


Is there something I need to do to not get this error in my Auger job when using java?

"Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap"

The request is just a test which only prints the help from a command utility....

  <Email email="[log in to unmask]" request="false" job="false"/>
  <Project name="hps"/>
  <Track name="reconstruction"/>
  <Name name="EvioFileCrawler"/>
  <Memory space="1536" unit="MB"/>
  <OS name="centos62"/>
    java -cp /home/jeremym/work/software/jars/hps-distribution-3.3.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar org.hps.record.evio.crawler.EvioFileCrawler --help
    <Stdout dest="/home/jeremym/work/crawler/crawl.out.log"/>
    <Stderr dest="/home/jeremym/work/crawler/crawl.err.log"/>

Any ideas?


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