

Commit in java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham on MAIN removed removed
2 removed files
Kill kalman code from users.

java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham removed after 399
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham/	2014-03-27 18:53:05 UTC (rev 399)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham/	2014-03-27 18:54:31 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
- * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package org.hps.users.mgraham;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackAnalysis;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.FullFitKalman;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.ShapeDispatcher;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.TrackUtils;
-import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
-import org.lcsim.event.LCRelation;
-import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
-import org.lcsim.event.RelationalTable;
-import org.lcsim.event.Track;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseRelationalTable;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackError;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
-import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
- *
- * @author ecfine ([log in to unmask])
- */
-/* Takes Matched Tracks from the Track Reconstruction Driver, and makes TRF
- * HTracks. Adds hits from the original tracks to the new HTrack, and runs a
- * Kalman filter over the HTrack.
- *
- * This only does a forward fit, and multiple scattering is only included at
- * interacting planes, and just by assuming that each plane is .01 radiation
- * lengths. Energy loss is not accounted for. Additionally, the method for
- * constructing hits assumes that every hit occurs at an XY plane, while ideally,
- * there would be a method which checks the lcsim detector geometry and then
- * decides what kind of surface to model the shape as. There may be some methods
- * in the ShapeHelper interface (particularly in TrdHelper) that would be useful
- * for this, but nothing completed. Additionally, to run realistic multiple
- * scattering with non-interacting detector elements, there would need to be a
- * way to find the intercepts between a specific track and the detector elements.
- *
- * Also, magnetic field is just set at 1.0 in each class. It should be taken from
- * the detector geometry. */
-public class KalmanFilterDriver extends Driver {
-    boolean _debug = false;
-    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDis = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    TrackUtils trackUtils = new TrackUtils();
-    Propagator prop = null;
-    FullFitKalman fitk = null;
-    KalmanGeom geom = null;
-    Detector detector = null;
-    HTrack ht = null;
-    double bz = 0.5;
-    public void detectorChanged(Detector det) {
-        detector = det;
-        geom = new KalmanGeom(detector); // new geometry containing detector info
-        prop = geom.newPropagator();
-        trackUtils.setBZ(;
-        System.out.println("geom field = " + + ", trackUtils field = " +;
-        fitk = new FullFitKalman(prop);
-//        PropXYXY_Test foobar = new PropXYXY_Test();
-//        foobar.testPropXYXY();
-        //
-    }
-    public void process(EventHeader event) {
-        /* Get the tracklist for each event, and then for each track
-         * get the starting track parameters and covariance matrix for an
-         * outward fit from the seedtracker. */
-        String kaldir = "KalmanFit/";
-        String kaldirPos = "KalmanFit/GoodChi2/";
-        String kaldirBad = "KalmanFit/BadChi2/";
-        String bkwdkaldir = "KalmanFit/BackwardFit/";
-        RelationalTable hittomc = new BaseRelationalTable(RelationalTable.Mode.MANY_TO_MANY, RelationalTable.Weighting.UNWEIGHTED);
-        List<LCRelation> mcrelations = event.get(LCRelation.class, "HelicalTrackMCRelations");
-        for (LCRelation relation : mcrelations)
-            if (relation != null && relation.getFrom() != null && relation.getTo() != null)
-                hittomc.add(relation.getFrom(), relation.getTo());
-        if (event.hasItem("MatchedTracks")) {
-            List<Track> trklist = (List<Track>) event.get("MatchedTracks");
-            if (_debug)
-                System.out.println("number of tracks: " + trklist.size());
-            for (int i = 0; i < trklist.size(); i++) {
-                /* Start with a HelicalTrackFit, turn it into a VTrack,
-                 * turn that into an ETrack, and turn that into an HTrack.
-                 * Then add detector hits from the original track. */
-                if (_debug)
-                    System.out.println("Making tracks...");
-                Track track = trklist.get(i);
-                TrackAnalysis tkanal = new TrackAnalysis(track, hittomc);
-                HelicalTrackFit helicalTrack = shapeDis.trackToHelix(track);
-                VTrack vt = trackUtils.makeVTrack(helicalTrack);
-                TrackError initialError = trackUtils.getInitalError(helicalTrack);
-                ETrack et = new ETrack(vt, initialError);
-                ht = new HTrack(et);
-                /* Add hits from original track */
-                for (int k = 0; k < track.getTrackerHits().size(); k++) {
-                    TrackerHit thit = track.getTrackerHits().get(k);
-//                    System.out.println("Adding hit...");
-                    ht = geom.addTrackerHit(thit, ht, helicalTrack, vt);
-                }
-                /* Once we have an HTrack with the ordered list of hits, we pass
-                 * this to the Kalman fitter. */
-//                System.out.println("Running Kalman fit...");
-                /*
-                int fstarf =;
-                double kfchi2 = ht.chisquared();
-                SurfXYPlane srfc = new SurfXYPlane(0.001, 0);
-                 */
-                //                System.out.println("Nominal Fit Vector : "+vt.toString());
-                TrackVector nomFit = vt.vector();
-                double nomDCA = nomFit.get(0);
-                double nomz0 = nomFit.get(1);
-                double nomphi0 = Math.sin(nomFit.get(2));
-                double nomslope = nomFit.get(3);
-                double nomqOverpt = nomFit.get(4);
-                /*
-                ETrack fitET = ht.newTrack();
-                if (kfchi2 < 10000 && kfchi2 > 0) {
-                //                    ht.propagate(prop, srfc);
-                if(_debug)  System.out.println("Fitted Track Before Propagation:  "+ht.toString());
-                //                    ht.propagate(prop, srfc, PropDir.BACKWARD_MOVE);
-                ht.propagate(prop, s, PropDir.BACKWARD);
-                if(_debug)    System.out.println("Fitted Track After Propagation:  "+ht.toString());
-                TrackError fitErr = fitET.error();
-                double kfDCA = fitET.vector().get(0);
-                double kfz0 = fitET.vector().get(1);
-                double kfphi0 = Math.sin(fitET.vector().get(2));
-                double kfslope = fitET.vector().get(3);
-                double kfqOverpt = fitET.vector().get(4);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit Chi2", 50, 0, 100).fill(kfchi2);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit DCA", 50, -0.5, 0.5).fill(kfDCA);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit z0", 50, -0.25, 0.25).fill(kfz0);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit sin(phi0)", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(kfphi0);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit tanlambda", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(kfslope);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman Fit qOverpt", 50, -5, 5).fill(kfqOverpt);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-Nominal DCA", 50, -.5, 0.5).fill(kfDCA - nomDCA);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-Nominal z0", 50, -0.5, 0.5).fill(kfz0 - nomz0);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-Nominal sin(phi0)", 50, -0.05, 0.05).fill(kfphi0 - nomphi0);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-Nominal slope", 50, -0.05, 0.05).fill(kfslope - nomslope);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-Nominal qOverpt", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(kfqOverpt - nomqOverpt);
-                }
-                 */
-                double d0 = helicalTrack.dca();
-                double z0 = helicalTrack.z0();
-                double slope = helicalTrack.slope();
-                double phi0 = helicalTrack.phi0();
-                double R = helicalTrack.R();
-                double sTarg = HelixUtils.PathToXPlane(helicalTrack, 0, 1e4, 1).get(0);
-                double phi = sTarg / R - phi0;
-                int fstarfBkg = fitk.fitBackward(ht);
-                double bkwdkfchi2 = ht.chisquared();
-                double mmTocm = 0.1;
-                double dcaX = mmTocm * HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helicalTrack, 0).x();
-                double dcaY = mmTocm * HelixUtils.PointOnHelix(helicalTrack, 0).y();
-                if (_debug)
-                    System.out.println("Kalman Filter Driver:  DCA X=" + dcaX + "; Y=" + dcaY);
-//                SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(dcaX, dcaY);
-                SurfDCA s = new SurfDCA(0, 0);
-//                 SurfXYPlane srfc = new SurfXYPlane(0.001, 0);
-                ht.propagate(prop, s, PropDir.BACKWARD);
-                ETrack bkwdET = ht.newTrack();
-                TrackError bkwdfitErr = bkwdET.error();
-                double bkwdkfDCA = bkwdET.vector().get(0);
-                double bkwdkfz0 = bkwdET.vector().get(1);
-                double bkwdkfphi0 = Math.sin(bkwdET.vector().get(2));
-                double bkwdkfslope = bkwdET.vector().get(3);
-                double bkwdkfqOverpt = bkwdET.vector().get(4);
-                aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit Chi2", 50, 0, 100).fill(bkwdkfchi2);
-                aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit Chi2", 50, 0, 100).fill(track.getChi2());
-                if (bkwdkfchi2 > 0) {
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit DCA", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfDCA);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit z0", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfz0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit sin(phi0)", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(bkwdkfphi0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit tanlambda", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfslope);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman Fit qOverpt", 50, -5, 5).fill(bkwdkfqOverpt);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman-Nominal DCA", 50, -.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfDCA - nomDCA);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman-Nominal z0", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfz0 - nomz0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman-Nominal sin(phi0)", 50, -0.05, 0.05).fill(bkwdkfphi0 - nomphi0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman-Nominal slope", 50, -0.05, 0.05).fill(bkwdkfslope - nomslope);
-                    aida.histogram1D(bkwdkaldir + "Kalman-Nominal qOverpt", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(bkwdkfqOverpt - nomqOverpt);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit DCA", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(nomDCA);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit z0", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(nomz0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit sin(phi0)", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(nomphi0);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit tanlambda", 50, -0.1, 0.1).fill(nomslope);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal Fit qOverpt", 50, -5, 5).fill(nomqOverpt);
-                }
-                MCParticle mcp=tkanal.getMCParticle();
-                VTrack vmcp=trackUtils.makeVTrack(mcp);
-                Hep3Vector pmc=trackUtils.getMomentum(vmcp);
-                Hep3Vector pkal=trackUtils.getMomentum(bkwdET);
-                Hep3Vector pnom=trackUtils.getMomentum(vt);
-                double pkaldiff=pkal.magnitude()-pmc.magnitude();
-                double pnomdiff=pnom.magnitude()-pmc.magnitude();
-                 aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Kalman-MC Momentum Difference", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(pkaldiff);
-                    aida.histogram1D(kaldir + "Nominal-MC Momentum Difference", 50, -0.2, 0.2).fill(pnomdiff);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-//        } else {
-//            System.out.println("No tracks!");
-//        }

java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham removed after 399
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham/	2014-03-27 18:53:05 UTC (rev 399)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/mgraham/	2014-03-27 18:54:31 UTC (rev 400)
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-package org.hps.users.mgraham;
-import hep.physics.matrix.SymmetricMatrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.KalmanSurface;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.PropDCAXY;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.PropXYDCA;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.ShapeDispatcher;
-import org.hps.recon.tracking.kalman.util.PropDCAZ;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
-import org.lcsim.detector.IReadout;
-import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.ISolid;
-import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Point3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.ChargeCarrier;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensor;
-import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensorElectrodes;
-import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDispatch;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.PropCyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropCylZ;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane.PropZCyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropCylDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.PropDCACyl;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfdca.SurfDCA;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trffit.HTrack;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.ClusXYPlane2;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.HitXYPlane2;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.PropXYXY;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.PropZZ;
-import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfzp.SurfZPlane;
- *
- * Extract needed information from the geometry system and serve it
- * to the callers in a convenient form.
- *
- *
- *@author $Author: mgraham $
- *@version $Id:,v 1.5 2011/11/16 18:00:04 mgraham Exp $
- *
- * Date $Date: 2011/11/16 18:00:04 $
- *
- */
-/* To make the Kalman filter work for any detector, the type of hit that is
- * added to the HTrack has to be determined based on the lcsim detector
- * geometry. Additionally, this class has to be able to find the intersections
- * between a track and the detector elements to be able to implement more
- * realistic multiple scattering. Currently this class does not support
- * any of this functionality, and just adds hits. However there are methods for
- * looping through detector elements, etc. that may be useful for finding
- * intersections at some point. (ecfine) */
-public class KalmanGeom {
-    boolean _DEBUG=false;
-//      boolean _DEBUG=true;
-    // TRF wants distances in cm, not mm.
-    private double mmTocm = 0.1;
-    // this flag is a temporary fix to avoid making a surface behind the origin in x.
-    private double flag = 0;
-//    //    private Array radius = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tbar  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_vbar  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tec   = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_vec   = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_tfor  = null;
-//    private Subdetector sd_bpipe = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tbar  = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_vbar  = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tec   = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_vec   = null;
-//    private IDetectorElement de_tfor  = null;
-    // Nominal magnetic field.
-    public double bz = 0.5;
-    // Lists of interesting surfaces.
-    public List<KalmanSurface> Surf = new ArrayList<KalmanSurface>();
-    KalmanSurface surf = null;
-    // Specific surface type A to surface type B propagators.
-    private PropCyl propcyl = null;
-    private PropZZ propzz = null;
-    private PropDCACyl propdcacyl = null;
-    private PropCylDCA propcyldca = null;
-    private PropZCyl propzcyl = null;
-    private PropCylZ propcylz = null;
-    private PropXYXY propxyxy = null;
-    private PropDCAZ propdcaz = null;
-    private PropDCAXY propdcaxy = null;
-    private PropXYDCA propxydca = null;
-//    private PropZDCA propzdca     = null;
-    // The master propagator that can go between any pair of surfaces.
-    private PropDispatch pDispatch = null;
-    // The run time configuration system.
-    //ToyConfig config;
-    // Information from the run time configuration system.
-//    double  respixel;
-//    double  resstrip;
-//    boolean trackerbarrel2d;         
-//    double  zres2dTrackerBarrel;
-//    boolean vtxFwdEquivStrips;
-    // Does this detector have forward tracking.
-    boolean hasforward = false;
-    // Stuff for adding surfaces
-    static ArrayList physicalVolumes = new ArrayList();
-    ILogicalVolume logical;
-    ShapeDispatcher shapeDispatcher = new ShapeDispatcher();
-    Detector detector = null;
-    public KalmanGeom(Detector det) {
-        detector = det;
-        System.out.println("New detector: " + detector.getName());
-        logical = detector.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-        // Extract information from the run time configuration system.
-        //	try{
-        //	    ToyConfig config = ToyConfig.getInstance();
-        //	    respixel            = config.getDouble("respixel");
-        //	    resstrip            = config.getDouble("resstrip");
-        //	    trackerbarrel2d     = config.getBoolean("trackerbarrel2d");
-        //	    zres2dTrackerBarrel = config.getDouble("zres2dTrackerBarrel");
-        //	    vtxFwdEquivStrips   = config.getBoolean("vtxFwdEquivStrips");
-        //
-        //	} catch (ToyConfigException e){
-        //            System.out.println (e.getMessage() );
-        //            System.out.println ("Stopping now." );
-        //            System.exit(-1);
-        //        }
-        //	Map<String, Subdetector> subDetMap = detector.getSubdetectors();
-        //
-        //	Subdetector sd_tbar = subDetMap.get("TrackerBarrel");
-        //	Subdetector sd_vbar = subDetMap.get("VertexBarrel");
-        //	Subdetector sd_tec  = subDetMap.get("TrackerEndcap");
-        //	Subdetector sd_vec  = subDetMap.get("VertexEndcap");
-        //	Subdetector sd_tfor = subDetMap.get("TrackerForward");
-        //	Subdetector sd_bpipe  = subDetMap.get("BeamPipe");
-        //	System.out.println ("Checking .... " + sd_tbar + " | " + sd_tfor);
-        // Don't use subdetectors anymore...
-        //	 Check for forward tracking system.
-        //	if ( sd_tfor == null ) {
-        //	    System.out.println ("Checking 1 .... " );
-        //	    if ( detector.getName().compareTo("sid00") != 0 ){
-        //		System.out.println("Expected to find a TrackerForward Subdetector but did not!");
-        //		System.exit(-1);
-        //	    }
-        //	}else{
-        //	    System.out.println ("Checking 2  .... " );
-        //
-        //	    hasforward = true;
-        //	}           // I may want to implement something like this at some point but not now.
-        //	if ( hasforward ){
-        //	    de_tfor = sd_tfor.getDetectorElement();
-        //	}
-        /* Cycle through detector and add all surfaces to the surface list. */
-        //    addAllSurfaces();
-        System.out.println("Number of surfaces: " + Surf.size());
-        for (KalmanSurface surf : Surf) {
-            surf.Print();
-        }
-        double[] origin = {0., 0., 0.};
-//    	Map<String,Field> fields = detector.getFields();
-//    	Set<String> keys = fields.keySet();
-//    	for ( String key : keys ){
-//    	    Field field = fields.get(key);
-//    	    String classname = field.getClass().getName();
-//    	    String shortname = classname.replaceAll( "org.lcsim.geometry.field.", "");
-//    	    if ( shortname.compareTo("Solenoid") != 0 ){
-//    		System.out.println("Expected, but did not find, a solenoid: " + shortname );
-////    		System.exit(-1);
-//    	    }
-//    	    Solenoid s = (Solenoid)field;
-//    	    bz = s.getInnerField()[2];
-//    	    if ( bz == 0. ){
-//    		System.out.println("This code will not work with a magnetic field of 0: " + shortname );
-////    		System.exit(-1);
-//    	    }
-//    	    break;
-//    	}
-        // Instantiate surface-pair specific propagators.
-        propcyl = new PropCyl(bz);
-        propzz = new PropZZ(bz);
-        propdcacyl = new PropDCACyl(bz);
-        propcyldca = new PropCylDCA(bz);
-        propzcyl = new PropZCyl(bz);
-        propcylz = new PropCylZ(bz);
-        propxyxy = new PropXYXY(bz);
-        propdcaxy = new PropDCAXY(bz);
-        propxydca = new PropXYDCA(bz);
-        //	propdcaz   = new PropDCAZ(bz);
-        //	propzdca   = new PropZDCA(bz);
-        // Again, need xy plane propagators!
-        // Instantiate and configure the general purpose propagator.
-        pDispatch = new PropDispatch();
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfZPlane.staticType(), SurfZPlane.staticType(), propzz);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propcyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfDCA.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propdcacyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfDCA.staticType(), propcyldca);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfZPlane.staticType(), SurfCylinder.staticType(), propzcyl);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfCylinder.staticType(), SurfZPlane.staticType(), propcylz);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfXYPlane.staticType(), SurfXYPlane.staticType(), propxyxy);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfDCA.staticType(), SurfXYPlane.staticType(), propdcaxy);
-        pDispatch.addPropagator(SurfXYPlane.staticType(), SurfDCA.staticType(), propxydca);
-        //	pDispatch.addPropagator( SurfDCA.staticType(),      SurfZPlane.staticType(),   propdcaz);
-        //	pDispatch.addPropagator( SurfZPlane.staticType(),   SurfDCA.staticType(),      propzdca);
-    }
-    public Propagator newPropagator() {
-        // Clone not supported for pDispatch.
-        //return pDispatch.newPropagator();
-        return (Propagator) pDispatch;
-    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getCylinders(){
-//	return Surf;
-//    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZplus(){
-//	return ZSurfplus;
-//    }
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZMinus(){
-//	return ZSurfminus;
-//    }   
-    public double getBz() {
-        return bz;
-    }
-    public void setBz(double bfield) {
-        bz = bfield;
-    }
-//   Return a list of z surfaces, going foward along the track.
-//    public List<RKSurf> getZ( double z0, double cz ){
-//	List<RKSurf> zlist = new ArrayList<RKSurf>();
-//	if ( cz > 0 ){
-//	    for ( Iterator ihit=ZSurfAll.iterator(); ihit.hasNext(); ){
-//		RKSurf s = (RKSurf);
-//		if ( s.zc >= z0 ){
-//		    zlist.add(s);
-//		}
-//	    }
-//	} else if ( cz < 0 ){
-//	    for ( ListIterator ihit=ZSurfAll.listIterator(ZSurfAll.size());
-//		  ihit.hasPrevious(); ){
-//		RKSurf s = (RKSurf) ihit.previous();
-//		if ( s.zc <= z0 ){
-//		    zlist.add(s);
-//		}
-//	    }
-//	}
-//	return zlist;
-//    }  
-    // Adds all surfaces to the surface list
-    private void addAllSurfaces() {
-        addDaughterSurfaces(logical);
-    }
-    private void addDaughterSurfaces(ILogicalVolume logical) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            // need to avoid making surface for target. for now, flag..
-            flag++;
-            if (flag > 5) {
-                surf = shapeDispatcher.getKalmanSurf(logical.getSolid());
-                Surf.add(surf);
-            }
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            addDaughterSurfaces(physicalToLogical(physical));
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Given a point, find the solid that contains it. Doesn't work.
-    private ISolid findSolidFromPoint(Point3D hitPoint) {
-        ISolid solid = checkDaughterSurfaces(logical, hitPoint);
-        return solid;
-    }
-    private ISolid checkDaughterSurfaces(ILogicalVolume logical, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            if (pointIsOnSolid(logical.getSolid(), hitPoint)) {
-                return logical.getSolid();
-            }
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            checkDaughterSurfaces(physicalToLogical(physical), hitPoint);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-        System.out.print("This hit isn't on a solid!");
-        return null;
-    }
-    // Given a TrackerHit, return the surface the hit should be placed on. Doesn't work.
-    private KalmanSurface findTrackerHitSurface(TrackerHit thit) {
-        double[] position = thit.getPosition();
-        Point3D hitPoint = new Point3D(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
-        ISolid hitSolid = findSolidFromPoint(hitPoint);
-        KalmanSurface hitSurf = getKSurfFromSolid(hitSolid);
-        return hitSurf;
-    }
-    private KalmanSurface getKSurfFromSolid(ISolid hitSolid) {
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
-    }
-    // Adds the physical volume to the physicalVolumes ArrayList.
-    private ILogicalVolume physicalToLogical(IPhysicalVolume physical) {
-        physicalVolumes.add(physical.getTransform());
-        return physical.getLogicalVolume();
-    }
-    // Adds intercepts between a HTrack and the detector. Doesn't work.
-    public void addIntercepts(HTrack ht, Detector detector) {
-        logical = detector.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
-        addDaughterIntercepts(logical, ht);
-    }
-    private void addDaughterIntercepts(ILogicalVolume logical, HTrack ht) {
-        if (logical.getDaughters().size() == 0) {
-            ht = shapeDispatcher.addIntercept(logical.getSolid(), ht);
-        }
-        for (int n = 0; n < logical.getNumberOfDaughters(); n++) {
-            IPhysicalVolume physical = logical.getDaughter(n);
-            addDaughterIntercepts(physicalToLogical(physical), ht);
-            physicalVolumes.remove(physicalVolumes.size() - 1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Add a hit from an lcsim Track to a trf HTrack.
-    public HTrack addTrackerHit(TrackerHit thit, HTrack htrack, HelicalTrackFit track,
-            VTrack vtrack) {
-        /* This should check the kind of solid that got hit and model it as the
-         * correct surface based on the solid dimensions. For now it just
-         * assumes XY planes. */
-        double[] position = thit.getPosition();
-        if (position.length != 3) {
-            System.out.println("Position has more than 3 coordinates?!");
-        }
-//        // For checking surfaces
-//        KalmanSurface surface= findTrackerHitSurface(thit);
-//        PropStat prop = new PropStat();
-//        prop.setForward();
-//        double path = (position[2] - track.z0())/track.slope();
-//        KalmanHit khit = new KalmanHit(track, surface, vtrack, prop, path);
-//        Hit hit = khit.MakeHit();
-//        Point3D hitPoint = new Point3D(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
-//        ISolid hitSolid = findSolidFromPoint(hitPoint);
-        // Need an ETrack to add hits from clusters.
-        ETrack tre = htrack.newTrack();
-        // This also assumes the hit in question is a Helical Track Cross.
-        HelicalTrackCross htrackcross = (HelicalTrackCross) thit;
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip1 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(0);
-        HelicalTrackStrip strip2 = (HelicalTrackStrip) htrackcross.getStrips().get(1);
-        double dist1 = dotProduct(strip1.origin(), strip1.w());
-        double dist2 = dotProduct(strip2.origin(), strip2.w());
-            if(_DEBUG)System.out.println("TrackerHit Position = [" + thit.getPosition()[0] + "," + thit.getPosition()[1] + "," + thit.getPosition()[2]);
-        /*
-        double phi1 = Math.atan2(strip1.w().y()*dist1*strip1.origin().y(), strip1.w().x()*dist1*strip1.origin().x());
-        double phi2 = Math.atan2(strip2.w().y()*dist2*strip2.origin().y(), strip2.w().x()*dist2*strip2.origin().x());
-        // phi needs to be between 0 and 2PI. Additionally, it seemed like
-        // rounding errors caused problems for very small negative values of phi,
-        // so these are approximated as 0.
-        if (phi1 < 0){
-        if (phi1 > -0.00000001){
-        phi1 = 0;
-        } else{
-        phi1 = phi1 + 2*Math.PI;
-        }
-        }
-        if(phi2 < 0 ){
-        if(phi2 > -0.00000001) {
-        phi2 = 0;
-        } else{
-        phi2 = phi2 + 2*Math.PI;
-        }
-        }
-         */
-        //set phis to 0 ... normal parallel to x-axis (mis-alignment can change this)
-        double phi1 = 0;
-        double phi2 = 0;
-        if(_DEBUG){
-        System.out.println("Origin of strip1: " + strip1.origin());
-        System.out.println("Origin of strip2: " + strip2.origin());
-        System.out.println("dist1: " + dist1 + ", phi1: " + phi1);
-        System.out.println("dist2: " + dist2 + ", phi2: " + phi2);
-        System.out.println("Strip 1 Measurement   "+strip1.umeas());
-        System.out.println("Strip 2 Measurement   "+strip2.umeas());
-        }
-        /*
-        // ClusXYPlane needs wz, wv, avz, phi and dist to create a cluster.
-        double wz1 = strip1.u().z();
-        double wz2 = strip2.u().z();
-        double wv1 = strip1.u().x() * (-Math.sin(phi1)) + strip1.u().y() * Math.cos(phi1);
-        double wv2 = strip2.u().x() * (-Math.sin(phi2)) + strip2.u().y() * Math.cos(phi2);         
-         */
-        double avz1 = strip1.umeas()
-                - (dist1 * (Math.cos(phi1) * strip1.u().x() + Math.sin(phi1) * strip1.u().y())
-                - (strip1.origin().x() * strip1.u().x() + strip1.origin().y() * strip1.u().y()
-                + strip1.origin().z() * strip1.u().z()));
-        double avz2 = strip2.umeas()
-                - (dist2 * (Math.cos(phi2) * strip2.u().x() + Math.sin(phi2) * strip2.u().y())
-                - (strip2.origin().x() * strip2.u().x() + strip2.origin().y() * strip2.u().y()
-                + strip2.origin().z() * strip2.u().z()));
-        double davz1 = strip1.du();
-        double davz2 = strip2.du();
-//        if(_DEBUG)System.out.println("wz1 = " + wz1 + ", wv1 = " + wv1 + ", avz1 = " + avz1 + ", davz1 =" + davz1);
-//        if(_DEBUG)System.out.println("wz2 = " + wz2 + ", wv2 = " + wv2 + ", avz2 = " + avz2 + ", davz2 =" + davz2);
-//        ClusXYPlane1 cluster1 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist1, phi1, wv1, wz1, avz1, davz1);
-//        ClusXYPlane1 cluster2 = new ClusXYPlane1(dist2, phi2, wv2, wz2, avz2, davz2);
-        //Creat a ClusXYPlane2 ... needs v(=y),z, dy,dz
-        Hep3Vector sorigin1 = strip1.origin();
-        Hep3Vector u1 = strip1.u();
-        double umeas1 = strip1.umeas();
-        Hep3Vector uvec1 = VecOp.mult(umeas1, u1);
-        Hep3Vector clvec1 = VecOp.add(sorigin1, uvec1);
-        double dumeas1 = strip1.du();
-        double dustrip1 = (strip1.vmax() - strip1.vmin()) / Math.sqrt(12);
-        Hep3Vector sorigin2 = strip2.origin();
-        Hep3Vector u2 = strip2.u();
-        double umeas2 = strip2.umeas();
-        Hep3Vector uvec2 = VecOp.mult(umeas2, u2);
-        Hep3Vector clvec2 = VecOp.add(sorigin2, uvec2);
-        double dumeas2 = strip2.du();
-        double dustrip2 = (strip2.vmax() - strip2.vmin()) / Math.sqrt(12);
-        double z1 = clvec1.z();
-        double z2 = clvec2.z();
-        //this is the non-z distance of the cluster (in our case, phi=0, so it's just y)
-        double v1 = clvec1.x() * (-Math.sin(phi1)) + clvec1.y() * Math.cos(phi1);
-        double v2 = clvec2.x() * (-Math.sin(phi2)) + clvec2.y() * Math.cos(phi2);
-        //transform umeas, ustrip to z and v
-        ITransform3D t1 = getLocalToGlobal((RawTrackerHit) strip1.rawhits().get(0));
-        ITransform3D t2 = getLocalToGlobal((RawTrackerHit) strip2.rawhits().get(0));
-        SymmetricMatrix tmpcov1 = new SymmetricMatrix(3);
-        tmpcov1.setElement(0, 0, dumeas1 * dumeas1);
-        tmpcov1.setElement(2, 2, dustrip1 * dustrip1);
-        SymmetricMatrix tmpcov2 = new SymmetricMatrix(3);
-        tmpcov2.setElement(0, 0, dumeas2 * dumeas2);
-        tmpcov2.setElement(2, 2, dustrip2 * dustrip2);
-        t1.rotate(tmpcov1);
-        t2.rotate(tmpcov2);
-        double dz1 = tmpcov1.e(2, 2);
-        double dz2 = tmpcov2.e(2, 2);
-        double dv1 = tmpcov1.e(1, 1);
-        double dv2 = tmpcov2.e(1, 1);
-        double dzv1 = tmpcov1.e(1, 2);
-        double dzv2 = tmpcov2.e(1, 2);
-        if(_DEBUG){
-            System.out.println("z1 = " + z1 + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(dz1) + ", v1 = " + v1 + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(dv1) + ", cov(z,v) = " + dzv1);
-            System.out.println("z2 = " + z2 + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(dz2) + ", v2 = " + v2 + "+/-" + Math.sqrt(dv2) + ", cov(z,v) = " + dzv2);
-        }
-//        ClusXYPlane2 cluster1 = new ClusXYPlane2(dist1, phi1, v1, z1, dv1, dz1,dzv1);
-//        ClusXYPlane2 cluster2 = new ClusXYPlane2(dist2, phi2, v2, z2, dv2, dz2,dzv2);
-        ClusXYPlane2 cluster1 = new ClusXYPlane2(dist1 * mmTocm, phi1, v1 * mmTocm, z1 * mmTocm, dv1 * mmTocm * mmTocm, dz1 * mmTocm * mmTocm, dzv1 * mmTocm * mmTocm);
-        ClusXYPlane2 cluster2 = new ClusXYPlane2(dist2 * mmTocm, phi2, v2 * mmTocm, z2 * mmTocm, dv2 * mmTocm * mmTocm, dz2 * mmTocm * mmTocm, dzv2 * mmTocm * mmTocm);
-        // Create new clusters and get hit predictions.
-        List hits1 = cluster1.predict(tre);
-        List hits2 = cluster2.predict(tre);
-        HitXYPlane2 hit1 = (HitXYPlane2) hits1.get(0);
-        HitXYPlane2 hit2 = (HitXYPlane2) hits2.get(0);
-        hit1.setParentPointer(cluster1);
-        hit2.setParentPointer(cluster2);
-        if(_DEBUG){
-            System.out.println("Cluster 1:\n"+cluster1.toString());
-        System.out.println("Cluster 2:\n"+cluster2.toString());
-           System.out.println("hit1 predicted vector: " + hit1.toString());
-          System.out.println("hit2 predicted vector: " + hit2.toString());
-            System.out.println("hit position from trackerhit: [" + thit.getPosition()[0] + ", " +
-                thit.getPosition()[1] + ", " + thit.getPosition()[2] + "]");
-        }
-        htrack.addHit(hit1);
-        htrack.addHit(hit2);
-        return htrack;
-    }
-    private boolean pointIsOnSolid(ISolid solid, Point3D hitPoint) {
-        return shapeDispatcher.pointIsOnSolid(solid, hitPoint);
-    }
-    private double dotProduct(Hep3Vector v1, Hep3Vector v2) {
-        double dotProduct = v1.x() * v2.x() + v1.y() * v2.y() + v1.z() * v2.z();
-        return dotProduct;
-    }
-    private ITransform3D getLocalToGlobal(RawTrackerHit raw_hit) {
-        ITransform3D foobar = null;
-        IIdentifier id = raw_hit.getIdentifier();
-        IDetectorElement detector_de = detector.getDetectorElement();
-        Set<SiSensor> _process_sensors = new HashSet<SiSensor>();
-        _process_sensors.addAll(detector_de.findDescendants(SiSensor.class));
-        for (SiSensor sensor : _process_sensors) {
-            SiSensorElectrodes electrodes = sensor.getReadoutElectrodes(ChargeCarrier.HOLE);
-            IReadout readout = sensor.getReadout();
-            List<RawTrackerHit> raw_hits = readout.getHits(RawTrackerHit.class);
-            for (RawTrackerHit rh : raw_hits)
-                if (rh.equals(raw_hit))
-                    return ((SiSensor) electrodes.getDetectorElement()).getGeometry().getLocalToGlobal();
-        }
-        System.out.println("KalmanGeom:  Didn't find the hit!");
-        return foobar;
-    }
SVNspam 0.1