

A request was made to me to send a synopsis of a problem we're having at Nebraska be sent to this list.

We're having a strange issue at Nebraska involving our xrootd redirector + opportunistic clusters.

Here's the problem:

Worker nodes on our tusker cluster (with names like will make a redirection request to our redirector.  These requests fail even though the requested file may exist in our Nebraska CMS tier-2 storage.  If a direct xrdcopy request from a worker to one of our xrootd doors the transfer works fine.

Broken attempt might look like:

xrdcp   root://  /tmp/tes/CMSSW_7_1_2/teln.root
Last server error 3011 ('No reachable servers are available to read the file.')

But look at this:
xrdcp -x  root://  /tmp/tes/CMSSW_7_1_2/teln.root
Extreme Copy enabled.
Source #1 root://
^Crootd] Total 1269.37 MB       |=>..................| 5.04 % [58.2 MB/s]

Watching verbose copy attempts it appears that the redirection request also reaches out to fnal's xrootd redirector as well.  These nodes are, naturally, behind a NAT but the doors and redirector can resolve the nodes directly.

I'm stumped.  This looks like a redirection problem triggered by our particular network topology.  I'm all certain that things used to work.

Carl Lundstedt

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