


It could be that the recon steering configuration you are running expects the events to be run through the readout simulation first to simulate properly the timing and pile-up.  This information is not present when you try to reconstruct directly the SLIC simulation output.  (At least I think this is what that particular steering file expects as input.)

What is the result if instead you use the following steering file to reconstruct directly your single particle events?


If this file isn't present in your trunk then 'svn up' to get it, as I just added it.

I believe this should treat each event separately, and it should not depend on running the readout simulation first, so you should see reconstructed tracks.

This is essentially what I use in the "MCReconTest" in integration-tests to test reconstruction of SLIC output directly without running the trigger simulation first.

Your other option is running the readout simulation, either with the "NoPileup" steering file to treat each event separately, or inserting empty events so that your physics events will be properly spaced to create triggered events.  (This is all covered both on the Confluence and in a bunch of previous emails to this list.)

But let's see if the simpler option I suggested works first before you try to run the readout simulation...


-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sebouh Paul
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 2:22 PM
To: hps-software
Subject: no tracks found

hey, i'm trying to do reconstruction, but I am not getting any tracks.  below is the command i am using, and the output (it is done going through the entire file after only a few seconds), as well as the steering file I am using.  The input I am using is muon radiative trident events.  

ifarm1101> java -Xmx1500m -jar 
ifarm1101> ~/hps-distribution-3.0.3-20141007.165651-110-bin.jar 
ifarm1101> ~/HPS2014OfflineRecon.lcsim -i 
ifarm1101> /work/hallb/hps/sebouh/trident_slic/radmuon_1.slcio 
ifarm1101> -DoutputFile=/work/hallb/hps/sebouh/test -DrunNumber=100
No input files in XML file.
Got ConditionsEvent with run: 0
Reading calibrations calibSVT/base for run: 0 Use this calibration from run -1: calibSVT/default.base Reading calibrations calibSVT/tp for run: 0 Use this calibration from run -1: calibSVT/ Loading the SVT bad channels for run 0 File daqmap/svt0.badchannels was not found! Continuing with only QA bad channels Loading SVT gains ...
Loading SVT t0 shifts ...
Loading fieldmap for run 0
reading ECal DAQ map
reading ECal bad channels
reading pedestals for ECal
reading pedestals for ECal
name "" 
>> Event 0
>> Event 1000
>> Event 2000
>> Event 3000
>> Event 4000
>> Event 5000
GBLOutputDriver: Total Number of Events           = 5636
GBLOutputDriver: Total Number of Tracks           = 0
GBLOutputDriver: Total Number of Tracks Processed = 0 End of file reached

and the contents of the driver file are:  

ifarm1101>    more ~/HPS2014OfflineRecon.lcsim
  Offline reconstruction for 2014 (electron run) data.
  @author Sho Uemura <[log in to unmask]>
  @version $Id: HPS2014OfflineRecon.lcsim,v 1.7 2013/10/30 16:23:32 phansson Exp $
<lcsim xmlns:xs="" 
        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver"/>
        <driver name="CalibrationDriver"/>
        <driver name="RawTrackerHitSensorSetup"/>
        <driver name="RawTrackerHitFitterDriver" />
        <driver name="TrackerHitDriver"/>
        <driver name="HelicalTrackHitDriver"/>
        <driver name="TrackerReconDriver"/>
        <driver name="EcalRawConverter" />
        <driver name="EcalClusterer" />
        <driver name="ReconParticle" />  
        <driver name="TrackDataDriver" />              
        <driver name="GBLDriver"/> 
        <driver name="LCIOWriter"/>
        <driver name="CleanupDriver"/>
        <driver name="CalibrationDriver" type="org.hps.conditions.deprecated.CalibrationDriver">
            <!--            <runNumber>${runNumber}</runNumber>-->
        <driver name="EventMarkerDriver" type="org.lcsim.job.EventMarkerDriver">
        <driver name="RawTrackerHitSensorSetup" type="org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.config.RawTrackerHitSensorSetup"/>
        <driver name="RawTrackerHitFitterDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.RawTrackerHitFitterDriver">
        <driver name="TrackerHitDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.DataTrackerHitDriver">
        <driver name="HelicalTrackHitDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.HelicalTrackHitDriver">
        <driver name="TrackerReconDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackerReconDriver">
        <driver name="GBLDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.gbl.GBLOutputDriver">

        <driver name="EcalRawConverter" type="org.hps.recon.ecal.EcalRawConverterDriver">
        <driver name="EcalClusterer" type="org.hps.recon.ecal.EcalClusterICBasic">
        <driver name="ReconParticle" type="org.hps.recon.particle.HpsReconParticleDriver">          
        <driver name="TrackDataDriver" type="org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackDataDriver" />
        <driver name="LCIOWriter" type="org.lcsim.util.loop.LCIODriver">
        <driver name="CleanupDriver" type="org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.config.ReadoutCleanupDriver"/>


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