

Commit in projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src on MAIN
main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact/ 3270
                                              / 3270
main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/ -> 3270
                                                   / -> 3270
                                                   / removed
                                                   / -> 3270
test/java/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/ 3270
test/resources/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRun2014-v0.xml+100added 3270
                                             /HPSTestRunTracker2014.xml+1-413269 -> 3270
4 added + 1 removed + 4 modified, total 9 files
Added java converter. Changed class names on definition. Added a testcase.

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact added at 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact/	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * 
+ */
+package org.lcsim.detector.converter.compact;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap;
+import org.lcsim.detector.LogicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.converter.compact.HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder.GhostJavaBaseGeom;
+import org.lcsim.detector.converter.compact.HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder.JavaBaseGeom;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.ExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierDictionary;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.material.IMaterial;
+import org.lcsim.detector.material.MaterialStore;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
+import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.HpsSiSensor;
+import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerModule;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Subdetector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.LCDD;
+ * Converters the HPSTestRunTracker2014 compact description into Java runtime objects
+ * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+ *
+ */
+public class HPSTestRunTracker2014Converter extends AbstractSubdetectorConverter {
+	private boolean _debug = true; 
+	private IMaterial trackingMaterial;
+	private static HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder builder;
+	public IIdentifierHelper makeIdentifierHelper(Subdetector subdetector, SystemMap systemMap) {
+		return new SiTrackerIdentifierHelper(subdetector.getDetectorElement(), makeIdentifierDictionary(subdetector), systemMap);
+	}
+	public Class getSubdetectorType() {
+		return HPSTestRunTracker2014.class;
+	}
+	public HPSTestRunTracker2014Converter() {
+		super();
+		trackingMaterial = MaterialStore.getInstance().get("Vacuum");
+		builder = new HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder(_debug);
+	}
+	public void convert(Subdetector subdet, Detector detector) {
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: convert %s \n", getClass().getSimpleName(), subdet.getName());
+		// check tracking material
+		if(trackingMaterial==null) {
+			System.out.printf("%s: error the tracking material was not found!\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+			System.exit(1);
+		}
+		 // Get the tracking volume for module placement.
+        ILogicalVolume trackingVolume = detector.getTrackingVolume().getLogicalVolume();
+        // Set subdetector
+        builder.setSubdetector(subdet);
+        // Get ID helper and dictionary for subdetector.
+        builder.setDetectorIdentifierHelper( (DetectorIdentifierHelper) subdet.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper());
+        builder.setIdentifierDictionary(subdet.getDetectorElement().getIdentifierHelper().getIdentifierDictionary());
+        // Get XML node for this subdetector.
+        Element node = subdet.getNode();
+        // Build the detector here
+        // setup and build the LCDD geometry
+        if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: setup and build the JAVA geometry\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+        if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: DONE setup and build the JAVA geometry\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+        setupDetectorElements();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Setup relations between detector elements.
+	 */
+	private void setupDetectorElements() {
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: setup the detector elements\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		setupDetectorElement(builder.baseTrackerGeometry);
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: DONE setup the detector elements\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Setup the detector element for a geometry object.
+	 * @param geometryObject - volume to process.
+	 */
+	private void setupDetectorElement(JavaBaseGeom geometryObject) {
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: setupDetectorElement for %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getName());
+		// Only certain objects are setup as detector elements
+		// Ghost volumes are never setup
+		// I do this recursively for daughters now as I wanted it to be generic
+		// but for now since I know what the daughters are I could manually 
+		// go and add:layer->module->sensor detector elements similar to 
+		// the old setup. I wanted this to be more generic in case more structures 
+		// are added so I keep track of all the elements in the builder in order 
+		// to build a hierarchy.
+		if(geometryObject.getClass().isInstance(GhostJavaBaseGeom.class)) {
+			if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: %s  is a ghost volume, dont create elements or physvol\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getName());
+		} else {
+			// build the physical volume
+			geometryObject.buildPhysVolume();
+			// create detector element
+			if(HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.isHalfModule(geometryObject.getName())) {
+				if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: create the layer detector element\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+				// The old geometry was built using a layer definition from a barrel tracker
+				// It also only has the concept of half-modules which it calls modules
+				// Thus the nomenclature here is a little strange
+				// Anyway, find those ID's
+				int nfields = builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getIdentifierDictionary().getNumberOfFields();
+				IExpandedIdentifier layerPosId = new ExpandedIdentifier(nfields);
+				layerPosId.setValue(builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getFieldIndex("system"), builder.getSubdetector().getSystemID());
+				layerPosId.setValue(builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getFieldIndex("barrel"), builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getBarrelValue());
+				int layer = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getLayerFromVolumeName(geometryObject.getName());
+				layerPosId.setValue(builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getFieldIndex("layer"), layer);
+				// create the layer detector element and keep track of it
+				IDetectorElement layerDe = builder.getLayerDetectorElement(layerPosId);
+				if(layerDe==null) {
+					layerDe =  new DetectorElement(builder.getSubdetector().getName() + "_layer" + layer, builder.getSubdetector().getDetectorElement(), builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().pack(layerPosId));
+					builder.addLayerDetectorElement(layerDe);
+				} else {
+					System.out.printf("%s: layerDE exists\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+				}
+				if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: create the module detector element\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+				// create the "module" detector element
+				ILogicalVolume trackingVolume = builder.baseTrackerGeometry.getMother().getVolume();
+				String moduleName = "TestRunModule";
+				//TODO I'm not sure I need to follow the old style here?
+				moduleName = geometryObject.getName();
+				String half = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getHalfFromName(geometryObject.getName());
+				if(half.equals("")) throw new RuntimeException("No half found for " + geometryObject.getName());
+				int moduleNumber = half.equals("top") ? 0 : 1;
+				String modulePlacementName = builder.getSubdetector().getName() + "_" + moduleName + "_layer" + layer + "_module" + moduleNumber;
+				String modulePath = "/" + trackingVolume.getName() + "/" + modulePlacementName;                                                        
+                SiTrackerModule moduleDe = new SiTrackerModule(modulePlacementName, layerDe, modulePath, moduleNumber);
+                //keep track of the module detector element
+                builder.addModuleDetectorElement(moduleDe);
+			} else if(HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.isActiveSensor(geometryObject.getName())) {
+				//TODO should this be the active sensor volume????
+				if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: create the sensor detector element\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+				 // Sensor physical volume.
+                IPhysicalVolume sensorPhysVol = geometryObject.getPhysVolume();
+                // Helpers
+                IIdentifierDictionary iddict = builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getIdentifierDictionary();
+                // Find the mother: the module detector element
+                IExpandedIdentifier layerExpId = new ExpandedIdentifier(iddict.getNumberOfFields());
+				layerExpId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("system"), builder.getSubdetector().getSystemID());
+                layerExpId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("barrel"), 0);                            
+                int layer = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getLayerFromVolumeName(geometryObject.getName());
+				layerExpId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("layer"), layer);
+				// TODO Jeremy, why is the module ID not part of the expanded ID for the module DE but stored as a separate member?
+				//String half = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getHalfFromName(geometryObject.getName());
+				//if(half.equals("")) throw new RuntimeException("No half found for " + geometryObject.getName());
+				//int moduleNumber = half.equals("top") ? 0 : 1;
+				IDetectorElement moduleDe = builder.getModuleDetectorElement(layerExpId);
+				if(moduleDe==null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find module DE for " + geometryObject.getName());
+				// Find the layer element
+				IDetectorElement layerDe = moduleDe.getParent();
+				// Setup SiSensor's identifier.
+				IExpandedIdentifier expId = new ExpandedIdentifier(iddict.getNumberOfFields());
+			    expId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("system"), builder.getSubdetector().getSystemID());
+                expId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("barrel"), 0);                            
+                expId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("layer"), builder.getDetectorIdentifierHelper().getValue(layerDe.getIdentifier(), "layer"));
+                expId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("module"), ((SiTrackerModule) moduleDe).getModuleId());
+                // TODO: what does this number mean? It's basically just a counter in the old compact
+                int sensorNumber = 0;
+                expId.setValue(iddict.getFieldIndex("sensor"), sensorNumber);
+                // Packed identifier.
+                IIdentifier sensorId = iddict.pack(expId);
+                // Sensor paths.
+               String modulePath = moduleDe.getGeometry().getPathString();
+               IPhysicalVolume componentPhysVol = geometryObject.getMother().getPhysVolume();
+               String sensorPath = modulePath.toString() + "/" + componentPhysVol.getName() + "/" + sensorPhysVol.getName();
+               String sensorName = moduleDe.getName() + "_sensor" + sensorNumber;
+                // Create the sensor.
+                HpsSiSensor sensor = new HpsSiSensor(sensorNumber, sensorName, moduleDe, sensorPath, sensorId);
+                if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: created sensor %s \n", getClass().getSimpleName(), sensor.getName());
+                // Increment sensor numbering.
+                // TODO this is just random. Not sure what to do here!
+               // ++sensorNumber;
+			} else {
+				throw new RuntimeException("I dont this I should reach this?");
+			}
+		}
+		// add daughters
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: add %d daughters to %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getDaughters().size(), geometryObject.getName());
+		for(JavaBaseGeom daughter : geometryObject.getDaughters()) {
+			setupDetectorElement(daughter);
+		}
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: DONE setup the detector element for %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getName());
+	}

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact added at 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact/	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/detector/converter/compact/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ * 
+ */
+package org.lcsim.detector.converter.compact;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorIdentifierHelper;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.ILogicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.LogicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.PhysicalVolume;
+import org.lcsim.detector.Rotation3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.RotationGeant;
+import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.ExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IExpandedIdentifier;
+import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierDictionary;
+import org.lcsim.detector.material.IMaterial;
+import org.lcsim.detector.material.MaterialStore;
+import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Box;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.Subdetector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.HalfModuleBundle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.ModuleBundle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CSupport;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportBottom;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateBottom;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateTop;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportTop;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TrackingBase;
+ * Class used by java converter to build java run time objects for the detector
+ * It encapsulates and adds the LCDD specific information to the generic @HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder. 
+ * 
+ * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+ *
+ */
+public class HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder extends HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder {
+	protected JavaBaseGeom baseTrackerGeometry;
+	protected List<JavaBaseGeom> java_objects;
+	protected DetectorIdentifierHelper detectorIdentifierHelper;
+	protected IIdentifierDictionary identifierDictionary;
+	protected Subdetector subdet;
+	private List<IDetectorElement> layerDetectorElements;
+	private List<IDetectorElement> moduleDetectorElements;
+	/**
+	 * Default constructor
+	 */
+	public HPSTestRunTracker2014JavaBuilder(boolean debugFlag) {
+		super(debugFlag);
+		layerDetectorElements = new ArrayList<IDetectorElement>();
+		moduleDetectorElements = new ArrayList<IDetectorElement>();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Add to list of objects.
+	 * @param geom - object to add.
+	 */
+	private void add(JavaBaseGeom geom) {
+		java_objects.add(geom);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Build the JAVA geometry objects.
+	 * @param worldVolume - the reference volume.
+	 */
+	protected void build(ILogicalVolume worldVolume) {
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build the JAVA geometry objects\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		// initialize the list to store a reference to each object
+		java_objects = new ArrayList<JavaBaseGeom>();
+		// Go through the list of volumes to build that is created in the generic builder class
+		// TODO this is manual now since I don't have a way of knowing in the generic builder class what is a ghost volume at this point.
+		JavaBaseGeom tracking = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(TrackingBase.class), worldVolume);
+		add(tracking);
+		baseTrackerGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(Base.class), tracking);
+		add(baseTrackerGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom basePlateGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(BasePlate.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(basePlateGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom cSupportGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(CSupport.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(cSupportGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom supportBottomGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(SupportBottom.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportBottomGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom supportPlateBottomGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(SupportPlateBottom.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportPlateBottomGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom supportTopGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(SupportTop.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportTopGeometry);
+		JavaBaseGeom supportPlateTopGeometry = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(getItem(SupportPlateTop.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportPlateTopGeometry);
+		// build modules	
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build modules\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		// Loop over all modules created
+		for(ModuleBundle m : modules) {
+			// Do only L1?
+			if(m.getLayer()!=1) continue;
+			if(isDebug()) { 
+				System.out.printf("%s: module layer %d half %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),m.getLayer(),m.getHalf());
+				m.print();
+			}
+			// Find the mother among the LCDD objects using its name, should probably have a better way...
+			String name_mother = m.getMother().getName();
+			JavaBaseGeom mother = null;
+			for(JavaBaseGeom g : java_objects) {
+				if(g.getName().equals(name_mother)) {
+					mother = g;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			// Check that it had a mother
+			if(mother==null) throw new RuntimeException("Cound't find mother to module layer " + m.getLayer() + " half "+ m.getHalf());
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: found mother %s for module layer %d half %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),mother.getName(),m.getLayer(),m.getHalf());
+			// add the module to the list of objects that will be added to LCDD
+			addModule(m, mother);
+		}
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE building the JAVA geometry objects\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		// Set visualization features
+		//setVis();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Rules for adding the JAVA module geometry.
+	 * @param bundle - module to be added
+	 * @param mother - mother JAVA geometry object
+	 */
+	private void addModule(ModuleBundle bundle, JavaBaseGeom mother) {
+		// Create the module
+		JavaBaseGeom lcddM = new GhostJavaBaseGeom(bundle.module, mother);
+		add(lcddM);
+		// add half modules
+		addHalfModule(bundle.halfModuleAxial,lcddM);
+		addHalfModule(bundle.halfModuleStereo,lcddM);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Rules for adding the JAVA half module geometry.
+	 * @param bundle - module to be added
+	 * @param mother - mother JAVA geometry object
+	 */
+	private void addHalfModule(HalfModuleBundle bundle, JavaBaseGeom mother) {
+		// Create the half-module
+		// This is not a ghost element but reflects the module 
+		// concept in the old compact description
+		// TODO fix the layer IDs
+		int oldCompactModuleId = 0;
+		JavaBaseGeom lcddHM = new JavaBaseGeom(bundle.halfModule, mother,oldCompactModuleId);
+		add(lcddHM);
+		//TODO find the sensor id, this needs to be fixed.
+		int sensorNumber = mother.getComponentId();
+		// create the sensor
+		JavaBaseGeom lcddS = new JavaBaseGeom(bundle.sensor, lcddHM, sensorNumber);
+		add(lcddS);
+		// create the active sensor
+		JavaBaseGeom lcddAS = new JavaBaseGeom(bundle.activeSensor, lcddS, sensorNumber);
+		add(lcddAS);
+	}
+	protected DetectorIdentifierHelper getDetectorIdentifierHelper() {
+		return detectorIdentifierHelper;
+	}
+	protected void setDetectorIdentifierHelper(
+			DetectorIdentifierHelper detectorIdentifierHelper) {
+		this.detectorIdentifierHelper = detectorIdentifierHelper;
+	}
+	protected IIdentifierDictionary getIdentifierDictionary() {
+		return identifierDictionary;
+	}
+	protected void setIdentifierDictionary(
+			IIdentifierDictionary identifierDictionary) {
+		this.identifierDictionary = identifierDictionary;
+	}
+	protected void setSubdetector(Subdetector subdet) {
+		this.subdet = subdet;
+	}
+	protected Subdetector getSubdetector() {
+		return this.subdet;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * Base geometry class for holding JAVA geometry object definitions 
+	 * where no volume is built but it can be used as reference in building the geometry.
+	 * 
+	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+	 *
+	 */
+	protected static class GhostJavaBaseGeom extends JavaBaseGeom {
+		/**
+		 * Initialize this object with a known volume and no mother. Typically the world volume would use this.
+		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
+		 * @param vol - given volume
+		 */
+		public GhostJavaBaseGeom(BaseGeometry base, ILogicalVolume volume) {
+			super();
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing JAVA ghost object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+			setName(base.getName());
+			setVolume(volume);
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing JAVA object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Initialize with base and mother. This is typically for a reference geometry object 
+		 * that is used for referencing coordinate systems but that doesn't have a volume itself.
+		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
+		 * @param mother - mother object
+		 */
+		public GhostJavaBaseGeom(BaseGeometry base, JavaBaseGeom mother) {
+			super();
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing JAVA ghost object %s with mother %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName(),mother==null?"null":mother.getName());
+			setName(base.getName());
+			setMother(mother);
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing JAVA object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *  Base geometry class for holding JAVA geometry object definitions.
+	 *   
+	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+	 */
+	protected static class JavaBaseGeom {
+		private boolean debug = true;
+		private String name;
+		private Box box= null;
+		private ILogicalVolume volume = null;
+		private Translation3D pos = null;
+		private Rotation3D rot = null;
+		private IPhysicalVolume physVolume = null;
+		private JavaBaseGeom mother = null;
+		public List<JavaBaseGeom> daughters = new ArrayList<JavaBaseGeom>();
+		private int componentId = -1;
+		/**
+		 *  Default constructor
+		 */
+		public JavaBaseGeom() {
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Construct a JAVA geometry object from its geometry definition. 
+		 * @param geomObject - input geometry definition
+		 * @param mother - reference to mother JAVA definition
+		 * @param volumeId - component id number 
+		 */
+		public JavaBaseGeom(BaseGeometry geomObject, JavaBaseGeom mother, int volumeId) {
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing JAVA object %s (volumeID %d) with mother %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),volumeId,geomObject.getName(),mother==null?"null":mother.getName());
+			setName(geomObject.getName());
+			setComponentId(volumeId);
+			setMother(mother);
+			mother.addDaughter(this);
+			buildBox(geomObject);
+			buildVolume(geomObject);
+			setPosAndRot(geomObject);
+			//buildPhysVolume(mother);
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing JAVA object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),geomObject.getName());
+		}
+		protected void buildPhysVolume() {
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build phys volume for %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
+			setPhysVolume(new PhysicalVolume(new Transform3D(pos, rot), name, volume, getMother().getVolume(),getComponentId()));
+		}
+		protected void buildBox(BaseGeometry base) {
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build box for %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
+			setBox(new Box(getName() + "Box", base.getBoxDim().x(), base.getBoxDim().y(), base.getBoxDim().z())); 
+		}
+		protected void buildVolume(BaseGeometry base) {
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build volume for %s with material %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName(),base.getMaterial());
+				IMaterial material = MaterialStore.getInstance().get(base.getMaterial());
+				setVolume(new LogicalVolume(getName() + "_volume", box, material));
+		}
+		protected void setPosAndRot(BaseGeometry base) {
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: set position and rotation for volume %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
+			// Vector from origin to center of box locally 
+			Hep3Vector box_center_base_local = base.getCenter();
+			//translate to the mother coordinate system
+			Hep3Vector box_center_base = base.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_base_local);
+			// find the position of the center in the mother coord
+			Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_base, base.getMother().getCenter());
+			//Find LCDD Euler rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
+			Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getEulerAngles(base.getCoord().v(), base.getCoord().w(), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1));
+			// Check if there are explicit rotations built into the object itself which overrides
+			// TODO this should be included in the definition of the coordinate system. Fix this for the affected components.
+			if (base.explicit_rot_angles!=null) {
+				// there are explicit rotations I need to apply.
+				// Find the displacement of the box center due to rotation about different origin
+				Hep3Vector box_center_base_rot = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getRotationDisplacement(base.getCoord().origin(), box_center_base, base.explicit_rot_angles);
+				if(isDebug()) {
+					System.out.printf("%s: explicit_rot_angles 		  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),lcdd_rot_angles);
+					System.out.printf("%s: explicit_rot_angles_2	  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.explicit_rot_angles);
+					System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base        %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base.toString());
+					System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base_rot    %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base_rot.toString());
+				}
+				// update the rotation angles
+				lcdd_rot_angles = base.explicit_rot_angles;
+				// update the position of the center in the mother coord
+				box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_base_rot, base.getMother().getCenter());
+			}
+			// Create the LCDD position
+			setPos(new Translation3D(box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z()));
+			setRot(new RotationGeant(lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z()));
+			if(isDebug()) {
+				System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base_local  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base_local.toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base        %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base.toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: mother center          %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), base.getMother().getCenter().toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: box_center             %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center.toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: pos                    %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), getPos().toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: euler                  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), lcdd_rot_angles.toString());
+				System.out.printf("%s: rot                    %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), getRot().toString());
+			}
+		}
+		protected ILogicalVolume getVolume() {
+			return volume;
+		}
+		protected void setVolume(ILogicalVolume volume) {
+			this.volume = volume;
+		}
+		protected Box getBox() {
+			return box;
+		}
+		protected void setBox(Box b) {
+			box = b;
+		}	
+		protected String getName() {
+			return name;
+		}
+		protected void setName(String name) {
+ = name;
+		}
+		protected Translation3D getPos() {
+			return pos;
+		}
+		protected void setPos(Translation3D pos) {
+			this.pos = pos;
+		}
+		protected Rotation3D getRot() {
+			return rot;
+		}
+		protected void setRot(Rotation3D rot) {
+			this.rot = rot;
+		}
+		protected JavaBaseGeom getMother() {
+			return mother;
+		}
+		protected void setMother(JavaBaseGeom mother) {
+			this.mother = mother;
+		}
+		protected IPhysicalVolume getPhysVolume() {
+			return physVolume;
+		}
+		protected void setPhysVolume(PhysicalVolume physVolume) {
+			this.physVolume = physVolume;
+		}
+		public boolean isDebug() {
+			return debug;
+		}
+		protected List<JavaBaseGeom> getDaughters() {
+			return daughters;
+		}
+		protected void addDaughter(JavaBaseGeom o) {
+			getDaughters().add(o);
+		}
+		public int getComponentId() {
+			return componentId;
+		}
+		public void setComponentId(int componentId) {
+			this.componentId = componentId;
+		}
+	}
+	// Find detector elements
+	// I could keep a single list of elements for all types since 
+	// the search is done using idenitifier which should be unique. 
+	// But it looks like the module DE has the same expanded ID as the layer
+	// since the module ID is saved not inside the ID?
+	// TODO Jeremy, is this correct?
+	protected IDetectorElement getLayerDetectorElement(IExpandedIdentifier layerPosId) {
+		IDetectorElement element = null;
+		for(IDetectorElement e : layerDetectorElements) {
+			if(e.getExpandedIdentifier().match(layerPosId)==0) {
+				//check that only one was found
+				if(element!=null) throw new RuntimeException("two DE sharing extended ID?");
+				element = e;
+			}
+		}
+		return element;
+	}
+	protected IDetectorElement getModuleDetectorElement(IExpandedIdentifier layerPosId) {
+		IDetectorElement element = null;
+		for(IDetectorElement e : moduleDetectorElements) {
+			if(e.getExpandedIdentifier().match(layerPosId)==0) {
+				//check that only one was found
+				if(element!=null) throw new RuntimeException("two DE sharing extended ID?");
+				element = e;
+			}
+		}
+		return element;
+	}
+	protected void addLayerDetectorElement(IDetectorElement e) {
+		if(getLayerDetectorElement(e.getExpandedIdentifier()) != null) 
+			throw new RuntimeException("Trying to add an existing layer detector element.");
+		layerDetectorElements.add(e);
+	}
+	protected void addModuleDetectorElement(IDetectorElement e) {
+		if(getLayerDetectorElement(e.getExpandedIdentifier()) != null) 
+			throw new RuntimeException("Trying to add an existing layer detector element.");
+		moduleDetectorElements.add(e);
+	}

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd 3269 -> 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-18 20:46:54 UTC (rev 3269)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
+import org.jdom.DataConversionException;
 import org.jdom.Element;
 import org.jdom.JDOMException;
 import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
@@ -22,8 +25,8 @@
 import org.lcsim.detector.RotationGeant;
 import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
 import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014LCDDBuilder.LCDDBaseGeom;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014LCDDBuilder.GhostBaseGeom;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014LCDDBuilder.LCDDBaseGeometry;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014LCDDBuilder.GhostLCDDBaseGeometry;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Box;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.LCDD;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Material;
@@ -45,9 +48,16 @@
 	private boolean _debug = true; 
 	private final boolean buildBeamPlane = true;
+	// Builder class to handle all geometry information
 	private static HPSTestRunTracker2014LCDDBuilder builder;
+	/**
+	 * Default constructor
+	 * @param node
+	 * @throws JDOMException
+	 */
 	public HPSTestRunTracker2014(Element node) throws JDOMException
@@ -64,8 +74,8 @@
 	 * Build the LCDD for the subdetector.
-	 * @param lcdd The LCDD file being created.
-	 * @param sens The SD for this subdetector.
+	 * @param lcdd - the LCDD file being created.
+	 * @param sens - the SD for this subdetector.
 	public void addToLCDD(LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException
@@ -108,48 +118,70 @@
 		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: DONE setup and build the LCDD geometry\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
-		//makeExample(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample(lcdd,sens);
+		//makeExample2(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample3(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample4(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample5(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample3b(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample5b(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample6(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample66(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample7(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample77(lcdd,sens);
+		makeExample8(lcdd, sens);
+		makeExample9(lcdd, sens);
+		makeExample10(lcdd, sens);
 		if(buildBeamPlane ) {
 			// beam plane at global z=0
-			Hep3Vector ball_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(-1.0*HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.base_plate_width/2.0,0.0,HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.base_plate_length/2.0);
-			Hep3Vector vee_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_beamplane.x()+HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.base_plate_width,ball_pos_beamplane.y(),ball_pos_beamplane.z());
-			Hep3Vector flat_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_beamplane.x(), ball_pos_beamplane.y(), ball_pos_beamplane.z()-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.base_plate_length/2.0);
+			Hep3Vector ball_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(-1.0*HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate.base_plate_width/2.0,0.0,HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate.base_plate_length/2.0);
+			Hep3Vector vee_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_beamplane.x()+HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate.base_plate_width,ball_pos_beamplane.y(),ball_pos_beamplane.z());
+			Hep3Vector flat_pos_beamplane = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_beamplane.x(), ball_pos_beamplane.y(), ball_pos_beamplane.z()-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate.base_plate_length/2.0);
 			makeBeamPlane(trackingVolume, ball_pos_beamplane, vee_pos_beamplane, flat_pos_beamplane, lcdd, sens);
+		// Actually build the LCDD
-		//makeBase(trackingVolume,lcdd,sens);
+	/**
+	 *  Top function to add objects to the LCDD file using the geometry builder class. 
+	 */
 	private void buildLCDD() {
 		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: buildLCDD\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		// Get a reference to the LCDD
 		LCDD lcdd  = builder.getLCDD();
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddObj = builder.getBaseLCDD();
+		// Reference to the top level object in the builder class
+		// In this case it is the base volume holding the entire tracker
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddObj = builder.getBaseLCDD();
+		// Add the base volume and all its daughters to the LCDD
 		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: buildLCDD DONE\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
-	private void addToLCDD(LCDDBaseGeom lcddObj, LCDD lcdd) {
+	/**
+	 * Add a @LCDDBaseGeom geometry object to the LCDD file.
+	 * @param lcddObj to add
+	 * @param lcdd file
+	 */
+	private void addToLCDD(LCDDBaseGeometry lcddObj, LCDD lcdd) {
 		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: adding %s to LCDD\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),lcddObj.getName());
-		if(lcddObj.getClass().isInstance(GhostBaseGeom.class)) {
+		if(lcddObj.getClass().isInstance(GhostLCDDBaseGeometry.class)) {
 			System.out.printf("%s: trying to add a ghost volume: %s ??\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),lcddObj.getName());
 			throw new RuntimeException("adding a ghost volume (" + lcddObj.getName() + ") to LCDD is not allowed.");
@@ -158,10 +190,21 @@
+		// Set the phys volume Id's
+		// Since the builder don't have access to the system ID
+		// I keep the phys volume ID's outside. I think these 
+		// should belong to the builder to avoid repeating it in 
+		// the java converter
+		// TODO move this to the builder for each volume
+		try {
+			setPhysicalVolumeProperties(lcddObj);
+		} catch (DataConversionException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
 		// add daughters
 		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: add %d daughters to %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),lcddObj.getDaughters().size(),lcddObj.getName());
-		for(LCDDBaseGeom daughter : lcddObj.getDaughters()) {
+		for(LCDDBaseGeometry daughter : lcddObj.getDaughters()) {
@@ -174,1045 +217,71 @@
-	/*
-	private void makeBase(Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
+	/**
+	 * Set properties of the physical volume.
+	 * @param geometryObject
+	 */
+	private void setPhysicalVolumeProperties(LCDDBaseGeometry geometryObject) throws DataConversionException {
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: setPhysVolumeProperties for name %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getName());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeBase ----");
-		}
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Base.class);
-		Hep3Vector ball_pos_base = base.getBallPos();
-		Hep3Vector vee_pos_base = base.getVeePos(); 
-		Hep3Vector flat_pos_base = base.getFlatPos();
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord base_coord = base.getCoord();
-		String volName = base.getName();
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", base.getBoxDim().x(), base.getBoxDim().y(), base.getBoxDim().z()); 
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume volume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Vacuum"));
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("ball_pos_base %s", ball_pos_base.toString()));
-			print(String.format("vee_pos_base %s", vee_pos_base.toString()));
-			print(String.format("flat_pos_base %s", flat_pos_base.toString()));
-			print(String.format("base_coord:\n%s", base_coord.toString()));
-		}
-		Hep3Vector box_center_base_local = base.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_base = base.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_base_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_base, base.getMother().getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_base_local  %s", box_center_base_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_base        %s", box_center_base.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center          %s", base.getMother().getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center             %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD Euler rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = getEulerAngles(base_coord.v(), base_coord.w(), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		// Create the physical volume
-		PhysVol physVolume = new PhysVol(volume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		if(_debug) {
-	    	 print("Created physical volume " + physVolume.getName());
-	     }
-		// create the base plate inside the base tracker box 
-		makeBasePlate(volume, lcdd, sens );
-		// create the box around the support plates w.r.t. base plate survey positions
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("Make c-support positions on base plate for bottom");
-		}
-		makeSupport("bottom",volume, lcdd, sens );
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("Make c-support positions on base plate for top");
-		}
-		// the top has the same bearing positions as the bottom c-support except for the offset vertically from base plate
-		// the tilt angle is independent though.
-		makeSupport("top", volume, lcdd, sens );
-		//volume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("BasePlateVis"));
-		lcdd.add(volume);
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-		private void makeBasePlate(Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeBasePlate----");
-		}
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate basePlate = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord base_plate_coord = basePlate.getCoord();
-		String volName = basePlate.getName();
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", basePlate.getBoxDim().x(),basePlate.getBoxDim().y(),basePlate.getBoxDim().z());
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume basePlateVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Aluminum"));
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("base_plate_coord:\n%s", base_plate_coord.toString()));
-		}
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		Hep3Vector box_center_base_plate_local = basePlate.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_base_plate = basePlate.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_base_plate_local);
-		// find the displacement from the rotation around an arbitrary point in local coordinates
-		//Hep3Vector box_center_module_coord_rot = getRotationDisplacement(ball_pos_halfmod, box_center_module_coord, lcdd_rot_angles);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_base_plate, basePlate.getMother().getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {		
-			print(String.format("box_center_base_plate_local  %s", box_center_base_plate_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_base_plate        %s", box_center_base_plate.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center                %s", basePlate.getMother().getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                   %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD Euler rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = getEulerAngles(base_plate_coord.u(), base_plate_coord.v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		// Create the physical volume
-		PhysVol basePlatePV = new PhysVol(basePlateVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		if(_debug) {
-	    	 print("Created physical vomume " + basePlatePV.getName());
-	    }	
-		// add volume to lcdd		
-		basePlateVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("BasePlateVis"));
-		lcdd.add(basePlateVolume);
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	private void makeSupport(String half, Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeSupport for " + half + " half ----");
+		// the physical vol ID's here are for the <module_placement> TestRunModules
+		// which is essentially the sensor objects
+		String name = geometryObject.getName();
+		if(name.endsWith("halfmodule_axial") || name.endsWith("halfmodule_stereo") ) {
+			PhysVol physVol = geometryObject.getPhysVolume();
+			int sysId = node.getAttribute("id").getIntValue();
+			physVol.addPhysVolID("system", sysId);
+			physVol.addPhysVolID("barrel", 0);
+			int layer = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getLayerFromVolumeName(geometryObject.getName());
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("layer", layer);
+			String half = HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.getHalfFromName(geometryObject.getName());
+			if(half.equals("")) throw new RuntimeException("no half was found for name " + geometryObject.getName());
+			int moduleId = half.equals("top") ? 0 : 1;
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("module", moduleId);
-		double support_length = -99999.9;
-		double support_width = -99999.9;
-		double support_height = -99999.9;
-		double support_plate_length = -99999.9;
-		double support_plate_width = -99999.9;
-		if( half == "bottom" ) {
-			support_length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.support_bottom_length;
-			support_width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.support_bottom_width;
-			support_height = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.support_bottom_height;
-			support_plate_length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length;
-			support_plate_width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_width;
+		//TODO is this really needed?
+		else if(name.endsWith("sensor_active")) {
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("sensor", 0);
-		else if( half == "top" ) {
-			support_length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.support_top_length;
-			support_width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.support_top_width;
-			support_height = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.support_top_height;
-			support_plate_length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_length;
-			support_plate_width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_width;
-		} else {
-			print("Error: cannot make support for " + half);
-			System.exit(1);
+		//TODO are the component id's really needed?
+		else if(name.endsWith("sensor")) {
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("component", 0);
-		String volName;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord csup_coord;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom supportBottom  = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop supportTop = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.class);
-		if(half == "bottom") {
-			csup_coord = supportBottom.getCoord();
-			volName = supportBottom.getName();
-			mother = supportBottom.getMother();
-		} else {
-			csup_coord = supportTop.getCoord();
-			volName = supportTop.getName();
-			mother = supportTop.getMother();
-		}			
-		Transform3D trans_csup_to_base = getTransformation(csup_coord);
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", support_width, support_length, support_height);
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume supportVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Vacuum"));
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("support_coord:\n%s", csup_coord.toString()));
+		else if(name.endsWith("lamination")) {
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("component", 1);
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		// the support plate sits exactly in between the bearing positions
-		// it's offset along the local directions
-		Hep3Vector box_center_support_local;
-		if(half == "bottom") {
-			box_center_support_local = supportBottom.getCenter();
-		} else {
-			box_center_support_local = supportTop.getCenter();
-		} 
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_support_base = trans_csup_to_base.transformed(box_center_support_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_support_base, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_support_local  %s", box_center_support_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_support_base   %s", box_center_support_base.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center             %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                %s", box_center.toString()));
+		else if(name.endsWith("cf")) {
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("component", 2);
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD Euler rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = getEulerAngles(csup_coord.u(), csup_coord.v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		// Create the physical volume
-		PhysVol supportPV = new PhysVol(supportVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		if(_debug) {
-	    	 print("Created physical vomume " + supportPV.getName());
-	    }	
-		// create the support plate inside the support box coordinate system
-		// survey points on the support plate are: 
-		// ball: corner of the hinge end at the surface on the side where module cold blocks are
-		// vee: corner of the hinge end at the surface on the side where sensors are
-		// flat: middle of plate at upstream end at the surface
-//		Hep3Vector ball_pos_support_plate;
-//		Hep3Vector vee_pos_support_plate;
-//		Hep3Vector flat_pos_support_plate;
-//		if(half == "bottom") {
-//			ball_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(1.0, (17.0-5.0), 6.66+1.34); 
-//			vee_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x() + support_plate_width, ball_pos_support_plate.y(),ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//			flat_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x(), ball_pos_support_plate.y() + support_plate_length,ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//			//ball_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(0.0, 0.0, support_plate_height); // TODO figure out what height this should be from the C-support drawings
-//			//vee_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x() + support_plate_width, ball_pos_support_plate.y(),ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//			//flat_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x(), ball_pos_support_plate.y() + support_plate_length,ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//		} else {
-//			ball_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(1.0, (17.0-5.0), -1.0 * (6.66+1.34)); // TODO figure out what height this should be from the C-support drawings
-//			vee_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x() + support_plate_width, ball_pos_support_plate.y(),ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//			flat_pos_support_plate = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_support_plate.x(), ball_pos_support_plate.y() + support_plate_length,ball_pos_support_plate.z());
-//		}
-		//makeSupportPlate(supportWrap, ball_pos_support_plate, vee_pos_support_plate, flat_pos_support_plate, lcdd, sens );
-		makeSupportPlate(half, supportVolume, lcdd, sens );
-		// create the module from positions of module ball, vee and flat w.r.t. support plate survey points
-		// ball: hole on the cold block mounting surface
-		// vee:  slot on the cold block mounting surface
-		// flat: midpoint between line joining ball and vee and offset 90deg along plate going upstream
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("Make modules on support plate");
+		else if(name.endsWith("hybrid")) {
+			geometryObject.getPhysVolume().addPhysVolID("component", 3);
-		for(int ilayer = 1; ilayer <=5; ++ilayer) {
-			String layerName = String.format("L%d%s", ilayer,half=="bottom"?"b":"t");
-			print(layerName);
-			// make the module
-			makeModule(half,layerName,supportVolume,lcdd, sens);
-		} // ilayer
-		// add support volume to lcdd
-		supportVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("SupportVolumeVis"));
-		lcdd.add(supportVolume);
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	private void makeSupportPlate(String half, Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
 		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeSupportPlate for " + half + " ----");
-		}
-		// Create the box 
-		String volName;
-		double width,height,length;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord support_plate_coord;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom supportPlateBottom = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop supportPlateTop = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.class);
-		if(half == "bottom") {
-			volName = supportPlateBottom.getName();
-			width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_width;
-			length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length;
-			height = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_height;
-			support_plate_coord = supportPlateBottom.getCoord();
-			mother = supportPlateBottom.getMother();
-			} else {
-			volName = supportPlateTop.getName();
-			width = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_width;
-			length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_length;
-			height = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_height;
-			support_plate_coord = supportPlateTop.getCoord();
-			mother = supportPlateTop.getMother();
-		}
-		volName = volName + "_supportplate";
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", width, length, height);
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume supportPlateVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Aluminum"));
-		// create the coordinate system
-		Transform3D trans_support_plate_to_support = getTransformation(support_plate_coord);
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("support_plate_coord:\n%s", support_plate_coord.toString()));
-		}
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		Hep3Vector box_center_support_plate_local;
-		if(half == "bottom") {
-			//box_center_support_plate_local = new BasicHep3Vector(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_width/2.0, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length/2.0, -1.0 * HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_height/2.0);
-			box_center_support_plate_local = supportPlateBottom.getCenter();
-		} else {
-			//box_center_support_plate_local = new BasicHep3Vector(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_width/2.0, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length/2.0,  HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_height/2.0);
-			box_center_support_plate_local = supportPlateTop.getCenter();
-		}
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_support = trans_support_plate_to_support.transformed(box_center_support_plate_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		//Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_support,;
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_support, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_support_plate_local  %s", box_center_support_plate_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_support_plate        %s", box_center_support.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center                   %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                      %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = this.getEulerAngles(support_plate_coord.u(), support_plate_coord.v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		PhysVol supportPlatePV = new PhysVol(supportPlateVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		if(_debug) {
-	    	 print("Created physical vomume " + supportPlatePV.getName());
-	    }	
-		supportPlateVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("SupportPlateVis"));		
-		lcdd.add(supportPlateVolume);
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	private void makeModule(String half, String name, Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException 
-    {
-		print(String.format("----- makeModule " + name + "  " + half + " ------"));
-		// build the module name
-		String volName = "module_" + name;		
-		// find the module layer
-		int layer = getLayerFromVolumeName(volName);
-		boolean isL13 = ( layer >=1 && layer <=3 ) ? true : false;			
-		// find the mother and reference geom
-		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother;
-		// reference is a intermediate geom object that are referenced but not it's direct mother
-		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom ref;
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom supportBottom = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop supportTop = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom supportPlateBottom = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.class);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop supportPlateTop = builder.getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.class);
-		if(half == "bottom") {
-			mother = supportBottom;
-			ref = supportPlateBottom;
-		} else {
-			mother= supportTop;
-			ref = supportPlateTop;
-		}
-		//Create the module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule module;
-		if(isL13) {
-			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModuleL13(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
-		} else {
-			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModuleL45(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
-		}
-		// add it to list of modules
-		List<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom> modules = builder.getModules();
-		modules.add(module);
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "_box", module.getBoxDim().x(), module.getBoxDim().y(), module.getBoxDim().z());
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume moduleVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Vacuum"));
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		Hep3Vector box_center_local = module.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_support = module.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_support, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_local        %s", box_center_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_support      %s", box_center_support.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center           %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center              %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = this.getEulerAngles(module.getCoord().u(), module.getCoord().v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		PhysVol physVolume = new PhysVol(moduleVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		makeHalfModule("axial", volName ,moduleVolume, lcdd,sens);
-		makeColdBlock(volName, moduleVolume, lcdd,sens);
-		makeHalfModule("stereo", volName ,moduleVolume, lcdd,sens);
-		moduleVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("ModuleVis"));
-		lcdd.add(moduleVolume);	
-    }
-	*/
-	/*
-	private HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom findModule(String moduleName) {
-		List<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom> modules = builder.getModules();
-		for(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom m : modules) {
-			if(m.getName().equals(moduleName)) return m;
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	private void makeHalfModule(String side, String moduleName,  Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeHalfModule " + side + " for module " + moduleName);
-		}
-		String volName = moduleName + "_halfmodule_" + side;
-		// top or bottom?
-		String half = this.getHalfFromName(moduleName);
-		// find layer
-		int layer = this.getLayerFromVolumeName(moduleName);
-		// find the mother
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother = findModule(moduleName);
-		if(mother==null) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find mother " + moduleName + " to " + volName);
-		}
-		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule halfModule;
-		if(side == "axial") {
-			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModuleAxial(volName, mother, layer, half);
-		} else if(side == "stereo") {
-			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModuleStereo(volName, mother, layer, half);
-		} else {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid half-module side " + side);
-		}
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", halfModule.getBoxDim().x(), halfModule.getBoxDim().y(), halfModule.getBoxDim().z());
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume halfModuleVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Vacuum"));
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("half_module_coord:\n%s", halfModule.getCoord().toString()));
-		}
-		Hep3Vector box_center_local = halfModule.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_module_coord = halfModule.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_local);
-		//Find LCDD rotation angles 
-		// Since we want to keep the local coordinate system the same for both axial and stereo
-		// sensors we rotate the half-modules in place "by-hand" and not only from system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = this.getEulerAngles(halfModule.getCoord().u(), halfModule.getCoord().v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		if(side.equals("stereo")) {
-			double stereo_angle;
-			if(layer<4) {
-				stereo_angle = -0.1;
-			} else {
-				stereo_angle = -0.05;
+			System.out.printf("%s: %d physvolid's\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getPhysVolume().getChildren("physvolid").size());
+			//geomObj.getPhysVolume().getChildren("physvolid field_name="sensor" value="0"")
+			for (Iterator i = geometryObject.getPhysVolume().getChildren("physvolid").iterator(); i.hasNext();) {        
+				Element e = (Element);
+				System.out.printf("%s: %s %d\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),e.getAttributeValue("field_name"),e.getAttribute("value").getIntValue());
-			org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation rot_stereo = new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ, Math.PI, stereo_angle,0);
-			double res[] = rot_stereo.getAngles(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ);
-			Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles_2 = new BasicHep3Vector(res);
-			if(_debug) {
-				print(String.format("lcdd_rot_angles                 %s", lcdd_rot_angles.toString()));
-				print(String.format("lcdd_rot_angles_2               %s", lcdd_rot_angles_2.toString()));
-			}		
-			lcdd_rot_angles = lcdd_rot_angles_2;
-		}
-		// Find the displacement of the box center due to rotation about different origin
-		Hep3Vector box_center_module_coord_rot = getRotationDisplacement(halfModule.getCoord().origin(), box_center_module_coord, lcdd_rot_angles);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_module_coord_rot, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_local               %s", box_center_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_module_coord        %s", box_center_module_coord.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_module_coord_rot    %s", box_center_module_coord_rot.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center                  %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                     %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		// Create the LCDD rotation
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		PhysVol physVolume = new PhysVol(halfModuleVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		// create the half module components 
-		makeHalfModuleComponentSensor(halfModule, halfModuleVolume, lcdd, sens);
-		makeHalfModuleComponentKapton(halfModule,halfModuleVolume, lcdd, sens);
-		makeHalfModuleComponentCF(halfModule, halfModuleVolume, lcdd, sens);
-		makeHalfModuleComponentHybrid(halfModule, halfModuleVolume, lcdd, sens);
+		if(_debug) System.out.printf("%s: DONE setPhysVolumeProperties for name %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),geometryObject.getName());
-		//set vis stuff
-		halfModuleVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("HalfModuleVis"));
-		lcdd.add(halfModuleVolume);
-	}
-	*/
-	/*
-	private void makeColdBlock(String moduleName, Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeColdBlock for module " + moduleName);
-		String volName = moduleName + "_coldblock";
-		// find layer
-		int layer = this.getLayerFromVolumeName(moduleName);
-		// find the mother
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother = findModule(moduleName);
-		if(mother==null) {
-			throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find mother " + moduleName + " to " + volName);
-		}
-		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlock coldBlock;
-		if(layer >= 1 && layer <=3) {
-			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlockL13(volName, mother, layer);
-		} else if(layer >= 4 && layer <=5) {
-			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlockL45(volName, mother, layer);
-		} else {
-			throw new RuntimeException("wrong layer for " + volName);
-		}
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", coldBlock.getBoxDim().x(),coldBlock.getBoxDim().y(), coldBlock.getBoxDim().z());
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume coldBlockVolume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Aluminum"));
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		Hep3Vector box_center_local = coldBlock.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_module_coord = coldBlock.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_module_coord, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_local              %s", box_center_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_module_coord       %s", box_center_module_coord.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center                 %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                    %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = this.getEulerAngles(coldBlock.getCoord().u(), coldBlock.getCoord().v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
-		lcdd.add(pos);
-		lcdd.add(rot);
-		PhysVol physVolume = new PhysVol(coldBlockVolume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-		//set vis stuff
-		coldBlockVolume.setVisAttributes(lcdd.getVisAttributes("ColdBlockVis"));
-		lcdd.add(coldBlockVolume);
-	private void makeHalfModuleComponentSensor(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother, Volume motherVolume, LCDD lcdd, SensitiveDetector sens) throws JDOMException {
-		if(_debug) {
-			print("--- makeHalfModuleComponentSensor for half-module " + mother.getName());
-		}
-		String volName = mother.getName() + "_sensor";
-		// sensor if
-		int sensor_number = 0;
-		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor sensor = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor(volName, mother, sensor_number);
-		Box box = new Box(volName + "Box", sensor.getBoxDim().x(),sensor.getBoxDim().y(), sensor.getBoxDim().z());
-		lcdd.add(box);
-		Volume volume = new Volume(volName + "_volume", box, lcdd.getMaterial("Silicon"));
-		// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-		Hep3Vector box_center_local = sensor.getCenter();
-		//translate to the mother coordinate system
-		Hep3Vector box_center_module_coord = sensor.getCoord().getTransformation().transformed(box_center_local);
-		// find the position of the center in the mother coord
-		Hep3Vector box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_module_coord, mother.getCenter());
-		if(_debug) {
-			print(String.format("box_center_local              %s", box_center_local.toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center_module_coord       %s", box_center_module_coord.toString()));
-			print(String.format("mother center                 %s", mother.getCenter().toString()));
-			print(String.format("box_center                    %s", box_center.toString()));
-		}
-		// Create the LCDD position
-		Position pos = new Position(volName + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z());
-		//Find LCDD rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
-		Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = this.getEulerAngles(sensor.getCoord().u(), sensor.getCoord().v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
-		Rotation rot = new Rotation(volName + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z());
[truncated at 1000 lines; 3061 more skipped]

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd 3269 -> 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-18 20:46:54 UTC (rev 3269)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import org.jdom.JDOMException;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlock;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModuleL13;
+import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensor;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunColdBlock;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModuleL13;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Box;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.LCDD;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.PhysVol;
@@ -24,7 +26,7 @@
- * Class used to encapsulates building the basic geometry building blocks. 
+ * Class used to encapsulate the rules for building geometry based building blocks defined in {@link HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition}
  * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@
 	private boolean debug = true;
 	//Geometry members
-	protected List<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom> trackerItems = new ArrayList<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom>();
+	protected List<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry> trackerItems = new ArrayList<HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry>();
 	public  List<ModuleBundle> modules;
@@ -48,24 +50,29 @@
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing the geometry objects\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
-		// keep the order correct.
-		// each item has knowledge of its mother but not its daughters
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TrackingBase tracking = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TrackingBase("trackingVolume",null);
+		// Build the geometry from the basicl building blocks in the geometry definition class
+		// Keep the order correct.
+		// Each item has knowledge of its mother but not its daughters
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TrackingBase tracking = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TrackingBase("trackingVolume",null);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Base base = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Base("base",tracking);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base base = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base("base",tracking);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate basePlate = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate("baseplate",base, "Aluminum");
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate basePlate = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate("baseplate",base, "Aluminum");
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CSupport cSupport = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CSupport("c_support", base);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CSupport cSupport = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CSupport("c_support", base);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom supportBottom = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom("support_bottom", base, cSupport);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportBottom supportBottom = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportBottom("support_bottom", base, cSupport);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom supportPlateBottom = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom("support_plate_bottom", supportBottom, "Aluminum");
+		// The support survey positions are now with respect to its mother and not the reference coord. system.
+		// So to get the reference for the support plate I don't need to apply that extra transformation
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateBottom supportPlateBottom = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateBottom("support_plate_bottom", base, supportBottom, "Aluminum");
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop supportTop = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop("support_top", base, cSupport);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportTop supportTop = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportTop("support_top", base, cSupport);
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop supportPlateTop = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop("support_plate_top", supportTop, "Aluminum");
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateTop supportPlateTop = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateTop("support_plate_top", base, supportTop, "Aluminum");
+		// Modules are built using an encapsulating class that keeps tracks of all components
 		modules = new ArrayList<ModuleBundle>();
 		for(int l=1; l<=5;++l) {
@@ -74,13 +81,17 @@
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing the geometry objects\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
+	/**
+	 * Create the module. 
+	 * @param layer - of the module
+	 * @param half - top or bottom half of the tracker
+	 */
 	private void makeModuleBundle(int layer, String half) 
@@ -92,37 +103,42 @@
 		boolean isL13 = ( layer >=1 && layer <=3 ) ? true : false;			
-		// find the mother and reference geom
-		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom mother;
-		// reference is a intermediate geom object that are referenced but not it's direct mother
-		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom ref;
+		// find the mother and reference geometry
+		// Note that the reference geometry is the support plate and since that is assumed to be 
+		// created through it's references we don't need more than one reference to reach the mother coordinate system
+		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry mother;
+		final HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry ref;
 		if(half == "bottom") {
-			mother = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.class);
-			ref = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.class);
+			//mother = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.class);
+			mother = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base.class);
+			ref = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateBottom.class);
 		} else {
-			mother= getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.class);
-			ref = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.class);
+			//mother= getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.class);
+			mother= getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base.class);
+			ref = getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateTop.class);
 		//Create the module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule module;
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule module;
 		if(isL13) {
-			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModuleL13(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
+			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModuleL13(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
 		} else {
-			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModuleL45(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
+			module = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModuleL45(volName, mother, ref, layer, half);
 		// create the bundle for this module
 		ModuleBundle bundle = new ModuleBundle(module);
 		makeHalfModule("axial", module);
+		/*
 		makeHalfModule("stereo", module);
+		*/
 		if(isDebug()) {
 			System.out.printf("%s: created module bundle:\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName());
@@ -131,38 +147,47 @@
-private void makeColdBlock(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule mother) { 
+	/**
+	 * Create the cold block object.
+	 * @param mother to the cold block
+	 */
+	private void makeColdBlock(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule mother) { 
 		String moduleName = mother.getName();
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeColdBlock for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), moduleName);
 		String volName = moduleName + "_coldblock";
 		// find layer
 		int layer = getLayerFromVolumeName(moduleName);
 		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlock coldBlock;
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunColdBlock coldBlock;
 		if(layer >= 1 && layer <=3) {
-			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlockL13(volName, mother, layer);
+			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunColdBlockL13(volName, mother, layer);
 		} else if(layer >= 4 && layer <=5) {
-			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlockL45(volName, mother, layer);
+			coldBlock = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunColdBlockL45(volName, mother, layer);
 		} else {
 			throw new RuntimeException("wrong layer for " + volName);
 		ModuleBundle bundle = getModuleBundle(mother);
 		bundle.coldBlock = coldBlock;
-	private void makeHalfModule(String side, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule mother) {
+	/**
+	 * Create the half-module.
+	 * @param side - stereo or axial
+	 * @param mother to the half-module
+	 */
+	private void makeHalfModule(String side, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule mother) {
 		String moduleName = mother.getName();
@@ -180,13 +205,13 @@
 		HalfModuleBundle halfModuleBundle;
 		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule halfModule;
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule halfModule;
 		if(side == "axial") {
-			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModuleAxial(volName, mother, layer, half);
+			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModuleAxial(volName, mother, layer, half);
 			halfModuleBundle = new HalfModuleBundle(halfModule);
 			bundle.halfModuleAxial = halfModuleBundle;
 		} else if(side == "stereo") {
-			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModuleStereo(volName, mother, layer, half);
+			halfModule = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModuleStereo(volName, mother, layer, half);
 			halfModuleBundle = new HalfModuleBundle(halfModule);
 			bundle.halfModuleStereo = halfModuleBundle;
 		} else {
@@ -194,7 +219,6 @@
 		// create the half module components 
@@ -212,17 +236,17 @@
-	private void makeHalfModuleComponentHybrid(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
+	private void makeHalfModuleComponentHybrid(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentHybrid for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
 		String volName = mother.getName() + "_hybrid";
 		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Hybrid hybrid = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Hybrid(volName,mother);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Hybrid hybrid = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Hybrid(volName,mother);
-		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
+		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
 		hm.hybrid = hybrid;
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: added hybrid to half-module with name %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), hm.halfModule.getName());
@@ -230,85 +254,77 @@
-private void makeHalfModuleComponentCF(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
-	if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentCF for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
+	private void makeHalfModuleComponentCF(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentCF for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
 		String volName = mother.getName() + "_cf";
 		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CarbonFiber cf = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CarbonFiber(volName,mother);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CarbonFiber cf = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CarbonFiber(volName,mother);
-		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
+		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
 		hm.carbonFiber = cf;
+	}
-private void makeHalfModuleComponentKapton(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
-	if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentKapton for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
-	String volName = mother.getName() + "_lamination";
-	// Build the half-module
-	HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.HalfModuleLamination lamination = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.HalfModuleLamination(volName,mother);
-	lamination.setMaterial("Kapton");
+	private void makeHalfModuleComponentKapton(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentKapton for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
+		String volName = mother.getName() + "_lamination";
+		// Build the half-module
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.HalfModuleLamination lamination = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.HalfModuleLamination(volName,mother);
+		lamination.setMaterial("Kapton");
-	HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
-	hm.lamination = lamination;
+		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
+		hm.lamination = lamination;
+	}
-private void makeHalfModuleComponentSensor(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
-	if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentSensor for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
+	private void makeHalfModuleComponentSensor(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule mother) {
-	String volName = mother.getName() + "_sensor";
+		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentSensor for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
-	// sensor if
-	int sensor_number = 0;
+		String volName = mother.getName() + "_sensor";
-	//	
-	HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor sensor = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor(volName, mother, sensor_number);
-	sensor.setMaterial("Silicon");
-	HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
-	hm.sensor = sensor;
+		// sensor if
+		int sensor_number = 0;
-	makeHalfModuleComponentActiveSensor(sensor);
+		//	
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Sensor sensor = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Sensor(volName, mother, sensor_number);
+		sensor.setMaterial("Silicon");
+		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule) mother.getMother(), mother.getName());
+		hm.sensor = sensor;
+		makeHalfModuleComponentActiveSensor(sensor);
+	}
-	private void makeHalfModuleComponentActiveSensor(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor mother) {
+	private void makeHalfModuleComponentActiveSensor(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Sensor mother) {
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: makeHalfModuleComponentActiveSensor for %s \n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), mother.getName());
 		String volName = mother.getName() + "_active";
-		// Build the half-module
-		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.ActiveSensor active_sensor = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.ActiveSensor(volName, mother);
+		HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.ActiveSensor active_sensor = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.ActiveSensor(volName, mother);
-//		PhysVol physVolume = new PhysVol(volume, motherVolume, pos, rot);
-//		volume.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
-//		physVolume.addPhysVolID("sensor", sensor_number);
-//		physVolume.addPhysVolID("system", 0);
-//		physVolume.addPhysVolID("barrel", 0);
-//		physVolume.addPhysVolID("layer", layer);
-//		physVolume.addPhysVolID("module", layer);    
-		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule) mother.getMother().getMother(), mother.getMother().getName());
+		HalfModuleBundle hm = getHalfModuleBundle((HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule) mother.getMother().getMother(), mother.getMother().getName());
 		hm.activeSensor = active_sensor;
@@ -316,7 +332,7 @@
-	private static String getHalfFromName(String name) {
+	public static String getHalfFromName(String name) {
 		String half = "";
 		if(name.contains("bottom")) {
 			half = "bottom";
@@ -356,10 +372,10 @@
-	private static int getLayerFromVolumeName(String name) {
+	public static int getLayerFromVolumeName(String name) {
 		int layer = -1;
 		for(int i=1; i<= 5; ++i) {
-			if(name.contains(String.format("_L%d", i))) {
+			if(name.contains(String.format("module_L%d", i))) {
 				layer = i;
@@ -370,7 +386,28 @@
 		return layer;
+	public static boolean isHalfModule(String name) {
+		if(name.endsWith("halfmodule_axial") || name.endsWith("halfmodule_stereo")) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	public static boolean isSensor(String name) {
+		if(name.endsWith("sensor")) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	public static boolean isActiveSensor(String name) {
+		if(name.endsWith("sensor_active")) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
@@ -381,7 +418,7 @@
 	protected <T> T getItem(Class<T> c) {
 		///if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: get Item %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),c.getName());
-		for(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom item : trackerItems) {
+		for(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry item : trackerItems) {
 			//if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: item %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),item.getClass().getName());
 			if(c.isInstance(item)) {
 				return (T)item;
@@ -407,19 +444,19 @@
 	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
-	protected static class ModuleBundle {
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule module = null;
-		protected HalfModuleBundle halfModuleAxial = null;
-		protected HalfModuleBundle halfModuleStereo = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunColdBlock coldBlock = null;
-		ModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule m) {
+	public static class ModuleBundle {
+		public TestRunModule module = null;
+		public HalfModuleBundle halfModuleAxial = null;
+		public HalfModuleBundle halfModuleStereo = null;
+		protected TestRunColdBlock coldBlock = null;
+		ModuleBundle(TestRunModule m) {
 			module = m;
-		int getLayer() {
+		public int getLayer() {
 			if(module==null) throw new RuntimeException("Need to add module to bundle first!");
 			return getLayerFromVolumeName(module.getName());
-		String getHalf() {
+		public String getHalf() {
 			if(module==null) throw new RuntimeException("Need to add module to bundle first!");
 			return getHalfFromName(module.getName()); 
@@ -427,25 +464,25 @@
 		 * Find mother to this module.
 		 * @return mother 
-		public BaseGeom getMother() {
+		public BaseGeometry getMother() {
 			if(module==null) throw new RuntimeException("Need to add module to bundle first!");
 			return module.getMother();
 		public void print() {
-			System.out.printf("%s: %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),module.getName());
-			halfModuleAxial.print();
-			System.out.printf("%s: %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),coldBlock.getName());
-			halfModuleStereo.print();
+			if(module!=null) System.out.printf("%s: %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),module.getName());
+			if(halfModuleAxial!=null) halfModuleAxial.print();
+			if(coldBlock!=null)System.out.printf("%s: %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),coldBlock.getName());
+			if(halfModuleStereo!=null) halfModuleStereo.print();
-	protected static class HalfModuleBundle {
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule halfModule = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor sensor = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.ActiveSensor activeSensor = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.HalfModuleLamination lamination = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CarbonFiber carbonFiber = null;
-		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Hybrid hybrid = null;
-		HalfModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule hm) {			
+	public static class HalfModuleBundle {
+		public HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule halfModule = null;
+		public HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Sensor sensor = null;
+		public HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.ActiveSensor activeSensor = null;
+		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.HalfModuleLamination lamination = null;
+		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CarbonFiber carbonFiber = null;
+		protected HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Hybrid hybrid = null;
+		HalfModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunHalfModule hm) {			
 			halfModule = hm;
 		public void print() {
@@ -474,7 +511,7 @@
 	 * @param module - to find
 	 * @return bundle
-	protected ModuleBundle getModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule module) {
+	protected ModuleBundle getModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule module) {
 		return getModuleBundle(module.getLayer(), module.getHalf());
@@ -483,7 +520,7 @@
 	 * @param module - to find
 	 * @return bundle
-	protected HalfModuleBundle getHalfModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunModule module, String halfModuleName) {
+	protected HalfModuleBundle getHalfModuleBundle(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TestRunModule module, String halfModuleName) {
 		ModuleBundle m = getModuleBundle(module.getLayer(), module.getHalf());
 		HalfModuleBundle hm = null;
 		if(m!=null) {
@@ -510,4 +547,21 @@
+	/**
+     * Checks if the orientation of the sensor is axial.
+     * Uses the moduleId definition from the "old" geometry for 
+     * consistency.
+     * 
+     *  @return true if it is, false if it is a stereo sensor
+     */
+    private boolean isAxial(boolean isTopLayer, int layer) {
+        if (isTopLayer && layer % 2 == 1) {
+            return true;
+        } else if (!isTopLayer && layer % 2 == 0) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd removed after 3269
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-18 20:46:54 UTC (rev 3269)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -1,1342 +0,0 @@
- * 
- */
-package org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd;
-import org.lcsim.detector.Rotation3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
-import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Box;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Matrix;
-import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
-import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
- * 
- * Class containing geometry information for HPS Test run tracker 2014
- * 
- * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
- *
- */
-public class HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef {
-		//General
-		private static final double inch = 25.4; //mm
-		// Global position references	
-		private static final double target_pos_wrt_base_plate_x = 162.3; //from Marco's 3D model
-		private static final double target_pos_wrt_base_plate_y = 80.55; //from Tim's sketchup //68.75; //from Marco's 3D model
-		private static final double target_pos_wrt_base_plate_z = 926.59; //from Marco's 3D model
-		protected static final double PS_vac_box_inner_height = 7.0*inch;
-		/**
-		 * 
-		 * Base geometry class for generating volumes based on survey information. 
-		 * 
-		 */
-		protected static abstract class BaseGeom {
-			private String name;
-			private String material = "Vacuum";
-			private BaseGeom mother;
-			// The reference geometry is used when the survey points are w.r.t. to 
-			// a different/intermediate coord system. So that transformation has to be used when 
-			// transforming to the mother system
-			private BaseGeom referenceGeom;
-			private Coord coord;
-			protected  Hep3Vector ballPos;
-			protected  Hep3Vector veePos;
-			protected  Hep3Vector flatPos;
-			private Hep3Vector center;
-			private Hep3Vector boxDim;
-			//store explicit rotations - if exist should be used instead of those extracted from coord
-			// TODO This is a workaround as I should really rotate the coord system to make things consistent. Figure this out later. 
-			protected Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = null;
-			public BaseGeom(String name, BaseGeom m) {
-				setName(name);
-				setMother(m);
-				setReferenceGeom(null);
-			}
-			public BaseGeom(String name, BaseGeom m, BaseGeom ref) {
-				setName(name);
-				setMother(m);
-				setReferenceGeom(ref);
-			}
-			protected abstract void setPos();
-			protected abstract void setCoord();
-			protected abstract void setCenter();
-			protected abstract void setBoxDim();
-			protected void init() {
-				setPos();
-				setCoord();
-				setCenter();
-				setBoxDim();
-			}
-			public  void setBallPos(double x, double y, double z) {
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-			}
-			public  void setVeePos(double x, double y, double z) {
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-			}
-			public  void setFlatPos(double x, double y, double z) {
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-			}
-			public  Hep3Vector getBallPos() {
-				return ballPos;
-			}
-			public  Hep3Vector getVeePos() {
-				return veePos;
-			}
-			public  Hep3Vector getFlatPos() {
-				return flatPos;
-			}
-			public void setCoord(Hep3Vector origin) {
-				if(ballPos==null || veePos==null || flatPos==null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("Need to set ball, vee and flat before building coord system!");
-				}
-				if(origin!=null) {
-					coord = new Coord(origin, ballPos, veePos, flatPos);
-				} else {
-					coord = new Coord(ballPos, veePos, flatPos);					
-				}
-			}
-			public Coord getCoord() {
-				if(coord == null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("Need to setCoord!");
-				}
-				return coord;
-			}
-			public String getName() {
-				return name;
-			}
-			public void setName(String name) {
- = name;
-			}
-			public Hep3Vector getCenter() {
-				return center;
-			}
-			public void setCenter(Hep3Vector center) {
- = center;
-			}
-			public void setCenter(double x, double y, double z) {
- = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-			}
-			public Hep3Vector getBoxDim() {
-				return boxDim;
-			}
-			public void setBoxDim(double x, double y, double z) {
-				this.boxDim = new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z);
-			}
-			public BaseGeom getMother() {
-				return mother;
-			}
-			public void setMother(BaseGeom mother) {
-				this.mother = mother;
-			}
-			public BaseGeom getReferenceGeom() {
-				return referenceGeom;
-			}
-			public void setReferenceGeom(BaseGeom referenceGeom) {
-				this.referenceGeom = referenceGeom;
-			}
-			public void printSurveyPos() {
-				System.out.printf("Survey pos for %s:\n",getName());
-				System.out.printf("ballPos   %s\n", ballPos.toString());
-				System.out.printf("veePos    %s\n", veePos.toString());
-				System.out.printf("flatPos   %s\n", flatPos.toString());
-			}
-			public String getMaterial() {
-				return material;
-			}
-			public void setMaterial(String material) {
-				this.material = material;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Tracking volume geometry definition. 
-		 */
-		public static class TrackingBase extends BaseGeom {
-			public TrackingBase(String name, BaseGeom mother) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				// Dummy survey positions to setup a coordinate system
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0);
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0);
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1);
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				// at the origin
-				setCoord(new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,0));
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				// at the origin
-				setCenter(new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,0));
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				// do nothing since we are not building a tracking volume
-			}
-		}
-		public static class Base extends BaseGeom {
-			// height of the dummy box holding the entire SVT: 
-			// this means the bottom of the base plate to the the inner surface of of the PS vac box for now
-			protected static final double base_height = PS_vac_box_inner_height - BasePlate.base_plate_offset_height; 
-			protected static final double base_width = BasePlate.base_plate_width;
-			protected static final double base_length = BasePlate.base_plate_length;
-			public Base(String name, BaseGeom mother) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				final double ball_pos_base_x = -1.0*target_pos_wrt_base_plate_x;
-				final double ball_pos_base_y = -1.0*target_pos_wrt_base_plate_y;
-				final double ball_pos_base_z = target_pos_wrt_base_plate_z;		
-				final double vee_pos_base_x = ball_pos_base_x + BasePlate.base_plate_width;
-				final double vee_pos_base_y = ball_pos_base_y;
-				final double vee_pos_base_z = ball_pos_base_z;
-				final double flat_pos_base_x = ball_pos_base_x;
-				final double flat_pos_base_y = ball_pos_base_y;
-				final double flat_pos_base_z = ball_pos_base_z - BasePlate.base_plate_length;
-				setBallPos(ball_pos_base_x,ball_pos_base_y,ball_pos_base_z);
-				setVeePos(vee_pos_base_x,vee_pos_base_y,vee_pos_base_z);
-				setFlatPos(flat_pos_base_x, flat_pos_base_y, flat_pos_base_z);
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(base_width/2.0, base_length/2.0, base_height/2.0 - BasePlate.base_plate_thickness);
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(base_width,base_length,base_height);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class BasePlate extends BaseGeom {
-			// Base plate references	
-			protected static final double base_plate_thickness = 0.25*inch;
-			protected static final double base_plate_width = 385.00;
-			protected static final double base_plate_length = 1216.00;
-			//height from vacuum chamber surface
-			protected static final double base_plate_offset_height = 2.0; //from Marco's 3D model
-			public BasePlate(String name, BaseGeom mother, String material) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				init();
-				setMaterial(material);
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				setBallPos(0,0,0);
-				setVeePos(base_plate_width,ballPos.y(),ballPos.z());
-				setFlatPos(ballPos.x(),base_plate_length,ballPos.z());
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(base_plate_width/2.0, base_plate_length/2.0, -base_plate_thickness/2.0);
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(base_plate_width,base_plate_length, base_plate_thickness);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class CSupport extends BaseGeom {
-			// This is the sequence of locating the support plate positions:
-			// The c-support pin positions are found
-			// the points on the axis of rotation are used as references for building the box surrounding the support plates (incl sensors).
-			// this should make it more straightforward when applying a tilt angle
-			// c-support:
-			// ball position is C-support pin position on electron side on the base plate surface
-			// vee position is C-support pin position on positron side on the base plate surface
-			// flat position is a randomly chosen point perpendicular to ball to vee vector and offset 10mm along the plate. 
-			// Note that the flat here sets the tilt angle of the support plates.
-			// c-support references
-			// pin position on base plate surface
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x = 51.15;
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y = 115.02;
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z = 0.0;
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x = 271.05;
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y = 121.62;
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z = 0.0;
-			public CSupport(String name, BaseGeom mother) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				init();
-			}			
-			private void calcAndSetFlatPos() {
-				// find the rotation to place the flat point
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation rot1_csup = 
-						new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation(
-								new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D(vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x-ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x,
-																								vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y-ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y,
-																								vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z-ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z),
-																								new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D(1,0,0));
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_3D_rot = rot1_csup.applyTo(new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D(0,10.0,0));
-				// translate
-				double flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x = ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x + flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_3D_rot.getX();
-				double flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y = ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y + flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_3D_rot.getY();
-				double flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z = ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z + flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_3D_rot.getZ();
-				setFlatPos(flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x,flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y,flat_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z);
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				setBallPos(ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x,ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y,ball_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z);
-				setVeePos(vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_x,vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_y,vee_pos_csup_pin_bottom_z);
-				calcAndSetFlatPos();
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				// this is never used since it's only a reference volume
-				setCenter(null);
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-			}
-		}
-		public static class SupportTop extends BaseGeom {
-			// Top only needs a vertical offset to be specified
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_bearings_top_z = 146.4;
-			//these are for the box surrounding the whole support including modules
-			protected static final double support_top_length = SupportBottom.support_bottom_length;
-			protected static final double support_top_width = SupportBottom.support_bottom_width;
-			protected static final double support_top_height = SupportBottom.support_bottom_height;
-			public SupportTop(String name, BaseGeom mother) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				init();
-			}
-			public SupportTop(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom referenceGeom) {
-				super(name,mother,referenceGeom);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				System.out.printf("setPos support top\n");
-				// the top has the same bearing positions as the bottom c-support except for the offset vertically from base plate
-				// the tilt angle is independent though.
-				setBallPos(SupportBottom.ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x, SupportBottom.ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y, ball_pos_csup_bearings_top_z);
-				setVeePos(SupportBottom.vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x, SupportBottom.vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y, ball_pos_csup_bearings_top_z);
-				// build the rotation to find the proper location of the flat
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation rot_csup_top = 
-						new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ, 
-								SupportPlateTop.support_plate_top_tilt_angle, 0.0, 0.0 );
-				// apply to flat local position (as for bottom it is arbitrary offset)
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_3D_rot = 
-						rot_csup_top.applyTo(new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D(0.0,10.0,0.0));
-				// translate the flat position
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_x = getBallPos().x() + flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_3D_rot.getX();
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_y = getBallPos().y() + flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_3D_rot.getY();
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_z = getBallPos().z() + flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_3D_rot.getZ();
-				setFlatPos(flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_x,flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_y,flat_pos_csup_bearings_top_z);
-				// since we don't care (no volume is built) about the local position of the bearings in the pin coord system we'll get rid of it
-				// and find the bearings position in the base coordinate system directly
-				BaseGeom ref = getReferenceGeom();
-				if(ref==null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("No ref found for " + getName());
-				}
-				System.out.printf("before ref %s transform\n",ref.getName());
-				printSurveyPos();
-				System.out.printf("%s coord\n%s\n",ref.getName(),ref.getCoord().toString());
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(ballPos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(veePos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(flatPos);
-				System.out.printf("after ref %s transform\n",ref.getName());
-				printSurveyPos();
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(support_top_width/2.0+1.0, support_top_length/2.0 + (17.00-10.50/2.0), -1.0 * (support_top_height/2.0 - (12.70-6.66-1.34)));
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(support_top_width,support_top_length,support_top_height);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class SupportBottom extends BaseGeom {
-			// "bearings" are points on axis of rotation on the inside of the c-support frame where the insert get's attached
-			// this is referenced to the pin position of the c-support
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x = 240.0 - 265.0 + 14.0;
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y = (-6.0 + 22.0);
-			private static final double ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z = 14.7;		
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x = 240.0- 129.0;
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y = (-6.0 + 22.0);
-			private static final double vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z = 14.7;
-			//these are for the box surrounding the whole support including modules
-			protected static final double support_bottom_length = SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length;
-			protected static final double support_bottom_width = (25.0-5.0) + TestRunModuleL13.module_box_L13_length;
-			protected static final double support_bottom_height = SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_height - SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth + TestRunModuleL13.module_box_L13_width + SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1;
-			public SupportBottom(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom referenceGeom) {
-				super(name,mother,referenceGeom);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				System.out.printf("setPos support bottom\n");
-				// now create the support box which will have it's coordinates at the rotation axis so that the flat determines the tilt of the plates
-				// it is referenced locally to the c-support pin coordinate system here
-				// build the rotation to find the proper location of the flat
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation rot_csup = 
-						new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ, 
-								SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_tilt_angle, 0.0, 0.0 );
-				// apply to flat local position
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_3D_rot = 
-						rot_csup.applyTo(new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D(0.0,10.0,0.0));
-				// translate
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x = ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x + flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_3D_rot.getX();
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y = ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y + flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_3D_rot.getY();
-				final double flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z = ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z + flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_3D_rot.getZ();
-				// make vectors
-				setBallPos(ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x,ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y,ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z);
-				setVeePos(vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x,vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y,vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z);	
-				setFlatPos(flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_x,flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_y,flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom_z);
-				// create the coordinate system of the c-support bearings
-				//HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord csup_bearings_bottom_coord = new HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Coord(ball_pos_csup_bearings_bottom, vee_pos_csup_bearings_bottom, flat_pos_csup_bearings_bottom);		
-				// since we don't care (no volume is built) about the local position of the bearings in the pin coord system we'll get rid of it
-				// and find the bearings position in the base coordinate system directly
-				BaseGeom ref = getReferenceGeom();
-				if(ref==null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("No ref found for " + getName());
-				}
-				System.out.printf("before ref %s transform\n",ref.getName());
-				printSurveyPos();
-				System.out.printf("%s coord\n%s\n",ref.getName(),ref.getCoord().toString());
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(ballPos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(veePos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(flatPos);
-				System.out.printf("after ref %s transform\n",ref.getName());
-				printSurveyPos();
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(support_bottom_width/2.0+1.0, support_bottom_length/2.0 + (17.00-10.50/2.0), support_bottom_height/2.0 - (12.70-6.66-1.34));
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(support_bottom_width,support_bottom_length,support_bottom_height);
-			}
-		}
-		protected static abstract class SupportPlate extends BaseGeom {
-			protected static final double support_plate_pocket_depth = 6.65; // Tim's sketchup, drawing says 6.66mm?
-			protected static final double pedestal_height_L1 = 11.00;
-			protected static final double pedestal_height_L2 = 9.50;
-			protected static final double pedestal_height_L3 = 8.00;
-			protected static final double pedestal_height_L4 = 10.00;
-			protected static final double pedestal_height_L5 = 7.00;
-			public SupportPlate(BaseGeom mother, String name, String material) {
-				super(name,mother);
-				setMaterial(material);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class SupportPlateBottom extends SupportPlate {
-			// support plate references
-			// use a settable rotation to effectively determine the flat and therefore the tilt of the support 
-			protected static final double support_plate_bottom_tilt_angle = 0.0; 
-			protected static final double support_plate_bottom_height = 12.7;
-			protected static final double support_plate_bottom_length = 736.1;
-			protected static final double support_plate_bottom_width = 120.0;
-			public SupportPlateBottom(String name, BaseGeom mother, String material) {
-				super(mother,name, material);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(1.0, (17.0-5.0), 6.66+1.34); 
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(ballPos.x() + support_plate_bottom_length, ballPos.y(),ballPos.z());
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(ballPos.x(), ballPos.y() + support_plate_bottom_length,ballPos.z());
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(support_plate_bottom_width/2.0, support_plate_bottom_length/2.0, -1.0 * support_plate_bottom_height/2.0);
-			}
-			@Override
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(support_plate_bottom_width,support_plate_bottom_length,support_plate_bottom_height);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class SupportPlateTop extends SupportPlate {
-			// support plate references
-			// use a settable rotation to effectively determine the flat and therefore the tilt of the support 
-			protected static final double support_plate_top_tilt_angle = 0.0; 
-			protected static final double support_plate_top_length = SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_length;
-			protected static final double support_plate_top_width = SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_width;
-			protected static final double support_plate_top_height = SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_bottom_height;
-			public SupportPlateTop(String name, BaseGeom mother, String material) {
-				super(mother,name,material);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(1.0, (17.0-5.0), -1.0 * (6.66+1.34)); 
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(ballPos.x() + support_plate_top_width, ballPos.y(),ballPos.z());
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(ballPos.x(), ballPos.y() + support_plate_top_length,ballPos.z());
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(support_plate_top_width/2.0, support_plate_top_length/2.0,  support_plate_top_height/2.0);
-			}
-			@Override
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(support_plate_top_width, support_plate_top_length, support_plate_top_height);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class TestRunModuleL45 extends TestRunModule {
-			protected static final double module_box_L45_length = 205.2; // includes lexan spacer and cold block
-			protected static final double module_box_L45_height = 12.5; // includes screws height
-			protected static final double module_box_L45_width = 65.3-12.0; 
-			protected static final double dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface = 7.662;
-			public TestRunModuleL45(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer,String half) {
-				super(name, mother, layer, half);
-			}
-			public TestRunModuleL45(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom ref, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother, ref, layer, half);
-			}
-			protected double getColdBlockThickness() {
-				return TestRunColdBlockL45.coldblock_L45_thickness;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxLength() {
-				return module_box_L45_length;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxWidth() {
-				return module_box_L45_width;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxHeight() {
-				return module_box_L45_height;
-			}
-			protected double get_dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface() {
-				return dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface;
-			}
-		}
-		public static class TestRunModuleL13 extends TestRunModule {
-			// module references
-			protected static final double module_box_L13_length = 205.2; // includes lexan spacer and cold block
-			protected static final double module_box_L13_height = 12.5; // includes screws height
-			protected static final double module_box_L13_width = 71.3 - 13.0; // height from cold block to encapsulate the whole module
-			protected static final double dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface = 12.66;
-			public TestRunModuleL13(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother, layer, half);
-			}
-			public TestRunModuleL13(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom ref, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother, ref, layer, half);
-			}
-			protected double getColdBlockThickness() {
-				return TestRunColdBlockL13.coldblock_L13_thickness;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxLength() {
-				return module_box_L13_length;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxWidth() {
-				return module_box_L13_width;
-			}
-			protected double getModuleBoxHeight() {
-				return module_box_L13_height;
-			}
-			protected double get_dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface() {
-				return dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface;
-			}
-		}
-		public static abstract class TestRunModule extends BaseModule {
-			public TestRunModule(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother,layer,half);
-				init();
-			}			
-			public TestRunModule(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom ref, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother,ref,layer,half);
-				init();
-			}			
-			protected abstract double getColdBlockThickness();
-			protected abstract double getModuleBoxLength();
-			protected abstract double getModuleBoxWidth();
-			protected abstract double getModuleBoxHeight();
-			protected abstract double get_dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface();
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(getModuleBoxLength(),getModuleBoxHeight(),getModuleBoxWidth());
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(getModuleBoxLength()/2.0-5.0, 0.0, getModuleBoxWidth()/2.0); 
-			}			
-			protected void setPos() {
-				// bottom
-				if(isBottom()) {
-					switch (getLayer()) {
-					case 1:
-						ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 661.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 661.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 667.10, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						break;
-					case 2:
-						ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 561.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 561.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 567.10, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);	
-						break;
-					case 3:
-						ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 461.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 461.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 467.10, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						 break;
-					case 4:
-						ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 261.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 261.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 267.10, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						 break;
-					case 5:
-						ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 61.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 61.1, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 67.10, HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth);
-						break;
-					default:
-					 	System.out.printf("ERROR invalid layer %d for half %s\n",getLayer(),getHalf());
-						System.exit(1);
-						break;
-					}
-				 } else {
-				// top
-				// top has a fixed offset of 15mm along plate on module pocket positions w.r.t. bottom
-				// top local coordinates is rotation pi around u-vec so need to adjust pocket depth coordinate
-					 switch (getLayer()) {
-					 case 1:
-						 ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 676.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 676.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 670.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L1-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 break;
-					 case 2:
-						 ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 576.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 576.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 570.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L2-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 break;
-					 case 3:
-						 ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 476.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 476.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 flatPos =new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 470.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L3-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 break;
-					 case 4:
-						 ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 276.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 276.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 270.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L4-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 break;
-					 case 5:
-						 ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(25.0, 76.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(95.0, 76.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-						 flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(60.0, 70.1, -1.0 * (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.pedestal_height_L5-HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.support_plate_pocket_depth));
-							break;
-					 default:
-						 	System.out.printf("ERROR invalid layer %d for half %s\n",getLayer(),getHalf());
-							System.exit(1);
-						 break;
-					 }
-				 }
-				System.out.printf("test run module in support plate coord\n");
-				printSurveyPos();
-				//
-				// Note that the mother volume is the support wrap box which can be different than support plate coord system.
-				// Thus I need to take that into account when making the modules by referencing through the support plate
-				BaseGeom ref = getReferenceGeom();
-				if(ref==null) {
-					throw new RuntimeException("No reference geom found for " + getName());
-				}
-				System.out.printf("ref coord system %s\n%s\n",ref.getName(),ref.getCoord().toString());
-				// transform the survey points
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(ballPos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(veePos);
-				ref.getCoord().getTransformation().transform(flatPos);
-				System.out.printf("test run module after support plate coord-> support coord transformation\n");
-				printSurveyPos();
-			}
-		}
-		public static abstract class BaseModule extends BaseGeom {
-			private int layer;
-			private String half;
-			public BaseModule(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother);
-				setLayer(layer);
-				setHalf(half);
-				isValid();
-			}
-			public BaseModule(String name, BaseGeom mother, BaseGeom ref, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother,ref);
-				setLayer(layer);
-				setHalf(half);
-				isValid();
-			}
-			private void isValid() {
-				if(half!="bottom" && half!="top") {
-					System.out.printf("ERROR invalid half %s for BaseModule\n",half);
-					System.exit(1);
-				}
-			}
-			public int getLayer() {
-				return layer;
-			}
-			public void setLayer(int layer) {
-				this.layer = layer;
-			}
-			public String getHalf() {
-				return half;
-			}
-			public void setHalf(String half) {
-				this.half = half;
-			}
-			public boolean isBottom() {
-				return getHalf() == "bottom" ? true : false;
-			}
-		}
-		public abstract static class TestRunHalfModule extends BaseModule {
-			// Find the coordinate system of the half-modules w.r.t. to the module survey points
-			// We are going to know the sensor center position w.r.t. module coordinate system so the half-module 
-			// is really just a dummy volume to contain the daughters. Therefore place it at the same place 
-			// as where the sensor coordinate system will be to make things simpler.
-			// Distance from sensor to CF edge: 180mm
-			// Distance from CF edge to screw hole: 30mm
-			// Distance from screw hole to edge of cold block: 33.75mm
-			// Distance from edge of cold block to hole/ball position: 5mm
-			protected static final double dist_sensor_center_to_coldblock_hole_vdir = (180.0 - 30.0 + (33.75 - 5.0)) - Sensor.sensor_length/2.0;	
-			protected static final double half_module_thickness = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getHybridThickness() + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getCFThickness() + HalfModuleLamination.kapton_thickness;
-			protected static final double half_module_length = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getCFLength();
-			protected static final double half_module_width = 6.83 + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorWidth();
-			protected double stereo_angle = 0.0;
-			public TestRunHalfModule(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name,mother, layer, half);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				// Find distance to center in the local coordinate system 
-				// Note that this can be different between axial and stereo since the survey positions determine the local coordinate 
-				// system now.
-				// I'm not sure this feels good but this has to be done somewhere
-				double box_center_local_x =  HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getLength()/2.0 - ( (170.00 + 10.00) - HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorLength()/2.0); 
-				double box_center_local_y = -1.0*HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getThickness()/2.0 + (HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getCFThickness() + HalfModuleLamination.kapton_thickness + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorThickness()/2.0);
-				double box_center_local_z = HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TestRunHalfModule.getWidth()/2.0 - ( 12.66 - (8.83 -3.00) + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorWidth()/2.0 ); 
-				setCenter(box_center_local_x, box_center_local_y, box_center_local_z); 
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(getLength(), getThickness(), getWidth());
-			}
-			protected double getStereoAngle() {
-				return stereo_angle;
-			}
-			protected void setStereoAngle(double stereo_angle) {
-				this.stereo_angle = stereo_angle;
-			}
-			public static double getCFThickness() {
-				return CarbonFiber.cf_thickness;
-			}
-			public static double getCFLength() {
-				return CarbonFiber.cf_length;
-			}
-			public static double getCFWidth() {
-				return CarbonFiber.cf_width;
-			}
-			public static double getHybridLength() {
-				return Hybrid.hybrid_length;
-			}
-			public static double getHybridWidth() {
-				return Hybrid.hybrid_width;
-			}
-			public static double getHybridThickness() {
-				return Hybrid.hybrid_thickness;
-			}
-			public static double getThickness() {
-				return half_module_thickness;
-			}
-			public static double getLength() {
-				return half_module_length;
-			}
-			public static double getWidth() {
-				return half_module_width;
-			}
-		}
-		public static class TestRunHalfModuleAxial extends TestRunHalfModule {
-			public TestRunHalfModuleAxial(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother, layer, half);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				final double coldBlockThick = getLayer() <=3 ? TestRunColdBlockL13.coldblock_L13_thickness : TestRunColdBlockL45.coldblock_L45_thickness;
-				final double dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface = getLayer() <=3 ? TestRunModuleL13.dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface : TestRunModuleL45.dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface;
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  dist_sensor_center_to_coldblock_hole_vdir;
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  -1.0* (coldBlockThick/2.0 + TestRunHalfModule.getCFThickness() + HalfModuleLamination.kapton_thickness + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorThickness()/2.0);
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface + Sensor.getSensorWidth()/2.0;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x + Sensor.getSensorLength()/2.0;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y + Sensor.getSensorThickness()/2.0;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z;		
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y, ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y,vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y,flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-			}
-		}
-		public static class TestRunHalfModuleStereo extends TestRunHalfModule {
-			public TestRunHalfModuleStereo(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer, String half) {
-				super(name, mother, layer, half);
-				init();
-				setExplicitRotation();
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				//very similar to axial, see note below
-				final double coldBlockThick = getLayer() <=3 ? TestRunColdBlockL13.coldblock_L13_thickness : TestRunColdBlockL45.coldblock_L45_thickness;
-				final double dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface = getLayer() <=3 ? TestRunModuleL13.dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface : TestRunModuleL45.dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface;
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  dist_sensor_center_to_coldblock_hole_vdir;
-				// note minus sign to separate from axial
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  -1.0 * (-1.0* (coldBlockThick/2.0 + TestRunHalfModule.getCFThickness() + HalfModuleLamination.kapton_thickness + HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Sensor.getSensorThickness()/2.0));
-				final double ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  dist_lower_sensor_edge_to_cold_block_mounting_surface + Sensor.getSensorWidth()/2.0;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x + Sensor.getSensorLength()/2.0;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y;
-				final double vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y + Sensor.getSensorThickness()/2.0;
-				final double flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z =  ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z;		
-				ballPos = new BasicHep3Vector(ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y, ball_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-				veePos = new BasicHep3Vector(vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y,vee_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-				flatPos = new BasicHep3Vector(flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_x, flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_y,flat_pos_halfmod_axial_local_z);
-			}
-			/**
-			 * Set rotations explicitly. 
-			 * TODO Should be included in the coord system? Workaround!?
-			 */
-			protected void setExplicitRotation() {
-				if(getLayer()<4) {
-					stereo_angle = -0.1;
-				} else {
-					stereo_angle = -0.05;
-				}
-				org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation rot_stereo = new org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ, Math.PI, stereo_angle,0);
-				double res[] = rot_stereo.getAngles(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.RotationOrder.XYZ);
-				lcdd_rot_angles = new BasicHep3Vector(res);
-			}
-		}
-		public static abstract class TestRunColdBlock extends BaseGeom {		
-			private int layer;
-			public TestRunColdBlock(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer) {
-				super(name, mother);
-				setLayer(layer);
-				init();
-			}
-			protected abstract double getWidth();
-			protected abstract double getLength();
-			protected abstract double getHeight();
-			public int getLayer() {
-				return layer;
-			}
-			public void setLayer(int layer) {
-				this.layer = layer;
-			}
-			protected void setCoord() {
-				setCoord(null);
-			}
-			protected void setCenter() {
-				setCenter(getLength()/2.0, 0.0, getWidth()/2.0); 
-			}
-			protected void setPos() {
-				// cold block position w.r.t. module box coordinate system
-				// this is a dummy coordinate system, make it simple
-				// edge of cold block on the mounting surface
-				final double ball_pos_coldblock_local_x =  -5.00; 
-				final double ball_pos_coldblock_local_y =  0.00;
-				final double ball_pos_coldblock_local_z =  0.00;
-				final double vee_pos_coldblock_local_x =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_x + 1.0; //arbitrary distance 
-				final double vee_pos_coldblock_local_y =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_y;  
-				final double vee_pos_coldblock_local_z =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_z;  
-				final double flat_pos_coldblock_local_x =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_x;  
-				final double flat_pos_coldblock_local_y =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_y + 1.0;  //arbitrary distance 
-				final double flat_pos_coldblock_local_z =  ball_pos_coldblock_local_z;  
-				setBallPos(ball_pos_coldblock_local_x, ball_pos_coldblock_local_y, ball_pos_coldblock_local_z);
-				setVeePos(vee_pos_coldblock_local_x, vee_pos_coldblock_local_y,vee_pos_coldblock_local_z);
-				setFlatPos(flat_pos_coldblock_local_x, flat_pos_coldblock_local_y,flat_pos_coldblock_local_z);
-			}
-			protected void setBoxDim() {
-				setBoxDim(getLength(), getHeight(), getWidth());
-			}
-		}
-		public static class TestRunColdBlockL13 extends TestRunColdBlock {			
-			protected static final double coldblock_L13_length = 82.00;
-			protected static final double coldblock_L13_width = 52.50;
-			protected static final double coldblock_L13_thickness = 6.00;
-			public TestRunColdBlockL13(String name, BaseGeom mother, int layer) {
-				super(name, mother, layer);
-			}
-			protected double getWidth() {
-				return coldblock_L13_width;
-			}
-			protected double getLength() {
-				return coldblock_L13_length;
-			}
-			protected double getHeight() {
-				return coldblock_L13_thickness;
-			}
[truncated at 1000 lines; 345 more skipped]

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd 3269 -> 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-18 20:46:54 UTC (rev 3269)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/main/java/org/lcsim/geometry/compact/converter/lcdd/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -2,14 +2,22 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
 import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
 import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
 import org.jdom.JDOMException;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom;
-import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TrackingBase;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.Base;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BaseGeometry;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.BasePlate;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.CSupport;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportBottom;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateBottom;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportPlateTop;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.SupportTop;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.HPSTestRunTracker2014GeometryDefinition.TrackingBase;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Box;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.LCDD;
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Material;
@@ -19,7 +27,8 @@
 import org.lcsim.geometry.compact.converter.lcdd.util.Volume;
- * Class used by LCDD converter to builder detector for SLIC
+ * Class used by LCDD converter to build detector for SLIC. 
+ * It encapsulates and adds the LCDD specific information to the generic @HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder. 
  * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
@@ -29,8 +38,8 @@
 	protected LCDD lcdd;
-	protected LCDDBaseGeom baseLCDD;
-	protected List<LCDDBaseGeom> lcdd_objects;
+	protected LCDDBaseGeometry baseTrackerGeometry;
+	protected List<LCDDBaseGeometry> lcdd_objects;
 	 *  Default constructor
@@ -39,58 +48,76 @@
-	private void add(LCDDBaseGeom geom) {
+	/**
+	 * Add to list of objects.
+	 * @param geom - object to add.
+	 */
+	private void add(LCDDBaseGeometry geom) {
+	/**
+	 * Build the LCDD geometry objects.
+	 * @param worldVolume - the reference volume.
+	 */
 	protected void build(Volume worldVolume) {
-		// go through the list of volumes to build
-		// TODO this is manual now since I don't have a way of knowing what is a ghost volume at this point
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build the LCDD geometry objects\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
 		// initialize the list to store a reference to each object
-		lcdd_objects = new ArrayList<LCDDBaseGeom>();
-		LCDDBaseGeom trackingLCDD = new GhostBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.TrackingBase.class), worldVolume);
-		add(trackingLCDD);
-		baseLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.Base.class), lcdd, trackingLCDD);
-		add(baseLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom basePlateLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BasePlate.class), lcdd, baseLCDD);
-		add(basePlateLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom cSupportLCDD = new GhostBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.CSupport.class), baseLCDD);
-		add(cSupportLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom supportBottomLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportBottom.class), lcdd, baseLCDD);
-		add(supportBottomLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom supportPlateBottomLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateBottom.class), lcdd, supportBottomLCDD);
-		add(supportPlateBottomLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom supportTopLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportTop.class), lcdd, baseLCDD);
-		add(supportTopLCDD);
-		LCDDBaseGeom supportPlateTopLCDD = new LCDDBaseGeom(getItem(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.SupportPlateTop.class), lcdd, supportTopLCDD);
-		add(supportPlateTopLCDD);
+		lcdd_objects = new ArrayList<LCDDBaseGeometry>();
+		// Go through the list of volumes to build that is created in the generic builder class
+		// TODO this is manual now since I don't have a way of knowing in the generic builder class what is a ghost volume at this point.
+		LCDDBaseGeometry trackingGeom = new GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(TrackingBase.class), worldVolume);
+		add(trackingGeom);
+		baseTrackerGeometry = new LCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(Base.class), lcdd, trackingGeom);
+		add(baseTrackerGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry basePlateGeometry = new LCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(BasePlate.class), lcdd, baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(basePlateGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry cSupportGeometry = new GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(CSupport.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(cSupportGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry supportBottomGeometry = new GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(SupportBottom.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportBottomGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry supportPlateBottomGeometry = new LCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(SupportPlateBottom.class), lcdd, baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportPlateBottomGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry supportTopGeometry = new GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(SupportTop.class), baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportTopGeometry);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry supportPlateTopGeometry = new LCDDBaseGeometry(getItem(SupportPlateTop.class), lcdd, baseTrackerGeometry);
+		add(supportPlateTopGeometry);
+		// build modules	
-		// build modules here based on the module bundle class	
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build modules\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
-		for(HPSTestRunTracker2014Builder.ModuleBundle m : modules) {
+		// Loop over all modules created
+		for(ModuleBundle m : modules) {
+			// Do only L1?
+			if(m.getLayer()!=1) continue;
 			if(isDebug()) { 
 				System.out.printf("%s: module layer %d half %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),m.getLayer(),m.getHalf());
+			// Find the mother among the LCDD objects using its name, should probably have a better way...
 			String name_mother = m.getMother().getName();
-			LCDDBaseGeom mother = null;
-			//find the mother among the LCDD objects using name...
-			for(LCDDBaseGeom g : lcdd_objects) {
+			LCDDBaseGeometry mother = null;
+			for(LCDDBaseGeometry g : lcdd_objects) {
 				if(g.getName().equals(name_mother)) {
 					mother = g;
+			// Check that it had a mother
 			if(mother==null) throw new RuntimeException("Cound't find mother to module layer " + m.getLayer() + " half "+ m.getHalf());
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: found mother %s for module layer %d half %s\n", getClass().getSimpleName(),mother.getName(),m.getLayer(),m.getHalf());
-			// add to LCDD
+			// add the module to the list of objects that will be added to LCDD
 			addModule(m, mother);
@@ -99,6 +126,7 @@
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE building the LCDD geometry objects\n", getClass().getSimpleName());
+		// Set visualization features
@@ -109,13 +137,15 @@
 	 * @param bundle - module to be added
 	 * @param mother - mother LCDD geometry object
-	private void addModule(ModuleBundle bundle, LCDDBaseGeom mother) {
+	private void addModule(ModuleBundle bundle, LCDDBaseGeometry mother) {
 		// This could perhaps be fixed if there is a relation with daughters in geometry definition?
 		// create the module
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddM = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.module, lcdd, mother);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddM = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.module, lcdd, mother);
-		addHalfModule(bundle.halfModuleStereo,lcddM);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddCB = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.coldBlock, lcdd, lcddM);
+		add(lcddCB);
+		//addHalfModule(bundle.halfModuleStereo,lcddM);
@@ -124,48 +154,53 @@
 	 * @param bundle - module to be added
 	 * @param mother - mother LCDD geometry object
-	private void addHalfModule(HalfModuleBundle bundle, LCDDBaseGeom mother) {
+	private void addHalfModule(HalfModuleBundle bundle, LCDDBaseGeometry mother) {
 		// This could perhaps be fixed if there is a relation with daughters in geometry definition?
 		// create the half-module
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddHM = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.halfModule, lcdd, mother);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddHM = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.halfModule, lcdd, mother);
 		// create the sensor
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddS = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.sensor, lcdd, lcddHM);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddS = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.sensor, lcdd, lcddHM);
 		// create the active sensor
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddAS = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.activeSensor, lcdd, lcddS);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddAS = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.activeSensor, lcdd, lcddS);
 		// create the lamination
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddL = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.lamination, lcdd, lcddHM);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddL = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.lamination, lcdd, lcddHM);
 		// create the carbon fiber frame
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddCF = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.carbonFiber, lcdd, lcddHM);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddCF = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.carbonFiber, lcdd, lcddHM);
 		// create the hybrid frame
-		LCDDBaseGeom lcddH = new LCDDBaseGeom(bundle.hybrid, lcdd, lcddHM);
+		LCDDBaseGeometry lcddH = new LCDDBaseGeometry(bundle.hybrid, lcdd, lcddHM);
+	/**
+	 * Set visualization features.
+	 */
 	private void setVis() {
 		if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: Set LCDD vis \n", getClass().getSimpleName());
 		//set lcdd vis
-		for(LCDDBaseGeom g : lcdd_objects) {
+		for(LCDDBaseGeometry g : lcdd_objects) {
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: Set LCDD vis for %s \n", getClass().getSimpleName(), g.getName());
-			if(g.getName().contains("baseplate")) g.setVisName("BasePlateVis");
+			if(g.getName().endsWith("baseplate")) g.setVisName("BasePlateVis");
 			//else if(g.getName().contains("base")) g.setVisName("BaseVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("support_bottom") || g.getName().contains("support_top")) g.setVisName("SupportVolumeVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("support_plate_bottom") || g.getName().contains("support_plate_top")) g.setVisName("SupportPlateVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("halfmodule")) g.setVisName("HalfModuleVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("module")) g.setVisName("ModuleVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("cold")) g.setVisName("ColdBlockVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("kapton")) g.setVisName("KaptonVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("sensor")) g.setVisName("SensorVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("carbon")) g.setVisName("CarbonFiberVis");
-			else if(g.getName().contains("hybrid")) g.setVisName("HybridVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("support_bottom") || g.getName().contains("support_top")) g.setVisName("SupportVolumeVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("support_plate_bottom") || g.getName().contains("support_plate_top")) g.setVisName("SupportPlateVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("halfmodule_axial")) g.setVisName("HalfModuleVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("halfmodule_stereo")) g.setVisName("HalfModuleVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("module")) g.setVisName("ModuleVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("cold")) g.setVisName("ColdBlockVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("lamination")) g.setVisName("KaptonVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("sensor")) g.setVisName("SensorVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("sensor_active")) g.setVisName("SensorVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("cf")) g.setVisName("CarbonFiberVis");
+			else if(g.getName().endsWith("hybrid")) g.setVisName("HybridVis");
 			else {
 				if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: No LCDD vis for %s \n", getClass().getSimpleName(), g.getName());
@@ -181,78 +216,18 @@
 	protected LCDD getLCDD() {
 		return lcdd;
-	protected  LCDDBaseGeom getBaseLCDD() {
-		return baseLCDD;
+	protected  LCDDBaseGeometry getBaseLCDD() {
+		return baseTrackerGeometry;
-	/**
-	 * 
-	 * Base geometry class for holding LCDD geometry object definitions 
-	 * where no volume is built but it can be used as reference in building the geometry.
-	 * 
-	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
-	 *
-	 */
-	protected static class GhostBaseGeom extends LCDDBaseGeom {
-		/**
-		 * Initialize this object with a known volume and no mother. Typically the world volume would use this.
-		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
-		 * @param vol - given volume
-		 */
-		public GhostBaseGeom(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base, Volume volume) {
-			super();
-			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing LCDD ghost object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
-			setName(base.getName());
-			setVolume(volume);
-			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing LCDD object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Initialize with base and mother. This is typically for a reference geometry object 
-		 * that is used for referencing coordinate systems but that doesn't have a volume itself.
-		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
-		 * @param mother - mother LCDD object
-		 */
-		public GhostBaseGeom(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base, LCDDBaseGeom mother) {
-			super();
-			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing LCDD ghost object %s with mother %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName(),mother==null?"null":mother.getName());
-			setName(base.getName());
-			setMother(mother);
-			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing LCDD object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
-		}
-	}
-	 * 
-	 * LCDD geometry visualization information
-	 * 
-	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
-	 */
-	protected static class LCDDBaseGeomVis {
-		protected String visName = "";
-		public LCDDBaseGeomVis() {}
-		protected String getVisName() {
-			return visName;
-		}
-		protected void setVisName(String visName) {
-			this.visName = visName;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
 	 *  Base geometry class for holding LCDD geometry object definitions.
 	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
-	protected static class LCDDBaseGeom extends LCDDBaseGeomVis {
+	protected static class LCDDBaseGeometry extends LCDDBaseGeometryVisualization {
 		private boolean debug = true;
 		private String name;
 		private Box box= null;
@@ -261,12 +236,13 @@
 		private Rotation rot = null;
 		private PhysVol physVolume = null;
 		private LCDD lcdd = null;
-		private LCDDBaseGeom mother = null;
-		public List<LCDDBaseGeom> daughters = new ArrayList<LCDDBaseGeom>();
+		private LCDDBaseGeometry mother = null;
+		protected Map<String,Integer> physVolId = null;
+		public List<LCDDBaseGeometry> daughters = new ArrayList<LCDDBaseGeometry>();
 		 *  Default constructor
-		public LCDDBaseGeom() {
+		public LCDDBaseGeometry() {
@@ -275,7 +251,7 @@
 		 * @param lcdd - lcdd file 
 		 * @param mother - reference to mother LCDD definition
-		public LCDDBaseGeom(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base, LCDD lcdd, LCDDBaseGeom mother) {
+		public LCDDBaseGeometry(BaseGeometry base, LCDD lcdd, LCDDBaseGeometry mother) {
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing LCDD object %s with mother %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName(),mother==null?"null":mother.getName());
 			this.lcdd = lcdd;
@@ -293,11 +269,11 @@
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build phys volume for %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
 			setPhysVolume(new PhysVol(volume, getMother().getVolume(), getPos(), getRot()));
-		protected void buildBox(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base) {
+		protected void buildBox(BaseGeometry base) {
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build box for %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
 			setBox(new Box(getName() + "Box", base.getBoxDim().x(), base.getBoxDim().y(), base.getBoxDim().z())); 
-		protected void buildVolume(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base) {
+		protected void buildVolume(BaseGeometry base) {
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: build volume for %s with material %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName(),base.getMaterial());
 			try {
 				Material mat = lcdd.getMaterial(base.getMaterial());
@@ -306,7 +282,7 @@
-		protected void setPosAndRot(HPSTestRunTracker2014GeomDef.BaseGeom base) {
+		protected void setPosAndRot(BaseGeometry base) {
 			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: set position and rotation for volume %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),getName());
 			// Vector from origin to center of box locally 
 			Hep3Vector box_center_base_local = base.getCenter();
@@ -317,24 +293,35 @@
 			//Find LCDD Euler rotation angles from coordinate system unit vectors
 			Hep3Vector lcdd_rot_angles = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getEulerAngles(base.getCoord().v(), base.getCoord().w(), new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1));
 			// Check if there are explicit rotations built into the object itself which overrides
-			// TODO this should be included in the coordinate system somehow?
-			if (base.lcdd_rot_angles!=null) {
+			// TODO this should be included in the definition of the coordinate system. Fix this for the affected components.
+			if (base.explicit_rot_angles!=null) {
 				// there are explicit rotations I need to apply.
 				// Find the displacement of the box center due to rotation about different origin
-				Hep3Vector box_center_base_rot = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getRotationDisplacement(base.getCoord().origin(), box_center_base, base.lcdd_rot_angles);
+				Hep3Vector box_center_base_rot = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getRotationDisplacement(base.getCoord().origin(), box_center_base, base.explicit_rot_angles);
 				if(isDebug()) {
 					System.out.printf("%s: lcdd_rot_angles 		  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),lcdd_rot_angles);
-					System.out.printf("%s: lcdd_rot_angles_2	  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.lcdd_rot_angles);
+					System.out.printf("%s: lcdd_rot_angles_2	  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.explicit_rot_angles);
 					System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base        %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base.toString());
 					System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base_rot    %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base_rot.toString());
 				// update the rotation angles
-				lcdd_rot_angles = base.lcdd_rot_angles;
+				lcdd_rot_angles = base.explicit_rot_angles;
 				// update the position of the center in the mother coord
 				box_center = VecOp.sub(box_center_base_rot, base.getMother().getCenter());
 			// Create the LCDD position
 			setPos(new Position(getName() + "_position",box_center.x(), box_center.y(), box_center.z()));
+			if(getName().contains("module_L1t") && !getName().contains("halfmodule") && !getName().contains("cold")) {
+				lcdd_rot_angles = new BasicHep3Vector(-Math.PI,0,0.03);
+				lcdd_rot_angles = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getEulerAngles(base.getCoord().u(), base.getCoord().v(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,1,0));
+				lcdd_rot_angles = HPSTestRunTracker2014.getEulerAngles(base.getCoord().u(), base.getCoord().w(), new BasicHep3Vector(1,0,0),new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,1));
+			}
+			if(getName().contains("module_L1b") && !getName().contains("halfmodule") && !getName().contains("cold")) {
+				lcdd_rot_angles = new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,-0.030);
+			}
 			setRot(new Rotation(getName() + "_rotation",lcdd_rot_angles.x(), lcdd_rot_angles.y(), lcdd_rot_angles.z()));
 			if(isDebug()) {
 				System.out.printf("%s: box_center_base_local  %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), box_center_base_local.toString());
@@ -377,10 +364,10 @@
 		protected void setRot(Rotation rot) {
 			this.rot = rot;
-		protected LCDDBaseGeom getMother() {
+		protected LCDDBaseGeometry getMother() {
 			return mother;
-		protected void setMother(LCDDBaseGeom mother) {
+		protected void setMother(LCDDBaseGeometry mother) {
 			this.mother = mother;
 		protected PhysVol getPhysVolume() {
@@ -393,16 +380,78 @@
 			return debug;
-		protected List<LCDDBaseGeom> getDaughters() {
+		protected List<LCDDBaseGeometry> getDaughters() {
 			return daughters;
-		protected void addDaughter(LCDDBaseGeom o) {
+		protected void addDaughter(LCDDBaseGeometry o) {
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * Base geometry class for holding LCDD geometry object definitions 
+	 * where no volume is built but it can be used as reference in building the geometry.
+	 * 
+	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+	 *
+	 */
+	protected static class GhostLCDDBaseGeometry extends LCDDBaseGeometry {
+		/**
+		 * Initialize this object with a known volume and no mother. Typically the world volume would use this.
+		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
+		 * @param vol - given volume
+		 */
+		public GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(BaseGeometry base, Volume volume) {
+			super();
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing LCDD ghost object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+			setName(base.getName());
+			setVolume(volume);
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing LCDD object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Initialize with base and mother. This is typically for a reference geometry object 
+		 * that is used for referencing coordinate systems but that doesn't have a volume itself.
+		 * @param base - object used to get geometry definitions
+		 * @param mother - mother LCDD object
+		 */
+		public GhostLCDDBaseGeometry(BaseGeometry base, LCDDBaseGeometry mother) {
+			super();
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: constructing LCDD ghost object %s with mother %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName(),mother==null?"null":mother.getName());
+			setName(base.getName());
+			setMother(mother);
+			if(isDebug()) System.out.printf("%s: DONE constructing LCDD object %s\n", this.getClass().getSimpleName(),base.getName());
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * LCDD geometry visualization information
+	 * 
+	 * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+	 */
+	protected static class LCDDBaseGeometryVisualization {
+		protected String visName = "";
+		public LCDDBaseGeometryVisualization() {}
+		protected String getVisName() {
+			return visName;
+		}
+		protected void setVisName(String visName) {
+			this.visName = visName;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/java/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector added at 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/java/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/java/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package org.lcsim.geometry.subdetector;
+import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElementStore;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElement;
+import org.lcsim.detector.IDetectorElementStore;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.GeometryReader;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+ * @author Per Hansson Adrian <[log in to unmask]>
+ *
+ */
+public class HPSTestRunTracker2014Test extends TestCase {
+	Detector det;
+	public HPSTestRunTracker2014Test(String name) {
+		super(name);
+	}
+	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+		GeometryReader geometryReader = new GeometryReader();
+		geometryReader.setBuildDetailed(true);
+		String pathToCompactFile = "/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRun2014-v0.xml";
+		InputStream in = HPSTestRunTracker2014Test.class.getResourceAsStream(pathToCompactFile);
+		det =;
+		System.out.printf("%s: detector name converted: %s\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(), det.getName());
+	}
+	public void test() {
+		IDetectorElementStore store =  DetectorElementStore.getInstance();
+		System.out.printf("%s: Printing %d DE:\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(), store.size());
+		for(IDetectorElement e : store) {
+			System.out.printf("%s: %s\n",this.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getName());
+		}
+	}

HPSTestRun2014-v0.xml added at 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/resources/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRun2014-v0.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/resources/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRun2014-v0.xml	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<lccdd xmlns:compact=""
+  xmlns:xs=""
+  xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+  <info name="HPSTest2014-v0">
+    <comment>new SVT test run geometry</comment>
+  </info>
+  <define>
+	<!-- units -->
+	<constant name="mm" value="0.1*cm"/>
+	<constant name="inch" value="25.4*mm"/>
+    <!-- world -->
+    <constant name="world_side" value="500.0*cm" />
+    <constant name="world_x" value="world_side" />
+    <constant name="world_y" value="world_side" />
+    <constant name="world_z" value="world_side" />
+ 	 <!-- tracking region -->
+ 	<constant name="tracking_region_radius" value="200.0*cm"/>
+    <constant name="tracking_region_min" value="5.0*cm"/>
+    <constant name="tracking_region_zmax" value="131.8*cm"/>
+  </define>
+  <materials>
+    <!-- Set tracking material to vacuum. -->
+    <material name="TrackingMaterial">
+      <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="0.0000000000000001" />
+      <fraction n="1.0" ref="Vacuum" />
+    </material>
+  </materials>
+  <display>
+    <vis name="SensorVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" drawingStyle="wireframe" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="ActiveSensorVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="CarbonFiberVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.88" g="0.88" b="0.88" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="KaptonVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.91" g="0.77" b="0.06" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="HybridVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="HalfModuleVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" drawingStyle="wireframe" lineStyle="dashed" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="ColdBlockVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.75" g="0.73" b="0.75" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="dashed" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="ModuleVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" drawingStyle="wireframe" lineStyle="dotted" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="SupportPlateVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.45" g="0.45" b="0.45" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="dashed" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="SupportVolumeVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.75" g="0.73" b="0.75" drawingStyle="wireframe" lineStyle="dashed" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="BasePlateVis" alpha="1.0" r="0.35" g="0.35" b="0.35" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="dashed" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="LayerVis" alpha="0.0" r="0.0" g="0.0" b="1.0" drawingStyle="wireframe" showDaughters="true" visible="false"/>
+    <vis name="ComponentVis" alpha="0.0" r="0.0" g="0.2" b="0.4" drawingStyle="solid" showDaughters="false" visible="false"/>
+	<vis name="BeamPlaneVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" drawingStyle="solid" lineStyle="unbroken" showDaughters="false" visible="true"/>
+  </display>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector id="1" name="Tracker" type="HPSTestRunTracker2014" readout="TrackerHits">
+      <!-- Definition of half module logical volume. -->
+      <half_modules>
+        <half_module name="SvtHalfModuleLayers1-3">
+          <component x="50.0" y="100.0" z="0.0" material="Silicon" sensitive="true" />
+        </half_module>
+      </half_modules>
+      <!-- Alignment of entire tracker box. -->
+      <alignment x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
+      <support_plate name="SupportPlateL1-3bot">
+        <position name="ball" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        <position name="vee" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        <position name="flat" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        <alignment x="5.0" y="5.0" z="5.0" rx="0.1" ry="0.1" rz="0.1"/>
+        <modules>
+          <module layer="1" ref="SvtModule">
+            <position name="ball" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        	<position name="vee" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        	<position name="flat" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        	<alignment x="4.0" y="4.0" z="4.0" rx="0.1" ry="0.1" rz="0.1"/>
+        	<half_module type="axial" ref="SvtHalfModuleLayers1-3">
+	        	<position name="ball" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+    	    	<position name="vee" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+        		<position name="flat" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
+            	<alignment x="3.0" y="3.0" z="3.0" rx="0.1" ry="0.1" rz="0.1" />
+            </half_module>
+          </module>
+        </modules>
+      </support_plate>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="TrackerHits">
+      <id>system:6,barrel:3,layer:4,module:12,sensor:1,side:32:-2,strip:12</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
+  <fields>
+    <field type="BoxDipole" name="AnalyzingDipole" x="0*cm" y="0*cm"
+      z="45.22*cm" dx="22.86*cm" dy="7.62*cm" dz="46.22*cm" bx="0.0" by="-0.5"
+      bz="0.0">
+    </field>
+  </fields>
\ No newline at end of file

HPSTestRunTracker2014.xml 3269 -> 3270
--- projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/resources/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRunTracker2014.xml	2014-08-18 20:46:54 UTC (rev 3269)
+++ projects/lcsim/trunk/detector-framework/src/test/resources/org/lcsim/geometry/subdetector/HPSTestRunTracker2014.xml	2014-08-19 00:32:47 UTC (rev 3270)
@@ -22,20 +22,7 @@
     <constant name="tracking_region_min" value="5.0*cm"/>
     <constant name="tracking_region_zmax" value="131.8*cm"/>
- <!-- 
-	<constant name="target_pos_wrt_base_plate_x" value="16.23*cm" />
-	<constant name="target_pos_wrt_base_plate_y" value="8.055*cm" />
-	<constant name="target_pos_wrt_base_plate_z" value="92.659*cm" />
-	<constant name="base_plate_thickness" value="0.25*inch"/>
-	<constant name="base_plate_width" value="385.00*mm"/>
-	<constant name="base_plate_length" value="1216.00*mm"/>
-	<constant name="base_height" value="0.25*inch"/>
-	<constant name="base_width" value="base_plate_width"/>
-	<constant name="base_length" value="base_plate_length"/>
- -->
@@ -67,15 +54,6 @@
     <detector id="1" name="Tracker" type="HPSTestRunTracker2014" readout="TrackerHits">
-    <!-- 
-	  <base_plate>
-	  	<box x="base_plate_width" y="base_plate_length" z="base_plate_thickness"/>
-	  	<ball x="-1.0*target_pos_wrt_base_plate_x" y="-1.0*target_pos_wrt_base_plate_y" z="target_pos_wrt_base_plate_z" />
-	  </base_plate>
-	  <base>
-	  	<box x="base_width" y="base_length" z="base_height"/>
-	  </base>
-	-->
       <!-- Definition of half module logical volume. -->
@@ -103,25 +81,7 @@
         		<position name="flat" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
             	<alignment x="3.0" y="3.0" z="3.0" rx="0.1" ry="0.1" rz="0.1" />
-	<!-- 
-            <half_module type="stereo" ref="SvtHalfModuleLayers1-3">
-	       		<position name="ball" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
-    	    	<position name="vee" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
-        		<position name="flat" x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
-            	<alignment x="2.0" y="2.0" z="2.0" rx="0.1" ry="0.1" rz="0.1" />
-            </half_module>
-            -->
-          <!-- 
-          <module layer="2" ref="SvtModule">
-            <alignment x="0.0" y="0.0" z="" rx="0.0" ry="0.0"
-              rz="0.0" />
-          </module>
-          <module layer="3" ref="SvtModule">
-            <alignment x="0.0" y="0.0" z="" rx="0.0" ry="0.0"
-              rz="0.0" />
-          </module>
-           -->
SVNspam 0.1

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