

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
New Revision: 3666

Added AIDA plot formatting framework.

    java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/   (with props)
    java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/   (with props)

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots;
+import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterRegion;
+import jas.hist.JASHist1DHistogramStyle;
+import jas.hist.JASHist2DHistogramStyle;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Font;
+public class PlotsFormatter {
+	// Define plot fonts.
+	public static final Font BASIC_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 30);
+	public static final Font AXIS_FONT  = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  35);
+	public static final Font TITLE_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  45);
+	// Defines the color style options for plot data.
+	public static enum ColorStyle {
+		 MS_BLUE(new Color( 79, 129, 189), new Color( 36,  64,  97)), MS_ORANGE(new Color(247, 150,  70), new Color(152,  72,   6)),
+		  MS_RED(new Color(192,  80,  77), new Color( 99,  36,  35)),      GREY(new Color(166, 166, 166), new Color( 89,  89,  89)),
+		MS_GREEN(new Color(155, 187,  89), new Color( 79,  98,  40)),   CRIMSON(new Color(161,   0,   0), new Color(104,   0,   0)),
+		    RUST(new Color(161,  80,   0), new Color(105,  80,   0)),    YELLOW(new Color(161, 161,   0), new Color(122, 109,   8)),
+		  FOREST(new Color( 65, 102,   0), new Color( 37,  79,   0)),     GREEN(new Color(  7, 132,  70), new Color(  7,  82,  30)),
+		    TEAL(new Color(  0, 130, 130), new Color(  0,  90, 100)),  CERULEAN(new Color(  0,  86, 130), new Color(  0,  28,  83)),
+		    BLUE(new Color(  0,  33, 203), new Color(  0,   0, 137)),    INDIGO(new Color( 68,  10, 127), new Color(  0,   0,  61)),
+		  PURPLE(new Color(106,   0, 106), new Color( 63,   0,  56)),   FUSCHIA(new Color(119,   0,  60), new Color( 60,   0,  60));
+		private final Color fillColor;
+		private final Color lineColor;
+		private ColorStyle(Color fillColor, Color lineColor) {
+			this.fillColor = fillColor;
+			this.lineColor = lineColor;
+		}
+		public Color getFillColor() { return fillColor; }
+		public Color getLineColor() { return lineColor; }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 * @param color - The data color settings to use.
+	 */
+	public static final void setDefault1DStyle(PlotterRegion region, ColorStyle[] color) {
+		// Get the names of each plot on in the region.
+		String[] dataNames = region.getAllDataNames();
+		// Check whether this is an overlay plot. Overlay plots contain
+		// more than one data name.
+		boolean overlay = (dataNames.length > 1 ? true : false);
+		// Iterate over each plot in the region.
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataNames.length; i++) {
+			// Set the overlay style if needed.
+			if(overlay) {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with no fill. The color is set by the "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramFill(false);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				// Set the legend text style.
+				region.getPlot().getLegend().setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20));
+			}
+			// Otherwise, set the fill style for a single plot.
+			else {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with a fill color. The colors are defined by the
+				// "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getLineColor());
+			}
+			// Set the statistics box style.
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(true);
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			// Set the title font.
+			region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+			// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 */
+	public static final void setDefault2DStyle(PlotterRegion region, boolean logarithmic) {
+		// Get the fill style object. 2D plots should never be overlay
+		// plots, so there should only ever be one data name.
+		JASHist2DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		// Set the fill style for a two-dimensional plot.
+		if(logarithmic) { fillStyle.setLogZ(true); }
+		fillStyle.setHistStyle(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP);
+		fillStyle.setColorMapScheme(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_RAINBOW);
+		// Make the statistics box invisible.
+		region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(false);
+		// Set the general plot font (which is also the z-axis font).
+		region.getPlot().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		// Set the title font.
+		region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+		// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import jas.hist.JASHist1DHistogramStyle;
+import jas.hist.JASHist2DHistogramStyle;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IPlotterFactory;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterRegion;
+public class InvariantMassPlotsFormatter {
+	// Define plot fonts.
+	private static final Font BASIC_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20);
+	private static final Font AXIS_FONT  = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  25);
+	private static final Font TITLE_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  35);
+	// Defines the color style options for plot data.
+	private enum ColorStyle {
+		 MS_BLUE(new Color( 79, 129, 189), new Color( 36,  64,  97)), MS_ORANGE(new Color(247, 150,  70), new Color(152,  72,   6)),
+		  MS_RED(new Color(192,  80,  77), new Color( 99,  36,  35)),      GREY(new Color(166, 166, 166), new Color( 89,  89,  89)),
+		MS_GREEN(new Color(155, 187,  89), new Color( 79,  98,  40)),   CRIMSON(new Color(161,   0,   0), new Color(104,   0,   0)),
+		    RUST(new Color(161,  80,   0), new Color(105,  80,   0)),    YELLOW(new Color(161, 161,   0), new Color(122, 109,   8)),
+		  FOREST(new Color( 65, 102,   0), new Color( 37,  79,   0)),     GREEN(new Color(  7, 132,  70), new Color(  7,  82,  30)),
+		    TEAL(new Color(  0, 130, 130), new Color(  0,  90, 100)),  CERULEAN(new Color(  0,  86, 130), new Color(  0,  28,  83)),
+		    BLUE(new Color(  0,  33, 203), new Color(  0,   0, 137)),    INDIGO(new Color( 68,  10, 127), new Color(  0,   0,  61)),
+		  PURPLE(new Color(106,   0, 106), new Color( 63,   0,  56)),   FUSCHIA(new Color(119,   0,  60), new Color( 60,   0,  60));
+		private final Color fillColor;
+		private final Color lineColor;
+		private ColorStyle(Color fillColor, Color lineColor) {
+			this.fillColor = fillColor;
+			this.lineColor = lineColor;
+		}
+		public Color getFillColor() { return fillColor; }
+		public Color getLineColor() { return lineColor; }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Loads all plots in a file and formats them according to the
+	 * indicated style.
+	 * @param args - Unused default executable parameter.
+	 * @throws IOException Occurs if there is an issue opening the file.
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String[] plotFile = {
+				rootDir + "temp.aida"
+		};
+		// Define the run numbers for each file.
+		String[] runNumber = { "1 Hits", "2 Hits" };
+		// Define the scaling factors for each plot.
+		double scaleFactor = 13.254;
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree[] tree = new ITree[plotFile.length];
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+			tree[i] = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile[i]);
+			if(tree[i] == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		}
+		// Get the histograms.
+		IHistogram1D[] invariantMassPlots = new IHistogram1D[3];
+		invariantMassPlots[0] = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Particle Invariant Mass (1 Hit)");
+		invariantMassPlots[1] = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Particle Invariant Mass (2 Hit)");
+		IHistogram1D electronEnergyPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Electron Energy");
+		IHistogram1D positronEnergyPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Positron Energy");
+		IHistogram1D energySumPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Energy Sum Distribution");
+		IHistogram2D energySum2DPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/2D Energy Distribution");
+		IHistogram1D tridentElectronEnergyPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Trident Electron Energy");
+		IHistogram1D tridentPositronEnergyPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree[0].find("Trident Analysis/Trident Positron Energy");
+		// Define the plot titles and arrays.
+		IHistogram[] plots = { electronEnergyPlot, positronEnergyPlot, energySumPlot, tridentElectronEnergyPlot, tridentPositronEnergyPlot };
+		String[] titles = { "Electron Energy", "Positron Energy", "Energy Sum", "Trident Electron Energy", "Trident Positron Energy" };
+		String[] xTitles = { "Energy (GeV)", "Energy (GeV)", "Energy Sum (GeV)", "Energy (GeV)", "Energy (GeV)" };
+		// Re-bin the histograms to have 5-times larger bins. First,
+		// get the bin count and upper and lower bounds of the plot.
+		int bins = invariantMassPlots[0].axis().bins();
+		double low = invariantMassPlots[0].axis().binLowerEdge(0);
+		double high = invariantMassPlots[0].axis().binUpperEdge(invariantMassPlots[0].axis().bins() - 1);
+		// Create new plots with the larger bin sizes.
+		AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+		IHistogram1D[] newPlot = new IHistogram1D[2];
+		newPlot[0] = aida.histogram1D("Particle Invariant Mass (1 Hit)", bins / 5, low, high);
+		newPlot[1] = aida.histogram1D("Particle Invariant Mass (2 Hit)", bins / 5, low, high);
+		// Populate the new plots with the data from the old ones.
+		for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+			for(int i = 0; i < bins; i++) {
+				int entries = invariantMassPlots[j].binEntries(i);
+				double center = invariantMassPlots[j].axis().binCenter(i);
+				for(int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
+					newPlot[j].fill(center);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Replace the old plots.
+		invariantMassPlots = newPlot;
+		// Create a plotter factory.
+		IPlotterFactory plotterFactory = af.createPlotterFactory();
+		// Format and display the basic histograms.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plots.length; i++) {
+			// Scale the histogram by the appropriate scaling factor.
+			plots[i].scale(1.0 / scaleFactor);
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(titles[i]);
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(plots[i]);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle(titles[i]);
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel(xTitles[i]);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Rate (Hz)");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Format and display the 2D histogram.
+		energySum2DPlot.scale(1.0 / scaleFactor);
+		IPlotter plotter2D = plotterFactory.create("2D Energy Sum");
+		plotter2D.createRegions(1);
+		plotter2D.region(0).plot(energySum2DPlot);
+		// Format the axis labels.
+		PlotterRegion region2D = (PlotterRegion) plotter2D.region(0);
+		region2D.getPlot().setTitle("2D Energy Sum");
+		region2D.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Electron Energy (GeV)");
+		region2D.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Positron Energy (GeV)");
+		// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+		setDefault2DStyle(region2D, false);
+		// Show the plot.
+		plotter2D.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+		plotter2D.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		// Format and display the histograms.
+		for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+			// Scale the histogram by the appropriate scaling factor.
+			invariantMassPlots[i].scale(1.0 / scaleFactor);
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create("Particle Invariant Mass (" + runNumber[i] + ")");
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(invariantMassPlots[i]);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle("Particle Invariant Mass (" + runNumber[i] + ")");
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Invariant Mass (GeV)");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Rate (Hz)");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Note which plot is the numerator and which is the denominator.
+		int numerator   = 0;
+		int denominator = 1;
+		// Create a new histogram to display the ratios of the rates.
+		IHistogram1D ratioPlot = AIDA.defaultInstance().histogram1D("Invariant Mass Ratio (" + runNumber[numerator] + " / "
+				+ runNumber[denominator] + ")", invariantMassPlots[0].axis().bins(),
+				invariantMassPlots[0].axis().lowerEdge(), invariantMassPlots[0].axis().upperEdge());
+		// Iterate over each bin.
+		for(int bin = 0; bin < invariantMassPlots[0].axis().bins(); bin++) {
+			// Calculate the ratio.
+			double ratio = invariantMassPlots[numerator].binHeight(bin) / invariantMassPlots[denominator].binHeight(bin);
+			// If the ratio is either not a number of infinite, skip
+			// this bin.
+			if(Double.isNaN(ratio) || Double.isInfinite(ratio)) { continue; }
+			// Populate the ratio plot bin.
+			ratioPlot.fill(invariantMassPlots[0].axis().binCenter(bin), ratio);
+		}
+		// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+		IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create("Invariant Mass Ratio (5411 / 5554)");
+		plotter.createRegions(1);
+		plotter.region(0).plot(ratioPlot);
+		// Format the axis labels.
+		PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+		region.getPlot().setTitle("Invariant Mass Ratio (" + runNumber[numerator] + " / " + runNumber[denominator] + ")");
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Invariant Mass (GeV)");
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setMin(0.010);
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setMax(0.060);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Ratio");
+		// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+		setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+		// Disable the error bars.
+		JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		fillStyle.setShowErrorBars(false);
+		// Show the plot.
+		plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+		plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		// Close the trees.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+			tree[i].close();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 * @param color - The data color settings to use.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault1DStyle(PlotterRegion region, ColorStyle[] color) {
+		// Get the names of each plot on in the region.
+		String[] dataNames = region.getAllDataNames();
+		// Check whether this is an overlay plot. Overlay plots contain
+		// more than one data name.
+		boolean overlay = (dataNames.length > 1 ? true : false);
+		// Iterate over each plot in the region.
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataNames.length; i++) {
+			// Set the overlay style if needed.
+			if(overlay) {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with no fill. The color is set by the "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramFill(false);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				// Set the legend text style.
+				region.getPlot().getLegend().setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20));
+			}
+			// Otherwise, set the fill style for a single plot.
+			else {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with a fill color. The colors are defined by the
+				// "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getLineColor());
+			}
+			// Set the statistics box style.
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(true);
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			// Set the title font.
+			region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+			// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault2DStyle(PlotterRegion region, boolean logarithmic) {
+		// Get the fill style object. 2D plots should never be overlay
+		// plots, so there should only ever be one data name.
+		JASHist2DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		// Set the fill style for a two-dimensional plot.
+		if(logarithmic) { fillStyle.setLogZ(true); }
+		fillStyle.setHistStyle(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP);
+		fillStyle.setColorMapScheme(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_RAINBOW);
+		// Make the statistics box invisible.
+		region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(false);
+		// Set the general plot font (which is also the z-axis font).
+		region.getPlot().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		// Set the title font.
+		region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+		// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import jas.hist.JASHist1DHistogramStyle;
+import jas.hist.JASHist2DHistogramStyle;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IPlotterFactory;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterRegion;
+public class MTEPlotFormatter {
+	// Define plot fonts.
+	private static final Font BASIC_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20);
+	private static final Font AXIS_FONT  = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  25);
+	private static final Font TITLE_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  35);
+	// Defines the color style options for plot data.
+	private enum ColorStyle {
+		 MS_BLUE(new Color( 79, 129, 189), new Color( 36,  64,  97)), MS_ORANGE(new Color(247, 150,  70), new Color(152,  72,   6)),
+		  MS_RED(new Color(192,  80,  77), new Color( 99,  36,  35)),      GREY(new Color(166, 166, 166), new Color( 89,  89,  89)),
+		MS_GREEN(new Color(155, 187,  89), new Color( 79,  98,  40)),   CRIMSON(new Color(161,   0,   0), new Color(104,   0,   0)),
+		    RUST(new Color(161,  80,   0), new Color(105,  80,   0)),    YELLOW(new Color(161, 161,   0), new Color(122, 109,   8)),
+		  FOREST(new Color( 65, 102,   0), new Color( 37,  79,   0)),     GREEN(new Color(  7, 132,  70), new Color(  7,  82,  30)),
+		    TEAL(new Color(  0, 130, 130), new Color(  0,  90, 100)),  CERULEAN(new Color(  0,  86, 130), new Color(  0,  28,  83)),
+		    BLUE(new Color(  0,  33, 203), new Color(  0,   0, 137)),    INDIGO(new Color( 68,  10, 127), new Color(  0,   0,  61)),
+		  PURPLE(new Color(106,   0, 106), new Color( 63,   0,  56)),   FUSCHIA(new Color(119,   0,  60), new Color( 60,   0,  60));
+		private final Color fillColor;
+		private final Color lineColor;
+		private ColorStyle(Color fillColor, Color lineColor) {
+			this.fillColor = fillColor;
+			this.lineColor = lineColor;
+		}
+		public Color getFillColor() { return fillColor; }
+		public Color getLineColor() { return lineColor; }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Loads all plots in a file and formats them according to the
+	 * indicated style.
+	 * @param args - Unused default executable parameter.
+	 * @throws IOException Occurs if there is an issue opening the file.
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String plotFile = rootDir + "temp.aida";
+		// Define the scaling factors for each plot.
+		double scaleFactor = 1;
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile);
+		if(tree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		// Define index references for each event type.
+		int MOLLER  = 0;
+		int TRIDENT = 1;
+		int ELASTIC = 2;
+		// Get the histograms.
+		IHistogram1D[] trackCountPlots = new IHistogram1D[3];
+		trackCountPlots[MOLLER]  = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Event Tracks");
+		trackCountPlots[TRIDENT] = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Event Tracks");
+		trackCountPlots[ELASTIC] = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Elastic Event Tracks");
+		IHistogram1D[] energyPlots = new IHistogram1D[3];
+		energyPlots[MOLLER]  = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Electron Energy Distribution");
+		energyPlots[TRIDENT] = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Electron Energy Distribution");
+		energyPlots[ELASTIC] = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Elastic Energy Distribution");
+		IHistogram1D[] energySumPlots = new IHistogram1D[2];
+		energySumPlots[MOLLER]  = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Energy Sum Distribution");
+		energySumPlots[TRIDENT] = (IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Energy Sum Distribution");
+		IHistogram2D[] energy2DPlots = new IHistogram2D[2];
+		energy2DPlots[MOLLER]  = (IHistogram2D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller 2D Energy Distribution");
+		energy2DPlots[TRIDENT] = (IHistogram2D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident 2D Energy Distribution");
+		// Create a plotter factory.
+		IPlotterFactory plotterFactory = af.createPlotterFactory();
+		// Format the track count plots.
+		for(IHistogram1D trackCountPlot : trackCountPlots) {
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(trackCountPlot.title());
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(trackCountPlot);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle(trackCountPlot.title());
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Number of Tracks");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Count");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Format the electron energy plots.
+		for(IHistogram1D energyPlot : energyPlots) {
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(energyPlot.title());
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(energyPlot);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle(energyPlot.title());
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Track Energy (GeV)");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Count");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Format the energy sum plots.
+		for(IHistogram1D energySumPlot : energySumPlots) {
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(energySumPlot.title());
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(energySumPlot);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle(energySumPlot.title());
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Track Energy (GeV)");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Count");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Format the 2D energy sum plots.
+		for(IHistogram2D energy2DPlot : energy2DPlots) {
+			// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(energy2DPlot.title());
+			plotter.createRegions(1);
+			plotter.region(0).plot(energy2DPlot);
+			// Format the axis labels.
+			PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+			region.getPlot().setTitle(energy2DPlot.title());
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("First Track Energy (GeV)");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Second Track Energy (GeV)");
+			// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+			setDefault2DStyle(region, false);
+			// Show the plot.
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Disable the error bars.
+		//JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		//fillStyle.setShowErrorBars(false);
+		// Close the tree.
+		tree.close();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 * @param color - The data color settings to use.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault1DStyle(PlotterRegion region, ColorStyle[] color) {
+		// Get the names of each plot on in the region.
+		String[] dataNames = region.getAllDataNames();
+		// Check whether this is an overlay plot. Overlay plots contain
+		// more than one data name.
+		boolean overlay = (dataNames.length > 1 ? true : false);
+		// Iterate over each plot in the region.
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataNames.length; i++) {
+			// Set the overlay style if needed.
+			if(overlay) {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with no fill. The color is set by the "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramFill(false);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				// Set the legend text style.
+				region.getPlot().getLegend().setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20));
+			}
+			// Otherwise, set the fill style for a single plot.
+			else {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with a fill color. The colors are defined by the
+				// "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getLineColor());
+			}
+			// Set the statistics box style.
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(true);
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			// Set the title font.
+			region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+			// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault2DStyle(PlotterRegion region, boolean logarithmic) {
+		// Get the fill style object. 2D plots should never be overlay
+		// plots, so there should only ever be one data name.
+		JASHist2DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		// Set the fill style for a two-dimensional plot.
+		if(logarithmic) { fillStyle.setLogZ(true); }
+		fillStyle.setHistStyle(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP);
+		fillStyle.setColorMapScheme(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_RAINBOW);
+		// Make the statistics box invisible.
+		region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(false);
+		// Set the general plot font (which is also the z-axis font).
+		region.getPlot().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		// Set the title font.
+		region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+		// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Recursive method that gets all object names from a tree that
+	 * are not directories. Method should not be called directly, but
+	 * rather called only through the <code>getHistograms(ITree)</code>
+	 * method.
+	 * @param tree - The tree from which to obtain the object names.
+	 * @param directory - The directory in which to search for objects.
+	 * @param list - The list in which to place the objects.
+	 * @return Returns the <code>List</code> collection that was given
+	 * as an argument.
+	 */
+	private static final List<String> getHistograms(ITree tree, String directory, List<String> list) {
+		// Get the list of objects in the directory.
+		String[] treeObjects = tree.listObjectNames(directory);
+		// Print the objects.
+		for(String objectName : treeObjects) {
+			// Check if the object is a directory.
+			boolean isDirectory = isDirectory(objectName);
+			// If the object is a directory, get the histograms from it.
+			if(isDirectory) {
+				getHistograms(tree, objectName, list);
+			}
+			// If the object is a plot, add it to the list.
+			else { list.add(objectName); }
+		}
+		// Return the list.
+		return list;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether a tree object is a directory.
+	 * @param object - The object to check.
+	 * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the object is a directory
+	 * and <code>false</code> otherwise.
+	 */
+	private static final boolean isDirectory(String object) {
+		return (object.toCharArray()[object.length() - 1] == '/');
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot1D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot2D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotFormatModule;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+public class MTETriggerPlotsFormatter {
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String plotFile = rootDir + "5772-ana.aida";
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile);
+		if(tree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		// Define the 1D trigger plot names for Møllers and tridents.
+		String[] plotNames1D = { "Cluster Hit Count", "Cluster Seed Energy", "Cluster Total Energy",
+				"Pair Coplanarity", "Pair Energy Difference", "Pair Energy Slope", "Pair Energy Sum" };
+		String[] displayNames1D = { "Cluster Hit Count", "Cluster Seed Energy", "Cluster Total Energy",
+				"Pair Coplanarity", "Pair Energy Difference", "Pair Energy Slope", "Pair Energy Sum" };
+		String[] xAxisNames1D = { "Hit Count", "Seed Energy (GeV)", "Total Energy (GeV)",
+				"Coplanarity (Degrees)", "Energy Difference (GeV)", "Energy Slope (GeV)", "Energy Sum (GeV)" };
+		String yAxisName1D = "Count";
+		// Define the 2D trigger plot names for Møllers and tridents.
+		String[] plotNames2D = { "Cluster Seed", "Pair Energy Sum 2D" };
+		String[] displayNames2D = { "Cluster Seed Distribution", "2D Energy Sum" };
+		String[] xAxisNames2D = { "x-Index", "Second Cluster Energy (GeV)" };
+		String[] yAxisNames2D = { "y-Index", "First Cluster Energy (GeV)" };
+		// Define the 1D trigger plot names for elastics.
+		String[] plotNamesElastic1D = { "Cluster Hit Count", "Cluster Seed Energy", "Cluster Total Energy" };
+		String[] displayNamesElastic1D = { "Cluster Hit Count", "Cluster Seed Energy", "Cluster Total Energy" };
+		String[] xAxisNamesElastic1D = { "Hit Count", "Seed Energy (GeV)", "Total Energy (GeV)" };
+		String yAxisNameElastic1D = "Count";
+		// Define the 2D trigger plot names for elastics.
+		String[] plotNamesElastic2D = { "Cluster Seed" };
+		String[] displayNamesElastic2D = { "Cluster Seed Distribution" };
+		String[] xAxisNamesElastic2D = { "x-Index" };
+		String[] yAxisNamesElastic2D = { "y-Index" };
+		// Define the Møller, trident, and elastic prefixes.
+		String allPrefix = "All Trigger Plots/Pair Plots/";
+		String møllerPrefix = "Møller Trigger Plots/Pair Plots/";
+		String tridentPrefix = "Trident Trigger Plots/Pair Plots/";
+		String elasticPrefix = "Elastic Trigger Plots/Singles Plots/";
+		String allSinglesPrefix = "All Trigger Plots/Singles Plots/";
+		// Define the plot type prefix.
+		String allTypeName = "All Pairs - ";
+		String møllerTypeName = "Møller - ";
+		String tridentTypeName = "Trident - ";
+		String elasticTypeName = "Elastic - ";
+		String allSinglesTypeName = "All Singles - ";
+		// Define the plot type colors.
+		ColorStyle allColor = PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.GREY;
+		ColorStyle møllerColor = PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.MS_BLUE;
+		ColorStyle tridentColor = PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.MS_ORANGE;
+		ColorStyle elasticColor = PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.MS_GREEN;
+		// Create a plot formatting module.
+		PlotFormatModule module = new PlotFormatModule();
+		// Get the histograms and add them to the module. Start with the
+		// trident and Møller plots.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotNames1D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the Møller and trident plots.
+			IHistogram1D allPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(allPrefix + plotNames1D[i]);
+			IHistogram1D møllerPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(møllerPrefix + plotNames1D[i]);
+			IHistogram1D tridentPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(tridentPrefix + plotNames1D[i]);
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot1D allFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(allPlot, allColor, xAxisNames1D[i], yAxisName1D, allTypeName + displayNames1D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot1D møllerFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(møllerPlot, møllerColor, xAxisNames1D[i], yAxisName1D, møllerTypeName + displayNames1D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot1D tridentFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(tridentPlot, tridentColor, xAxisNames1D[i], yAxisName1D, tridentTypeName + displayNames1D[i]);
+			// Add them to the module.
+			module.addPlot1D(allFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot1D(møllerFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot1D(tridentFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotNames2D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the Møller and trident plots.
+			IHistogram2D allPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(allPrefix + plotNames2D[i]);
+			IHistogram2D møllerPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(møllerPrefix + plotNames2D[i]);
+			IHistogram2D tridentPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(tridentPrefix + plotNames2D[i]);
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot2D allFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(allPlot, i == 0 ? true : false, xAxisNames2D[i], yAxisNames2D[i], allTypeName + displayNames2D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot2D møllerFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(møllerPlot, i == 0 ? true : false, xAxisNames2D[i], yAxisNames2D[i], møllerTypeName + displayNames2D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot2D tridentFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(tridentPlot, i == 0 ? true : false, xAxisNames2D[i], yAxisNames2D[i], tridentTypeName + displayNames2D[i]);
+			// Add them to the module.
+			module.addPlot2D(allFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot2D(møllerFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot2D(tridentFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		// Get the histograms for the elastic plots and add them to the module.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotNamesElastic1D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the Møller and trident plots.
+			IHistogram1D allPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(allSinglesPrefix + plotNames1D[i]);
+			IHistogram1D elasticPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(elasticPrefix + plotNames1D[i]);
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot1D allFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(allPlot, allColor, xAxisNamesElastic1D[i], yAxisNameElastic1D,
+					allSinglesTypeName + displayNamesElastic1D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot1D elasticFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(elasticPlot, elasticColor, xAxisNamesElastic1D[i], yAxisNameElastic1D,
+					elasticTypeName + displayNamesElastic1D[i]);
+			// Add them to the module.
+			module.addPlot1D(allFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot1D(elasticFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotNamesElastic2D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the Møller and trident plots.
+			IHistogram2D allPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(allPrefix + plotNamesElastic2D[i]);
+			IHistogram2D elasticPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(møllerPrefix + plotNamesElastic2D[i]);
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot2D allFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(allPlot, i == 0 ? true : false, xAxisNamesElastic2D[i], yAxisNamesElastic2D[i],
+					allSinglesTypeName + plotNames2D[i]);
+			FormattedPlot2D elasticFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(elasticPlot, i == 0 ? true : false, xAxisNamesElastic2D[i], yAxisNamesElastic2D[i],
+					elasticTypeName + displayNamesElastic2D[i]);
+			// Add them to the module.
+			module.addPlot2D(allFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot2D(elasticFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		// Add the MTE plots to the module.
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Elastic Energy Distribution"), elasticColor,
+				"Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Elastic - Momentum"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Elastic Event Tracks"), elasticColor,
+				"Tracks", "Count", "Elastic - Tracks in Event"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Energy Sum Distribution"), møllerColor,
+				"Momentum Sum (GeV)", "Count", "Møller - Momentum Sum"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Electron Energy Distribution"), møllerColor,
+				"Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Møller - Momentum (Electron)"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Time Coincidence Distribution (All Møller Cuts)"), møllerColor,
+				"Time (ns)", "Count", "Møller - Time Coincidence"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller Event Tracks"), møllerColor,
+				"Tracks", "Count", "Møller - Tracks in Event"));
+		module.addPlot2D(new FormattedPlot2D((IHistogram2D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Møller 2D Energy Distribution"), false,
+				"First Track Momentum (GeV)", "Second Track Momentum (GeV)", "Møller - 2D Momentum Sum"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Energy Sum Distribution"), tridentColor,
+				"Momentum Sum (GeV)", "Count", "Trident - Momentum Sum"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Electron Energy Distribution"), tridentColor,
+				"Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Trident - Momentum (Electron)"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Positron Energy Distribution"), tridentColor,
+				"Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Trident - Momentum (Positron)"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident Event Tracks"), tridentColor,
+				"Tracks", "Count", "Trident - Tracks in Event"));
+		module.addPlot2D(new FormattedPlot2D((IHistogram2D) tree.find("MTE Analysis/Trident 2D Energy Distribution"), false,
+				"First Track Momentum (GeV)", "Second Track Momentum (GeV)", "Trident - 2D Momentum Sum"));
+		// Display the plots.
+		module.savePlots("C:\\Users\\Kyle\\Desktop\\EnergyShift\\TestPrint\\");
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot1D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot2D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotFormatModule;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle;
+public class ParticleMCAnalysisPlotsFormatter {
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String plotFile = rootDir + "moller-mc-out_triggerPlots.aida";
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile);
+		if(tree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		// Create a plot formatting module.
+		PlotFormatModule module = new PlotFormatModule();
+		// Define the plot color.
+		ColorStyle plotColor = ColorStyle.MS_BLUE;
+		// Define the plots to be read.
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Electron Energy Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Electron Energy (GeV)", "Count", "Electron Energy Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Electron\\Electron Momentum Sum Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Momentum Sum (GeV)", "Count", "Momentum Sum Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Electron\\Electron Pair Angle Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Momentum Sum (GeV)", "Count", "Pair Angle Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Particle x-Momentum Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Particle x-Momentum Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Particle y-Momentum Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Particle y-Momentum Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot1D(new FormattedPlot1D((IHistogram1D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Particle z-Momentum Distribution"),
+				plotColor, "Momentum (GeV)", "Count", "Particle z-Momentum Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot2D(new FormattedPlot2D((IHistogram2D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Electron\\Electron 2D Momentum Distribution"),
+				true, "Particle 1 Momentum (GeV)", "Particle 2 Momentum (GeV)", "2D Momentum Sum Distribution"));
+		module.addPlot2D(new FormattedPlot2D((IHistogram2D) tree.find("MC Analysis/Particle Momentum Distribution"),
+				true, "px (GeV)", "py (GeV)", "Particle x/y Momentum Distribution"));
+		// Display the plots.
+		module.displayPlots();
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot1D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.FormattedPlot2D;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotFormatModule;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+public class SingleTriggerPlotsFormatter {
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String plotFile = rootDir + "trident-readout-full.aida";
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile);
+		if(tree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		// Define plots variables.
+		int UNCUT     = 0;
+		int TRIGGERED = 1;
+		String[] plotsDir = { "NoCuts/", "PassedAll/" };
+		int PLOT_HIT_COUNT      = 0;
+		int PLOT_SEED_ENERGY    = 1;
+		int PLOT_COPLANARITY    = 3;
+		int PLOT_ENERGY_SUM     = 4;
+		int PLOT_ENERGY_DIFF    = 5;
+		int PLOT_ENERGY_SLOPE   = 6;
+		int PLOT_SEED_DIST      = 0;
+		int PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D  = 1;
+		// Define the internal plot names.
+		String[] plotNameInternal1D = new String[7];
+		String[] plotNameInternal2D = new String[2];
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_HIT_COUNT]      = "Cluster Hit Count";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_SEED_ENERGY]    = "Cluster Seed Energy";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_CLUSTER_ENERGY] = "Cluster Total Energy";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_COPLANARITY]    = "Pair Coplanarity";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM]     = "Pair Energy Sum";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_ENERGY_DIFF]    = "Pair Energy Difference";
+		plotNameInternal1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SLOPE]   = "Pair Energy Slope";
+		plotNameInternal2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]      = "Cluster Seed";
+		plotNameInternal2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D]  = "Pair Energy Sum 2D";
+		// Define the plot display names.
+		String[] plotName1D = new String[7];
+		String[] plotName2D = new String[2];
+		for(int j = 0; j < plotNameInternal1D.length; j++) {
+			plotName1D[j] = plotNameInternal1D[j];
+		}
+		for(int j = 0; j < plotNameInternal2D.length; j++) {
+			plotName2D[j] = plotNameInternal2D[j];
+		}
+		plotName1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM]    = "1D Pair Energy Sum";
+		plotName2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]     = "Cluster Seed Distribution";
+		plotName2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D] = "2D Pair Energy Sum";
+		String[] xTitles1D = new String[plotName1D.length];
+		String[] xTitles2D = new String[plotName2D.length];
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_HIT_COUNT]      = "Hit Count";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_SEED_ENERGY]    = "Seed Energy (GeV)";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_CLUSTER_ENERGY] = "Cluster Energy (GeV)";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_COPLANARITY]    = "Coplanarity Angle (Degrees)";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM]     = "Energy Sum (GeV)";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_ENERGY_DIFF]    = "Energy Difference (GeV)";
+		xTitles1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SLOPE]   = "Energy Slope (GeV)";
+		xTitles2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]      = "x-Index";
+		xTitles2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D]  = "First Cluster Energy (GeV)";
+		String yTitle1D = "Count";
+		String[] yTitles2D = new String[plotName2D.length];
+		yTitles2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]      = "y-Index";
+		yTitles2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D]  = "Second Cluster Energy (GeV)";
+		// Define axis ranges.
+		double[] axisRanges1D = new double[plotName1D.length];
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_HIT_COUNT]      = -1;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_SEED_ENERGY]    = 1.1;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_CLUSTER_ENERGY] = 1.1;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_COPLANARITY]    = 180;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM]     = 2.2;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_ENERGY_DIFF]    = 1.1;
+		axisRanges1D[PLOT_ENERGY_SLOPE]   = 2.4;
+		double[] xAxisRanges2D = new double[plotName2D.length];
+		double[] yAxisRanges2D = new double[plotName2D.length];
+		xAxisRanges2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]      = -1;
+		xAxisRanges2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D]  = 1.1;
+		yAxisRanges2D[PLOT_SEED_DIST]      = -1;
+		yAxisRanges2D[PLOT_ENERGY_SUM_2D]  = 1.1;
+		// Define the plot names.
+		String[][] plotLocations1D = new String[plotsDir.length][plotNameInternal1D.length];
+		String[][] plotLocations2D = new String[plotsDir.length][plotNameInternal2D.length];
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotsDir.length; i++) {
+			for(int j = 0; j < plotNameInternal1D.length; j++) {
+				plotLocations1D[i][j] = plotsDir[i] + plotNameInternal1D[j];
+			}
+		}
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotsDir.length; i++) {
+			for(int j = 0; j < plotNameInternal2D.length; j++) {
+				plotLocations2D[i][j] = plotsDir[i] + plotNameInternal2D[j];
+			}
+		}
+		// Create a plot formatting module.
+		PlotFormatModule module = new PlotFormatModule();
+		// Load the plot objects.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotName1D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the uncut and triggered plots.
+			IHistogram1D uncutPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(plotLocations1D[UNCUT][i]);
+			IHistogram1D triggeredPlot = (IHistogram1D) tree.find(plotLocations1D[TRIGGERED][i] + " (Passed All Cuts)");
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot1D uncutFormattedPlot;
+			FormattedPlot1D triggeredFormattedPlot;
+			if(axisRanges1D[i] != -1) {
+				uncutFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(uncutPlot, PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.GREY, xTitles1D[i], yTitle1D, plotName1D[i] + " (No Cuts)", axisRanges1D[i]);
+				triggeredFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(triggeredPlot, PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.MS_GREEN, xTitles1D[i], yTitle1D, plotName1D[i] + " (Triggered)", axisRanges1D[i]);
+			} else {
+				uncutFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(uncutPlot, PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.GREY, xTitles1D[i], yTitle1D, plotName1D[i] + " (No Cuts)");
+				triggeredFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot1D(triggeredPlot, PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle.MS_GREEN, xTitles1D[i], yTitle1D, plotName1D[i] + " (Triggered)");
+			}
+			// Add the plots to the module.
+			module.addPlot1D(uncutFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot1D(triggeredFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotName2D.length; i++) {
+			// Get the uncut and triggered plots.
+			IHistogram2D uncutPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(plotLocations2D[UNCUT][i]);
+			IHistogram2D triggeredPlot = (IHistogram2D) tree.find(plotLocations2D[TRIGGERED][i] + " (Passed All Cuts)");
+			// Make a formatted plot for each.
+			FormattedPlot2D uncutFormattedPlot;
+			FormattedPlot2D triggeredFormattedPlot;
+			if(xAxisRanges2D[i] != -1) {
+				uncutFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(uncutPlot, true, xTitles2D[i], yTitles2D[i], plotName2D[i] + " (No Cuts)", xAxisRanges2D[i], yAxisRanges2D[i]);
+				triggeredFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(triggeredPlot, true, xTitles2D[i], yTitles2D[i], plotName2D[i] + " (Triggered)", xAxisRanges2D[i], yAxisRanges2D[i]);
+			} else {
+				uncutFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(uncutPlot, true, xTitles2D[i], yTitles2D[i], plotName2D[i] + " (No Cuts)");
+				triggeredFormattedPlot = new FormattedPlot2D(triggeredPlot, true, xTitles2D[i], yTitles2D[i], plotName2D[i] + " (Triggered)");
+			}
+			// Add the plots to the module.
+			module.addPlot2D(uncutFormattedPlot);
+			module.addPlot2D(triggeredFormattedPlot);
+		}
+		// Save the plots.
+		module.savePlots("C:\\Users\\Kyle\\Desktop\\EnergyShift\\MonteCarlo\\Trident\\Trigger\\");
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter;
+import org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.PlotsFormatter.ColorStyle;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IPlotterFactory;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterRegion;
+public class TridentTrackFormatter {
+	/**
+	 * Loads all plots in a file and formats them according to the
+	 * indicated style.
+	 * @param args - Unused default executable parameter.
+	 * @throws IOException Occurs if there is an issue opening the file.
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\tmp\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String plotFile = rootDir + "trident-out.aida";
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile);
+		if(tree == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		// Declare the histogram names.
+		String trackName = "Tracks in Event (All)";
+		String posTrackName = "Tracks in Event (Positive)";
+		String negTrackName = "Tracks in Event (Negative)";
+		String posMomentumName = "Momentum (Positive)";
+		String negMomentumName = "Momentum (Negative)";
+		String energySumName = "Energy Sum";
+		String momentumSumName = "Momentum Sum";
+		String energyMomentumDiffName = "Energy-Momentum Difference";
+		String invariantMassName = "Invariant Mass";
+		String energySum2DName = "2D Energy Sum";
+		String momentumSum2DName = "2D Momentum Sum";
+		String positionName = "Track Cluster Position";
+		// Get the histograms.
+		IHistogram1D[] tracks = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + trackName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + trackName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] posTracks = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + posTrackName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + posTrackName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] negTracks = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + negTrackName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + negTrackName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] posMomentum = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + posMomentumName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + posMomentumName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] negMomentum = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + negMomentumName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + negMomentumName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] energySum = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + energySumName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + energySumName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] momentumSum = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + momentumSumName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + momentumSumName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] energyMomentumDiff = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + energyMomentumDiffName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + energyMomentumDiffName)
+		};
+		IHistogram1D[] invariantMass = {
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + invariantMassName),
+				(IHistogram1D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + invariantMassName)
+		};
+		IHistogram2D[] energySum2D = {
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + energySum2DName),
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + energySum2DName)
+		};
+		IHistogram2D[] momentumSum2D = {
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + momentumSum2DName),
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + momentumSum2DName)
+		};
+		IHistogram2D[] position = {
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/All/" + positionName),
+				(IHistogram2D) tree.find("Trident Analysis/Cluster/" + positionName)
+		};
+		// Re-bin the histograms to have 5-times larger bins. First,
+		// get the bin count and upper and lower bounds of the plot.
+		int bins = invariantMass[0].axis().bins();
+		double low = invariantMass[0].axis().binLowerEdge(0);
+		double high = invariantMass[0].axis().binUpperEdge(invariantMass[0].axis().bins() - 1);
+		// Create new plots with the larger bin sizes.
+		AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+		IHistogram1D[] newPlot = new IHistogram1D[2];
+		newPlot[0] = aida.histogram1D(invariantMassName, bins / 5, low, high);
+		newPlot[1] = aida.histogram1D("Cluster " + invariantMassName, bins / 5, low, high);
+		// Populate the new plots with the data from the old ones.
+		for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+			for(int i = 0; i < bins; i++) {
+				int entries = invariantMass[j].binEntries(i);
+				double center = invariantMass[j].axis().binCenter(i);
+				for(int k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
+					newPlot[j].fill(center);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Replace the old plots.
+		invariantMass = newPlot;
+		// Define the scaling factors for each plot.
+		double scaleFactor = 1;
+		// Define the plot titles and arrays for 1D plots.
+		IHistogram[][] plots = { tracks, posTracks, negTracks, posMomentum, negMomentum, energySum, momentumSum, energyMomentumDiff, invariantMass };
+		String[] titles = { trackName, posTrackName, negTrackName, posMomentumName, negMomentumName, energySumName, momentumSumName,
+				energyMomentumDiffName, invariantMassName };
+		String[] xTitles = { "Tracks", "Tracks", "Tracks", "Momentum (GeV)", "Momentum (GeV)", "Energy Sum (GeV)", "Momentum Sum (GeV)",
+				"|E_Cluster - P_Track| (GeV)", "Invariant Mass (GeV)" };
+		String yTitle = "Count";
+		// Define the plot titles and arrays for 2D plots.
+		IHistogram2D[][] plots2D = { energySum2D, momentumSum2D, position };
+		String[] titles2D = { energySum2DName, momentumSum2DName, positionName };
+		String[] xTitles2D = { "Positive Cluster Energy", "Positive Track Momentum", "x-Index" };
+		String[] yTitles2D = { "Negative Cluster Energy", "Negative Track Momentum", "y-Index" };
+		String zTitle2D = "Count";
+		// Create a plotter factory.
+		IPlotterFactory plotterFactory = af.createPlotterFactory();
+		// Format and display the basic histograms.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plots.length; i++) {
+			for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+				// Scale the histogram by the appropriate scaling factor.
+				plots[i][j].scale(1.0 / scaleFactor);
+				// Create a plotter and plotting region for the plot.
+				IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create((j == 1 ? "Cluster " : "") + titles[i]);
+				plotter.createRegions(1);
+				plotter.region(0).plot(plots[i][j]);
+				// Format the axis labels.
+				PlotterRegion region = (PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0);
+				region.getPlot().setTitle((j == 1 ? "Cluster " : "") + titles[i]);
+				region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel(xTitles[i]);
+				region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel(yTitle);
+				// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+				PlotsFormatter.setDefault1DStyle(region, new ColorStyle[] { ColorStyle.GREY });
+				// Show the plot.
+				plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+				plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+			}
+		}
+		// Format and display the 2D histogram.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plots2D.length; i++) {
+			for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+				plots2D[i][j].scale(1.0 / scaleFactor);
+				IPlotter plotter2D = plotterFactory.create((j == 1 ? "Cluster " : "") + titles2D[i]);
+				plotter2D.createRegions(1);
+				plotter2D.region(0).plot(plots2D[i][j]);
+				// Format the axis labels.
+				PlotterRegion region2D = (PlotterRegion) plotter2D.region(0);
+				region2D.getPlot().setTitle((j == 1 ? "Cluster " : "") + titles2D[i]);
+				region2D.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel(xTitles2D[i]);
+				region2D.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel(yTitles2D[i]);
+				// Format the fonts and general plot presentation.
+				PlotsFormatter.setDefault2DStyle(region2D, true);
+				// Show the plot.
+				plotter2D.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+				plotter2D.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+			}
+		}
+		// Close the tree.
+		tree.close();
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/kmccarty/plots/formatter/	Tue Sep 22 12:11:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+package org.hps.users.kmccarty.plots.formatter;
+import jas.hist.JASHist1DHistogramStyle;
+import jas.hist.JASHist2DHistogramStyle;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
+import hep.aida.IBaseHistogram;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.IManagedObject;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IPlotterFactory;
+import hep.aida.ITree;
+import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterRegion;
+public class TriggerPlotsFormat {
+	// Define plot fonts.
+	private static final Font BASIC_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20);
+	private static final Font AXIS_FONT  = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  25);
+	private static final Font TITLE_FONT = new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD,  35);
+	// Defines the color style options for plot data.
+	private enum ColorStyle {
+		 MS_BLUE(new Color( 79, 129, 189), new Color( 36,  64,  97)), MS_ORANGE(new Color(247, 150,  70), new Color(152,  72,   6)),
+		  MS_RED(new Color(192,  80,  77), new Color( 99,  36,  35)),      GREY(new Color(166, 166, 166), new Color( 89,  89,  89)),
+		MS_GREEN(new Color(155, 187,  89), new Color( 79,  98,  40)),   CRIMSON(new Color(161,   0,   0), new Color(104,   0,   0)),
+		    RUST(new Color(161,  80,   0), new Color(105,  80,   0)),    YELLOW(new Color(161, 161,   0), new Color(122, 109,   8)),
+		  FOREST(new Color( 65, 102,   0), new Color( 37,  79,   0)),     GREEN(new Color(  7, 132,  70), new Color(  7,  82,  30)),
+		    TEAL(new Color(  0, 130, 130), new Color(  0,  90, 100)),  CERULEAN(new Color(  0,  86, 130), new Color(  0,  28,  83)),
+		    BLUE(new Color(  0,  33, 203), new Color(  0,   0, 137)),    INDIGO(new Color( 68,  10, 127), new Color(  0,   0,  61)),
+		  PURPLE(new Color(106,   0, 106), new Color( 63,   0,  56)),   FUSCHIA(new Color(119,   0,  60), new Color( 60,   0,  60));
+		private final Color fillColor;
+		private final Color lineColor;
+		private ColorStyle(Color fillColor, Color lineColor) {
+			this.fillColor = fillColor;
+			this.lineColor = lineColor;
+		}
+		public Color getFillColor() { return fillColor; }
+		public Color getLineColor() { return lineColor; }
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Loads all plots in a file and formats them according to the
+	 * indicated style.
+	 * @param args - Unused default executable parameter.
+	 * @throws IOException Occurs if there is an issue opening the file.
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+		// Define the root directory for the plots.
+		String rootDir = "D:\\cygwin64\\home\\Kyle\\"; //plots\\no-cuts\\2-hit\\";
+		// Define the new name of the file containing the trigger plots.
+		String[] plotFile = {
+				rootDir + "5568-ana.aida"
+				//rootDir + "background-ana_triggerPlots.aida"
+				//rootDir + "15MeV-ana_triggerPlots.aida",
+				//rootDir + "30MeV-ana_triggerPlots.aida",
+				//rootDir + "40MeV-ana_triggerPlots.aida",
+				//rootDir + "50MeV-ana_triggerPlots.aida"
+		};
+		// Define the names of each plot. This will be used for the
+		// legend in the case of multiple plots.
+		String[] treeName = {
+			"Background",
+			"15 MeV A'",
+			"30 MeV A'",
+			"40 MeV A'",
+			"50 MeV A'"
+		};
+		// Define the color style for the plots.
+		ColorStyle[] dataColorStyle = {
+				ColorStyle.GREY,
+				ColorStyle.MS_GREEN,
+				ColorStyle.MS_BLUE,
+				ColorStyle.MS_ORANGE,
+				ColorStyle.MS_RED
+		};
+		// Get the plots file and open it.
+		IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
+		ITree[] tree = new ITree[plotFile.length];
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+			tree[i] = af.createTreeFactory().create(plotFile[i]);
+			if(tree[i] == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load plot file."); }
+		}
+		// Get a list of all the histograms in the file.
+		List<List<String>> treeHistograms = new ArrayList<List<String>>(plotFile.length);
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+			treeHistograms.add(getHistograms(tree[i]));//, "/PassedAll/"));
+		}
+		// Create a plotter factory.
+		IPlotterFactory plotterFactory = af.createPlotterFactory();
+		// Plot each histogram and format it.
+		for(String histogram : treeHistograms.get(0)) {
+			// Get the plot from the tree and verify that it is a 1D
+			// or 2D histogram. Other types are not supported.
+			IManagedObject histObject = tree[0].find(histogram);
+			if(!(histObject instanceof IHistogram1D) && !(histObject instanceof IHistogram2D)) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Obtain the histogram object.
+			IBaseHistogram hist;
+			if(histObject instanceof IHistogram1D) { hist = (IHistogram1D) histObject; }
+			else { hist = (IHistogram2D) histObject; }
+			// Define whether this is an overlay plot and whether
+			// this is a one or two dimensional plot.
+			boolean overlay = plotFile.length > 1;
+			boolean twoDimensional = hist instanceof IHistogram2D;
+			// Generate the plotter and set its title. The plotter will
+			// use the title of the first tree's plot.
+			String plotTitle = hist.title();
+			IPlotter plotter = plotterFactory.create(plotTitle);
+			// For single plots and one-dimensional overlay plots,
+			// there should only be a single plotter region.
+			if(!twoDimensional || !overlay) { plotter.createRegions(1); }
+			// For two-dimensional overlay plots, create a region for
+			// each plot individually.
+			else { plotter.createRegions(2, (int) Math.ceil(plotFile.length / 2.0)); }
+			// Find the histogram in each of the trees and plot them
+			// all on the same region.
+			for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+				// Get the histogram from the tree.
+				IManagedObject treeObject = tree[i].find(histogram);
+				IBaseHistogram treeHist;
+				if(treeObject instanceof IHistogram1D) { treeHist = (IHistogram1D) treeObject; }
+				else { treeHist = (IHistogram2D) treeObject; }
+				// Display the plot.
+				if(treeHist != null) {
+					// Set the title of plot to the name associated with
+					// its tree. This ensures that the correct name will
+					// appear on the legend.
+					if(plotFile.length > 1) {
+						treeHist.setTitle(treeName[i]);
+					}
+					// Plot the tree's data in the plotter region.
+					if(!twoDimensional || !overlay) { plotter.region(0).plot(treeHist); }
+					else {
+						plotter.region(i).plot(treeHist);
+						setDefault2DStyle(((PlotterRegion) plotter.region(i)), dataColorStyle);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Format the plot region.
+			if(!twoDimensional) { setDefault1DStyle(((PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0)), dataColorStyle); }
+			else { setDefault2DStyle(((PlotterRegion) plotter.region(0)), dataColorStyle); }
+			// Show the plotter.
+			plotter.region(0).setTitle(plotTitle);
+			//plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "1600");
+			//plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1550");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterWidth", "2000");
+			plotter.setParameter("plotterHeight", "1200");
+		}
+		// Close the trees.
+		for(int i = 0; i < plotFile.length; i++) {
+			tree[i].close();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 * @param color - The data color settings to use.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault1DStyle(PlotterRegion region, ColorStyle[] color) {
+		// Get the names of each plot on in the region.
+		String[] dataNames = region.getAllDataNames();
+		// Check whether this is an overlay plot. Overlay plots contain
+		// more than one data name.
+		boolean overlay = (dataNames.length > 1 ? true : false);
+		// Iterate over each plot in the region.
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataNames.length; i++) {
+			// Set the overlay style if needed.
+			if(overlay) {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with no fill. The color is set by the "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramFill(false);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				// Set the legend text style.
+				region.getPlot().getLegend().setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.PLAIN, 20));
+			}
+			// Otherwise, set the fill style for a single plot.
+			else {
+				// Get the fill style for the current data type.
+				JASHist1DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(dataNames[i]).getStyle();
+				// Set the histogram style to display thick-lined bars
+				// with a fill color. The colors are defined by the
+				// "color" argument.
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineWidth(3);
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarColor(color[i].getFillColor());
+				fillStyle.setHistogramBarLineColor(color[i].getLineColor());
+			}
+			// Set the statistics box style.
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(true);
+			region.getPlot().getStats().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			// Set the title font.
+			region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+			// Set generic axis titles.
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Data Label (Unit)");
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Count");
+			// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+			region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the plot display formatting for 1D plots.
+	 * @param region - The plotter region to format.
+	 * @param color - The data color settings to use.
+	 */
+	private static final void setDefault2DStyle(PlotterRegion region, ColorStyle[] color) {
+		// Get the fill style object. 2D plots should never be overlay
+		// plots, so there should only ever be one data name.
+		JASHist2DHistogramStyle fillStyle = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) region.getDataForName(region.getAllDataNames()[0]).getStyle();
+		// Set the fill style for a two-dimensional plot.
+		fillStyle.setLogZ(true);
+		fillStyle.setHistStyle(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP);
+		fillStyle.setColorMapScheme(JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_RAINBOW);
+		// Make the statistics box invisible.
+		region.getPlot().getStats().setVisible(false);
+		// Set the general plot font (which is also the z-axis font).
+		region.getPlot().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		// Set the title font.
+		region.getPlot().getTitleObject().setFont(TITLE_FONT);
+		// Set generic axis titles.
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setLabel("Data Label (Unit)");
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setLabel("Data Label (Unit)");
+		// Set the axis tick-mark fonts.
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().setFont(BASIC_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getXAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+		region.getPlot().getYAxis().getLabelObject().setFont(AXIS_FONT);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets a list of all objects that are not directories in a tree.
+	 * @param tree - The tree from which to extract the object names.
+	 * @return Returns the object names as <code>String</code> objects
+	 * in a <code>List</code> collection.
+	 */
+	private static final List<String> getHistograms(ITree tree) {
+		return getHistograms(tree, "/");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets a list of all objects that are not directories in a tree.
+	 * @param tree - The tree from which to extract the object names.
+	 * @return Returns the object names as <code>String</code> objects
+	 * in a <code>List</code> collection.
+	 */
+	private static final List<String> getHistograms(ITree tree, String rootDir) {
+		return getHistograms(tree, rootDir, new ArrayList<String>());
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Recursive method that gets all object names from a tree that
+	 * are not directories. Method should not be called directly, but
+	 * rather called only through the <code>getHistograms(ITree)</code>
+	 * method.
+	 * @param tree - The tree from which to obtain the object names.
+	 * @param directory - The directory in which to search for objects.
+	 * @param list - The list in which to place the objects.
+	 * @return Returns the <code>List</code> collection that was given
+	 * as an argument.
+	 */
+	private static final List<String> getHistograms(ITree tree, String directory, List<String> list) {
+		// Get the list of objects in the directory.
+		String[] treeObjects = tree.listObjectNames(directory);
+		// Print the objects.
+		for(String objectName : treeObjects) {
+			// Check if the object is a directory.
+			boolean isDirectory = isDirectory(objectName);
+			// If the object is a directory, get the histograms from it.
+			if(isDirectory) {
+				getHistograms(tree, objectName, list);
+			}
+			// If the object is a plot, add it to the list.
+			else { list.add(objectName); }
+		}
+		// Return the list.
+		return list;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether a tree object is a directory.
+	 * @param object - The object to check.
+	 * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the object is a directory
+	 * and <code>false</code> otherwise.
+	 */
+	private static final boolean isDirectory(String object) {
+		return (object.toCharArray()[object.length() - 1] == '/');
+	}