

Thanks, this is helpful.

I put the items that are currently not represented in the conditions system into a comment here on the relevant JIRA item I created yesterday.

Basically, it seems like there are 6 new fields (APD, PreAmp, Splitter, HVGroup, Jout, MB) which show up in the event display under crystal info which are not currently in the conditions framework.  

We can add these as an EcalWiring conditions class which would be associated to a channel by the ecal_channel_id.  Likely we only need to do this once for the Engineering Run.

In order to support these new fields, I would just need a text file to import in the correct format, basically first column with the ecal_channel_id and other columns with the assigned wiring information.

Can you come up with this for me?

Obviously, the ecal_channel_id must correspond to what is used now for the Eng Run (tagged as collection_id 2 in ecal_channels table I believe).

-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle McCarty [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:19 PM
To: McCormick, Jeremy I.
Cc: hps-software
Subject: Re: extra ECAL conditions information

Hello Jeremy,

Here is the information on each of the entries in the CSV file and what the data type is. Some of them already exist in the database and don't need to be added, but the others do. Note that these are all hardware mappings and are important so that if something goes wrong, we know what to fix and what is connected to what. Having it in the event display provides an easy look-up and an easy way to check if there are patterns if we start getting odd results in the data output.

*	X/Y

	*	These are the x- and y- indices for the crystals.
	*	These correspond to your database's ix and iy values.


	*	This is the manufacturer number of the APD attached to a crystal. It can be used if we need to know what the specifications are for the APD at a later date.
	*	These are integers from 1 to 516.

*	PreAmp

	*	This is the number of the preamplifier attached to the crystal. Note that there are a few that have the same number, but use a different colored wire to differentiate them. These are the ones with the [NUM]red and [NUM]blue entries.
	*	These are integers that range from 1 to 509. Some also have a color associated with them.

*	LEDchan

	*	This is the channel for the LED associated with this crystal, which is used for LED commissioning and testing. This is useful because the LED GUI requires you to enter the LED channel to activate an LED and does not allow you to input an X/Y index, so having this makes it easy to look up the mapping between a certain crystal and the LED channel for that crystal.
	*	This is an integer between 2 and 223.

*	FADCchan

	*	This is the crystal's channel on the FADC.
	*	This corresponds the condition database's "Channel" field.

*	FADCslot

	*	This is the crystal's FADC slot.
	*	This corresponds to the condition database's "Slot" field.

*	Splitter

	*	This is the identifier for the splitter associated with the crystal.
	*	This is an integer ranging from 1 to 16.

*	HVGroup

	*	This is the high voltage group for the crystal.
	*	This is an integer from 1 to 28.


	*	This is a channel grouping.
	*	It is an integer from 1 to 16.

*	MB

	*	This is the motherboard to which the crystal is attached.
	*	This has four values: RT, RB, LT, and LB. These represent:

		*	R = Right
		*	L = Left
		*	T = Top
		*	B = Bottom

	*	The top two motherboards are wired to crate 1 and the bottom to crate 2condition database's "Crate" value of 1 and bottom to a value of 2.

*	Channel

	*	This is the signal channel.
	*	This is an integer that ranges from 1 to 230.

*	Gain

	*	Ignore this; the value is not really sensible and the gain you already have is the one we should use.

Is JIRA the correct place to document this? Maybe a confluence page would be better if it needs a permanent reference page?



On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:31 AM, McCormick, Jeremy I. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

	Hi, Kyle.
	Can you give me a simple list of these extra channel information fields that should be added which aren’t already present in the conditions database in the EcalChannel or EcaLed classes?  (see org.hps.conditions.ecal in conditions module)
	(It is hard for me to interpret exactly which fields need to be picked out of the CSV file.)
	It would be good to have a brief explanation of the field as well as a note about what the valid data values should like (e.g. a valid number range).
	Please add this information as a comment here.
	Once I have this information, then I can add a ecal_wiring table that will be able to contain this extra information keyed on channel_id.
	After this, I’ll need a text file mapping ecal_channel_id to the supplementary ECAL wiring information which can then be loaded into the database.

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