

Commit in java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/holly on MAIN 812
add working copy used for position studies

java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/holly added at 812
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/holly/	                        (rev 0)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/holly/	2014-07-22 15:59:40 UTC (rev 812)
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+package org.hps.users.holly;
+import java.awt.Point;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.hps.users.holly.HPSEcalClusterIC;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.SimTrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.TrackerHit;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.HPSEcal3;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector.HPSEcal3.NeighborMap;
+import org.lcsim.lcio.LCIOConstants;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IGeometryInfo;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Trd;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+ * This Driver creates clusters from the CalorimeterHits of an
+ * {@link org.lcsim.geometry.subdetectur.HPSEcal3} detector.
+ * 
+ * This clustering logic is based on that from the CLAS-Note-2005-001. 
+ * This sorts hits from highest to lowest energy and build clusters around 
+ * each local maximum/seed hit. Common hits are distributed between clusters 
+ * when minimum between two clusters. There is a threshold cut for minimum
+ * hit energy, minimum cluster energy, and minimum seed hit energy. There is 
+ * also a timing threshold with respect to the seed hit. All of these parameters
+ * are tunable and should be refined with more analysis. 
+ * 
+ * This adapts the current clustering algorithm for use in calculating cluster 
+ * centroid energy and position reconstruction. 
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Holly Szumila-Vance <[log in to unmask]>
+ * @author Kyle McCarty <[log in to unmask]>
+ *
+ */
+public class EcalClusterICPosition extends Driver {
+	// File writer to output cluster results.
+    FileWriter writeHits;
+    // LCIO collection name for calorimeter hits.
+    String ecalCollectionName="EcalCalHits";
+    // Name of the calorimeter detector object.
+    String ecalName = "Ecal";
+    // LCIO cluster collection name to which to write.
+    String clusterCollectionName = "EcalClusters";
+    // Collection name for rejected hits
+    String rejectedHitName = "RejectedHits";
+    // File path to which to write event display output.
+    String outfile = "cluster-hit-IC.txt";
+    // Map of crystals to their neighbors.
+    NeighborMap neighborMap = null;
+    // Minimum energy threshold for hits; lower energy hits will be
+    // excluded from clustering. Units in GeV.
+    double hitEnergyThreshold = 0.0075;
+    // Minimum energy threshold for seed hits; if seed hit is below
+    // cluster is excluded from output. Units in GeV.
+    double seedEnergyThreshold = 0.1;
+    // Minimum energy threshold for cluster hits; if total cluster
+    // energy is below, the cluster is excluded. Units in GeV.
+    double clusterEnergyThreshold = 0.3;  
+    // A Comparator that sorts CalorimeterHit objects from highest to
+    // lowest energy.
+    private static final EnergyComparator ENERGY_COMP = new EnergyComparator();
+    // Track the event number for the purpose of outputting to event
+    // display format.
+    private int eventNum = -1;
+    // Apply time cut to hits
+    boolean timeCut = false;
+    // Minimum time cut window range. Units in ns.
+    double minTime = 0.0;
+    // Maximum time cut window range. Units in ns.
+    double timeWindow = 20.0;
+    // Collection for ECal scoring plane
+    String trackerCollectionName="TrackerHitsECal";
+    public Random rNum = new Random();
+    public void setTrackerCollectionName(String trackerCollectionName){
+    	this.trackerCollectionName = trackerCollectionName;
+    }
+    public void setClusterCollectionName(String clusterCollectionName) {
+        this.clusterCollectionName = clusterCollectionName;
+    }
+    public void setEcalCollectionName(String ecalCollectionName) {
+        this.ecalCollectionName = ecalCollectionName;
+    }
+    public void setEcalName(String ecalName) {
+        this.ecalName = ecalName;
+    }
+    public void setRejectedHitName(String rejectedHitName){
+    	this.rejectedHitName = rejectedHitName;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Minimum energy for a hit to be used in a cluster. Default of 0.0075 GeV
+     *
+     * @param hitEnergyThreshold
+     */
+    public void sethitEnergyThreshold(double hitEnergyThreshold) {
+        this.hitEnergyThreshold = hitEnergyThreshold;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Minimum energy for a seed hit. Default of 0.1 GeV
+     *
+     * @param seedEnergyThreshold
+     */
+    public void setseedEnergyThreshold(double seedEnergyThreshold) {
+        this.seedEnergyThreshold = seedEnergyThreshold;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Minimum energy for a cluster. Default of 0.3 GeV
+     *
+     * @param clusterEnergyThreshold
+     */
+    public void setclusterEnergyThreshold(double clusterEnergyThreshold) {
+        this.clusterEnergyThreshold = clusterEnergyThreshold;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Apply time cuts to hits. Defaults to false.
+     *
+     * @param timeCut
+     */
+    public void setTimeCut(boolean timeCut) {
+        this.timeCut = timeCut;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Minimum hit time, if timeCut is true. Default of 0 ns.
+     *
+     * @param minTime
+     */
+    public void setMinTime(double minTime) {
+        this.minTime = minTime;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Width of time window, if timeCut is true. Default of 20 ns.
+     *
+     * @param timeWindow
+     */
+    public void setTimeWindow(double timeWindow) {
+        this.timeWindow = timeWindow;
+    }
+  //trying to get mc particle list
+    public ArrayList<MCParticle> mcList = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
+    //get the list of Ecal scoring Tracker hits
+    public ArrayList<SimTrackerHit> trackHits = new ArrayList<SimTrackerHit>();
+    public void addTrackHit(SimTrackerHit trHit){
+    	trackHits.add(trHit);
+    }
+    // Make a map for quick calculation of the x-y position of crystal face
+    public Map<Point, Double[]> correctedPositionMap = new HashMap<Point, Double[]>();
+    // Make mapping of hit to energy with pre-amplifier noise
+    public Map<CalorimeterHit, Double> hitEnergyMap = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Double>();
+    //attempt for mc particle list
+    public void addMCGen(MCParticle genMC){
+    	mcList.add(genMC);
+    }
+    public void startOfData() {
+    	// Make sure that the calorimeter hit collection name is defined.
+        if (ecalCollectionName == null) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("The parameter ecalCollectionName was not set!");
+        }
+        // Make sure the name of calorimeter detector is defined.
+        if (ecalName == null) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("The parameter ecalName was not set!");
+        }
+        // Create a file writer and clear the output file, if it exists.
+        try {
+            writeHits = new FileWriter(outfile);
+            writeHits.write("");
+        }
+        catch(IOException e) { }
+    }
+    public void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
+        // Get the calorimeter.
+    	HPSEcal3 ecal = (HPSEcal3) detector.getSubdetector(ecalName);
+        // Store the map of neighbor crystals for the current calorimeter set-up.
+        neighborMap = ecal.getNeighborMap();
+    }
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+    	// Make sure the current event contains calorimeter hits.
+        if (event.hasCollection(CalorimeterHit.class, ecalCollectionName)) {
+        	// Get generated hits
+            List<MCParticle> genPart = event.getMCParticles();
+            for(MCParticle m : genPart){
+            	mcList.add(m);
+            }
+            List<SimTrackerHit> trHit = event.getSimTrackerHits(trackerCollectionName);
+            for (SimTrackerHit t : trHit){
+            	trackHits.add(t);
+            }
+            // Generate clusters from the calorimeter hits.
+            //List<HPSEcalClusterIC> clusterList = null;
+            try { createClusters(event); }
+            catch(IOException e) { }
+        }
+    }
+    public void createClusters(EventHeader event) throws IOException {
+    	// Create a list to store the event hits in.
+        List<CalorimeterHit> hitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+        List<CalorimeterHit> baseList = event.get(CalorimeterHit.class, ecalCollectionName);
+        for(CalorimeterHit r : baseList) {
+        	hitEnergyMap.put(r, (r.getCorrectedEnergy()+rNum.nextGaussian()*0.003));
+        	hitList.add(r);
+        }
+        // Create a list to store the newly created clusters in.
+        ArrayList<HPSEcalClusterIC> clusterList = new ArrayList<HPSEcalClusterIC>();
+        // Create a list to store the rejected hits in.
+        ArrayList<CalorimeterHit> rejectedHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+        // Sort the list of hits by energy.
+        Collections.sort(hitList, ENERGY_COMP);
+        // Filter the hit list of any hits that fail to pass the
+        // designated threshold.
+        filterLoop:
+        for(int index = hitList.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
+        	// If the hit is below threshold or outside of time window, kill it.
+/*        	if((hitList.get(index).getCorrectedEnergy() < hitEnergyThreshold)||
+        			(timeCut && (hitList.get(index).getTime() < minTime || hitList.get(index).getTime() > (minTime + timeWindow)))) {
+        		rejectedHitList.add(hitList.get(index));
+        		hitList.remove(index);
+        	}*/
+        	if((hitEnergyMap.get(hitList.get(index))< hitEnergyThreshold)||
+        			(timeCut && (hitList.get(index).getTime() < minTime || hitList.get(index).getTime() > (minTime + timeWindow)))) {
+        		rejectedHitList.add(hitList.get(index));
+        		hitList.remove(index);
+        	}
+        	// Since the hits are sorted by energy from highest to
+        	// lowest, any hit that is above threshold means that all
+        	// subsequent hits will also be above threshold. Continue through
+        	// list to check in time window. 
+        	else { continue; }
+        }
+    	// Create a map to connect the cell ID of a calorimeter crystal
+        // to the hit which occurred in that crystal.
+    	HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit> hitMap = new HashMap<Long, CalorimeterHit>();
+        for (CalorimeterHit hit : hitList) { hitMap.put(hit.getCellID(), hit); }
+        // Map a crystal to a list of all clusters in which it is a member.
+        Map<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>> commonHits = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>>();
+        // Map a crystal to the seed of the cluster of which it is a member.
+        HashMap<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> hitSeedMap = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit>();
+      	// Set containing hits immediately around a seed hit.
+      	HashSet<CalorimeterHit> surrSeedSet = new HashSet<CalorimeterHit>();
+        // Loop through all calorimeter hits to locate seeds and perform
+        // first pass calculations for component and common hits.
+        for (CalorimeterHit hit : hitList) {
+        	// Get the set of all neighboring crystals to the current hit.
+            Set<Long> neighbors = neighborMap.get(hit.getCellID());
+            // Generate a list to store any neighboring hits in.
+            ArrayList<CalorimeterHit> neighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+            // Sort through the set of neighbors and, if a hit exists
+            // which corresponds to a neighbor, add it to the list of
+            // neighboring hits.
+            for (Long neighbor : neighbors) {
+            	// Get the neighboring hit.
+            	CalorimeterHit neighborHit = hitMap.get(neighbor);
+            	// If it exists, add it to the list.
+            	if(neighborHit != null) { neighborHits.add(neighborHit); }
+            }
+            // Track whether the current hit is a seed hit or not.
+            boolean isSeed = true;
+            // Loops through all the neighboring hits to determine if
+            // the current hit is the local maximum within its set of
+            // neighboring hits.
+            seedHitLoop:
+            for(CalorimeterHit neighbor : neighborHits) {
+            	if(!equalEnergies(hit, neighbor)) {
+            		isSeed = false;
+               		break seedHitLoop;
+            	}
+            }
+            // If this hit is a seed hit, just map it to itself.
+            if (isSeed) { hitSeedMap.put(hit, hit); }
+            // If this hit is not a seed hit, see if it should be
+            // attached to any neighboring seed hits.
+            else {
+                // Sort through the list of neighboring hits.
+                for (CalorimeterHit neighborHit : neighborHits) {
+                	// Check whether the neighboring hit is a seed.
+                	if(hitSeedMap.get(neighborHit) == neighborHit) {
+                        // If the neighboring hit is a seed hit and the
+                        // current hit has been associated with a cluster,
+                        // then it is a common hit between its previous
+                        // seed and the neighboring seed.
+                        if (hitSeedMap.containsKey(hit)) {
+                        	// Check and see if a list of common seeds
+                        	// for this hit already exists or not.
+                        	List<CalorimeterHit> commonHitList = commonHits.get(hit);
+                        	// If it does not, make a new one.
+                        	if(commonHitList == null) { commonHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>(); }
+                        	// Add the neighbors to the seeds to set of
+                        	// common seeds.
+                            commonHitList.add(neighborHit);
+                            commonHitList.add(hitSeedMap.get(hit));
+                            // Put the common seed list back into the set.
+                            commonHits.put(hit, commonHitList);
+                        }
+                        // If the neighboring hit is a seed hit and the
+                    	// current hit has not been added to a cluster yet
+                    	// associate it with the neighboring seed and note
+                        // that it has been clustered.
+                        else {
+                          	hitSeedMap.put(hit, neighborHit);
+                        	surrSeedSet.add(hit);
+                        }
+                	}
+                }
+            }
+        } // End primary seed loop.
+        // Performs second pass calculations for component hits.
+        secondaryHitsLoop:
+        for (CalorimeterHit secondaryHit : hitList) {
+        	// If the secondary hit is not associated with a seed, then
+        	// the rest of there is nothing further to be done.
+        	if(!hitSeedMap.containsKey(secondaryHit)) { continue secondaryHitsLoop; }
+        	// Get the secondary hit's neighboring crystals.
+            Set<Long> secondaryNeighbors = neighborMap.get(secondaryHit.getCellID());
+            // Make a list to store the hits associated with the
+            // neighboring crystals.
+            List<CalorimeterHit> secondaryNeighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+            // Loop through the neighboring crystals.
+            for (Long secondaryNeighbor : secondaryNeighbors) {
+            	// Get the hit associated with the neighboring crystal.
+            	CalorimeterHit secondaryNeighborHit = hitMap.get(secondaryNeighbor);
+            	// If the neighboring crystal exists and is not already
+            	// in a cluster, add it to the list of neighboring hits.
+                if (secondaryNeighborHit != null && !hitSeedMap.containsKey(secondaryNeighborHit)) { //!clusteredHitSet.contains(secondaryNeighborHit)) {
+                	secondaryNeighborHits.add(secondaryNeighborHit);
+                }
+            }
+            // Loop over the secondary neighbor hits.
+            for (CalorimeterHit secondaryNeighborHit : secondaryNeighborHits) {
+            	// If the neighboring hit is of lower energy than the
+            	// current secondary hit, then associate the neighboring
+            	// hit with the current secondary hit's seed.
+            	//  if (secondaryNeighborHit.getCorrectedEnergy() < secondaryHit.getCorrectedEnergy()) {
+            	if(!equalEnergies(secondaryNeighborHit, secondaryHit)) {
+                	hitSeedMap.put(secondaryNeighborHit, hitSeedMap.get(secondaryHit));
+                }
+            	else {continue;}
+            }
+        } // End component hits loop.
+        // Performs second pass calculations for common hits.
+        commonHitsLoop:
+        for (CalorimeterHit clusteredHit : hitSeedMap.keySet()) {
+        	// Seed hits are never common hits and can be skipped.
+        	if(hitSeedMap.get(clusteredHit) == clusteredHit || surrSeedSet.contains(clusteredHit)) { continue commonHitsLoop; }
+    		// Get the current clustered hit's neighboring crystals.
+            Set<Long> clusteredNeighbors = neighborMap.get(clusteredHit.getCellID());
+            // Store a list of all the clustered hits neighboring
+            // crystals which themselves contain hits.
+            List<CalorimeterHit> clusteredNeighborHits = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+            // Loop through the neighbors and see if they have hits.
+            for (Long neighbor : clusteredNeighbors) {
+            	// Get the hit associated with the neighbor.
+            	CalorimeterHit clusteredNeighborHit = hitMap.get(neighbor);
+            	// If it exists, add it to the neighboring hit list.
+                if (clusteredNeighborHit != null) {
+                	clusteredNeighborHits.add(clusteredNeighborHit);
+                }
+            }
+            // Get the seed hit associated with this clustered hit.
+            CalorimeterHit clusteredHitSeed = hitSeedMap.get(clusteredHit);
+            // Loop over the clustered neighbor hits.
+            for (CalorimeterHit clusteredNeighborHit : clusteredNeighborHits) {
+            	// Check to make sure that the clustered neighbor hit
+            	// is not already associated with the current clustered
+            	// hit's seed.
+                if (hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit) != clusteredHitSeed){
+                    //if (clusteredHit.getCorrectedEnergy() < clusteredNeighborHit.getCorrectedEnergy()) {
+                	if(!equalEnergies(clusteredHit, clusteredNeighborHit)){
+                	// Check and see if a list of common seeds
+                    	// for this hit already exists or not.
+                    	List<CalorimeterHit> commonHitList = commonHits.get(clusteredHit);
+                    	// If it does not, make a new one.
+                    	if(commonHitList == null) { commonHitList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>(); }
+                    	// Add the neighbors to the seeds to set of
+                    	// common seeds.
+                        commonHitList.add(clusteredHitSeed);
+                       	commonHitList.add(hitSeedMap.get(clusteredNeighborHit));
+                        // Put the common seed list back into the set.
+                        commonHits.put(clusteredHit, commonHitList);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } // End common hits loop.
+        // Remove any common hits from the clustered hits collection.
+        for(CalorimeterHit commonHit : commonHits.keySet()) {
+        	hitSeedMap.remove(commonHit);
+        }
+        /*
+         * All hits are sorted from above. The next part of the code is for calculating energies. Still 
+         * needs implementation into new cluster collection so as to preserve shared hit energy 
+         * distribution within clusters.
+         */
+        //Create map to contain the total energy of each cluster
+        Map<CalorimeterHit, Double> seedEnergy = new HashMap<CalorimeterHit, Double>();
+        // Get energy of each cluster, excluding common hits
+        for (CalorimeterHit iSeed : hitList) {
+            if(hitSeedMap.get(iSeed) == iSeed) {
+            	seedEnergy.put(iSeed, 0.0);
+            }
+        }
+        //Putting total cluster energies excluding common hit energies into map with seed keys    
+        for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entry : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+            CalorimeterHit eSeed = entry.getValue();
+            double eEnergy = seedEnergy.get(eSeed);
+            eEnergy += hitEnergyMap.get(entry.getKey());
+            seedEnergy.put(eSeed, eEnergy);
+        }
+        //Distribute common hit energies with clusters
+        Map<CalorimeterHit, Double> seedEnergyTot = seedEnergy;
+        for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, List<CalorimeterHit>> entry1 : commonHits.entrySet()) {
+        	CalorimeterHit commonCell = entry1.getKey();
+        	CalorimeterHit seedA = entry1.getValue().get(0);
+        	CalorimeterHit seedB = entry1.getValue().get(1);    	
+        	double eFractionA = seedEnergy.get(seedA)/(seedEnergy.get(seedA)+seedEnergy.get(seedB));
+        	double eFractionB = seedEnergy.get(seedB)/(seedEnergy.get(seedA)+seedEnergy.get(seedB));
+        	double currEnergyA = seedEnergyTot.get(seedA);
+        	double currEnergyB = seedEnergyTot.get(seedB);
+        	currEnergyA += eFractionA * (hitEnergyMap.get(commonCell));
+        	currEnergyB += eFractionB * (hitEnergyMap.get(commonCell));
+        	seedEnergyTot.put(seedA, currEnergyA);
+        	seedEnergyTot.put(seedB, currEnergyB);
+        }
+        // Choose only the highest energy cluster
+         List<CalorimeterHit> seedList = new ArrayList<CalorimeterHit>();
+        for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, Double> entry1 : seedEnergyTot.entrySet()) {
+        	seedList.add(entry1.getKey());
+        }
+        Collections.sort(seedList, new EnergyComparator());
+        if(seedList.size()!=0){
+        // This calculates the position of the highest energy cluster
+        double xCl = 0.0;
+        double yCl = 0.0;
+        double eNumX = 0.0;
+        double eNumY = 0.0;
+        double eDen = 0.0;
+        double crystalAngle = 0.0;//given in degrees
+        double w0 = 3.1;
+        for (Map.Entry<CalorimeterHit, CalorimeterHit> entry1 : hitSeedMap.entrySet()) {
+        	CalorimeterHit eSeed1 = entry1.getValue();
+        	if(seedList.get(0)==eSeed1){// Check for if belonging to highest seed only.
+        		// Method 3 calculation.
+        		// Calculates x-y centroid for each crystal face
+//            	IGeometryInfo geom = entry1.getKey().getDetectorElement().getGeometry();
+//    	        double[] pos = geom.transformLocalToGlobal(VecOp.add(geom.transformGlobalToLocal(geom.getPosition()),(Hep3Vector)new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,-1*((Trd)geom.getLogicalVolume().getSolid()).getZHalfLength()))).v();
+    	       ///////////////////////////////
+    	       // Get the hit indices as a Point.
+    	        int ix = entry1.getKey().getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+    	        int iy = entry1.getKey().getIdentifierFieldValue("iy");
+    	        Point hitIndex = new Point(ix, iy);
+    	        // Get the corrected position for this index pair.
+    	        Double[] position = correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex);
+    	        // If the result is null, it hasn't been calculated yet.
+    	        if(position == null) {
+    	                // Calculate the corrected position.
+    	                IGeometryInfo geom = entry1.getKey().getDetectorElement().getGeometry();
+    	                double[] pos = geom.transformLocalToGlobal(VecOp.add(geom.transformGlobalToLocal(geom.getPosition()),(Hep3Vector)new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,-1*((Trd)geom.getLogicalVolume().getSolid()).getZHalfLength()))).v();
+    	                // Convert the result to  a Double[] array.
+    	                position = new Double[3];
+    	                position[0] = pos[0];
+    	                position[1] = pos[1];
+    	                position[2] = pos[2];
+    	                // Store the result in the map.
+    	                correctedPositionMap.put(hitIndex, position);
+//    	               writeHits.append("\t"+ix+"\t"+iy+"\t"+position[0]+"\t"+position[1]+"\n"); //write out slic crystal maps
+    	        }
+    	        ///////////////////////////////
+    	        // Method 3:
+        		eNumX += Math.max(0.0,(w0+Math.log((hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey()))
+        				/seedEnergyTot.get(eSeed1))))*(correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[0]/10.0);
+        		eNumY += Math.max(0.0,(w0+Math.log((hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey()))
+        				/seedEnergyTot.get(eSeed1))))*(correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[1]/10.0);
+        		eDen += Math.max(0.0, w0+Math.log((hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey()))/
+        				seedEnergyTot.get(eSeed1)));
+        		// Method 1:
+/*        		eNumX += (hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey()))*correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[0]/10.0;
+        		eNumY += (hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey()))*correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[1]/10.0;
+        		eDen += hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey());
+        		//Method 2:
+/*        		eNumX += Math.log10(1000*(hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey())))*correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[0]/10.0;
+        		eNumY += Math.log10(1000*(hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey())))*correctedPositionMap.get(hitIndex)[1]/10.0;
+        		eDen += Math.log10(1000*(hitEnergyMap.get(entry1.getKey())));
+        		crystalAngle = 0.967826*(eSeed1.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix"));
+        	}
+        }
+       xCl = eNumX/eDen;
+       yCl = eNumY/eDen;
+        double ECl = seedEnergyTot.get(seedList.get(0));
+        if(trackHits.size() != 0 ){
+	        // Calculates the final generated particle position
+	        double d0 = 139.3 - trackHits.get(0).getPositionVec().z()/10.0;
+	        double px = trackHits.get(0).getMomentum()[0];
+	        double py = trackHits.get(0).getMomentum()[1];
+	        double pz = trackHits.get(0).getMomentum()[2];
+	        double xpos = trackHits.get(0).getPosition()[0]/10.0;
+	        double ypos = trackHits.get(0).getPosition()[1]/10.0;
+	        double xGen = xpos + d0*px/pz;
+	        double yGen = ypos + d0*py/pz;
+	        boolean validNum = false;
+	        if((Math.abs(xCl)>0)&&(Math.abs(yCl)>0)&&(Math.abs(xGen)>0)&&(Math.abs(yGen)>0)){
+	        	validNum=true;
+	        }
+        	 //position fitting
+//        	        writeHits.append("\t"+seedList.get(0).getIdentifierFieldValue("ix")+"\t"+seedList.get(0).getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")+"\t"
+//        	 +xCl+"\t"+yCl+"\t"+xF+"\t"+yF+"\t"+mcList.get(0).getEnergy()+"\t"+crystalAngle+"\t"+ECl+"\n");
+        	  if(validNum==true){      
+//        	        writeHits.append("\t"+xCl+"\t"+yCl+"\t"+xGen+"\t"+yGen+"\t"+mcList.get(0).getEnergy()+"\t"+crystalAngle+"\t"+ECl+"\n");
+        	  }    
+        	        }
+        }// end seedList.size != 0 
+        int flag = 1 << LCIOConstants.CLBIT_HITS;
+        event.put(clusterCollectionName, clusterList, HPSEcalClusterIC.class, flag);
+        trackHits.clear();
+        mcList.clear();
+        hitEnergyMap.clear();
+    }
+    public void endOfData() {
+    	// Close the event display output writer.
+        try { writeHits.close(); }
+        catch (IOException e) { }
+    }
+    private static class EnergyComparator implements Comparator<CalorimeterHit> {
+    	/**
+    	 * Compares the first hit with respect to the second. This
+    	 * method will compare hits first by energy, and the spatially.
+    	 * In the case of equal energy hits, the hit closest to the
+    	 * beam gap and closest to the positron side of the detector
+    	 * will be selected. If all of these conditions are true, the
+    	 * hit with the positive y-index will be selected. Hits with
+    	 * all four conditions matching are the same hit.
+    	 * @param hit1 The hit to compare.
+    	 * @param hit2 The hit with respect to which the first should
+    	 * be compared.
+    	 */
+    public int compare(CalorimeterHit hit1, CalorimeterHit hit2) {
+    	// Hits are sorted on a hierarchy by three conditions. First,
+    	// the hits with the highest energy come first. Next, they
+    	// are ranked by vertical proximity to the beam gap, and
+    	// lastly, they are sorted by horizontal proximity to the
+    	// positron side of the detector.
+    	// Get the hit energies.
+    	double[] e = { hit1.getCorrectedEnergy(), hit2.getCorrectedEnergy() };
+    	// Perform the energy comparison. The higher energy hit
+    	// will be ordered first.
+    	if(e[0] < e[1]) { return 1; }
+    	else if(e[0] > e[1]) { return -1; }
+    	// If the hits are the same energy, we must perform the
+    	// spatial comparisons.
+    	else {
+    		// Get the position with respect to the beam gap.
+    		int[] iy = { Math.abs(hit1.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")), Math.abs(hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")) };
+    		// The closest hit is first.
+    		if(iy[0] > iy[1]) { return -1; }
+    		else if(iy[0] < iy[1]) { return 1; }
+    		// Hits that are identical in vertical distance from
+    		// beam gap and energy are differentiated with distance
+    		// horizontally from the positron side of the detector.
+    		else {
+        		// Get the position from the positron side.
+        		int[] ix = { hit1.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix"), hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix") };
+        		// The closest hit is first.
+        		if(ix[0] > ix[1]) { return 1; }
+        		else if(ix[0] < ix[1]) { return -1; }
+        		// If all of these checks are the same, compare
+        		// the raw value for iy. If these are identical,
+        		// then the two hits are the same. Otherwise, sort
+        		// the numerical value of iy. (This removes the
+        		// issue where hits (x, y) and (x, -y) can have
+        		// the same energy and be otherwise seen as the
+        		// same hit from the above checks.
+        		else { return"iy"), hit2.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy")); }
+    		}
+    	}
+    }
+    // Handles pathological case where multiple neighboring crystals have EXACTLY the same energy.
+    private boolean equalEnergies(CalorimeterHit hit, CalorimeterHit neighbor){
+    	boolean isSeed = true;
+    	int hix = hit.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+    	int hiy = Math.abs(hit.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy"));
+    	int nix = neighbor.getIdentifierFieldValue("ix");
+    	int niy = Math.abs(neighbor.getIdentifierFieldValue("iy"));
+    	double hE = hit.getCorrectedEnergy();
+    	double nE = neighbor.getCorrectedEnergy();
+    	if(hE < nE) {
+    		isSeed = false;
+    	}
+    	else if((hE == nE) && (hiy > niy)) {
+    		isSeed = false;
+    	}
+    	else if((hE == nE) && (hiy == niy) && (hix > nix)) {
+    		isSeed = false;
+    	}
+    	return isSeed;	
+    }
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