

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Fri Nov 13 11:11:25 2015
New Revision: 3957

Updated DAQ configuration driver such that it can now load DAQ settings directly from text files containing the EvIO DAQ configuration data banks.


Modified: java/trunk/record-util/src/main/java/org/hps/record/daqconfig/
--- java/trunk/record-util/src/main/java/org/hps/record/daqconfig/	(original)
+++ java/trunk/record-util/src/main/java/org/hps/record/daqconfig/	Fri Nov 13 11:11:25 2015
@@ -1,16 +1,36 @@
 package org.hps.record.daqconfig;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
 import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
- * Class <code>DAQConfigDriver</code> is responsible for checking events
- * for DAQ configuration settings, and then passing them to the associated
+ * Class <code>DAQConfigDriver</code> is responsible for accessing the
+ * DAQ configuration settings, and then passing them to the associated
  * class <code>ConfigurationManager</code> so that they can be accessed
  * by other classes.<br/>
  * <br/>
+ * The driver may accomplish this by two means. By default, it will
+ * check each event for an <code>EvioDAQParser</code> object which
+ * contains all of the DAQ configuration information and pass this to
+ * the <code>ConfigurationManager</code>. It will continue to update
+ * the <code>ConfigurationManager</code> during the run if new parser
+ * objects appear, and can thusly account for changing DAQ conditions.
+ * <br/><br/>
+ * The driver may also be set to read a DAQ configuration from text
+ * files containing the DAQ configuration bank information. To enable
+ * this mode, the parameter <code>readDataFiles</code> must be set to
+ * <code>true</code> and the parameters <code>runNumber</code> and also
+ * <code>filepath</code> must be defined. <code>runNumber</code> defines
+ * the run number of the configuration to be loaded and the parameter
+ * <code>filepath</code> defines the location of the data file repository.
+ * <br/><br/>
  * This driver must be included in the driver chain if any other drivers
  * in the chain rely on <code>ConfigurationManager</code>, as it can
  * not be initialized otherwise.
@@ -19,15 +39,88 @@
  * @see ConfigurationManager
 public class DAQConfigDriver extends Driver {
+	private int runNumber = -1;
+	private String filepath = null;
+	private boolean firstEvent = true;
+	private boolean readDataFiles = false;
+	private File[] dataFiles = new File[3];
+	private int[] crateNumber = { 46, 37, 39 };
+	/**
+	 * Verifies the parameter <code>filepath</code> for the data file
+	 * repository and checks that appropriate data files exist for the
+	 * requested run number if the driver is set to read from data files.
+	 * Otherwise, this does nothing.
+	 */
+	@Override
+	public void startOfData() {
+		// Check whether to use stored data files or the EvIO data stream
+		// as the source of the DAQ settings. Nothing needs to be done
+		// in the latter case.
+		if(readDataFiles) {
+			// The user must define a data file prefix and repository
+			// location for this option to be used.
+			if(filepath == null) {
+				throw new NullPointerException("DAQ settings repository filepath must be defined.");
+			} if(runNumber == -1) {
+				throw new NullPointerException("Run number must be defined.");
+			}
+			// Verify that the repository actually exist.
+			File repository = new File(filepath);
+			if(!repository.exists() || !repository.isDirectory()) {
+				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Repository location \"" + filepath + "\" must be an existing directory.");
+			}
+			// Define the data file objects.
+			for(int i = 0; i < dataFiles.length; i++) {
+				try {
+					dataFiles[i] = new File(repository.getCanonicalPath() + "/" + runNumber + "_" + crateNumber[i] + ".txt");
+				} catch(IOException e) {
+					throw new RuntimeException("Error resolving absolute repository filepath.");
+				}
+			}
+			// Verify that the data files actually exist.
+			for(File dataFile : dataFiles) {
+				if(!dataFile.exists() || !dataFile.canRead()) {
+					throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data file \"" + dataFile.getName() + "\" does not exist or can not be read.");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
      * Checks an event for the DAQ configuration banks and passes them
-     * to the <code>ConfigurationManager</code>.
-     * @param - The event to check.
+     * to the <code>ConfigurationManager</code> if the driver is set to
+     * read from the EvIO data stream. Otherwise, this will parse the
+     * data files on the first event and then do nothing.
+     * @param event - The current LCIO event.
     public void process(EventHeader event) {
+    	// If this is the first event and data files are to be read,
+    	// import the data files and generate the DAQ information.
+    	if(firstEvent && readDataFiles) {
+    		// Get the data files in the form of a data array.
+    		String[][] data;
+    		try { data = getDataFileArrays(dataFiles); }
+    		catch(IOException e) {
+				throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred when processing the data files.");
+			}
+    		// Instantiate an EvIO DAQ parser and feed it the data.
+    		EvioDAQParser daqConfig = new EvioDAQParser();
+    		for(int i = 0; i < dataFiles.length; i++) {
+        		daqConfig.parse(crateNumber[i], runNumber, data[i]);
+    		}
+    		// Update the configuration manager.
+    		ConfigurationManager.updateConfiguration(daqConfig);
+    	}
         // Check if a trigger configuration bank exists.
-        if(event.hasCollection(EvioDAQParser.class, "TriggerConfig")) {
+    	if(!readDataFiles && event.hasCollection(EvioDAQParser.class, "TriggerConfig")) {
             // Get the trigger configuration bank. There should only be
             // one in the list.
             List<EvioDAQParser> configList = event.get(EvioDAQParser.class, "TriggerConfig");
@@ -37,5 +130,87 @@
             // configuration object.
+        // Note that it is no longer the first event.
+        firstEvent = false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts DAQ configuration data files into an array of strings
+     * where each array entry represents a line in the configuration
+     * file. The first array index of the returned object corresponds
+     * to the file, and the second array index corresponds to the line.
+     * @param dataFiles - An array of <code>File</code> objects pointing
+     * to the data files that are to be converted. These are expected
+     * to be plain text files.
+     * @return Returns a two-dimensional array of <code>String</code>
+     * objects where the first array index corresponds to the object
+     * of the same index in the <code>File</code> array and the second
+     * array index corresponds to the lines in the file referenced by
+     * the <code>File</code> object.
+     * @throws IOException Occurs if there is an issue with accessing
+     * or reading the objects in the objects referred to by the files
+     * pointed to in the <code>dataFiles</code> array.
+     */
+	private static final String[][] getDataFileArrays(File[] dataFiles) throws IOException {
+		// Create file readers to process the data files.
+		FileReader[] fr = new FileReader[dataFiles.length];
+		BufferedReader[] reader = new BufferedReader[dataFiles.length];
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataFiles.length; i++) {
+			fr[i] = new FileReader(dataFiles[i]);
+			reader[i] = new BufferedReader(fr[i]);
+		}
+		// Generate String arrays where each entry in the array is
+		// a line from the data file.
+		String[][] data = new String[dataFiles.length][0];
+		for(int i = 0; i < dataFiles.length; i++) {
+			// Create a list to hold the raw strings.
+			List<String> rawData = new ArrayList<String>();
+			// Add each line from the current data file to the list
+			// as a single entry.
+			String curLine = null;
+			while((curLine = reader[i].readLine()) != null) {
+				rawData.add(curLine);
+			}
+			// Convert the list into a String array.
+			data[i] = rawData.toArray(new String[rawData.size()]);
+		}
+		// Return the data array.
+		return data;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Sets the run number of the DAQ configuration being processed.
+	 * This is only used when reading from data files.
+	 * @param run - The run number of the data files to be used.
+	 */
+    public void setRunNumber(int run) {
+    	runNumber = run;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the location of the DAQ configuration data files. This is
+     * only used when reading from the data files.
+     * @param filepath - The file path of the data file repository.
+     */
+    public void setDataFileRepository(String filepath) {
+    	this.filepath = filepath;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets whether or not to read the DAQ configuration directly from
+     * the EvIO data stream or whether to read the configuration from
+     * data files. Parameters <code>runNumber</code> and <code>filepath</code>
+     * must also be defined if this is set to <code>true</code>.
+     * @param state - <code>true</code> indicates that the configuration
+     * should be read from data files, and <code>false</code> that it
+     * should be read from the EvIO stream.
+     */
+    public void setReadDataFiles(boolean state) {
+    	readDataFiles = state;