

I'm really sorry, but something came up and I can't partecipate the 
meeting. Please write me for clarifications on the questions I asked or 
any related matter.


Il 02/10/14 15:33, Luca Colaneri ha scritto:
> Hello everybody,
> I have a few things to ask you related to the calibration with FEE. 
> It's a lot of stuff, I don't expect an answer right away, maybe we 
> could discuss some of these topics during today's meeting.
> I'd like to give an update next Wednesday, so there's time to answer.
> 1)At which point of the simulation can I found "uncalibrated" data? I 
> mean, for example, after the readout simulation I can plot the 
> histogram of the seedhit energy, can I have the same histogram but 
> with the 4096 dst channels values? I need those because..
> 2)When we'll have real data, I will have to fit those histograms and 
> associate the fitted values to the calibration points I'll have set. 
> At which point of the reconstruction will this be done?
> 3)Up to now, I've been getting the information from the simulated data 
> out (in a very inelegant way, I must confess) and analyzed and fitted 
> it with root. When we will have to calibrate the real data, will it 
> have to be all within hps-java? I've got no idea of how to perform 
> fits within the java framework....
> now about the calibration points
> 4)I've been simulating the data using these drivers:
> <driver name="CalibrationDriver" 
> type="org.hps.conditions.deprecated.CalibrationDriver">
> <driver name="EcalReadout" 
> type="org.hps.readout.ecal.FADCEcalReadoutDriver">
> <driver name="EcalConverter" 
> type="org.hps.recon.ecal.EcalRawConverterDriver">
> <driver name="EcalClusterer" type="org.hps.recon.ecal.GTPEcalClusterer">
> clusters are needed just to select the FEE, the information I use is 
> the SeedHit energy. Is this procedure ok to set the calibration 
> points? i.e. is the energy simulated in this way the closest possible 
> to the real signal?
> 5)which data should I use to set the points?
> I've been doing my studies on this set here: 
> /mss/hallb/hps/production/slic/beam-tri/2pt2/egsv3-triv2-g4v1_s2d6-readout20140522_[1-2500].slcio 
> (i.e. the slic output available on tape at JLAb), but if I get it 
> right, this has been done using v6 geometry. To confront v6, v7 and 
> v8, I've reconstructed 50 stdhep files ( about 0.1 second of beam) 
> using the three geometries to confront them. Unfortunately the 
> statistics is very low, so I can confront only some crystals, but in 
> those with enough population the differences between the three 
> geometries is low. For example, having around 5000 entries in the 
> histrograms, the differece between v7 and v3 is around 1% and between 
> V7 and V8 is around 0.5%. 1% difference meand a difference of about 15 
> MeV in energy, which is pretty low, and I think we can live with that. 
> What do you think?
> 6)Once I have the point, where should I put them?
> and now on positrons
> 7)I've discussed with John the possibility to calibrate the shadowed 
> crystals using positrons in a FEE-fashioned way: taking the seed hit 
> spectrum of the positrons and dividing it by their momenta given by 
> the SVT, will  give a distribution very similar to the one of FEE. In 
> the picture you can see it for crystal nr 4 (ix=-20, iy=5).
> To generate these histograms I've used the reconstrucetd events 
> available on tape, specifically the "trigger tridents with pileup".
> I think a calibration with positrons is possible, but is way more 
> complicated since we need information from both the Ecal and the SVT, 
> so it has to be performed after the reconstruction.
> do we want to do it? is it really doable? How precise can it be (I'm 
> asking the SVT guys, since it depends mostly on the momentum 
> resolution)? Which MCdata should we use to set the points?
> This is pretty much it.
> thanks to everybody, any intel will be highly appreciated!
> L.
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Luca Colaneri
Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica s.n.c. 00133 Roma
+39 06 72594560

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