

Okay, I’m looking at various files now.  Run 3446 doesn’t have any of these records in the first ~100 events.  So are the head banks not present at all in non-blocking mode?  (Seems to be the case from what I’m seeing.)

I’m going to take a look at some of the other files from runs you marked as “blocking” in your run list to see if I can pick out the run banks from them.

In the future, could this information be put into every physics event?

Basically, what I’m trying to do here is automatically setup run-based conditions when no pre start event is received as the first event in processing.  If the job does not start with the “.evio.0” file then the user has to provide a run number via the command line or the ConditionsDriver, or the job dies.  I think this is pretty clunky and prone to error (in fact it would be preferable if this is completely hidden from end users), so I would prefer if this could be done automatically on an event by event basis if necessary.  

This would also be very useful for the monitoring application if you connect to a run and do not catch a pre start event.  Similarly, if the pre start event is not processed, then the run number has to be provided manually via the GUI.

Or does adding this to every event add too much overhead?  (I guess it is basically 5 extra int values plus the header block information and tag, etc.)

On Jan 13, 2015, at 7:27 AM, Nathan Baltzell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Jeremy,
> Turns out for data taken in blocking mode for the commissioning run, this 57615 bank is only
> present every 40 events (block). 
> -Nathan
> On Jan 12, 2015, at 14:48, McCormick, Jeremy I. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> More on run numbers in the physics events….
>> I dumped the first event of run 3446.  (See attached.)
>> I’m not seeing a bank with tag ‘0xe10F’ or its decimal equivalent.
>> So I’m not sure this is correct….
>> "We have now head bank (tag=0xe10F)”
>> I do see some banks with 5 ints but they don’t make sense according to the previously described scheme…
>> "word 0 = 0 (version number, zero so far)
>> word 1 = run number
>> word 2 = event number
>> word 3 = event unix time
>> word 4 = event type (=1 for now)”
>> Can you please confirm for me whether this information is actually present in the ECAL Eng Run data.
>> If so can you tell me how to access it?
>> It is possible my code is not right, but the XML kind of suggests to me that the previously described bank is not there in the expected form.
>> Thanks.
>> —Jeremy
>> <example_event.xml>

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