Commit in java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal on MAIN -> 687
prevent common hits access to null hits

java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal 686 -> 687
--- java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/	2014-06-06 02:56:49 UTC (rev 686)
+++ java/trunk/ecal-recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/ecal/	2014-06-06 04:49:48 UTC (rev 687)
@@ -382,7 +382,11 @@
             	// Check to make sure that the clustered neighbor hit
             	// is not already associated with the current clustered
             	// hit's seed.
-                if (hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit) != clusteredHitSeed) {
+            	//changed following if statment to eliminate null pointer exception-HS-5JUN14
+                if ((hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit) != clusteredHitSeed)
+                		&&hitSeedMap.containsKey(clusteredNeighborHit)) {
                     if (clusteredHit.getCorrectedEnergy() < clusteredNeighborHit.getCorrectedEnergy()) {
                     	// Check and see if a list of common seeds
                     	// for this hit already exists or not.
@@ -537,7 +541,8 @@
             } //End cluster loop
          // Write the event termination header.
 //            writeHits.append("EndEvent\n");
+//            System.out.println("Number of clusters: "+clusterList.size());    
         } //End event display out loop.
         int flag = 1 << LCIOConstants.CLBIT_HITS;
         event.put(clusterCollectionName, clusterList, HPSEcalClusterIC.class, flag);
SVNspam 0.1