

Fabrice and the Qserv team:

> - Standard de facto is ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana), which
> is a splunk-like open-source software.


> But in2p3 sysadmin recommends
> to use syslog-ng instead of LogStash, because it is ten times faster
> and it can support high load.

	That is interesting information.

> - Good practive is to produce structured log (i.e. JSON format for
> example).

	I'm not sure about this yet.

	But whatever Qserv uses must be compatible with what the rest of
the operational system, including the Alert, Data Release, and
Calibration Products Productions uses.  Qserv cannot make these
decisions for itself, unfortunately.  You need to discuss with SQuaRE
and NCSA.

> Task to do:
> - add a JSON appender to Qserv(/xrootd?) logger
> - install/configure a virtual machine ccqserv-mon with ElasticSearch
> and Kibana,
> - install/configure syslog-ng on all cc-in2p3 Qserv cluster

	None of this should happen before those discussions occur.

> Shall we create new tickets in epic DM-1823 (Design and implement
> monitoring tool for Qserv)?

	Please don't, or at least make them dependent on a preceding
design and discussion ticket.

Kian-Tat Lim, LSST Data Management, [log in to unmask]

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