

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tue Mar 15 07:41:51 2016
New Revision: 4296

Log: (empty)


Added: java/trunk/analysis/src/main/java/org/hps/analysis/dataquality/
--- java/trunk/analysis/src/main/java/org/hps/analysis/dataquality/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/analysis/src/main/java/org/hps/analysis/dataquality/	Tue Mar 15 07:41:51 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+package org.hps.analysis.dataquality;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import org.hps.conditions.beam.BeamEnergy.BeamEnergyCollection;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackType;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackUtils;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.RelationalTable;
+import org.lcsim.event.Track;
+import org.lcsim.event.Vertex;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+public class MuonCandidateMonitoring extends DataQualityMonitor{
+    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(V0Monitoring.class.getPackage().getName());
+    private String finalStateParticlesColName = "FinalStateParticles";
+    private String unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName = "UnconstrainedV0Candidates";
+    private String beamConV0CandidatesColName = "BeamspotConstrainedV0Candidates";
+    private String targetV0ConCandidatesColName = "TargetConstrainedV0Candidates";
+    private String clusterCollectionName = "EcalClustersCorr";
+    private int nRecoEvents = 0;
+    private String plotDir = "MuonCandidates/";
+    @Override
+    public void process(EventHeader event) {
+        /*  make sure everything is there */
+        if (!event.hasCollection(ReconstructedParticle.class, finalStateParticlesColName))
+            return;
+        if (!event.hasCollection(ReconstructedParticle.class, unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName))
+            return;
+        if (!event.hasCollection(ReconstructedParticle.class, beamConV0CandidatesColName))
+            return;
+        if (!event.hasCollection(ReconstructedParticle.class, targetV0ConCandidatesColName))
+            return;
+        if (!event.hasCollection(Cluster.class, clusterCollectionName))
+            return;
+        //check to see if this event is from the correct trigger (or "all");
+        if (!matchTrigger(event))
+            return;
+        nRecoEvents++;
+        RelationalTable hitToStrips = TrackUtils.getHitToStripsTable(event);
+        RelationalTable hitToRotated = TrackUtils.getHitToRotatedTable(event);
+        List<ReconstructedParticle> unonstrainedV0List = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName);
+        List<Cluster> clusters = event.get(Cluster.class, clusterCollectionName);
+        for (ReconstructedParticle uncV0 : unonstrainedV0List) {
+            if (isGBL != TrackType.isGBL(uncV0.getType()))
+                continue;
+            Vertex uncVert = uncV0.getStartVertex();
+            //this always has 2 tracks. 
+            List<ReconstructedParticle> trks = uncV0.getParticles();
+            //            Track ele = trks.get(0).getTracks().get(0);
+            //            Track pos = trks.get(1).getTracks().get(0);
+            //            //if track #0 has charge>0 it's the electron!  This seems mixed up, but remember the track 
+            //            //charge is assigned assuming a positive B-field, while ours is negative
+            //            if (trks.get(0).getCharge() > 0) {
+            //                pos = trks.get(0).getTracks().get(0);
+            //                ele = trks.get(1).getTracks().get(0);
+            //            }
+            //            aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + "P(e) vs P(p)").fill(getMomentum(ele), getMomentum(pos));
+            //            aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + "Px(e) vs Px(p)").fill(ele.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum()[1], pos.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum()[1]);
+            //            aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + "Py(e) vs Py(p)").fill(ele.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum()[2], pos.getTrackStates().get(0).getMomentum()[2]);
+            ReconstructedParticle muMinus = null;
+            ReconstructedParticle muPlus = null;
+            //ReconParticles have the charge correct. 
+            if (trks.get(0).getCharge() > 0 && trks.get(1).getCharge() < 0) {
+                muPlus = trks.get(0);
+                muMinus = trks.get(1);
+            }
+            else if(trks.get(1).getCharge() > 0 && trks.get(0).getCharge() < 0){
+                muPlus = trks.get(1);
+                muMinus = trks.get(0);
+            }
+            if(uncVert.getAssociatedParticle().getEnergy() > .080)  //conservative guess for twice minimum ionizing
+                continue;
+            Hep3Vector pPlus = muPlus.getMomentum();
+            Hep3Vector pMinus = muMinus.getMomentum();
+            double pp =pPlus.magnitude();
+            double pm = pMinus.magnitude();
+            double psum = pp + pm;
+            double pdiff = pp - pm;
+            if(psum > v0PSumMaxCut || psum < v0PSumMinCut)
+                continue;
+            if(pdiff > maxDiffCut || pdiff < -maxDiffCut)
+                continue;
+            if(pp < minP|| pm < minP)
+                continue;
+            Track trackPlus = muPlus.getTracks().get(0);
+            Track trackMinus = muMinus.getTracks().get(0);
+            double tPlus = TrackUtils.getTrackTime(trackPlus, hitToStrips, hitToRotated);
+            double tMinus = TrackUtils.getTrackTime(trackMinus, hitToStrips, hitToRotated);
+            Hep3Vector xyPlus = TrackUtils.extrapolateTrack(trackPlus, ecalZPosition);
+            Hep3Vector xyMinus = TrackUtils.extrapolateTrack(trackMinus, ecalZPosition);
+            //distance between the extrapolated track and the nearest cluster
+            double iso1 = 1000, iso2 = 1000;
+            Cluster nc = getNearestCluster(clusters, xyPlus);
+            if(nc != null){
+                iso1 = Math.hypot(xyPlus.x()-nc.getPosition()[0], xyPlus.y()-nc.getPosition()[1]);
+                dxyNearestClusterPlus.fill(xyPlus.x()-nc.getPosition()[0], xyPlus.y()-nc.getPosition()[1]);
+            }
+            nc = getNearestCluster(clusters, xyMinus);
+            if(nc != null){
+                iso2 = Math.hypot(xyMinus.x()-nc.getPosition()[0], xyMinus.y()-nc.getPosition()[1]);
+                dxyNearestClusterMinus.fill(xyMinus.x()-nc.getPosition()[0], xyMinus.y()-nc.getPosition()[1]);
+            }
+            if(iso1 < 20 || iso2 < 20)
+                continue;
+            tPlusVsTMinus.fill(tPlus, tMinus);
+            timeDiff.fill(tPlus- tMinus);
+            xyAtEcalPlus.fill(xyPlus.x(), xyPlus.y());
+            xyAtEcalMinus.fill(xyMinus.x(), xyMinus.y());
+            double mmu2 = .1057*.1057;
+            double mass = Math.sqrt(2*mmu2 + 2*Math.sqrt(pPlus.magnitudeSquared()+mmu2)*Math.sqrt(pMinus.magnitudeSquared()+mmu2)
+                    -2*(pPlus.x()*pMinus.x()+pPlus.y()*pMinus.y()+pPlus.z()*pMinus.z()));
+            this.mass.fill(mass);
+            this.pPlus.fill(pp);
+            this.pMinus.fill(pm);
+            this.pPlusVsPMinus.fill(pp, pm);
+            this.pTot.fill(pm+pp);
+            for(Cluster c : clusters){
+                clusterXY.fill(c.getPosition()[0], c.getPosition()[1]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private Cluster getNearestCluster(List<Cluster> clusters, Hep3Vector xy) {
+        double rbest = 1000;
+        Cluster best = null;
+        for(Cluster c : clusters){
+            double r = Math.hypot(xy.x()-c.getPosition()[0], xy.y()-c.getPosition()[1]);
+            if(r<rbest){
+                rbest = r;
+                best= c;
+            }
+        }
+        return best;
+    }
+    private double ecalZPosition = 1300;
+    private double v0PSumMinCut, v0PSumMaxCut, v0MaxPCut, beambeamCut, maxDiffCut;
+    private double minP;
+    @Override
+    protected void detectorChanged(Detector detector) {
+        BeamEnergyCollection beamEnergyCollection = 
+            this.getConditionsManager().getCachedConditions(BeamEnergyCollection.class, "beam_energies").getCachedData();        
+        double beamEnergy = beamEnergyCollection.get(0).getBeamEnergy();
+        //feeMomentumCut = 0.75*beamEnergy; //GeV
+        v0PSumMinCut = 0.2 * beamEnergy;
+        v0PSumMaxCut = 1.25 * beamEnergy;
+        minP = .1 *beamEnergy;
+        maxDiffCut = .8*beamEnergy;
+"Setting up the plotter");
+        aida.tree().cd("/");
+        String xtra = "Extras";
+        String trkType = "SeedTrack/";
+        if (isGBL)
+            trkType = "GBLTrack/";
+        double maxMass = .4*beamEnergy;
+        /*  V0 Quantities   */
+        /*  Mass, vertex, chi^2 of fit */
+        /*  unconstrained */
+        mass = aida.histogram1D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "Invariant Mass (GeV)", 100, 0, maxMass);
+        pPlus = aida.histogram1D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "P mu+", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        pMinus = aida.histogram1D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "P mu-", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        timeDiff = aida.histogram1D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "Time Difference", 100, -10, 10);
+        tPlusVsTMinus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "t+ versus t-", 100, -10, 10, 100, -10, 10);
+        pPlusVsPMinus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "P mu+ vs P mu-", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy, 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        pTot = aida.histogram1D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "P tot", 100, 0,  2*beamEnergy);
+        xyAtEcalMinus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "XY at Ecal (mu-)", 200, -200.0, 200.0, 85, -85.0, 85.0);
+        xyAtEcalPlus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "XY at Ecal (mu+)",  200, -200.0, 200.0, 85, -85.0, 85.0);
+        clusterXY = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "Cluster XY",  200, -200.0, 200.0, 85, -85.0, 85.0);
+        dxyNearestClusterPlus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "dXY from nearest cluster (mu+)",  200, -30.0, 30.0, 85, -30.0, 30.0);
+        dxyNearestClusterMinus = aida.histogram2D(plotDir + trkType + triggerType + "/" + unconstrainedV0CandidatesColName + "/" + "dXY from nearest cluster (mu-)",  200, -30.0, 30.0, 85, -30.0, 30.0);
+    }
+    private IHistogram1D mass, pPlus, pMinus, pTot, timeDiff;
+    private IHistogram2D xyAtEcalPlus, xyAtEcalMinus, pPlusVsPMinus, tPlusVsTMinus;
+    private IHistogram2D dxyNearestClusterPlus, dxyNearestClusterMinus;
+    private IHistogram2D clusterXY;