Commit in projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors on MAIN
BasicCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd+109added 3229
OpticalCalorimeterHitProcessor.lcdd-1693228 removed
UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd-1323228 removed
1 added + 2 removed, total 3 files
Remove old HitProcessor examples and add new one.

BasicCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd added at 3229
--- projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/BasicCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/BasicCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd	2014-08-05 22:49:35 UTC (rev 3229)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<lcdd xmlns:lcdd="" xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+  <header>
+    <detector name="BasicCalorimeterHitProcessorTest" />
+  </header>
+  <iddict>
+    <idspec name="CalHits" length="64">
+      <idfield signed="false" label="layer" length="7" start="0" />
+      <idfield signed="false" label="system" length="3" start="7" />
+      <idfield signed="true" label="x" length="16" start="32" />
+      <idfield signed="true" label="y" length="16" start="48" />
+    </idspec>
+  </iddict>
+  <sensitive_detectors>
+    <calorimeter name="TestBeamCalorimeter" ecut="0.0" eunit="MeV" verbose="0">
+      <idspecref ref="CalHits" />
+      <hit_processor type="BasicCalorimeterHitProcessor" collection_name="TestBeamCalorimeterHits" />
+      <grid_xyz grid_size_x="10.0" grid_size_y="10.0" grid_size_z="0.0" />
+    </calorimeter>
+  </sensitive_detectors>
+  <limits />
+  <display />
+  <gdml>
+    <define>
+      <rotation name="identity_rot" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian" />
+      <rotation name="reflect_rot" x="3.141592653589793" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian" />
+      <position name="identity_pos" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
+      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeter_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
+      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
+      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layer0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
+    </define>
+    <materials>
+      <element name="N" formula="N" Z="7.0">
+        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="14.00674" />
+      </element>
+      <element name="O" formula="O" Z="8.0">
+        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="15.9994" />
+      </element>
+      <element name="Ar" formula="Ar" Z="18.0">
+        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="39.948" />
+      </element>
+      <material name="Air">
+        <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="0.0012" />
+        <fraction n="0.754" ref="N" />
+        <fraction n="0.234" ref="O" />
+        <fraction n="0.012" ref="Ar" />
+      </material>
+      <element name="Fe" formula="Fe" Z="26.0">
+        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="55.845" />
+      </element>
+      <element name="C" formula="C" Z="6.0">
+        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="12.0107" />
+      </element>
+      <material name="Steel235">
+        <D value="7.85" unit="g/cm3" />
+        <fraction n="0.998" ref="Fe" />
+        <fraction n=".002" ref="C" />
+      </material>
+    </materials>
+    <solids>
+      <box name="world_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0" />
+      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeter_box" x="1000.0" y="1000.0" z="1000.0" />
+      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_box" x="1000.0" y="1000.0" z="1000.0" />
+      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0_box" x="1000.0" y="1000.0" z="1000.0" />
+    </solids>
+    <structure>
+      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0">
+        <materialref ref="Steel235" />
+        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0_box" />
+        <sdref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter" />
+      </volume>
+      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0">
+        <materialref ref="Air" />
+        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_box" />
+        <physvol>
+          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0" />
+          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0_slice0_position" />
+          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
+          <physvolid field_name="slice" value="0" />
+        </physvol>
+      </volume>
+      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeter_envelope">
+        <materialref ref="Air" />
+        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_box" />
+        <physvol>
+          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layerType0" />
+          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_layer0_position" />
+          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
+          <physvolid field_name="layer" value="0" />
+        </physvol>
+      </volume>
+      <volume name="WorldVolume">
+        <materialref ref="Air" />
+        <solidref ref="world_box" />
+        <physvol>
+          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_envelope" />
+          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeter_position" />
+          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
+          <physvolid field_name="system" value="0" />
+        </physvol>
+      </volume>
+    </structure>
+    <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
+      <world ref="WorldVolume" />
+    </setup>
+  </gdml>
+  <fields />

OpticalCalorimeterHitProcessor.lcdd removed after 3228
--- projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/OpticalCalorimeterHitProcessor.lcdd	2014-08-05 20:47:57 UTC (rev 3228)
+++ projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/OpticalCalorimeterHitProcessor.lcdd	2014-08-05 22:49:35 UTC (rev 3229)
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<lcdd xmlns:lcdd="" xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
-    <header>
-        <detector name="OpticalCalorimeterProcessorTest"/>
-        <author name="Jeremy McCormick"/>
-    </header>
-    <iddict>
-        <idspec name="CalHits" length="64">
-            <idfield signed="false" label="layer" length="7" start="0"/>
-            <idfield signed="false" label="system" length="3" start="7"/>
-            <idfield signed="true" label="x" length="16" start="32"/>
-            <idfield signed="true" label="y" length="16" start="48"/>
-        </idspec>
-    </iddict>
-    <sensitive_detectors>
-        <calorimeter name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest" ecut="0.0" eunit="MeV" verbose="0">
-            <idspecref ref="CalHits"/>
-            <hit_processor type="OpticalCalorimeterHitProcessor"/>
-            <hits_collection name="MyHitsCollection"/>
-            <hits_collection name="MyHitsCollection2"/>
-            <grid_xyz grid_size_x="10.0" grid_size_y="10.0" grid_size_z="0.0"/>
-        </calorimeter>
-    </sensitive_detectors>
-    <limits/>
-    <regions>
-        <region name="TrackingRegion" store_secondaries="true" cut="10.0" lunit="mm" threshold="1.0" eunit="MeV"/>
-    </regions>
-    <display/>
-    <gdml>
-        <define>
-            <rotation name="identity_rot" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian"/>
-            <rotation name="reflect_rot" x="3.141592653589793" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian"/>
-            <position name="identity_pos" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm"/>
-            <constant name="world_x" value="50000.0"/>
-            <constant name="tracking_region_zmax" value="2000.0"/>
-            <constant name="world_z" value="50000.0"/>
-            <constant name="world_side" value="50000.0"/>
-            <constant name="world_y" value="50000.0"/>
-            <constant name="cm" value="10.0"/>
-            <constant name="tracking_region_radius" value="10000.0"/>
-            <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm"/>
-            <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm"/>
-            <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layer0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm"/>
-            <matrix name="Rindex" coldim="2" values="1.45864E-6 2.20849&#10;1.46036E-6 2.20857&#10;1.46208E-6 2.20865&#10;1.4638E-6 2.20874&#10;1.46553E-6 2.20882&#10;1.46727E-6 2.2089&#10;1.46901E-6 2.20899&#10;1.47075E-6 2.20907&#10;1.4725E-6 2.20916&#10;1.47425E-6 2.20924&#10;1.476E-6 2.20933&#10;1.47776E-6 2.20941&#10;1.47952E-6 2.2095&#10;1.48129E-6 2.20958&#10;1.48306E-6 2.20967&#10;1.48484E-6 2.20976&#10;1.48662E-6 2.20984&#10;1.48841E-6 2.20993&#10;1.49019E-6 2.21002&#10;1.49199E-6 2.21011&#10;1.49379E-6 2.2102&#10;1.49559E-6 2.21028&#10;1.49739E-6 2.21037&#10;1.4992E-6 2.21046&#10;1.50102E-6 2.21055&#10;1.50284E-6 2.21064&#10;1.50466E-6 2.21073&#10;1.50649E-6 2.21083&#10;1.50832E-6 2.21092&#10;1.51016E-6 2.21101&#10;1.512E-6 2.2111&#10;1.51385E-6 2.21119&#10;1.5157E-6 2.21129&#10;1.51755E-6 2.21138&#10;1.51941E-6 2.21148&#10!
 ;1.52128E-6 2.21157&#10;1.52315E-6 2.21166&#10;1.52502E-6 2.21176&#10;1.5269E-6 2.21186&#10;1.52878E-6 2.21195&#10;1.53067E-6 2.21205&#10;1.53256E-6 2.2121[...]
-        </define>
-        <materials>
-            <element Z="82" formula="Pb" name="Pb">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="207.217"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="74" formula="W" name="W">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="183.842"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="8" formula="O" name="O">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="15.9994"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="83" formula="Bi" name="Bi">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="208.98"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="32" formula="Ge" name="Ge">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="72.6128"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="28" formula="Ni" name="Ni">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="58.6933"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="26" formula="Fe" name="Fe">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="55.8451"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="6" formula="C" name="C">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="12.0107"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="1" formula="H" name="H">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="1.00794"/>
-            </element>
-            <element Z="5" formula="B" name="B">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="10.811"/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="N" formula="N" Z="7.0">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="14.00674"/>
-            </element>
-            <element name="Ar" formula="Ar" Z="18.0">
-                <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="39.948"/>
-            </element>
-            <material name="PbWO4">
-                <property name="RINDEX" ref="Rindex"/>
-                <D value="8.28" unit="g/cm3" type="density"/>
-                <composite n="1" ref="Pb"/>
-                <composite n="1" ref="W"/>
-                <composite n="4" ref="O"/>
-            </material>
-            <material name="Air">
-                <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="0.0012"/>
-                <fraction n="0.754" ref="N"/>
-                <fraction n="0.234" ref="O"/>
-                <fraction n="0.012" ref="Ar"/>
-            </material>
-        </materials>
-        <solids>
-            <box name="world_box" x="world_x" y="world_y" z="world_z"/>
-            <tube name="tracking_cylinder" deltaphi="6.283185307179586" rmin="0.0" rmax="tracking_region_radius" z="2*tracking_region_zmax"/>
-            <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0"/>
-            <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0"/>
-            <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0"/>
-        </solids>
-        <structure>
-        <!--
-            <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0">
-                <materialref ref="PbWO4"/>
-                <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_box"/>
-            </volume>
-            -->
-            <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0">
-                <materialref ref="PbWO4"/>
-                <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_box"/>
-                <!--
-                <physvol>
-                    <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0"/>
-                    <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_position"/>
-                    <rotationref ref="identity_rot"/>
-                    <physvolid field_name="slice" value="0"/>
-                </physvol>
-                -->
-            </volume>
-            <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_envelope">
-                <materialref ref="Air"/>
-                <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_box"/>
-                <physvol>
-                    <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0"/>
-                    <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layer0_position"/>
-                    <rotationref ref="identity_rot"/>
-                    <physvolid field_name="layer" value="0"/>
-                </physvol>
-            </volume>
-            <!--
-            <volume name="tracking_volume">
-                <materialref ref="Air"/>
-                <solidref ref="tracking_cylinder"/>
-                <physvol>
-                    <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_envelope"/>
-                    <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_position"/>
-                    <rotationref ref="identity_rot"/>
-                    <physvolid field_name="system" value="0"/>
-                </physvol>
-                <regionref ref="TrackingRegion"/>
-            </volume>
-            -->
-            <volume name="world_volume">
-                <materialref ref="Air"/>
-                <solidref ref="world_box"/>
-                <!--
-                <physvol>
-                    <volumeref ref="tracking_volume"/>
-                    <positionref ref="identity_pos"/>
-                    <rotationref ref="identity_rot"/>
-                </physvol>
-                -->
-                <physvol>
-                    <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_envelope"/>
-                    <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_position"/>
-                    <rotationref ref="identity_rot"/>
-                    <physvolid field_name="system" value="0"/>
-                </physvol>
-            </volume>
-        </structure>
-        <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
-            <world ref="world_volume"/>
-        </setup>
-    </gdml>
-    <fields/>
[Note: Some over-long lines of diff output only partialy shown]

UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd removed after 3228
--- projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd	2014-08-05 20:47:57 UTC (rev 3228)
+++ projects/lcdd/branches/v04-01-00-pre/examples/processors/UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessorTest.lcdd	2014-08-05 22:49:35 UTC (rev 3229)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<lcdd xmlns:lcdd="" xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
-  <header>
-    <detector name="UnsegmentedCalorimeterProcessorTest" />
-    <author name="Jeremy McCormick" />
-    <comment>Test of UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessor hit processor</comment>
-  </header>
-  <iddict>
-    <idspec name="CalHits" length="64">
-      <idfield signed="false" label="layer" length="7" start="0" />
-      <idfield signed="false" label="system" length="3" start="7" />
-      <idfield signed="true" label="x" length="16" start="32" />
-      <idfield signed="true" label="y" length="16" start="48" />
-    </idspec>
-  </iddict>
-  <sensitive_detectors>
-    <calorimeter name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest" ecut="0.0" eunit="MeV" verbose="0">
-      <idspecref ref="CalHits" />
-      <hit_processor type="UnsegmentedCalorimeterHitProcessor" />
-      <hits_collection name="MyHitsCollection" />
-      <grid_xyz grid_size_x="10.0" grid_size_y="10.0" grid_size_z="0.0" />
-    </calorimeter>
-  </sensitive_detectors>
-  <limits />
-  <regions>
-    <region name="TrackingRegion" store_secondaries="true" cut="10.0" lunit="mm" threshold="1.0" eunit="MeV" />
-  </regions>
-  <display />
-  <gdml>
-    <define>
-      <rotation name="identity_rot" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian" />
-      <rotation name="reflect_rot" x="3.141592653589793" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="radian" />
-      <position name="identity_pos" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
-      <constant name="world_x" value="50000.0" />
-      <constant name="tracking_region_zmax" value="2000.0" />
-      <constant name="world_z" value="50000.0" />
-      <constant name="world_side" value="50000.0" />
-      <constant name="world_y" value="50000.0" />
-      <constant name="cm" value="10.0" />
-      <constant name="tracking_region_radius" value="10000.0" />
-      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
-      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
-      <position name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layer0_position" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" unit="mm" />
-    </define>
-    <materials>
-      <element name="N" formula="N" Z="7.0">
-        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="14.00674" />
-      </element>
-      <element name="O" formula="O" Z="8.0">
-        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="15.9994" />
-      </element>
-      <element name="Ar" formula="Ar" Z="18.0">
-        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="39.948" />
-      </element>
-      <material name="Air">
-        <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="0.0012" />
-        <fraction n="0.754" ref="N" />
-        <fraction n="0.234" ref="O" />
-        <fraction n="0.012" ref="Ar" />
-      </material>
-      <element name="Fe" formula="Fe" Z="26.0">
-        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="55.845" />
-      </element>
-      <element name="C" formula="C" Z="6.0">
-        <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="12.0107" />
-      </element>
-      <material name="Steel235">
-        <D value="7.85" unit="g/cm3" />
-        <fraction n="0.998" ref="Fe" />
-        <fraction n=".002" ref="C" />
-      </material>
-    </materials>
-    <solids>
-      <box name="world_box" x="world_x" y="world_y" z="world_z" />
-      <tube name="tracking_cylinder" deltaphi="6.283185307179586" rmin="0.0" rmax="tracking_region_radius" z="2*tracking_region_zmax" />
-      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0" />
-      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0" />
-      <box name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_box" x="5000.0" y="5000.0" z="5000.0" />
-    </solids>
-    <structure>
-      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0">
-        <materialref ref="Steel235" />
-        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_box" />
-      </volume>
-      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0">
-        <materialref ref="Air" />
-        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_box" />
-        <physvol>
-          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0" />
-          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0_slice0_position" />
-          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
-          <physvolid field_name="slice" value="0" />
-        </physvol>
-      </volume>
-      <volume name="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_envelope">
-        <materialref ref="Air" />
-        <solidref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_box" />
-        <physvol>
-          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layerType0" />
-          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_layer0_position" />
-          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
-          <physvolid field_name="layer" value="0" />
-        </physvol>
-      </volume>
-      <volume name="tracking_volume">
-        <materialref ref="Air" />
-        <solidref ref="tracking_cylinder" />
-        <physvol>
-          <volumeref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_envelope" />
-          <positionref ref="TestBeamCalorimeterTest_position" />
-          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
-          <physvolid field_name="system" value="0" />
-        </physvol>
-        <regionref ref="TrackingRegion" />
-      </volume>
-      <volume name="world_volume">
-        <materialref ref="Air" />
-        <solidref ref="world_box" />
-        <physvol>
-          <volumeref ref="tracking_volume" />
-          <positionref ref="identity_pos" />
-          <rotationref ref="identity_rot" />
-        </physvol>
-      </volume>
-    </structure>
-    <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
-      <world ref="world_volume" />
-    </setup>
-  </gdml>
-  <fields />
SVNspam 0.1

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