Commit in java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle on MAIN 1144
recon driver using particle id corrections with clustering

java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle added at 1144
--- java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/	                        (rev 0)
+++ java/trunk/recon/src/main/java/org/hps/recon/particle/	2014-10-07 02:17:37 UTC (rev 1144)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package org.hps.recon.particle;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import hep.physics.vec.HepLorentzVector;
+import hep.physics.vec.VecOp;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.hps.recon.particle.ReconParticleDriver;
+import org.hps.recon.particle.ReconParticleDriverIC;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.CoordinateTransformations;
+import org.hps.recon.vertexing.BilliorTrack;
+import org.hps.recon.vertexing.BilliorVertex;
+import org.hps.recon.vertexing.BilliorVertexer;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.base.BaseReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.SeedTrack;
+ * This uses ReconParticleDriverIC which improves the clustering
+ * corrections. 
+ * 
+ * @author Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]>
+ * @author Holly Szumila <[log in to unmask]>
+ * @version $Id$
+ */
+public class HpsReconParticleDriverIC extends ReconParticleDriverIC {
+	private enum Constraint { 
+	}
+	public HpsReconParticleDriverIC(){}		
+	@Override
+	protected void startOfData(){
+		unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName    = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates";
+		beamConV0CandidatesColName   		= "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates";
+		targetConV0CandidatesColName 		= "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates";	
+		unconstrainedV0VerticesColName 		= "UnconstrainedV0Vertices";
+		beamConV0VerticesColName 			= "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices";
+		targetConV0VerticesColName			= "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices";
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 */
+	@Override
+	void findVertices(List<ReconstructedParticle> electrons, List<ReconstructedParticle> positrons) {
+		ReconstructedParticle candidate = null; 
+		BilliorVertex vtxFit = null;
+		// Loop through both electrons and positrons and try to find a common vertex
+		for(ReconstructedParticle positron : positrons){
+			for(ReconstructedParticle electron : electrons){
+				// Get the tracks associated with the electron and the positron
+				Track electronTrack = electron.getTracks().get(0); 
+				Track positronTrack = positron.getTracks().get(0); 
+				// Covert the tracks to BilliorTracks used by the vertexer
+				BilliorTrack electronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(electronTrack); 
+				BilliorTrack positronBTrack = toBilliorTrack(positronTrack);
+				for(Constraint constraint : Constraint.values()){
+					vtxFit = fitVertex(constraint, electronBTrack, positronBTrack);
+					candidate = makeReconstructedParticle(electron, positron, vtxFit); 
+					switch(constraint){
+						case UNCONSTRAINED: 
+							unconstrainedV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+							unconstrainedV0Candidates.add(candidate); 
+							break;
+						case BS_CONSTRAINED:
+							beamConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+							beamConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+							break;
+							targetConV0Vertices.add(vtxFit);
+							targetConV0Candidates.add(candidate);
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 */
+	BilliorVertex fitVertex(Constraint constraint, BilliorTrack electron, BilliorTrack positron){
+		BilliorVertexer vtxFitter = new BilliorVertexer(bField);
+		// TODO: The beam size should come from the conditions database
+		vtxFitter.setBeamSize(beamsize);
+		switch(constraint){
+				vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(false); 
+				break;
+				vtxFitter.doBeamSpotConstraint(true); 
+				break;
+				vtxFitter.doTargetConstraint(true);
+				break;
+		}
+		List<BilliorTrack> billiorTracks = new ArrayList<BilliorTrack>();
+		billiorTracks.add(electron);
+		billiorTracks.add(positron);
+		return vtxFitter.fitVertex(billiorTracks);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 */
+	ReconstructedParticle makeReconstructedParticle(ReconstructedParticle electron, ReconstructedParticle positron, BilliorVertex vtxFit){
+		ReconstructedParticle candidate = new BaseReconstructedParticle();
+		((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setStartVertex(vtxFit);
+		candidate.addParticle(electron);
+		candidate.addParticle(positron);
+		// TODO: The calculation of the total fitted momentum should be done within 
+		// 		 BilloirVertex
+		((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).setMass(vtxFit.getParameters().get("invMass"));
+		Hep3Vector fittedMomentum = new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1X"), 
+		   											    vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Y"), 
+														vtxFit.getParameters().get("p1Z"));
+		fittedMomentum = VecOp.add(fittedMomentum, new BasicHep3Vector(vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2X"), 
+																   	   vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Y"),
+																       vtxFit.getParameters().get("p2Z")));
+		this.printDebug("Fitted momentum in tracking frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
+		fittedMomentum = CoordinateTransformations.transformVectorToDetector(fittedMomentum);
+		this.printDebug("Fitted momentum in detector frame: " + fittedMomentum.toString());
+		HepLorentzVector fourVector = new BasicHepLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0); 
+		((BasicHepLorentzVector) fourVector).setV3(fourVector.t(), fittedMomentum);
+		((BaseReconstructedParticle) candidate).set4Vector(fourVector);
+		// Add the ReconstructedParticle to the Vertex 
+		vtxFit.setAssociatedParticle(candidate);
+		return candidate;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 */
+    private BilliorTrack toBilliorTrack(Track track) {
+    	HelicalTrackFit trackFit = ((SeedTrack) track).getSeedCandidate().getHelix();
+    	return new BilliorTrack(trackFit);
+    }
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