tlam1;
-        double qpt2  = qpt1;
-        double crv2  = crv1;
-        // calculate salf2 of the destination Cylinder
-        double salf2 = r1/r2*salf1 + 0.5*crv1/r2*(r2*r2-r1*r1);
-        // If salf2 is close to 1 or -1, set it to that value.
-        double diff = Math.abs( Math.abs(salf2) - 1.0 );
-        if ( diff < 1.e-10 ) salf2 = salf2>0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
-        // if salf2 > 1, track does not cross cylinder
-        if ( Math.abs(salf2) > 1.0 ) {
-             System.out.println("Failing PropDCACyl track does not cross cylinder:  salf2 = "+salf2);
-             System.out.println("r1 = "+r1+"; r2 = "+r2+"; salf1="+salf1+"; crv1 = "+crv1);
-             System.out.println("r1p = "+r1p+"; x1 = "+x1+"; y1 ="+y1+"; phi1p = "+phi1p);
-             return pstat;
-        }
-        // there are two possibilities for alf2
-        double alf21 = Math.asin( salf2 );
-        double alf22 = alf21>0 ? Math.PI-alf21 : -Math.PI-alf21;
-        double calf21 = Math.cos( alf21 );
-        double calf22 = Math.cos( alf22 );
-        //double phi21 = phi1 + atan2( -sign_crv*calf21, r2*crv2-salf2 );
-        //double phi22 = phi1 + atan2( -sign_crv*calf22, r2*crv2-salf2 );
-        //        double cnst = salf1-r1*crv1 > 0 ? TRFMath.PI2 : -TRFMath.PI2;
-        //        cnst = (r1 == 0.) ? 0. : cnst;
-        double cnst = Math.atan2(salf1-r1*crv1,calf1);
-        if( TRFMath.isEqual(Math.abs(alf1),TRFMath.PI2) )
-        {
-            cnst = salf1-r1*crv1 > 0 ? TRFMath.PI2 : -TRFMath.PI2;
-            cnst = (r1==0.) ? 0. : cnst;
-        }
-        double phi21 = phi1 + cnst - Math.atan2( salf2-r2*crv2, calf21 );
-        double phi22 = phi1 + cnst - Math.atan2( salf2-r2*crv2, calf22 );
-        if( TRFMath.isZero(crv1) )
-        {
-            phi21 = phi1 + cnst  - alf21;
-            phi22 = phi1 + cnst  - alf22;
-        }
-        if ( TRFMath.isZero(calf21) )
-        {
-            phi21 = phi1;
-            phi22 = phi1;
-        }
-        // construct an sT object for each solution
-        ST_DCACyl sto1 = new ST_DCACyl(r1,phi1,alf1,crv1,r2,phi21,alf21);
-        ST_DCACyl sto2 = new ST_DCACyl(r1,phi1,alf1,crv1,r2,phi22,alf22);
-        // check the two solutions are nonzero and have opposite sign
-        // or at least one is nonzero
-        // choose the correct solution
-        boolean use_first_solution;
-        if( dir.equals(PropDir.NEAREST))
-            use_first_solution = Math.abs( > Math.abs(;
-        else if( dir.equals(PropDir.FORWARD))
-            use_first_solution = > 0.0;
-        else if( dir.equals(PropDir.BACKWARD))
-            use_first_solution = < 0.0;
-        else
-        {
-            use_first_solution = false;
-            System.out.println( "PropCyl._vec_propagate: Unknown direction.");
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        // assign phi2, alf2 and sto2 for the chosen solution
-        double phi2, alf2;
-        ST_DCACyl sto = new ST_DCACyl();
-        double calf2;
-        if ( use_first_solution )
-        {
-            sto = sto1;
-            phi2 = phi21;
-            alf2 = alf21;
-            calf2 = calf21;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sto = sto2;
-            phi2 = phi22;
-            alf2 = alf22;
-            calf2 = calf22;
-        }
-        // check alpha range
-        Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alf2) <= Math.PI );
-        // fetch sT
-        double st =;
-        double s = st*Math.sqrt(1+tlam1*tlam1);
-        // calculate z2 of the destination Cylinder
-        double z2 = z1 + st * tlam1;
-        // construct the destination TrackVector
-        TrackVector vec_cyl = new TrackVector();
-        /*
-  vec_cyl(IPHI)     = fmod1(phi2, TWOPI);
-  vec_cyl(IPHI)     = phi2;
-         */
-        vec_cyl.set(IPHI     , phi2);
-        vec_cyl.set(IZ_CYL   , z2);
-        vec_cyl.set(IALF     , alf2);
-        vec_cyl.set(ITLM_CYL , tlam2);
-        vec_cyl.set(IQPT_CYL , qpt2);
-   // For axial tracks, zero z and tan(lambda).
-  if(trv.is_axial()) {
-    vec_cyl(SurfDCA::IZ) = 0.;
-    vec_cyl(SurfDCA::ITLM) = 0.;
-  }
- */
-        // set the surface of trv to the destination Cylinder
-        trv.setSurface( srf_cyl.newPureSurface() );
-        // set the vector of trv to the destination TrackVector (Cyl. coord.)
-        trv.setVector(vec_cyl);
-        // set the direction of trv
-        if ( Math.abs(alf2) <= TRFMath.PI2 ) trv.setForward();
-        else trv.setBackward();
-        // set the return status
-        pstat.setPathDistance(s);
-        // exit now if user did not ask for error matrix.
-        if ( deriv == null ) {
-             System.out.println("PropDCACyl did not ask for error matrix");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        // calculate derivatives
-        //double dalf2_dr1   = (salf1-r1*crv1)/(r2*calf2);
-        //double dalf2_dr1   = (1.0-r1*crv1*salf1)/(r2*calf2);
-        // commented out by SK ( DCA to DCA(xv,yv) change)
-        double salf12 = sign_r1p*salf1;
-        if( sign_r1p == 0 && salf1 == 0. )
-            salf12 = 1;
-        double dalf2_dr1_sign = (salf12-crv1*r1*sign_r1p)/r2/calf2;
-        double dalf2_dr1 = (salf1-crv1*r1)/r2/calf2;
-        double dalf2_dalf1_or = 1/r2*calf1/calf2; // over r1
-        double dalf2_dalf1 = r1*dalf2_dalf1_or;
-        double dalf2_dcrv1 = (r2*r2-r1*r1)/(2.0*r2*calf2);
-        //double dphi2_dr1 = -sign_crv*
-        //               (r2*crv2*salf2-1.0)*(r1*crv1-salf1)/
-        //               (r2*calf2*(1.0 + r2*r2*crv2*crv2 - 2.0*r2*crv2*salf2));
-        // commented out on 10.16.2001 by SK ( DCA to DCA(xv,yv) change)
-        //        double dphi2_dr1 = -sign_crv *
-        //        (r2*crv2*salf2-1.0)*(sign_alf1*r1*crv1-1.)/
-        //        (r2*calf2*(1.0 + r2*r2*crv2*crv2 - 2.0*r2*crv2*salf2));
-        //
-        //        double dphi2_dcrv1 = -sign_crv*
-        //        ((1.0-r2*crv2*salf2)*(r2*r2-r1*r1)-2.0*r2*r2*calf2*calf2)/
-        //        (2.0*r2*calf2*(1.0 + r2*r2*crv2*crv2 - 2.0*r2*crv2*salf2));
-        double dphi2_dphi1=1.;
-        double dphi2_dr1_sign = -crv1*calf1*sign_r1p/(1.-2.*r1*crv1*salf1+r1*r1*crv1*crv1)
-        - dalf2_dr1_sign*(1-salf2*crv2*r2)/(1.-2.*r2*crv2*salf2+r2*r2*crv2*crv2);
-        double dphi2_dr1 = -crv1*calf1/(1.-2.*r1*crv1*salf1+r1*r1*crv1*crv1)
-        - dalf2_dr1*(1-salf2*crv2*r2)/(1.-2.*r2*crv2*salf2+r2*r2*crv2*crv2);
-        double dphi2_dalf1_m1_or = (-salf1*crv1-r1*crv1*crv1+2.*crv1*salf1)/(1.-2.*r1*crv1*salf1+r1*r1*crv1*crv1)
-        - dalf2_dalf1_or*(1-salf2*crv2*r2)/(1.-2.*r2*crv2*salf2+r2*r2*crv2*crv2); // minus 1
-        double dphi2_dalf1 = dphi2_dalf1_m1_or*r1 + 1;
-        double dphi2_dcrv1 = -r1*calf1/(1.-2.*r1*crv1*salf1+r1*r1*crv1*crv1)
-        -(dalf2_dcrv1*(1.-r2*crv2*salf2) - r2*calf2)/(1.-2.*r2*crv2*salf2+r2*r2*crv2*crv2);
-        //double dst_dr1  = sto.d_st_dr1(dphi2_dr1,   dalf2_dr1  );
-        //        double dst_dr1  = sto.d_st_dr1(sign_alf1*dphi2_dr1,sign_alf1*dalf2_dr1  );
-        //        double dst_crv1 = sto.d_st_dcrv1(dphi2_dcrv1, dalf2_dcrv1);
-        double dst_dr1_sign   = sto.d_st_dr1_sign(sign_r1p,dphi2_dr1_sign,dalf2_dr1_sign);
-        double dst_dr1   = sto.d_st_dr1(dphi2_dr1,dalf2_dr1);
-        double dst_dcrv1 = sto.d_st_dcrv1(dphi2_dcrv1, dalf2_dcrv1);
-        double dst_dalf1_or = sto.d_st_dalf1_or(r1,dphi2_dalf1_m1_or, dalf2_dalf1_or);
-        // build the derivative matrix
-        // derivatives to prime coordinates
-        double dphi1_dphi1p_tr = r1p*Math.cos(phi1p-phi1); // times r1
-        double dphi1_dr1p_tr = sign_r1p*Math.sin(phi1p-phi1); // times r1
-        double dalf1_dphi1p_tr = r1 - dphi1_dphi1p_tr;
-        double dalf1_dr1p_tr = -dphi1_dr1p_tr;
-        double dr1_dr1p_sign = Math.cos(phi1p-phi1);
-        double dr1_dphi1p = r1p*Math.sin(phi1-phi1p);
-        double dphi2_dphi1p = dphi2_dr1*dr1_dphi1p +dphi2_dalf1 - dphi1_dphi1p_tr*dphi2_dalf1_m1_or;
-        double dphi2_dr1p = dphi2_dr1_sign*dr1_dr1p_sign - dphi2_dalf1_m1_or*dphi1_dr1p_tr;
-        double dalf2_dphi1p = dalf2_dr1*dr1_dphi1p + dalf2_dalf1_or*dalf1_dphi1p_tr;
-        double dalf2_dr1p = dalf2_dr1_sign*dr1_dr1p_sign + dalf2_dalf1_or*dalf1_dr1p_tr;
-        double dst_dphi1p = dst_dr1*dr1_dphi1p + dst_dalf1_or*dalf1_dphi1p_tr;
-        double dst_dr1p = dst_dr1_sign*dr1_dr1p_sign + dst_dalf1_or*dalf1_dr1p_tr;
-        //deriv(IPHI,     IRSIGNED,  sign_alf1 * dphi2_dr1);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,     IRSIGNED,  dphi2_dr1p);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,     IZ_DCA,    0.0);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,     IPHID,     dphi2_dphi1p);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,     ITLM_DCA,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,     IQPT_DCA,  _bfac * dphi2_dcrv1);
-        deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IRSIGNED,  tlam1 * dst_dr1p);
-        deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IZ_DCA,    1.0);
-        deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IPHID,     tlam1 * dst_dphi1p);
-        deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   ITLM_DCA,  st);
-        deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IQPT_DCA,  tlam1 * _bfac * dst_dcrv1);
-        //deriv.set(IALF,     IRSIGNED,  sign_alf1 * dalf2_dr1);
-        deriv.set(IALF,     IRSIGNED,  dalf2_dr1p);
-        deriv.set(IALF,     IZ_DCA,    0.0);
-        deriv.set(IALF,     IPHID,     dalf2_dphi1p);
-        deriv.set(IALF,     ITLM_DCA,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(IALF,     IQPT_DCA,  _bfac * dalf2_dcrv1);
-        deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, IRSIGNED,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, IZ_DCA,    0.0);
-        deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, IPHID,     0.0);
-        deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, ITLM_DCA,  1.0);
-        deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, IQPT_DCA,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(IQPT_CYL, IRSIGNED,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(IQPT_CYL, IZ_DCA,    0.0);
-        deriv.set(IQPT_CYL, IPHID,     0.0);
-        deriv.set(IQPT_CYL, ITLM_DCA,  0.0);
-        deriv.set(IQPT_CYL, IQPT_DCA,  1.0);
-  // For axial tracks, zero all derivatives of or with respect to z or
-  // tan(lambda), that are not already zero.  This will force the error
-  // matrix to have zero errors for z and tan(lambda).
-  if(trv.is_axial()) {
-    deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IRSIGNED,  0.);
-    deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IZ_DCA,    0.);
-    deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IPHID,     0.);
-    deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   ITLM_DCA,  0.);
-    deriv.set(IZ_CYL,   IQPT_DCA,  0.);
-    deriv.set(ITLM_CYL, ITLM_DCA, 0.);
-  }
- */
-        return pstat;
-    }
-    // Private class STCalc.
-    //
-    // An STCalc_ object calculates sT (the signed transverse path length)
-    // and its derivatives w.r.t. alf1 and crv1.  It is constructed from
-    // the starting (r1, phi1, alf1, crv1) and final track parameters
-    // (r2, phi2, alf2) assuming these are consistent.  Methods are
-    // provided to retrieve sT and the two derivatives.
-    class ST_DCACyl
-    {
-        private boolean _big_crv;
-        private double _st;
-        //  double _dst_dalf2;
-        private double _dst_dr1;
-        private double _dst_dcrv1;
-        private double _dst_dphi2;
-        double _dst_dphi2_or;
-        private double _crv1; // was public? need to look into this
-        // constructor
-        public ST_DCACyl()
-        {
-        }
-        public ST_DCACyl(double r1, double phi1, double alf1, double crv1,
-                double r2, double phi2, double alf2)
-        {
-            _crv1 = crv1;
-            Assert.assertTrue( r1 >= 0.0 );
-            Assert.assertTrue( r2 >= 0.0 );
-            double rmax = r1+r2;
-            // Calculate the change in xy direction
-            double phi_dir_diff = TRFMath.fmod2(phi2+alf2-phi1-alf1,TRFMath.TWOPI);
-            Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(phi_dir_diff) <= Math.PI );
-            // Evaluate whether |C| is "big"
-            _big_crv = rmax*Math.abs(crv1) > 0.001;
-            // If the curvature is big we can use
-            // sT = (phi_dir2 - phi_dir1)/crv1
-            if ( _big_crv )
-            {
-                Assert.assertTrue( crv1 != 0.0 );
-                _st = phi_dir_diff/crv1;
-            }
-            // Otherwise, we calculate the straight-line distance
-            // between the points and use an approximate correction
-            // for the (small) curvature.
-            else
-            {
-                // evaluate the distance
-                double d = Math.sqrt( r1*r1 + r2*r2 - 2.0*r1*r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1) );
-                double arg = 0.5*d*crv1;
-                double arg2 = arg*arg;
-                double st_minus_d = d*arg2*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/40.0*arg2 );
-                _st = d + st_minus_d;
-                // evaluate the sign
-                // We define a metric xsign = abs( (dphid-d*C)/(d*C) ).
-                // Because sT*C = dphid and d = abs(sT):
-                // xsign = 0 for sT > 0
-                // xsign = 2 for sT < 0
-                // Numerical roundoff will smear these predictions.
-                double sign = 0.0;
-                if ( crv1*_st != 0. )
-                {
-                    double xsign = Math.abs( (phi_dir_diff - _st*crv1) / (_st*crv1) );
-                    if ( xsign < 0.5 ) sign = 1.0;
-                    if ( xsign > 1.5  &&  xsign < 3.0 ) sign = -1.0;
-                }
-                // If the above is indeterminate, assume zero curvature.
-                // In this case abs(alpha) decreases monotonically
-                // with sT.  Track passing through origin has alpha = 0 on one
-                // side and alpha = +/-pi on the other.  If both points are on
-                // the same side, we use dr/ds > 0 for |alpha|<pi/2.
-                if ( sign == 0. )
-                {
-                    sign = 1.0;
-                    if ( Math.abs(alf2) > Math.abs(alf1) ) sign = -1.0;
-                    if ( Math.abs(alf2) == Math.abs(alf1) )
-                    {
-                        if ( Math.abs(alf2) < TRFMath.PI2 )
-                        {
-                            if ( r2 < r1 ) sign = -1.0;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            if ( r2 > r1 ) sign = -1.0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // Correct _st using the above sign.
-                Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(sign) == 1.0 );
-                _st = sign*_st;
-                // save derivatives
-                //    _dst_dalf2 = (_st/d)*2.0*(r1-r2*cos(phi2-phi1));
-                //_dst_dphi2 = (_st/d)*2.0*r1*r2*sin(phi2-phi1);
-                //                _dst_dcrv1 = sign*d*d*arg*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/20.0*arg2);
-                //                double root = (1.0 + 0.5*arg*arg + 3.0/8.0*arg*arg*arg*arg );
-                //                _dst_dphi2 = sign*(r1*r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
-                //                _dst_dr1 =   sign*(r1-r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
-                if ( TRFMath.isZero(d) )
-                {
-                    _dst_dcrv1 = 0.0;
-                    _dst_dphi2 = sign*r1;
-                    _dst_dphi2_or = sign;
-                    _dst_dr1 =  0.0;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    _dst_dcrv1 = sign*d*d*arg*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/20.0*arg2);
-                    double root = (1.0 + 0.5*arg*arg + 3.0/8.0*arg*arg*arg*arg );
-                    _dst_dphi2_or = sign*(r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
-                    _dst_dphi2 = _dst_dphi2_or*r1;
-                    _dst_dr1 =   sign*(r1-r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        public double st()
-        {
-            return _st;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dr1_sign(double sign_alf1,double dphi2_dr1_sign,double dalf2_dr1_sign)
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( dphi2_dr1_sign + dalf2_dr1_sign ) / _crv1;
-            else return   _dst_dphi2 * dphi2_dr1_sign + _dst_dr1*sign_alf1;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dr1(   double d_phi2_dr1,   double d_alf2_dr1   )
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dr1 + d_alf2_dr1 ) / _crv1;
-            else return   _dst_dphi2 * d_phi2_dr1 + _dst_dr1;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dcrv1( double d_phi2_dcrv1, double d_alf2_dcrv1 )
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dcrv1 + d_alf2_dcrv1 - _st ) / _crv1;
-            else return   _dst_dphi2 * d_phi2_dcrv1 + _dst_dcrv1;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dalf1_or(double r1,double dphi2_dalf1_m1_or, double dalf2_dalf1_or)
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( dphi2_dalf1_m1_or + dalf2_dalf1_or) / _crv1;
-            else return _dst_dphi2_or * (dphi2_dalf1_m1_or*r1+1);
-        }
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-// May need to remove next line when moved to proper package.
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-//import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropDCACyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropCylXY;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
- * Propagates tracks from a DCA surface to an XYPlane.
- * It does so by creating an intermediate Cylinder surface,
- * and using existing code to perform the transformation in two steps.
- *<p>
- * Propagation will fail if either the origin is not a DCA surface,
- * or the destination is not a XYPlane.
- *<p>
- * The default direction for propagation is forward.
- *<p>
- * PropDCACyl and PropCylXY do not work in all circumstances.  See those
- * codes for details.
- *
- *
- *@author $Author: mgraham $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.3 2011/11/16 18:00:03 mgraham Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2011/11/16 18:00:03 $
- *
- */
-public class PropDCAXY extends PropDirected {
-    // static variables
-    // Assign track parameter indices
-    public static final int IRSIGNED = SurfDCA.IRSIGNED;
-    public static final int IZ_DCA = SurfDCA.IZ;
-    public static final int IPHID = SurfDCA.IPHID;
-    public static final int ITLM_DCA = SurfDCA.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_DCA = SurfDCA.IQPT;
-    public static final int IPHI = SurfCylinder.IPHI;
-    public static final int IZ_CYL = SurfCylinder.IZ;
-    public static final int IALF = SurfCylinder.IALF;
-    public static final int ITLM_CYL = SurfCylinder.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_CYL = SurfCylinder.IQPT;
-    private static final int IV = SurfXYPlane.IV;
-    private static final int IZC = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
-    private static final int IDVDU = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
-    private static final int IDZDU = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
-    private static final int IQP_XY = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
-    // Attributes   ***************************************************
-    // bfield * BFAC
-    private double _bfac;
-    // Methods   ******************************************************
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName() {
-        return "PropDCAXY";
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType() {
-        return typeName();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
-     */
-    public PropDCAXY(double bfield) {
-        super(PropDir.FORWARD);
-        _bfac = bfield * TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Clone an instance.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Propagator newPropagator() {
-        return new PropDCAXY(bField());
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type() {
-        return staticType();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv) {
-        return dcaXYPropagate(_bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir) {
-        TrackDerivative deriv = null;
-        return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    // propagate a track with error in the specified direction
-    //  PropStat err_dir_prop( ETrack& tre,  Surface& srf,
-    //                                            PropDir dir ) ;
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     */
-    public double bField() {
-        return _bfac / TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString() {
-        return "DCA propagation to an XYPlane with constant "
-                + bField() + " Tesla field";
-    }
-    /**
-     * Propagate from dca to cylinder.
-     * Why is this public?
-     *
-     * @param   _bfac The numerical factor (including the field)
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The cylindrical surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat dcaXYPropagate(double _bfac,
-            VTrack trv,
-            Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir,
-            TrackDerivative deriv) {
-//        System.out.println("running PropDCAXY");
-        // Construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        // Fetch the originating Surface and check it is a DCA surface
-        Surface srf0 = trv.surface();
-        Assert.assertTrue(srf0.pureType().equals(SurfDCA.staticType()));
-        if (!srf0.pureType().equals(SurfDCA.staticType())) {
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCAXY because it's not a DCA");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        SurfDCA srf_dca = (SurfDCA) srf0;
-        // Check that dca surface has zero tilt.
-        boolean tilted = srf_dca.dXdZ() != 0 || srf_dca.dYdZ() != 0;
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tilted);
-        if (tilted) {
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCAXY because it's tilted");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        // Check that the destination surface is an XYPlane
-        Assert.assertTrue(srf.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()));
-        if (!srf.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType())) {
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCAXY because it's not a XY plane");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        SurfXYPlane srf_xyp = (SurfXYPlane) srf;
-        // Instantiate the intermediate propagators.
-        PropDCACyl prop1 = new PropDCACyl(bField());
-        PropCylXY prop2 = new PropCylXY(bField());
-        // Radius of a cylinder going through the PCA ...
-        // But:
-        //   PropDCACyl requires that the cylinder be at a different radius than the DCA
-        //   so put it 100 microns outside the dca.
-        double rhack = Math.abs(trv.vector(IRSIGNED)) + 0.01;
-        // Instantiate the surface at the intermediate step.
-        SurfCylinder srf_cyl = new SurfCylinder(rhack);
-        // Setup for receiving the derivatives.
-        TrackDerivative d1 = null;
-        TrackDerivative d2 = null;
-        if (deriv != null) {
-            d1 = new TrackDerivative();
-            d2 = new TrackDerivative();
-        }
-        // Save the track z direction for later use.
-        boolean forward = trv.vector(ITLM_DCA) >= 0.;
-        // Do the propagation in two steps.
-        PropStat p1 = prop1.vecDirProp(trv, srf_cyl, dir, d1);
-        if (!p1.success()) {
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCAXY propagation PropDCACyl failed");
-            System.out.println("trv = "+trv.toString());
-            System.out.println("cylinder = "+srf_cyl.toString());
-//            trv.setTrackBackward();
-//            p1=prop1.vecDirProp(trv, srf_cyl, dir, d1);
-            if(!p1.success())return p1;
-//            System.out.println("SUCCESS!!!!!!");
-        }
-        //    System.out.println("propagated to fake cylinder, track is: " + trv.toString());
-        PropStat p2 = prop2.vecDirProp(trv, srf_xyp, dir, d2);
-//    System.out.println("propagated to plane, track is: " + trv.toString());
-        if (!p2.success()) {
-            System.out.println("Failing PropDCAXY propagation PropCylXY failed");
-            return p2;
-        }
-        // Forward/backward is defined wrt positive z axis.
-        //mg...I'm not sure if this is what we want...seems to screw up PropXYXY
-        //mg (months later)   ...  how can this screw up PropXYXY???
-        if ( forward ){
-        trv.setForward();
-        } else{
-        trv.setBackward();
-        }
-         */
-        trv.setForward();  //mg set to setForward by default
-        // Set the transformation matrix to the product of the those from
-        // the two intermediate steps.
-        if (deriv != null) {
-            deriv.set(d2.times(d1));
-        }
-        // Set properties of the return value.
-        if (p2.forward()) {
-            pstat.setForward();
-        } else if (p2.backward()) {
-            pstat.setBackward();
-        } else if (p2.same()) {
-            pstat.setSame();
-        }
-        double s = p1.pathDistance() + p2.pathDistance();
-        pstat.setPathDistance(s);
-        return pstat;
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
- * Propagates tracks from an XYPlane to a Cylinder in a constant field.
- *<p>
- * Propagation will fail if either the origin is not an XYPlane
- * or destination is not a Cylinder.
- * Propagator works incorrectly for tracks with very small curvatures.
- *<p>
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class PropXYCyl extends PropDirected
-    // Assign track parameter indices.
-    private static final int IV = SurfXYPlane.IV;
-    private static final int IZC   = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
-    private static final int IDVDU = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
-    private static final int IDZDU = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
-    private static final int IQP_XY  = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
-    private static final int IPHI = SurfCylinder.IPHI;
-    private static final int IZ   = SurfCylinder.IZ;
-    private static final int IALF = SurfCylinder.IALF;
-    private static final int ITLM = SurfCylinder.ITLM;
-    private static final int IQPT  = SurfCylinder.IQPT;
-    // attributes
-    // BFAC * bfield
-    private double _bfac;
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName()
-    { return "PropXYCyl";
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType()
-    { return typeName();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
-     */
-    public PropXYCyl(double bfield)
-    {
-        _bfac = TRFMath.BFAC*bfield;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Clone an instance.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Propagator newPropagator( )
-    {
-        return new PropXYCyl( bField() );
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir )
-    {
-        TrackDerivative deriv = null;
-        return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction
-     *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv )
-    {
-        return vecPropagateXYCyl( _bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     */
-    public double bField()
-    {
-        return _bfac/TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type()
-    { return staticType();
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "XYPlane-Cylinder propagation with constant "
-                + bField() +" Tesla field";
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    // Private function to propagate a track without error
-    //
-    // The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-    // phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-    // (NOT [. . . lambda .] as in TRF and earlier version of TRF++.)
-    //
-    // If pderiv is nonzero, return the derivative matrix there.
-    // On Cylinder:
-    // r (cm) is fixed
-    // 0 - phi
-    // 1 - z (cm)
-    // 2 - alp
-    // 3 - tlam
-    // 4 - q/pt   pt is transverse momentum of a track, q is its charge
-    // On XYPlane:
-    // u (cm) is fixed
-    // 0 - v (cm)
-    // 1 - z (cm)
-    // 2 - dv/du
-    // 3 - dz/du
-    // 4 - q/p   p is momentum of a track, q is its charge
-    PropStat
-            vecPropagateXYCyl( double bfac, VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir,
-            TrackDerivative deriv  )
-    {
-//        System.out.println("In vecPropagateXYCyl");
-        // construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        // fetch the originating surface and vector
-        Surface srf1 = trv.surface();
-        TrackVector vec1 = trv.vector();
-        // Check origin is a XYPlane.
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf1.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) );
-        if ( !srf1.pureType( ).equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) )
-            return pstat;
-        SurfXYPlane sxyp1 = ( SurfXYPlane) srf1;
-//         System.out.println("In vecPropagateXYCyl:  XYPlane is ok");
-        // Check destination is a cylinder.
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) );
-        if ( !srf.pureType( ).equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) )
-            return pstat;
-        SurfCylinder scy2 = ( SurfCylinder) srf;
-//          System.out.println("In vecPropagateXYCyl:  Cylinder Surface is ok");
-        // Fetch the dist and phi of the plane and the starting track vector.
-        int iphi  = SurfXYPlane.NORMPHI;
-        int idist = SurfXYPlane.DISTNORM;
-        double phi = sxyp1.parameter(iphi);
-        double    r = sxyp1.parameter(idist);
-        TrackVector vec = trv.vector();
-        double v = vec.get(IV);                  // v
-        double z = vec.get(IZC);                  // z
-        double b = vec.get(IDVDU);               // dv/du
-        double a = vec.get(IDZDU);               // dz/du
-        double e = vec.get(IQP_XY);              // q/p
-        // Fetch the radii and the starting track vector.
-        int irad = SurfCylinder.RADIUS;
-        double r2 = scy2.parameter(irad);
-        int sign_du = 0;
-        if(trv.isForward())  sign_du =  1;
-        if(trv.isBackward()) sign_du = -1;
-        if(sign_du == 0)
-        {
-            System.out.println("PropXYCyl._vec_propagate: Unknown direction of a track ");
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        // Calculate cylindrical coordinates
-        double cnst=sign_du>0?0.: Math.PI;
-        double atn=Math.atan(v/r);
-        Assert.assertTrue(r!=0.);
-        double phi1= TRFMath.fmod2(phi+atn,TRFMath.TWOPI);
-        double r1=Math.sqrt(r*r+v*v);
-        double z1=z;
-        double alp1= TRFMath.fmod2(Math.atan(b)-atn+cnst,TRFMath.TWOPI);
-        double tlm1= a*sign_du/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
-        double qpt1=e*Math.sqrt((1+a*a+b*b)/(1+b*b));
-        // Check alpha range.
-        alp1 = TRFMath.fmod2( alp1, TRFMath.TWOPI );
-        Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) <= Math.PI );
-        //if ( trv.is_forward() ) Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) <= TRFMath.PI2 );
-        //else Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) > TRFMath.PI2 );
-        // Calculate the cosine of lambda.
-        //double clam1 = 1.0/Math.sqrt(1+tlm1*tlm1);
-        // Calculate curvature: C = _bfac*(q/p)/Math.cos(lambda)
-        // and its derivatives
-        // Assert.assertTrue( clam1 != 0.0 );
-        // double dcrv1_dqp1 = bfac/clam1;
-        // double crv1 = dcrv1_dqp1*qp1;
-        // double dcrv1_dtlm1 = crv1*clam1*clam1*tlm1;
-        // Calculate the curvature = _bfac*(q/pt)
-        double dcrv1_dqpt1 = bfac;
-        double crv1 = dcrv1_dqpt1*qpt1;
-        //double dcrv1_dtlm1 = 0.0;
-        // Evaluate the new track vector.
-        // See dla log I-044
-        // lambda and curvature do not change
-        double tlm2 = tlm1;
-        double crv2 = crv1;
-        double qpt2 = qpt1;
-        // We can evaluate Math.sin(alp2), leaving two possibilities for alp2
-        // 1st solution: alp21, phi21, phid21, tht21
-        // 2nd solution: alp22, phi22, phid22, tht22
-        // evaluate phi2 to choose
-        double salp1 = Math.sin( alp1 );
-        double calp1 = Math.cos( alp1 );
-        double salp2 = r1/r2*salp1 + 0.5*crv1/r2*(r2*r2-r1*r1);
-        // if salp2 > 1, track does not cross cylinder
-//          System.out.println("In vecPropagateXYCyl:  Math.abs(salp2) = "+Math.abs(salp2));
-        if ( Math.abs(salp2) > 1.0 ) return pstat;
-        double alp21 = Math.asin( salp2 );
-        double alp22 = alp21>0 ? Math.PI-alp21 : -Math.PI-alp21;
-        double calp21 = Math.cos( alp21 );
-        double calp22 = Math.cos( alp22 );
-        double phi20 = phi1 + Math.atan2( salp1-r1*crv1, calp1 );
-        double phi21 = phi20 - Math.atan2( salp2-r2*crv2, calp21 );   // phi position
-        double phi22 = phi20 - Math.atan2( salp2-r2*crv2, calp22 );
-        // Construct an sT object for each solution.
-        STCalcXY sto1 = new STCalcXY(r1,phi1,alp1,crv1,r2,phi21,alp21);
-        STCalcXY sto2 = new STCalcXY(r1,phi1,alp1,crv1,r2,phi22,alp22);
-        // Check the two solutions are nonzero and have opposite sign
-        // or at least one is nonzero.
-        // Choose the correct solution
-        boolean use_first_solution = false;
-        if (dir.equals(PropDir.NEAREST))
-        {
-            use_first_solution = Math.abs( > Math.abs(;
-        }
-        else if (dir.equals(PropDir.FORWARD))
-        {
-            use_first_solution = > 0.0;
-        }
-        else if (dir.equals(PropDir.BACKWARD))
-        {
-            use_first_solution = < 0.0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            System.out.println("PropCyl._vec_propagate: Unknown direction.");
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        // Assign phi2, alp2 and sto2 for the chosen solution.
-        double phi2, alp2;
-        STCalcXY sto;
-        double calp2;
-        if ( use_first_solution )
-        {
-            sto = sto1;
-            phi2 = phi21;
-            alp2 = alp21;
-            calp2 = calp21;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sto = sto2;
-            phi2 = phi22;
-            alp2 = alp22;
-            calp2 = calp22;
-        }
-        // fetch sT.
-        double st =;
-        // use sT to evaluate z2
-        double z2 = z1 + tlm1*st;
-        // Check alpha range.
-        Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp2) <= Math.PI );
-        // put new values in vec
-        vec.set(IPHI , phi2);
-        vec.set(IZ   , z2);
-        vec.set(IALF , alp2);
-        vec.set(ITLM , tlm2);
-        vec.set(IQPT , qpt2);
-        // Update trv
-        trv.setSurface(srf.newPureSurface());
-        trv.setVector(vec);
-        if ( Math.abs(alp2) <= TRFMath.PI2 ) trv.setForward();
-        else trv.setBackward();
-        // Set the return status.
-        double s = st*Math.sqrt(1.0+tlm2*tlm2);
-        pstat.setPathDistance(s);
-        //st > 0 ? pstat.set_forward() : pstat.set_backward();
-        // exit now if user did not ask for error matrix.
-        if ( deriv == null ) return pstat;
-        // Calculate derivatives.
-        // dphi1
-        double dphi1_dv= r/(r*r+v*v);
-        // dz1
-        double dz1_dz=1.;
-        // dalf1
-        double dalp1_db= 1./(1.+b*b);
-        double dalp1_dv= -r/(r*r+v*v);
-        // dr1
-        double dr1_dv= v/Math.sqrt(v*v+r*r);
-        // dtlm1
-        double dtlm1_da= sign_du/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
-        double dtlm1_db= -a*sign_du*b/(1+b*b)/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
-        // dcrv1
-        double dqpt1_de= Math.sqrt((1+a*a+b*b)/(1+b*b));
-        double dqpt1_da= a*e/Math.sqrt((1+b*b)*(1+a*a+b*b));
-        double dqpt1_db= -e*b*a*a/Math.sqrt(1+a*a+b*b)/Math.sqrt(1+b*b)/(1+b*b);
-        double dcrv1_de= dqpt1_de*bfac;
-        double dcrv1_da= dqpt1_da*bfac;
-        double dcrv1_db= dqpt1_db*bfac;
-        // alpha_2
-        double da2da1 = r1*calp1/r2/calp2;
-        double da2dc1 = (r2*r2-r1*r1)*0.5/r2/calp2;
-        double da2dr1 = (salp1-crv2*r1)/r2/calp2;
-        // phi2
-        double rcsal1 = r1*crv1*salp1;
-        double rcsal2 = r2*crv2*salp2;
-        double den1 = 1.0 + r1*r1*crv1*crv1 - 2.0*rcsal1;
-        double den2 = 1.0 + r2*r2*crv2*crv2 - 2.0*rcsal2;
-        double dp2dp1 = 1.0;
-        double dp2da1 = (1.0-rcsal1)/den1 - (1.0-rcsal2)/den2*da2da1;
-        double dp2dc1 = -r1*calp1/den1 + r2*calp2/den2
-                - (1.0-rcsal2)/den2*da2dc1;
-        double dp2dr1= -crv1*calp1/den1-(1.0-rcsal2)*da2dr1/den2;
-        // z2
-        double dz2dz1 = 1.0;
-        double dz2dl1 = st;
-        double dz2da1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dalp1(dp2da1, da2da1);
-        double dz2dc1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dcrv1(dp2dc1, da2dc1);
-        double dz2dr1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dr1(  dp2dr1, da2dr1);
-        // final derivatives
-        // phi2
-        double dphi2_dv=dp2dp1*dphi1_dv+dp2da1*dalp1_dv+dp2dr1*dr1_dv;
-        double dphi2_db=dp2da1*dalp1_db+dp2dc1*dcrv1_db;
-        double dphi2_da=dp2dc1*dcrv1_da;
-        double dphi2_de=dp2dc1*dcrv1_de;
-        // alp2
-        double dalp2_dv= da2da1*dalp1_dv+da2dr1*dr1_dv;
-        double dalp2_db= da2da1*dalp1_db+da2dc1*dcrv1_db;
-        double dalp2_da= da2dc1*dcrv1_da;
-        double dalp2_de= da2dc1*dcrv1_de;
-        // crv2
-        double dqpt2_da=dqpt1_da;
-        double dqpt2_db=dqpt1_db;
-        double dqpt2_de=dqpt1_de;
-        // tlm2
-        double dtlm2_da= dtlm1_da;
-        double dtlm2_db= dtlm1_db;
-        // z2
-        double dz2_dz= dz2dz1*dz1_dz;
-        double dz2_dv= dz2dr1*dr1_dv+dz2da1*dalp1_dv;
-        double dz2_db= dz2da1*dalp1_db+dz2dl1*dtlm1_db+dz2dc1*dcrv1_db;
-        double dz2_da= dz2dl1*dtlm1_da+dz2dc1*dcrv1_da;
-        double dz2_de= dz2dc1*dcrv1_de;
-        // Build derivative matrix.
-        deriv.set(IPHI,IV , dphi2_dv);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,IDVDU,  dphi2_db);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,IDZDU,  dphi2_da);
-        deriv.set(IPHI,IQP_XY,  dphi2_de);
-        deriv.set(IZ,IV   ,  dz2_dv);
-        deriv.set(IZ,IZC  ,  dz2_dz);
-        deriv.set(IZ,IDVDU , dz2_db);
-        deriv.set(IZ,IDZDU , dz2_da);
-        deriv.set(IZ,IQP_XY, dz2_de);
-        deriv.set(IALF,IV ,  dalp2_dv);
-        deriv.set(IALF,IDVDU ,  dalp2_db);
-        deriv.set(IALF,IDZDU ,  dalp2_da);
-        deriv.set(IALF,IQP_XY ,  dalp2_de);
-        deriv.set(ITLM,IDVDU ,  dtlm2_db);
-        deriv.set(ITLM,IDZDU ,  dtlm2_da);
-        deriv.set(IQPT,IDVDU ,  dqpt2_db);
-        deriv.set(IQPT,IDZDU ,  dqpt2_da);
-        deriv.set(IQPT,IQP_XY ,  dqpt2_de);
-        return pstat;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    // helpers
-    //**********************************************************************
-    // Private class STCalcXY.
-    //
-    // An STCalcXY_ object calculates sT (the signed transverse path length)
-    // and its derivatives w.r.t. alf1 and crv1.  It is constructed from
-    // the starting (r1, phi1, alf1, crv1) and final track parameters
-    // (r2, phi2, alf2) assuming these are consistent.  Methods are
-    // provided to retrieve sT and the two derivatives.
-    class STCalcXY
-    {
-        private boolean _big_crv;
-        private double _st;
-        private double _dst_dphi21;
-        private double _dst_dcrv1;
-        private double _dst_dr1;
-        private double _cnst1,_cnst2;
-        public  double _crv1;
-        // constructor
-        public STCalcXY()
-        {
-        }
-        public STCalcXY(double r1, double phi1, double alf1, double crv1,
-                double r2, double phi2, double alf2)
-        {
-            _crv1 = crv1;
-            Assert.assertTrue( r1 > 0.0 );
-            Assert.assertTrue( r2 > 0.0 );
-            double rmax = r1+r2;
-            // Calculate the change in xy direction
-            double phi_dir_diff = TRFMath.fmod2(phi2+alf2-phi1-alf1,TRFMath.TWOPI);
-            Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(phi_dir_diff) <= Math.PI );
-            // Evaluate whether |C| is" big"
-            _big_crv = rmax*Math.abs(crv1) > 0.001 || Math.abs(r1-r2)<1.e-9;
-            if( Math.abs(crv1) < 1.e-10 ) _big_crv=false;
-            // If the curvature is big we can use
-            // sT = (phi_dir2 - phi_dir1)/crv1
-            if ( _big_crv )
-            {
-                Assert.assertTrue( crv1 != 0.0 );
-                _st = phi_dir_diff/crv1;
-            }
-            // Otherwise, we calculate the straight-line distance
-            // between the points and use an approximate correction
-            // for the (small) curvature.
-            else
-            {
-                // evaluate the distance
-                double d = Math.sqrt( r1*r1 + r2*r2 - 2.0*r1*r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1) );
-                double arg = 0.5*d*crv1;
-                double arg2 = arg*arg;
-                double st_minus_d = d*arg2*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/40.0*arg2 );
-                _st = d + st_minus_d;
-                // evaluate the sign
-                // We define a metric xsign = abs( (dphid-d*C)/(d*C) ).
-                // Because sT*C = dphid and d = abs(sT):
-                // xsign = 0 for sT > 0
-                // xsign = 2 for sT < 0
-                // Numerical roundoff will smear these predictions.
-                double xsign = (crv1 == 0. ? 0.: Math.abs( (phi_dir_diff - _st*crv1) / (_st*crv1)) );
-                double sign = 0.0;
-                if ( crv1 != 0. )
-                {
-                    if ( xsign < 0.5 ) sign = 1.0;
-                    if ( xsign > 1.5  &&  xsign < 3.0 ) sign = -1.0;
-                }
-                // If the above is indeterminate, assume zero curvature.
-                // In this case abs(alpha) decreases monotonically
-                // with sT.  Track passing through origin has alpha = 0 on one
-                // side and alpha = +/-pi on the other.  If both points are on
-                // the same side, we use dr/ds > 0 for |alpha|<pi/2.
-                if ( sign == 0. )
-                {
-                    sign = 1.0;
-                    if ( Math.abs(alf2) > Math.abs(alf1) ) sign = -1.0;
-                    if ( Math.abs(alf2) == Math.abs(alf1) )
-                    {
-                        if ( Math.abs(alf2) < TRFMath.PI2 )
-                        {
-                            if ( r2 < r1 ) sign = -1.0;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            if ( r2 > r1 ) sign = -1.0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // Correct _st using the above sign.
-                Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(sign) == 1.0 );
-                _st = sign*_st;
-                // save derivatives
-                _dst_dcrv1 = sign*d*d*arg*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/20.0*arg2);
-                double root = (1.0 + 0.5*arg*arg + 3.0/8.0*arg*arg*arg*arg );
-                _dst_dphi21 = sign*(r1*r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
-                _dst_dr1= (1.+arg2/2.*(1+3./4.*arg2))/d*sign;
-                _cnst1=r1-r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1);
-                _cnst2=r1*r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1);
-            }
-        }
-        public double st()
-        { return _st;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dalp1(double d_phi2_dalf1, double d_alf2_dalf1 )
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dalf1 + d_alf2_dalf1 - 1.0 ) / _crv1;
-            else return _dst_dphi21 * d_phi2_dalf1;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dcrv1(double d_phi2_dcrv1, double d_alf2_dcrv1 )
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dcrv1 + d_alf2_dcrv1 - _st ) / _crv1;
-            else return _dst_dcrv1 + _dst_dphi21*d_phi2_dcrv1;
-        }
-        public double d_st_dr1(  double d_phi2_dr1,   double d_alf2_dr1   )
-        {
-            if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dr1 + d_alf2_dr1 ) / _crv1;
-            else return _dst_dr1*(_cnst1+_cnst2*d_phi2_dr1);
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-// May need to remove next line when moved to proper package.
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-//import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropXYCyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropCylDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
- * Propagates tracks from an XY surface to an DCA surface.
- * It does so by creating an intermediate Cylinder surface,
- * and using existing code to perform the transformation in two steps.
- *<p>
- * Propagation will fail if either the origin is not an XY surface,
- * or the destination is not a DCA surface.
- *<p>
- * The default direction for propagation is forward.
- *<p>
- * PropDCACyl and PropCylXY do not work in all circumstances.  See those
- * codes for details.
- *
- *
- *@author $Author: mgraham $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.1 2011/07/07 20:57:38 mgraham Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2011/07/07 20:57:38 $
- *
- */
-public class PropXYDCA extends PropDirected
-    // static variables
-    // Assign track parameter indices
-    public static final int IRSIGNED = SurfDCA.IRSIGNED;
-    public static final int IZ_DCA   = SurfDCA.IZ;
-    public static final int IPHID    = SurfDCA.IPHID;
-    public static final int ITLM_DCA = SurfDCA.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_DCA = SurfDCA.IQPT;
-    public static final int IPHI     = SurfCylinder.IPHI;
-    public static final int IZ_CYL   = SurfCylinder.IZ;
-    public static final int IALF     = SurfCylinder.IALF;
-    public static final int ITLM_CYL = SurfCylinder.ITLM;
-    public static final int IQPT_CYL = SurfCylinder.IQPT;
-    private static final int IV      = SurfXYPlane.IV;
-    private static final int IZC     = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
-    private static final int IDVDU   = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
-    private static final int IDZDU   = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
-    private static final int IQP_XY  = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
-    // Attributes   ***************************************************
-    // bfield * BFAC
-    private double _bfac;
-    // Methods   ******************************************************
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public  static String typeName()
-    { return "PropXYDCA";
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public  static String staticType()
-    { return typeName();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
-     */
-    public PropXYDCA(double bfield)
-    {
-        super(PropDir.FORWARD);
-        _bfac=bfield * TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Clone an instance.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Propagator newPropagator()
-    {
-        return new PropXYDCA( bField() );
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type()
-    { return staticType();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp( VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv )
-    {
-        return dcaXYPropagate( _bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv );
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *
-     * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
-     * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat vecDirProp( VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir )
-    {
-        TrackDerivative deriv =null;
-        return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    // propagate a track with error in the specified direction
-    //  PropStat err_dir_prop( ETrack& tre,  Surface& srf,
-    //                                            PropDir dir ) ;
-    //
-    /**
-     *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     */
-    public  double bField()
-    {
-        return _bfac/TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "XYPlane  propagation to a DCA surface with constant "
-                + bField() + " Tesla field";
-    }
-    /**
-     * Propagate from XY to dca.
-     * Why is this public?
-     *
-     * @param   _bfac The numerical factor (including the field)
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The cylindrical surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    public PropStat dcaXYPropagate( double          _bfac,
-				   VTrack          trv,
-				   Surface         srf,
-				   PropDir         dir,
-				   TrackDerivative deriv )
-    {
-//        System.out.println("running PropXYDCA");
-        // Construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        // Fetch the originating Surface and check it is a XYPlane surface
-        Surface srf0 = trv.surface();
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf0.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType() ));
-        if ( ! srf0.pureType( ).equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) )
-            return pstat;
-        SurfXYPlane srf_xy = ( SurfXYPlane ) srf0;
-        //System.out.println("XY Plane surface is OK...");
-         //  check the final surface is a DCA surface
-         Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(SurfDCA.staticType() ));
-        if ( ! srf.pureType( ).equals(SurfDCA.staticType()) )
-            return pstat;
-        SurfDCA srf_dca = ( SurfDCA ) srf;
-        //System.out.println("DCA surface is a DCA surface...");
-        // Check that dca surface has zero tilt.
-        boolean tilted = srf_dca.dXdZ() != 0 || srf_dca.dYdZ() != 0;
-        Assert.assertTrue(!tilted);
-        if(tilted)    return pstat;
-         //System.out.println("...and is not tilted");
-	// Instantiate the intermediate propagators.
-        PropXYCyl   prop1 = new PropXYCyl( bField() );
-	PropCylDCA  prop2 = new PropCylDCA( bField() );
-	// Radius of a cylinder going through the PCA ...
-	// But:
-	//   PropDCACyl requires that the cylinder be at a different radius than the DCA
-	//   so put it 100 microns outside the dca.
-//  	double rhack = Math.abs(trv.vector(IRSIGNED))+0.01;
-//        double rhack = Math.sqrt(srf_dca.x()*srf_dca.x()+srf_dca.y()*srf_dca.y())+0.01;
-        //take this back to 10cm (layer 1)...if this is too small, track misses surface???
-        double rhack = Math.sqrt(10.0);
-	// Instantiate the surface at the intermediate step.
-	SurfCylinder srf_cyl = new SurfCylinder(rhack);
-	// Setup for receiving the derivatives.
-	TrackDerivative d1 = null;
-	TrackDerivative d2 = null;
-	if ( deriv != null ){
-	    d1 = new TrackDerivative();
-	    d2 = new TrackDerivative();
-	}
-	// Save the track z direction for later use.
-	boolean forward = trv.vector(ITLM_DCA)>=0.;
-	// Do the propagation in two steps.
-	PropStat p1 = prop1.vecDirProp(trv, srf_cyl, dir, d1);
-	if ( !p1.success() ) return p1;
-//    System.out.println("propagated to fake cylinder, track is: " + trv.toString());
-	PropStat p2 = prop2.vecDirProp(trv,srf_dca,  dir, d2);
-//    System.out.println("propagated to DCA, track is: " + trv.toString());
-	if ( !p2.success() ) return p2;
-	// Forward/backward is defined wrt positive z axis.
-/*  mg...I'm not sure if this is what we want...seems to screw up PropXYXY
-        if ( forward ){
-	    trv.setForward();
-	} else{
-	    trv.setBackward();
-	}
- */
-         trv.setForward();
-	// Set the transformation matrix to the product of the those from
-	// the two intermediate steps.
-	if ( deriv != null ){
-	    deriv.set(d2.times(d1));
-	}
-	// Set properties of the return value.
-	if ( p2.forward() ){
-	    pstat.setForward();
-	}else if ( p2.backward() ){
-	    pstat.setBackward();
-	} else if ( p2.same() ){
-	    pstat.setSame();
-	}
-	double s = p1.pathDistance() + p2.pathDistance();
-	pstat.setPathDistance(s);
-	return pstat;
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
- * Propagates tracks from one XYPlane to another in a constant field.
- *<p>
- * Propagation will fail if either the origin or destination is
- * not a XYPlane.
- * Propagator works incorrectly for tracks with very small curvatures
- *
- *
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class PropXYXY extends PropDirected {
-    // attributes
-    private boolean _debug=false;
-    private double _bfac;
-    private static final int IV = SurfXYPlane.IV;
-    private static final int IZ = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
-    private static final int IDVDU = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
-    private static final int IDZDU = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
-    private static final int IQP = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName() {
-        return "PropXYXY";
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType() {
-        return typeName();
-    }
-    /**
-     *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
-     */
-    public PropXYXY(double bfield) {
-        _bfac = TRFMath.BFAC * bfield;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Clone an instance.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Propagator newPropagator() {
-        return new PropXYXY(bField());
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction
-     *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     **/
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv) {
-        PropStat pstat = vec_propagatexyxy_(_bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-        return pstat;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
-     *
-     * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
-     * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
-     * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
-     * @return The propagation status.
-     */
-    @Override
-    public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir) {
-        TrackDerivative deriv = null;
-        return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     *
-     * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
-     */
-    public double bField() {
-        return _bfac / TRFMath.BFAC;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type() {
-        return staticType();
-    }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     *
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-        return "XYPlane-XYPlane propagation with constant "
-                + bField() + " Tesla field";
-    }
-    // Private function to determine dphi of the propagation
-    double direction(int flag_forward, int sign_dphi,
-            double du,
-            double norm, double cat,
-            double sinphi, double cosphi) {
-        int sign_cat = 0;
-        if (du * flag_forward > 0.)
-            sign_cat = 1;
-        if (du * flag_forward < 0.)
-            sign_cat = -1;
-        if (du == 0.) {
-            if (sinphi >= 0.)
-                sign_cat = 1;
-            if (sinphi < 0.)
-                sign_cat = -1;
-        }
-        double sin_dphi = norm * sinphi + cat * cosphi * sign_cat;
-        double cos_dphi = -norm * cosphi + cat * sinphi * sign_cat;
-        int sign_sindphi = 0;
-        if (sin_dphi > 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = 1;
-        if (sin_dphi < 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = -1;
-        if (sin_dphi == 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = sign_dphi;
-        if (Math.abs(cos_dphi) > 1.) {
-            double sn = -1.;
-            if (cos_dphi > 0)
-                sn = 1.;
-            cos_dphi = sn * Math.sqrt(1. - sin_dphi * sin_dphi);
-        }
-        if (Math.abs(sin_dphi) > 1.) {
-            double sn = -1.;
-            if (sin_dphi > 0)
-                sn = 1.;
-            sin_dphi = sn * Math.sqrt(1. - cos_dphi * cos_dphi);
-        }
-        double dphi = Math.PI * (sign_dphi - sign_sindphi) + sign_sindphi * Math.acos(cos_dphi);
-        return dphi;
-    }
-    //**********************************************************************
-    // Private function to propagate a track without error
-    // The corresponding track parameters are:
-    // u (cm) is fixed
-    // 0 - v (cm)
-    // 1 - z (cm)
-    // 2 - dv/du
-    // 3 - dz/du
-    // 4 - q/p   p is momentum of a track, q is its charge
-    // If deriv is nonzero, return the derivative matrix there.
-    PropStat vec_propagatexyxy_(double B, VTrack trv, Surface srf,
-            PropDir dir1,
-            TrackDerivative deriv) {
-        // construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        PropDir dir = dir1; //need to check constness of this
-        boolean move = Propagator.reduceDirection(dir);
-        if (move)
-            dir = reduce(dir);
-        // fetch the originating surface and vector
-        Surface srf1 = trv.surface();
-        // TrackVector vec1 = trv.get_vector();
-        // Check origin is a XYPlane.
-        Assert.assertTrue(srf1.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()));
-        if (!srf1.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()))
-            return pstat;
-        SurfXYPlane sxyp1 = (SurfXYPlane) srf1;
-        // Check destination is an XYPlane.
-        Assert.assertTrue(srf.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()));
-        if (!srf.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()))
-            return pstat;
-        SurfXYPlane sxyp2 = (SurfXYPlane) srf;
-        // If surfaces are the same and no XXX_MOVE is requested we can return now.
-        boolean same = srf.pureEqual(srf1);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("same=" + same + "; move=" + move + "; " + dir1.toString() + "    " + dir.toString());
-        if (same && !move) {
-            if (deriv != null) {
-                deriv.setIdentity();
-            }
-            pstat.setSame();
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        if (same && dir1.equals(PropDir.NEAREST_MOVE))
-            dir = PropDir.FORWARD;
-        //v00.63.04  cng 01/12/01
-        if (Math.abs(B) < 1e-7)
-            return zeroBField(trv, sxyp1, sxyp2, dir1, deriv);
-        // Fetch the u's and phi's of the planes and the starting track vector.
-        TrackVector vec = trv.vector();
-        int iphi = SurfXYPlane.NORMPHI;
-        int idist = SurfXYPlane.DISTNORM;
-        double phi_0 = sxyp1.parameter(iphi);
-        double u_0 = sxyp1.parameter(idist);
-        double phi_n = sxyp2.parameter(iphi);
-        double u_n = sxyp2.parameter(idist);
-        if (same && move) {
-            int forw = trv.isForward() ? 1 : -1;
-            int forw_dir = (dir == PropDir.FORWARD) ? 1 : -1;
-            int sn = vec.get(IDVDU) > 0. ? 1 : -1;
-            u_0 += 1.e-7 * (double) (forw * forw_dir * sn);
-        }
-        double b1_0 = vec.get(IV);                  // v
-        double b2_0 = vec.get(IZ);                  // z
-        double b3_0 = vec.get(IDVDU);               // dv/du
-        double b4_0 = vec.get(IDZDU);               // dz/du
-        double b5_0 = vec.get(IQP);                 // q/p
-        double phi_u = phi_0 - phi_n;
-        double cosphi_u = Math.cos(phi_u);
-        double sinphi_u = Math.sin(phi_u);
-//         System.out.println( "PropXYXY._vec_propagate: phi_u = "+phi_u);
-        // check if du == 0 ( that is track moves parallel to the destination plane )
-        double du_du_0 = cosphi_u - b3_0 * sinphi_u;
-        if (du_du_0 == 0.)
-            return pstat;
-        double a_hat_u = 1. / du_du_0;
-        double a_hat_u2 = a_hat_u * a_hat_u;
-        double u = u_0 * cosphi_u - b1_0 * sinphi_u;
-        double b1 = b1_0 * cosphi_u + u_0 * sinphi_u;
-        double b2 = b2_0;
-        double b3 = (b3_0 * cosphi_u + sinphi_u) * a_hat_u;
-        double b4 = b4_0 * a_hat_u;
-        double b5 = b5_0;
-        int sign_du0 = 0;
-        if (trv.isForward())
-            sign_du0 = 1;
-        if (trv.isBackward())
-            sign_du0 = -1;
-        if (sign_du0 == 0) {
-            System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: Unknown direction of a track ");
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        int sign_du = 0;
-        if (du_du_0 * sign_du0 > 0)
-            sign_du = 1;
-        if (du_du_0 * sign_du0 < 0)
-            sign_du = -1;
-        // check that q/p != 0
-        Assert.assertTrue(b5 != 0.);
-        // 1/curv of the track is r
-        double r = 1 / (b5 * B) * Math.sqrt(1 + b3_0 * b3_0) / Math.sqrt(1 + b3_0 * b3_0 + b4_0 * b4_0);
-        double b3_hat = Math.sqrt(1 + b3 * b3);
-        double b34_hat = Math.sqrt(1 + b3 * b3 + b4 * b4);
-        double b3_hat2 = b3_hat * b3_hat;
-        double b34_hat2 = b34_hat * b34_hat;
-        double cosphi = -b3 * sign_du / b3_hat;
-        double sinphi = sign_du / b3_hat;
-        double rsinphi = 1. / (b5 * B) * sign_du / b34_hat;
-        double rcosphi = -b3 / (b5 * B) * sign_du / b34_hat;
-        double du = u_n - u;
-        double norm = du / r - cosphi;
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: u_n = " + u_n + "; u = " + u + "; r = " + r);
-        // xy-xy propagation failed : noway to the new plane
-        if (Math.abs(norm) > 1.)
-            return pstat;
-        double cat = Math.sqrt(1. - norm * norm);
-        int flag_forward = 0;
-        int sign_dphi = 0;
-        if (dir.equals(PropDir.NEAREST)) {
-            // try forward propagation
-            flag_forward = 1;
-            if (b5 * B > 0.)
-                sign_dphi = 1;
-            if (b5 * B < 0.)
-                sign_dphi = -1;
-            double dphi1 =
-                    direction(flag_forward, sign_dphi, du, norm, cat, sinphi, cosphi);
-            // try backward propagation
-            flag_forward = -1;
-            if (b5 * B > 0.)
-                sign_dphi = -1;
-            if (b5 * B < 0.)
-                sign_dphi = 1;
-            double dphi2 =
-                    direction(flag_forward, sign_dphi, du, norm, cat, sinphi, cosphi);
-            if (Math.abs(dphi2) > Math.abs(dphi1)) {
-                flag_forward = -flag_forward;
-                sign_dphi = -sign_dphi;
-            }
-        } else if (dir.equals(PropDir.FORWARD)) {
-            flag_forward = 1;
-            if (b5 * B > 0.)
-                sign_dphi = 1;
-            if (b5 * B < 0.)
-                sign_dphi = -1;
-        } else if (dir.equals(PropDir.BACKWARD)) {
-            flag_forward = -1;
-            if (b5 * B > 0.)
-                sign_dphi = -1;
-            if (b5 * B < 0.)
-                sign_dphi = 1;
-        } else {
-            System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: Unknown direction.");
-            System.exit(1);
-        }
-        int sign_cat = 0;
-        if (du * sign_dphi * b5 * B > 0.)
-            sign_cat = 1;
-        if (du * sign_dphi * b5 * B < 0.)
-            sign_cat = -1;
-        if (du == 0.) {
-            if (sinphi >= 0.)
-                sign_cat = 1;
-            if (sinphi < 0.)
-                sign_cat = -1;
-        }
-        double sin_dphi = norm * sinphi + cat * cosphi * sign_cat;
-        double cos_dphi = -norm * cosphi + cat * sinphi * sign_cat;
-        if (cos_dphi > 1.)
-            cos_dphi = 1.;
-        if (cos_dphi < -1.)
-            cos_dphi = -1.;
-        int sign_sindphi = 0;
-        if (sin_dphi > 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = 1;
-        if (sin_dphi < 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = -1;
-        if (sin_dphi == 0.)
-            sign_sindphi = sign_dphi;
-        double dphi = Math.PI * (sign_dphi - sign_sindphi) + sign_sindphi * Math.acos(cos_dphi);
-        // check that I didn't make any mistakes
-        Assert.assertTrue(Math.abs(Math.sin(dphi) - sin_dphi) < 1.e-5);
-        // check if dun == 0 ( that is track moves parallel to the destination plane)
-        double du_n_du = cos_dphi - b3 * sin_dphi;
-        if (du_n_du == 0.)
-            return pstat;
-        double a_hat_dphi = 1. / du_n_du;
-        double a_hat_dphi2 = a_hat_dphi * a_hat_dphi;
-        double c_hat_dphi = sin_dphi + b3 * cos_dphi;
-        double b1_n = b1 + rsinphi * (1 - cos_dphi) - rcosphi * sin_dphi;
-        double b2_n = b2 + b4 / (b5 * B) * sign_du / b34_hat * dphi;
-        double b3_n = c_hat_dphi * a_hat_dphi;
-        double b4_n = b4 * a_hat_dphi;
-        double b5_n = b5;
-        if(_debug)System.out.println(trv.toString());
-        if(_debug) System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: sign_du0=" + sign_du0 + "; du_du_0=" + du_du_0);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: sign_du=" + sign_du + "; b3_hat=" + b3_hat);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: sign_cat=" + sign_cat + "; cosphi=" + cosphi
-                + "; sinphi=" + sinphi + "; cat=" + cat);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: a_hat_dphi=" + a_hat_dphi + "; cos_dphi=" + cos_dphi
-                + "; norm=" + norm);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: b3=" + b3 + "; sin_dphi=" + sin_dphi);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate: b4_0=" + b4_0 + "; b4=" + b4 + "; b4_n=" + b4_n);
-        // double u_n_0 = u_n*cosphi_u + b1_n*sinphi_u;
-        // check if track crossed original plane during the propagation
-        // switch (dir) {
-        //  if( dir.equals(PropDir.FORWARD:
-        //   if((u_n_0 - u_0)*sign_du0<0) return pstat;
-        //  break;
-        //  if( dir.equals(PropDir.BACKWARD:
-        //   if((u_n_0 - u_0)*sign_du0>0) return pstat;
-        //  break;
-        // }
-        int sign_dun = 0;
-        if (du_n_du * sign_du > 0)
-            sign_dun = 1;
-        if (du_n_du * sign_du < 0)
-            sign_dun = -1;
-        vec.set(IV, b1_n);
-        vec.set(IZ, b2_n);
-        vec.set(IDVDU, b3_n);
-        vec.set(IDZDU, b4_n);
-        vec.set(IQP, b5_n);
-        if(_debug)System.out.println("PropXYXY._vec_propagate:  sign_dun = "+sign_dun+"; du_n_du = "+du_n_du+"; sign_du="+sign_du);
-        // Update trv
-        trv.setSurface(srf.newPureSurface());
-        trv.setVector(vec);
-        // set new direction of the track
-        if (sign_dun == 1)
-            trv.setForward();
-        if (sign_dun == -1)
-            trv.setBackward();
-        // Calculate sT.
-        double crv = B * b5;
-        double dv = b1_n - b1;
-        double dxy = Math.sqrt(du * du + dv * dv);
-        double arg = 0.5 * crv * dxy;
-        double dst = dxy * TRFMath.asinrat(arg);
-        // Calculate s.
-        double dz = b2_n - b2;
-        Assert.assertTrue(flag_forward == 1 || flag_forward == -1);
-        double ds = ((double) (flag_forward)) * Math.sqrt(dst * dst + dz * dz);
-        // Set the return status.
-        pstat.setPathDistance(ds);
-        //(flag_forward==1)?pstat.set_forward():pstat.set_backward();
-        // exit now if user did not ask for error matrix.
-        if (deriv == null)
-            return pstat;
-        // du_d0
-        double du_db1_0 = -sinphi_u;
-        // db1_d0
-        double db1_db1_0 = cosphi_u;
-        // db3_d0
-        double db3_db3_0 = a_hat_u2;
-        // db4_d0
-        double db4_db3_0 = b4_0 * sinphi_u * a_hat_u2;
-        double db4_db4_0 = a_hat_u;
-        // dr_d
-        double dr_db3 = r * b3 * b4 * b4 / (b3_hat2 * b34_hat2);
-        double dr_db4 = -r * b4 / b34_hat2;
-        double dr_db5 = -r / b5;
-        // dcosphi_d
-        double dcosphi_db3 = -sign_du / b3_hat - cosphi * b3 / b3_hat2;
-        // dsinphi_d
-        double dsinphi_db3 = -sinphi * b3 / b3_hat2;
-        // dcat_d
-        double dcat_db3 = norm / cat * (du / (r * r) * dr_db3 + dcosphi_db3);
-        double dcat_db4 = norm / cat * du / (r * r) * dr_db4;
-        double dcat_db5 = norm / cat * du / (r * r) * dr_db5;
-        double dcat_du = norm / (cat * r);
-        // dnorm_d
-        double dnorm_db3 = -du / (r * r) * dr_db3 - dcosphi_db3;
-        double dnorm_db4 = -du / (r * r) * dr_db4;
-        double dnorm_db5 = -du / (r * r) * dr_db5;
-        double dnorm_du = -1. / r;
-        // dcos_dphi_d
-        double dcos_dphi_db3 = -cosphi * dnorm_db3 - norm * dcosphi_db3
-                + sign_cat * (sinphi * dcat_db3 + cat * dsinphi_db3);
-        double dcos_dphi_db4 = -cosphi * dnorm_db4 + sign_cat * sinphi * dcat_db4;
-        double dcos_dphi_db5 = -cosphi * dnorm_db5 + sign_cat * sinphi * dcat_db5;
-        double dcos_dphi_du = -cosphi * dnorm_du + sign_cat * sinphi * dcat_du;
-        // dsin_dphi_d
-        double dsin_dphi_db3 = sinphi * dnorm_db3 + norm * dsinphi_db3
-                + sign_cat * (cosphi * dcat_db3 + cat * dcosphi_db3);
-        double dsin_dphi_db4 = sinphi * dnorm_db4 + sign_cat * cosphi * dcat_db4;
-        double dsin_dphi_db5 = sinphi * dnorm_db5 + sign_cat * cosphi * dcat_db5;
-        double dsin_dphi_du = sinphi * dnorm_du + sign_cat * cosphi * dcat_du;
-        // ddphi_d
-        double ddphi_db3;
-        double ddphi_db4;
-        double ddphi_db5;
-        double ddphi_du;
-        if (Math.abs(sin_dphi) > 0.5) {
-            ddphi_db3 = -dcos_dphi_db3 / sin_dphi;
-            ddphi_db4 = -dcos_dphi_db4 / sin_dphi;
-            ddphi_db5 = -dcos_dphi_db5 / sin_dphi;
-            ddphi_du = -dcos_dphi_du / sin_dphi;
-        } else {
-            ddphi_db3 = dsin_dphi_db3 / cos_dphi;
-            ddphi_db4 = dsin_dphi_db4 / cos_dphi;
-            ddphi_db5 = dsin_dphi_db5 / cos_dphi;
-            ddphi_du = dsin_dphi_du / cos_dphi;
-        }
-        // da_hat_dphi_d
-        double da_hat_dphi_db3 = -a_hat_dphi2
-                * (dcos_dphi_db3 - sin_dphi - b3 * dsin_dphi_db3);
-        double da_hat_dphi_db4 = -a_hat_dphi2 * (dcos_dphi_db4 - b3 * dsin_dphi_db4);
-        double da_hat_dphi_db5 = -a_hat_dphi2 * (dcos_dphi_db5 - b3 * dsin_dphi_db5);
-        double da_hat_dphi_du = -a_hat_dphi2 * (dcos_dphi_du - b3 * dsin_dphi_du);
-        // dc_hat_dphi_d
-        double dc_hat_dphi_db3 = b3 * dcos_dphi_db3 + dsin_dphi_db3 + cos_dphi;
-        double dc_hat_dphi_db4 = b3 * dcos_dphi_db4 + dsin_dphi_db4;
-        double dc_hat_dphi_db5 = b3 * dcos_dphi_db5 + dsin_dphi_db5;
-        double dc_hat_dphi_du = b3 * dcos_dphi_du + dsin_dphi_du;
-        // db1_n_d
-        double db1_n_db1 = 1;
-        double db1_n_db3 = (dr_db3 * sinphi + r * dsinphi_db3) * (1 - cos_dphi)
-                - rsinphi * dcos_dphi_db3
-                - dr_db3 * cosphi * sin_dphi - r * dcosphi_db3 * sin_dphi
-                - rcosphi * dsin_dphi_db3;
-        double db1_n_db4 = dr_db4 * sinphi * (1 - cos_dphi) - rsinphi * dcos_dphi_db4
-                - dr_db4 * cosphi * sin_dphi - rcosphi * dsin_dphi_db4;
-        double db1_n_db5 = dr_db5 * sinphi * (1 - cos_dphi) - rsinphi * dcos_dphi_db5
-                - dr_db5 * cosphi * sin_dphi - rcosphi * dsin_dphi_db5;
-        double db1_n_du = -rsinphi * dcos_dphi_du - rcosphi * dsin_dphi_du;
-        // db2_n_d
-        double db2_n_db2 = 1.;
-        double db2_n_db3 = 1. / (b5 * B) * b4 * sign_du / b34_hat
-                * (-dphi * b3 / b34_hat2 + ddphi_db3);
-        double db2_n_db4 = 1. / (b5 * B) * sign_du / b34_hat
-                * (-dphi * b4 * b4 / b34_hat2 + b4 * ddphi_db4 + dphi);
-        double db2_n_db5 = 1. / (b5 * B) * b4 * sign_du / b34_hat * (ddphi_db5 - dphi / b5);
-        double db2_n_du = 1. / (b5 * B) * b4 * sign_du / b34_hat * ddphi_du;
-        // db3_n_d
-        double db3_n_db3 = a_hat_dphi * dc_hat_dphi_db3 + da_hat_dphi_db3 * c_hat_dphi;
-        double db3_n_db4 = a_hat_dphi * dc_hat_dphi_db4 + da_hat_dphi_db4 * c_hat_dphi;
-        double db3_n_db5 = a_hat_dphi * dc_hat_dphi_db5 + da_hat_dphi_db5 * c_hat_dphi;
-        double db3_n_du = a_hat_dphi * dc_hat_dphi_du + da_hat_dphi_du * c_hat_dphi;
-        // db4_n_d
-        double db4_n_db3 = b4 * da_hat_dphi_db3;
-        double db4_n_db4 = b4 * da_hat_dphi_db4 + a_hat_dphi;
-        double db4_n_db5 = b4 * da_hat_dphi_db5;
-        double db4_n_du = b4 * da_hat_dphi_du;
-        // db5_n_d
-        // db1_n_d0
-        double db1_n_db1_0 = db1_n_du * du_db1_0 + db1_n_db1 * db1_db1_0;
-        double db1_n_db2_0 = 0.;
-        double db1_n_db3_0 = db1_n_db3 * db3_db3_0 + db1_n_db4 * db4_db3_0;
-        double db1_n_db4_0 = db1_n_db4 * db4_db4_0;
-        double db1_n_db5_0 = db1_n_db5;
-        // db2_n_d0
-        double db2_n_db1_0 = db2_n_du * du_db1_0;
-        double db2_n_db2_0 = db2_n_db2;
-        double db2_n_db3_0 = db2_n_db3 * db3_db3_0 + db2_n_db4 * db4_db3_0;
-        double db2_n_db4_0 = db2_n_db4 * db4_db4_0;
-        double db2_n_db5_0 = db2_n_db5;
-        // db3_n_d0
-        double db3_n_db1_0 = db3_n_du * du_db1_0;
-        double db3_n_db2_0 = 0.;
-        double db3_n_db3_0 = db3_n_db3 * db3_db3_0 + db3_n_db4 * db4_db3_0;
-        double db3_n_db4_0 = db3_n_db4 * db4_db4_0;
-        double db3_n_db5_0 = db3_n_db5;
-        // db4_n_d0
-        double db4_n_db1_0 = db4_n_du * du_db1_0;
-        double db4_n_db2_0 = 0.;
-        double db4_n_db3_0 = db4_n_db3 * db3_db3_0 + db4_n_db4 * db4_db3_0;
-        double db4_n_db4_0 = db4_n_db4 * db4_db4_0;
-        double db4_n_db5_0 = db4_n_db5;
-        // db5_n_d0
-        double db5_n_db1_0 = 0.;
-        double db5_n_db2_0 = 0.;
-        double db5_n_db3_0 = 0.;
-        double db5_n_db4_0 = 0.;
-        double db5_n_db5_0 = 1.;
-        deriv.set(IV, IV, db1_n_db1_0);
-        deriv.set(IV, IZ, db1_n_db2_0);
-        deriv.set(IV, IDVDU, db1_n_db3_0);
-        deriv.set(IV, IDZDU, db1_n_db4_0);
-        deriv.set(IV, IQP, db1_n_db5_0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IV, db2_n_db1_0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IZ, db2_n_db2_0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IDVDU, db2_n_db3_0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IDZDU, db2_n_db4_0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IQP, db2_n_db5_0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IV, db3_n_db1_0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IZ, db3_n_db2_0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IDVDU, db3_n_db3_0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IDZDU, db3_n_db4_0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IQP, db3_n_db5_0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IV, db4_n_db1_0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IZ, db4_n_db2_0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IDVDU, db4_n_db3_0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IDZDU, db4_n_db4_0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IQP, db4_n_db5_0);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IV, db5_n_db1_0);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IZ, db5_n_db2_0);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IDVDU, db5_n_db3_0);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IDZDU, db5_n_db4_0);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IQP, db5_n_db5_0);
-        return pstat;
-    }
-    //cng
-    PropStat zeroBField(VTrack trv, SurfXYPlane sxyp1,
-            SurfXYPlane sxyp2, PropDir dir1,
-            TrackDerivative deriv) {
-        // construct return status
-        PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
-        PropDir dir = dir1; //need to check constness of this
-        boolean move = Propagator.reduceDirection(dir);
-        boolean same = sxyp2.pureEqual(sxyp1);
-        // There is only one solution. Can't XXX_MOVE
-        if (same && move)
-            return pstat;
-        if (same) {
-            if (deriv != null) {
-                deriv.setIdentity();
-            }
-            pstat.setSame();
-            return pstat;
-        }
-        TrackVector vec = trv.vector();
-        double v0 = vec.get(IV);
-        double z0 = vec.get(IZ);
-        double dvdu0 = vec.get(IDVDU);
-        double dzdu0 = vec.get(IDZDU);
-        double du0 = 1.;
-        if (trv.isBackward())
-            du0 = -1.;
-        double phi0 = sxyp1.parameter(SurfXYPlane.NORMPHI);
-        double cphi0 = Math.cos(phi0);
-        double sphi0 = Math.sin(phi0);
-        double u0 = sxyp1.parameter(SurfXYPlane.DISTNORM);
-        double phi1 = sxyp2.parameter(SurfXYPlane.NORMPHI);
-        double cphi1 = Math.cos(phi1);
-        double sphi1 = Math.sin(phi1);
-        double u1 = sxyp2.parameter(SurfXYPlane.DISTNORM);
-        double a = (cphi0 - dvdu0 * sphi0) * du0;
-        double b = (sphi0 + dvdu0 * cphi0) * du0;
-        double c = dzdu0 * du0;
-        double x0 = u0 * cphi0 - v0 * sphi0;
-        double y0 = u0 * sphi0 + v0 * cphi0;
-        double ap = u1 * cphi1;
-        double bp = u1 * sphi1;
-        double cp = 0;
-        double xp = ap;
-        double yp = bp;
-        double zp = 0.0;
-        double denom = a * ap + b * bp + c * cp;
-        if (denom == 0.)
-            return pstat;
-        double S = ((xp - x0) * ap + (yp - y0) * bp + (zp - z0) * cp) / denom;
-        double x1 = x0 + S * a;
-        double y1 = y0 + S * b;
-        double z1 = z0 + S * c;
-        boolean forward = S > 0. ? true : false;
-        if (dir == PropDir.FORWARD && !forward)
-            return pstat;
-        if (dir == PropDir.BACKWARD && forward)
-            return pstat;
-        double v1 = y1 * cphi1 - x1 * sphi1;
-        double v01 = y0 * cphi1 - x0 * sphi1;
-        double u01 = y0 * sphi1 + x0 * cphi1;
-        double z01 = z0;
-        if (u01 == u1)
-            return pstat;
-        double dvdu1 = (v1 - v01) / (u1 - u01);
-        double dzdu1 = (z1 - z01) / (u1 - u01);
-        vec.set(IV, v1);
-        vec.set(IZ, z1);
-        vec.set(IDVDU, dvdu1);
-        vec.set(IDZDU, dzdu1);
-        // Update trv
-        trv.setSurface(sxyp2.newPureSurface());
-        trv.setVector(vec);
-        // set new direction of the track
-        if (b * sphi1 + a * cphi1 > 0)
-            trv.setForward();
-        else
-            trv.setBackward();
-        // Calculate s.
-        double ds = S * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);
-        // Set the return status.
-        pstat.setPathDistance(ds);
-        if (deriv == null)
-            return pstat;
-        double dx0dv0 = -sphi0;
-        double dy0dv0 = cphi0;
-        double dadv_du = -sphi0 * du0;
-        double dbdv_du = cphi0 * du0;
-        double dcdz_du = du0;
-        double ddenomdv_du = dadv_du * ap + dbdv_du * bp;
-        double ddenomdz_du = dcdz_du * cp;
-        double dSdv0 = -(dx0dv0 * ap + dy0dv0 * bp) / denom;
-        double dSdz0 = -cp / denom;
-        double dSdv_du = -S / denom * ddenomdv_du;
-        double dSdz_du = -S / denom * ddenomdz_du;
-        double dy1dv0 = dy0dv0 + dSdv0 * b;
-        double dx1dv0 = dx0dv0 + dSdv0 * a;
-        double dx1dv_du = dSdv_du * a + S * dadv_du;
-        double dy1dv_du = dSdv_du * b + S * dbdv_du;
-        double du01dv0 = dy0dv0 * sphi1 + dx0dv0 * cphi1;
-        double dv01dv0 = dy0dv0 * cphi1 - dx0dv0 * sphi1;
-        double dv1dv0 = dy1dv0 * cphi1 - dx1dv0 * sphi1;
-        double dv1dv_du = dy1dv_du * cphi1 - dx1dv_du * sphi1;
-        double dz1dz0 = 1 + dSdz0 * c;
-        double dz1dv0 = dSdv0 * c;
-        double dz1dv_du = dSdv_du * c;
-        double dz1dz_du = dSdz_du * c + S * dcdz_du;
-        double dv_du1dv0 = ((dv1dv0 - dv01dv0) * (u1 - u01) + du01dv0 * (v1 - v01)) / (u1 - u01) / (u1 - u01);
-        double dv_du1dv_du = dv1dv_du / (u1 - u01);
-        double dz_du1dv0 = (dz1dv0 * (u1 - u01) + du01dv0 * (z1 - z01)) / (u1 - u01) / (u1 - u01);
-        double dz_du1dz0 = (dz1dz0 - 1.) / (u1 - u01);
-        double dz_du1dv_du = dz1dv_du / (u1 - u01);
-        double dz_du1dz_du = dz1dz_du / (u1 - u01);
-        //Set the track derivatives...
-        deriv.setIdentity();
-        deriv.set(IV, IV, dv1dv0);
-        deriv.set(IV, IDVDU, dv1dv_du);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IV, dz1dv0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IZ, dz1dz0);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IDVDU, dz1dv_du);
-        deriv.set(IZ, IDZDU, dz1dz_du);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IV, dv_du1dv0);
-        deriv.set(IDVDU, IDVDU, dv_du1dv_du);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IV, dz_du1dv0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IZ, dz_du1dz0);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IDVDU, dz_du1dv_du);
-        deriv.set(IDZDU, IDZDU, dz_du1dz_du);
-        deriv.set(IQP, IQP, 1.0);
-        return pstat;
-    }
-    //cng

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Point3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trd;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Tube;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedCandidate;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
- * This class takes a solid and dispatches it to its Helper class,
- * for any of the possible Helper methods.
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class ShapeDispatcher implements ShapeHelper{
-    public void printShape(ISolid solid) {
-         if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-            trapHelper.printShape(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Tube) {
-//            TubeHelper tubeHelper = new TubeHelper();
-//            tubeHelper.printShape(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Box) {
-            BoxHelper boxHelper = new BoxHelper();
-            boxHelper.printShape(solid);
-        } else {
-             System.out.println("Error! I don't recognize this shape!");
-        }
-    }
-    public void printLocalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-         if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-            trapHelper.printLocalCoords(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Tube) {
-//            TubeHelper tubeHelper = new TubeHelper();
-//            tubeHelper.printLocalCoords(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Box) {
-            BoxHelper boxHelper = new BoxHelper();
-            boxHelper.printLocalCoords(solid);
-        } else {
-             System.out.println("Error! I don't recognize this shape!");
-        }
-    }
-    public void printGlobalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-        if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-            trapHelper.printGlobalCoords(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Tube) {
-//            TubeHelper tubeHelper = new TubeHelper();
-//            tubeHelper.printGlobalCoords(solid);
-        } else if (solid instanceof Box) {
-            BoxHelper boxHelper = new BoxHelper();
-            boxHelper.printGlobalCoords(solid);
-        } else {
-             System.out.println("Error! I don't recognize this shape!");
-        }
-    }
-    public HTrack addIntercept(ISolid solid, HTrack ht) {
-        HTrack track = null;
-        if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-//            track = trapHelper.addIntercept(solid, ht);
-        } else {
-            System.out.println("This shape is not supported yet");
-        }
-        return track;
-    }
-    public HelicalTrackFit trackToHelix(Track track) {
-        SeedTrack stEle = (SeedTrack) track;
-        SeedCandidate seedEle = stEle.getSeedCandidate();
-        HelicalTrackFit ht = seedEle.getHelix();
-        return ht;
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface getKalmanSurf(ISolid solid) {
-        KalmanSurface surf = null;
-        if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-            surf = trapHelper.getKalmanSurf(solid);
-        } else {
-            System.out.println("This solid is not supported yet");
-        }
-        return surf;
-    }
-    public void findIntersection(ISolid solid, Track track) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
-    }
-    public boolean pointIsOnSolid(ISolid solid, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        boolean pointOnSolid = false;
-        if (solid instanceof Trd){
-            TrdHelper trapHelper = new TrdHelper();
-            pointOnSolid = trapHelper.pointIsOnSolid(solid, hitPoint);
-        } else {
-            System.out.print("This solid is not supported yet");
-        }
-        return pointOnSolid;
-   }

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+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
- * Interface for dealing with lcsim solids and converting them to trf surfaces.
- * Most of the classes which extend this are basically empty, with the exception
- * of the TrdHelper, which has some geometry things, and ShapeDispatcher, which
- * dispatches solids to the correct helper.
- * 
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public interface ShapeHelper {
-    /* Prints the shape of the solid */
-    public void printShape(ISolid solid);
-    /* Prints the local coordinates of the solid */
-    public void printLocalCoords(ISolid solid);
-    /* Prints the global coordinates of the solid */
-    public void printGlobalCoords(ISolid solid);
-    /* Finds the intersection of a solid and a track */
-    public void findIntersection(ISolid solid, Track track);
-    public KalmanSurface getKalmanSurf(ISolid solid);

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-// ThinXYPlaneMs
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Interactor;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
- *
- * Class for modifying the covariance matrix of a track to account
- * for multiple scattering at a thin XY-plane whose material is
- *represented by the number of radiation lengths.
- *
- *@author Norman A. Graf
- *@version 1.0
- *
- */
-public class ThinXYPlaneMs extends Interactor
-    // static methods
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String typeName()
-    { return "ThinXYPlaneMs"; }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public static String staticType()
-    { return typeName(); }
-    // static attributes
-    // Assign track parameter indices.
-    private static final int IV = SurfXYPlane.IV;
-    private static final int IZ   = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
-    private static final int IDVDU = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
-    private static final int IDZDU = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
-    private static final int IQP  = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
-    //attributes
-    private  double _radLength;
-    //non-static methods
-    // Constructor.  The Interactor is constructed with the
-    // appropriate number of radiation lengths.
-    /**
-     * Construct an instance from the number of radiation
-     * lengths of the thin xy plane material.
-     * The Interactor is constructed with the
-     * appropriate number of radiation lengths.
-     *
-     * @param   radLength The thickness of the material in radiation lengths.
-     */
-    public ThinXYPlaneMs(double radLength)
-    {
-        _radLength = radLength;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Interact the given track in this xy plane,
-     *using the thin material approximation for multiple scattering.
-     *Note that the track parameters are not modified. Only the
-     *covariance matrix is updated to reflect the uncertainty caused
-     *by traversing the thin xy plane of material.
-     *
-     * @param   tre The ETrack to scatter.
-     */
-    public void interact(ETrack tre)
-    {
-        // This can only be used with XYplanes... check that we have one..
-        SurfXYPlane XYpl = new SurfXYPlane( 10.0, 0.0 );
-        Surface srf = tre.surface();
-        Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(XYpl.pureType()) );
-        TrackError cleanError = tre.error();
-        TrackError newError = new TrackError(cleanError);
-        // set the rms scattering appropriate to this momentum
-        // Theta = (0.0136 GeV)*(z/p)*(sqrt(radLength))*(1+0.038*log(radLength))
-        TrackVector theVec = tre.vector();
-        double trackMomentum = theVec.get(IQP);
-        double f = theVec.get(IDVDU);
-        double g = theVec.get(IDZDU);
-        double theta = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(f*f + g*g));
-        double phi = f!=0. ? Math.atan(Math.sqrt((g*g)/(f*f))) : TRFMath.PI2;
-        if ( f==0 && g<0 ) phi=3*TRFMath.PI2;
-        if((f<0)&&(g>0))
-            phi = Math.PI - phi;
-        if((f<0)&&(g<0))
-            phi = Math.PI + phi;
-        if((f>0)&&(g<0))
-            phi = 2*Math.PI - phi;
-        double trueLength = _radLength/Math.cos(theta);
-        double stdTheta = (0.0136)*trackMomentum*Math.sqrt(trueLength)*
-                (1 + 0.038*Math.log(trueLength));
-        double uhat = Math.sqrt(1-Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(theta));
-        double vhat = Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi);
-        double zhat = Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi);
-        double Qvu,Qzu,Qvz;
-        // The MS covariance matrix can now be set.
-        // **************** code for matrix ***********************//
-        // Insert values for upper triangle... use symmetry to set lower.
-        double norm = Math.sqrt(vhat*vhat + zhat*zhat);
-        Qvu = (zhat/(norm*uhat))*(zhat/(norm*uhat));
-        Qvu += Math.pow((vhat/norm)*(1 + (norm*norm)/(uhat*uhat)),2.0);
-        Qvu *= stdTheta;
-        Qvu *= stdTheta;
-        Qzu = (vhat/(norm*uhat))*(vhat/(norm*uhat));
-        Qzu += Math.pow((zhat/norm)*(1 + (norm*norm)/(uhat*uhat)),2.0);
-        Qzu *= stdTheta;
-        Qzu *= stdTheta;
-        Qvz = - vhat*zhat/(uhat*uhat);
-        Qvz += vhat*zhat/(norm*norm)*Math.pow((1 + (norm*norm)/(uhat*uhat)),2.0);
-        Qvz *= stdTheta;
-        Qvz *= stdTheta;
-        newError.set(IDVDU,IDVDU, newError.get(IDVDU,IDVDU) + Qvu);
-        newError.set(IDZDU,IDZDU, newError.get(IDZDU,IDZDU) + Qzu);
-        newError.set(IDVDU,IDZDU, newError.get(IDVDU,IDZDU) + Qvz);
-        tre.setError( newError );
-    }
-    // method for adding the interaction with direction
-    public void interact_dir(ETrack tre, PropDir dir)
-    {
-        interact(tre);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return the number of radiation lengths.
-     *
-     * @return The thickness of the scattering material in radiation lengths.
-     */
-    public double radLength()
-    {
-        return _radLength;
-    }
-    /**
-     *Make a clone of this object.
-     *
-     * @return A Clone of this instance.
-     */
-    public Interactor newCopy()
-    {
-        return new ThinXYPlaneMs(_radLength);
-    }
-    /**
-     *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
-     *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
-     *
-     * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
-     */
-    public String type()
-    { return staticType(); }
-    /**
-     *output stream
-     *
-     * @return  A String representation of this instance.
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "ThinXYPlaneMs with "+_radLength+" radiation lengths";
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackSurfaceDirection;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
-import Jama.Matrix;
- * Class for converting lcsim tracks to trf tracks.
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class TrackUtils {
-    private double mmTocm = 0.1; // TRF wants distances in cm, not mm.
-    public double bz = 0.5;
-    private double _epsilon = 1e-4;
-    boolean _DEBUG = false;
-    // Converts a HelicalTrackFit to a VTrack, prints track params.
-    public VTrack makeVTrack(HelicalTrackFit t) {
-        // Opposite sign convention.
-        double r_signed = -(t.dca());
-        TrackVector tv = new TrackVector();
-        tv.set(0, r_signed * mmTocm);
-        tv.set(1, t.z0() * mmTocm);
-        tv.set(2, Math.tan(t.phi0()));
-        tv.set(3, t.slope());
-        tv.set(4, -t.curvature() / mmTocm / (TRFMath.BFAC * bz)); // curvature to q/pt
-        double q = t.pT(bz) / (t.R() * mmTocm * TRFMath.BFAC * bz);
-        if ((q / t.pT(bz) + tv.get(4)) > _epsilon) {
-            System.out.println("something wrong with curvature? q/pt = "
-                    + (q / t.pT(bz)) + ", -tv.get(4) = " + -tv.get(4));
-        }
-//        SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA((t.dca() * Math.sin(t.phi0())),
-//                (-t.dca() * Math.cos(t.phi0())));
-        double dcaX = mmTocm * HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(t, 0).x();
-        double dcaY = mmTocm * HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(t, 0).y();
-        if(_DEBUG)System.out.println("DCA X="+dcaX+"; Y="+dcaY);
-//        SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(dcaX, dcaY);
-//        I think this should be 0,0
-        SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(0, 0);
-        //mg this is just wrong...
-//        SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(r_signed * mmTocm, 0.);
-//        VTrack vt = new VTrack(s, tv);
-        VTrack vt = new VTrack(s, tv, TrackSurfaceDirection.TSD_FORWARD);
-        if (_DEBUG) {
-            System.out.println("making VTrack with: ");
-            System.out.println("    r_signed = " + r_signed * mmTocm);
-            System.out.println("    z0 = " + t.z0() * mmTocm);
-            System.out.println("    tanphi0 =  " + Math.tan(t.phi0()));
-            System.out.println("    tanlamda = " + t.slope());
-            System.out.println("    q/pt = " + -t.curvature() / mmTocm / (TRFMath.BFAC * bz));
-//        System.out.println("    q/pt = " + t.curvature() * 0.299999 * bz);
-            System.out.println("from HelicalTrackFit with: ");
-            System.out.println("    dca = " + t.dca() + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(t.covariance().e(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex, HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex)));
-            System.out.println("    z0 = " + t.z0() + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(t.covariance().e(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index, HelicalTrackFit.z0Index)));
-            System.out.println("    phi0 =  " + t.phi0() + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(t.covariance().e(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index, HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index)));
-            System.out.println("    slope = " + t.slope() + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(t.covariance().e(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex, HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex)));
-            System.out.println("    curvature = " + t.curvature() + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(t.covariance().e(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex, HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex)));
-//        System.out.println("SurfDCA at " + t.dca() * Math.sin(t.phi0()) + ", " +
-//                -t.dca() * Math.cos(t.phi0()));
-        }
-        return vt;
-    }
-    //make a VTrack from an MC particle
-    public VTrack makeVTrack(MCParticle mcp) {
-        TrackVector tv = new TrackVector();
-        HelixParamCalculator helix = new HelixParamCalculator(mcp, bz);
-        double r_signed = -(helix.getDCA());
-        double curvemc = (-1) / helix.getRadius();
-        tv.set(0, r_signed * mmTocm);
-        tv.set(1, helix.getZ0() * mmTocm);
-        tv.set(2, Math.tan(helix.getPhi0()));
-        tv.set(3, helix.getSlopeSZPlane());
-        tv.set(4, curvemc / mmTocm / (TRFMath.BFAC * bz)); // curvature to q/pt      
-//        SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(r_signed * mmTocm, 0.);
-         SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(0, 0.);
-        VTrack vt = new VTrack(s, tv);
-        return vt;
-    }
-    public void setBZ(double b) {
-        bz = b;
-    }
-    public Hep3Vector getMomentum(VTrack vt){
-        double qoverpt=vt.qOverP();
-        double phi0=Math.atan(vt.vector().get(2));
-        double slope=vt.vector().get(3);
-        double Pt = Math.abs(1./qoverpt);
-        double px = Pt * Math.cos(phi0);
-        double py = Pt * Math.sin(phi0);
-        double pz = Pt * slope;
-        Hep3Vector p=new BasicHep3Vector(px,py,pz);
-        return p;
-    }
-    // Returns a TrackError from a HelicalTrackFit.
-    public TrackError getInitalError(HelicalTrackFit t) {
-        SymmetricMatrix oldError = t.covariance();
-        SymmetricMatrix newError = new SymmetricMatrix(5);
-        double edca = oldError.e(HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex, HelicalTrackFit.dcaIndex);
-        newError.setElement(0, 0, edca * mmTocm * mmTocm * 1e6);
-        double ez0 = oldError.e(HelicalTrackFit.z0Index, HelicalTrackFit.z0Index);
-        newError.setElement(1, 1, ez0 * mmTocm * mmTocm * 1e6);
-        double ephi0 = oldError.e(HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index, HelicalTrackFit.phi0Index);
-        newError.setElement(2, 2, ephi0 * 1e6);
-        double eslope = oldError.e(HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex, HelicalTrackFit.slopeIndex);
-        newError.setElement(3, 3, eslope * 100000);
-        double ecurve = oldError.e(HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex, HelicalTrackFit.curvatureIndex);
-        newError.setElement(4, 4, (ecurve / Math.pow(TRFMath.BFAC * bz * mmTocm, 2)) * 1e6);
-//        for (int i = 0; i < error.getNColumns(); i++){
-//            double newElement = error.e(i, i) * 10000;
-//            error.setElement(i, i, newElement);
-//        }
-        Matrix errorMatrix = new Matrix(5, 5);
-        for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
-                errorMatrix.set(k, j, newError.e(k, j));
-            }
-        }
-        if(_DEBUG) System.out.println("Setting initial error:\n"+errorMatrix.toString());
-        TrackError trackerror = new TrackError(errorMatrix);
-        return trackerror;
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IRotation3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Point3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Polygon3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trd;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class TrdHelper implements ShapeHelper{
-    PrintDetectorElements printDetectorElements = new PrintDetectorElements();
-    /* Prints that solid is trapezoid */
-    public void printShape(ISolid solid) {
-        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-        System.out.println("Shape: Trapezoid");
-    }
-    /* Prints the local coordinates of the trapezoid */
-    public void printLocalCoords(ISolid solid){
-        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-        Trd trap = (Trd) solid;
-        System.out.println("Local Coordinates: " + trap.getVertices().get(0));
-         for (int n = 1; n < trap.getVertices().size(); n ++) {
-            printDetectorElements.printIndent();
-            System.out.println("                    " + trap.getVertices().get(n));
-        }
-    }
-    /* Prints the global coordinates of the trapezoid */
-    public void printGlobalCoords(ISolid solid){
-        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-        Trd trap = (Trd) solid;
-         for(int i = 0; i < trap.getVertices().size(); i++) {
-            Hep3Vector currentPoint = (Hep3Vector) trap.getVertices().get(i);
-            Hep3Vector transformedPoint = (Hep3Vector) currentPoint;
-            for(int k = PrintDetectorElements.physicalVolumes.size(); k > 0; k--) {
-                ITransform3D lastTransform = (ITransform3D) PrintDetectorElements.physicalVolumes.get(k-1);
-                currentPoint = lastTransform.transformed(currentPoint);
-            }
-            transformedPoint = currentPoint;
-            printDetectorElements.printIndent();
-            if (i == 0){
-                System.out.println("Global Coordinates: [    " + transformedPoint.x() +
-                        ",      " + transformedPoint.y() + ",        " + transformedPoint.z() +"]");
-            } else{
-                 System.out.println("                     [     " + transformedPoint.x() +
-                        ",       " + transformedPoint.y() + ",      " + transformedPoint.z() +"]");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void findIntersection(ISolid solid, Track track) {
-        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-        Trd trap = (Trd) solid;
-        ShapeDispatcher shapedis = new ShapeDispatcher();
-        HelicalTrackFit helix = shapedis.trackToHelix(track);
-        List<Polygon3D> faces = trap.getFaces();
-        // For each face, find the vertices
-        for (int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {
-            Polygon3D face = faces.get(i);
-            Hep3Vector localNormal = face.getNormal();
-            Hep3Vector normal = getGlobalRot(localNormal); // get the normal in global coords
-            List<Hep3Vector> vertices = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>();
-            // For each vertex, find and print the Global coordinates
-            for(int k = 0; k < face.getVertices().size(); k++){
-                Hep3Vector localVertex = (Hep3Vector) face.getVertices().get(k);
-//                System.out.println("local vertex: " + localVertex);
-                Hep3Vector vertex = getGlobalCoords(localVertex);
-                System.out.println("vertex: " + vertex);
-                vertices.add(vertex);
-            }
-//            System.out.println("local normal: " + localNormal);
-            System.out.println("normal: " + normal);
-            if (0.01 > normal.z() && normal.z() > -0.01){
-                if (, normal, vertices)) {
-                    System.out.println("INTERSECTING BOUNDED PLANE!");
-                } else {
-                    System.out.println("No intersection");
-                }
-                if (, normal, vertices.get(0))) {
-                    System.out.println("INTERSECTING PLANE!");
-                } else {
-                    System.out.println("No intersection");
-                }
-            } else {
-                System.out.println("wrong orientation");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // This is (clearly) a work in progress...
-   public KalmanSurface getKalmanSurf(ISolid solid) {
-        KalmanSurface surf = null;
-//        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-//        Trd trap = (Trd) solid;
-//        List<Polygon3D> faces = trap.getFaces();
-//        /* This needs to decide what surface the trapezoid should be modeled as.
-//         * I suspect xy plane and z plane are the main choices. For now, it's
-//         * just going to default to an xy plane, but that should be revisited. */
-////        List vertices = trap.getVertices();
-//        // From a list of 8 vertices, need to match the pairs with the smallest difference
-//        // between them. Or alternatively, need to find the two biggest squares. That
-//        // may actually be a better way to do things... could do it using faces that way?
-//        ArrayList areas = new ArrayList();
-//        for (int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {
-//            Polygon3D face = faces.get(i);
-//            double area = findArea(face);
-//            areas.add(area);
-//        }
-//        for (int k )
-//            Hep3Vector localNormal = face.getNormal();
-//            Hep3Vector normal = getGlobalRot(localNormal); // get the normal in global coords
-//            List<Hep3Vector> vertices = new ArrayList<Hep3Vector>();
-//            Hep3Vector planeNormal = null;
-//            // Only want to make surface for xy plane faces
-//            if (0.01 > normal.z() && normal.z() > -0.01){
-//                // For each vertex, find the Global coordinates & add to vertices
-//                for(int k = 0; k < face.getVertices().size(); k++){
-//                    Hep3Vector localVertex = (Hep3Vector) face.getVertices().get(k);
-//                    Hep3Vector vertex = getGlobalCoords(localVertex);
-//                    vertices.add(vertex);
-//                    planeNormal = normal;
-//                }
-//             /* From the 8 vertices, we want one origin point, since
-//             * the origin and a vector define the plane. Need a single x & y value.
-//             * Here, we find the smallest difference in x and y values between two
-//             * points. Once we find this pair, we can average the x and y values
-//             * for our origin point. */
-//                double minxDiff = (vertices.get(0).x() - vertices.get(1).x());
-//                double minyDiff = (vertices.get(0).y() - vertices.get(1).y());
-//                int secondPoint = 1;
-//                for (int j = 2; j < vertices.size(); j++){
-//                    double xDiff = vertices.get(0).x() - vertices.get(j).x();
-//                    double yDiff = vertices.get(0).y() - vertices.get(j).y();
-//                    if (xDiff < minxDiff && yDiff < minyDiff) {
-//                        minxDiff = xDiff;
-//                        minyDiff = yDiff;
-//                        secondPoint = j;
-//                    }
-//                }
-//                // Average the x, y, and z values of the two points to find origin.
-//                Hep3Vector doubleMidPoint = VecOp.add(vertices.get(0), vertices.get(secondPoint));
-//                Hep3Vector origin = VecOp.mult(.5, doubleMidPoint);
-//               /* Make a new surface from the origin and plane normal as found
-//                * above. */
-//                double distnorm = (planeNormal.x() * origin.x() + planeNormal.y() * origin.y()
-//                        + planeNormal.z() * origin.z())/planeNormal.magnitude();
-//                double normphi = Math.atan2(planeNormal.y(), planeNormal.x());
-//                if (normphi < 0){
-//                    normphi = normphi + TRFMath.TWOPI;
-//                }
-//                System.out.println("Plane normal = " + planeNormal + ", origin = " + origin);
-//                surf = new KalmanSurface("xyplane", distnorm, normphi);
-//            }
-        return surf;
-    }
-    boolean pointIsOnSolid(ISolid solid, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        boolean onSolid = true;
-        checkTrapezoid(solid);
-        Trd trap = (Trd) solid;
-        List faces = trap.getFaces();
-        // Want to find all projections for each face, and see if projections
-        // of the hit point are inside them. This is almost certainly not the
-        // most efficient way to see whether the point is in the solid, but
-        // I'm not really sure how else to deal with it.
-        for(int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++){
-            Polygon3D face = (Polygon3D) faces.get(i);
-            List vertices = face.getVertices();
-            ArrayList xProjVertices = new ArrayList();
-            ArrayList yProjVertices = new ArrayList();
-            ArrayList zProjVertices = new ArrayList();
-            for (int k = 0; k < vertices.size(); k ++){
-                Point3D currentPoint = (Point3D) vertices.get(k);
-                double[] xProj = new double[2];
-            }
-        }
-        return onSolid;
-    }
-    // Finds the area of an arbitrary quadrilateral. See
-    // Archive/algorithm_0101/algorithm_0101.htm#Quandrilaterals for more info.
-    private double findArea(Polygon3D face) {
-        double[] v2_v0 = new double[3];
-        v2_v0[0] = face.getVertices().get(2).x() - face.getVertices().get(0).x();
-        v2_v0[1] = face.getVertices().get(2).y() - face.getVertices().get(0).y();
-        v2_v0[2] = face.getVertices().get(2).z() - face.getVertices().get(0).z();
-        double[] v3_v1 = new double[3];
-        v3_v1[0] = face.getVertices().get(3).x() - face.getVertices().get(1).x();
-        v3_v1[1] = face.getVertices().get(3).y() - face.getVertices().get(1).y();
-        v3_v1[2] = face.getVertices().get(3).z() - face.getVertices().get(1).z();
-        double area = .5 * magnitude(crossProduct(v2_v0, v3_v1));
-        return area;
-    }
-    // Finds the cross product of two 3d vectors, represented as double[]s.
-    private double[] crossProduct(double[] v1, double[] v2){
-        double[] cross = new double[3];
-        cross[0] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v2[1]*v1[2];
-        cross[1] = v1[2]*v2[0] - v2[2]*v1[0];
-        cross[2] = v1[0]*v2[1] - v2[0]*v1[1];
-        return cross;
-    }
-    // Finds the magnitude of a 3d vector, represented as a double[]
-    private double magnitude(double[] v){
-        double mag = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v[0], 2) + Math.pow(v[1], 2) + Math.pow(v[2], 2));
-        return mag;
-    }
-//    public HTrack addIntercept(ISolid solid, HTrack ht) {
-//    }
-    /* Finds the global coordinates of a local point */
-    private Hep3Vector getGlobalCoords(Hep3Vector local){
-        Hep3Vector currentPoint = local;
-        for(int k = PrintIntersections.physicalVolumes.size(); k > 0; k--) {
-            ITransform3D lastTransform = (ITransform3D) PrintIntersections.physicalVolumes.get(k-1);
-            currentPoint = lastTransform.transformed(currentPoint);
-        }
-        return currentPoint;
-    }
-    /* Finds the global rotation of a local point. Use this for normals, where
-     the translation is irrelevant. */
-    private Hep3Vector getGlobalRot(Hep3Vector local){
-        Hep3Vector currentPoint = local;
-        for(int k = PrintIntersections.physicalVolumes.size(); k > 0; k--) {
-            ITransform3D lastTransform = (ITransform3D) PrintIntersections.physicalVolumes.get(k-1);
-            IRotation3D lastRotation = lastTransform.getRotation();
-            currentPoint = lastRotation.rotated(currentPoint);
-        }
-        return currentPoint;
-    }
-    /* Checks that solid is really trapezoid */
-    public void checkTrapezoid(ISolid solid){
-        if (solid instanceof Trd) {
-         } else {
-            System.out.println("Error! This shape is not a trapezoid!");
-            return;
-        }
-    }

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--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trflayer.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trflayer.Layer;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class TrfDetector extends Detector {
-     // List of layer names in original order.
-    private List _names;
-    // Map layer names to layers.
-    private Map _layermap;
-    public int addLayer(String name, Layer lyr)
-    {
-        // Set unchecked.
-//        if ( _check == CHECKED_OK ) _check = UNCHECKED;
-        // Check name does not already appear in map.
-        if ( isAssigned(name) ){
-            System.out.println("Name already assigned, layer not added.");
-            return 0;
-        }
-        // Add layer.
-        _names.add(name);
-        _layermap.put(name, lyr);
-        System.out.println("Layer named " + name + " added");
-        return 1;
-    }

java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman removed after 397
--- java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 03:22:56 UTC (rev 397)
+++ java/trunk/tracking/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/tracking/kalman/	2014-03-27 18:50:25 UTC (rev 398)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Tube;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
- *
- * @author ecfine
- */
-public class TubeHelper implements ShapeHelper {
-    public void printShape(ISolid solid) {
-        checkTube(solid);
-        System.out.println("Shape: Tube");
-    }
-    public void printLocalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-    }
-    public void printGlobalCoords(ISolid solid) {
-    }
-    public void checkTube(ISolid solid) {
-        if (solid instanceof Tube) {
-        } else {
-            System.out.print("Error! This isn't a tube!");
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    public void findIntersection(ISolid solid, Track track) {
-    }
-    public KalmanSurface getKalmanSurf(ISolid solid) {
-         KalmanSurface surf = null;
-         return surf;
-    }
SVNspam 0.1