

Hi Bradley,

It seems that you are using the most updated clusterer if this is what you are using. 

I am not sure what type of signal you have generated. Have you checked the thresholds you are using in clustering? Is it possible that they are too high? There's a timing cut (which you may want to set to false, initially), and you can try setting the crystal, seed, and cluster thresholds to something very low. 

If you are still having trouble, you might try looking at the generated file in JAS3 event display to see what type of energies and positions your hits are. 


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Bradley T Yale <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hey everyone,

When doing recon using HPS2014OfflineRecon (both with and without pileup), I'm getting ecal hits but no clusters.

Could I get a stdhep file that should definitely produce clusters under those preset cuts? I was testing my own signal files, and need to make sure that something didn't happen on the generation end.

Also, if a different steering file for recon is now primarily used for this purpose, or an updated clusterer beyond ReconClusterer, that would be good to know as well.



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