

Author: [log in to unmask]
Date: Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
New Revision: 4353

Log: (empty)


Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.fee;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+public class Cleanup {
+	public static void purgeDuplicates(List<ReconstructedParticle> particles) {
+		ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle> trashcan = new ArrayList();
+		outer : for(ReconstructedParticle p1 : particles){
+			if(trashcan.contains(p1))
+				continue;
+			for(ReconstructedParticle p2 : particles){
+				if(p1 == p2) continue;
+				if(trashcan.contains(p2))
+					continue;
+				if((p1.getType()>31)^(p2.getType()>31)){ //one is GBL, the other is seed.  
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(p1.getEnergy() == p2.getEnergy()){ //tracks matched to same cluster
+					ReconstructedParticle loser = getWorseParticle(p1, p2);
+					trashcan.add(loser);
+				}
+				if(trashcan.contains(p1))
+					continue outer;
+			}
+		}
+		particles.removeAll(trashcan);
+	}
+	static ReconstructedParticle getWorseParticle(ReconstructedParticle p1, ReconstructedParticle p2){
+		if(p1.getTracks().get(0).getChi2() < p2.getTracks().get(0).getChi2())
+			return p2;
+		return p1;
+	}
+	static double angle(Hep3Vector v1, Hep3Vector v2){
+		return Math.acos(v1.x()*v2.x() + v1.y()*v2.y() + v1.z()*v2.z())
+			/(v1.magnitude()*v2.magnitude());
+	}

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.fee;
+import java.util.Scanner;
+public class CustomBinning {
+    public CustomBinning(String s){
+        this(new Scanner(s));
+    }
+    public CustomBinning(File f) throws FileNotFoundException{
+        this(new Scanner(f));
+    }
+    private CustomBinning(Scanner s){
+        nTheta = s.nextInt();  //number of bins in theta;
+        thetaMax = new double[nTheta];
+        thetaMin = new double[nTheta];
+        phiMax = new double[nTheta][];
+        phiMin = new double[nTheta][];
+        int i = 0;
+        while(s.hasNext()){ //new row
+            int nPhi = s.nextInt();
+            thetaMin[i] = s.nextDouble();
+            thetaMax[i] = s.nextDouble();
+            phiMax[i] = new double[nPhi];
+            phiMin[i] = new double[nPhi];
+            for(int j = 0; j<nPhi; j++){
+                phiMin[i][j] = s.nextDouble();
+                phiMax[i][j] = s.nextDouble();
+            }
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    double[][] phiMax;
+    double[][] phiMin;
+    public double thetaMax[], thetaMin[];
+    public int nTheta;
+    double getSteradians(int binNumber){
+        double t1 = thetaMin[binNumber];
+        double t2 = thetaMax[binNumber];
+        double dCos = Math.cos(t1)-Math.cos(t2);
+        double dPhiTot = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i< phiMax[binNumber].length; i++){
+            dPhiTot += phiMax[binNumber][i]-phiMin[binNumber][i];
+        }
+        return 2*dPhiTot*dCos;  //factor of two because top and bottom
+    }
+    double getPhiWidth(int thetaBin){
+        double dPhiTot = 0;
+         for(int i = 0; i< phiMax[thetaBin].length; i++){
+             dPhiTot += phiMax[thetaBin][i]-phiMin[thetaBin][i];
+         }
+         return 2*dPhiTot;  //factor of two because top and bottom
+    }
+    boolean inRange(double theta, double phi){
+        phi = Math.abs(phi);
+        /*int i =(int) Math.floor((theta-theta0)/deltaTheta);
+        if(i>= nTheta || i<0)
+            return false;*/
+        if(theta > thetaMax[nTheta-1] || theta < thetaMin[0])
+            return false;
+        int i;
+        boolean found = false;
+        for(i = 0; i< nTheta; i++){
+            if(theta > thetaMin[i] && theta < thetaMax[i]){
+                found = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(!found)
+            return false;
+        for(int j = 0; j<phiMax[i].length; j++){
+            if(phi>phiMin[i][j] && phi< phiMax[i][j])
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    public double getTotSteradians() {
+        double tot = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i<nTheta; i++){
+            tot += getSteradians(i);
+        }
+        return tot;
+    }

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.fee;
+import java.util.List;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
+import org.hps.conditions.beam.BeamEnergy.BeamEnergyCollection;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackType;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackUtils;
+import org.hps.record.triggerbank.AbstractIntData;
+import org.hps.record.triggerbank.TIData;
+import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
+import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.GenericObject;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.geometry.Detector;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+import static java.lang.Math.*;
+public class FeeHistogramDriver extends Driver{
+	double d0cut = 1;
+	double z0cut = .5;
+	//determined by beam energy
+    double eMin, eMax, beamEnergy, seedEnergyCut;
+    double pMin, pMax;
+    double beamTiltX = .0295;
+    double beamTiltY = -.0008;
+    double maxChi2 = 50;
+    //maximum difference between the reconstructed energy and momentum
+    //double maxdE = .5;
+    int nMin = 3;
+    IHistogram1D theta;
+    IHistogram1D thetaInRange;
+    IHistogram2D thetaVsPhi;
+    IHistogram2D thetaVsPhiInRange;
+    IHistogram2D d0VsZ0, d0VsZ0_top, d0VsZ0_bottom;
+    IHistogram1D d0;
+    IHistogram1D z0;
+    IHistogram1D timeHist;
+    IHistogram1D chi2Hist;
+    @Override
+    public void detectorChanged(Detector det){
+        BeamEnergyCollection beamEnergyCollection = 
+            this.getConditionsManager().getCachedConditions(BeamEnergyCollection.class, "beam_energies").getCachedData();        
+        beamEnergy = beamEnergyCollection.get(0).getBeamEnergy();
+        eMin = .75*beamEnergy;
+        eMax = 1.15*beamEnergy;
+        pMin = .75*beamEnergy;
+        pMax = 1.15*beamEnergy;
+        seedEnergyCut = .38*beamEnergy; 
+        setupHistograms();
+    }
+    AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+    private IHistogram1D thetaTopOnly;
+    private IHistogram1D thetaTopOnlyInRange;
+    private IHistogram1D thetaBottomOnlyInRange;
+    private IHistogram1D energy, seedEnergy, energyTop, seedEnergyTop, energyBottom, seedEnergyBottom;
+    private IHistogram2D clusterVsSeedEnergy, clusterVsSeedEnergyTop, clusterVsSeedEnergyBottom;
+    private IHistogram1D thetaBottomOnly;
+    private IHistogram1D charge;
+    void setupHistograms(){
+        energy = aida.histogram1D("cluster energy", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        energyTop = aida.histogram1D("cluster energy top", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        energyBottom = aida.histogram1D("cluster energy bottom", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        seedEnergy = aida.histogram1D("seed energy", 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        seedEnergyTop = aida.histogram1D("seed energy top", 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        seedEnergyBottom = aida.histogram1D("seed energy bottom", 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        clusterVsSeedEnergy = aida.histogram2D("cluster vs seed energy", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy, 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        clusterVsSeedEnergyTop = aida.histogram2D("cluster vs seed energy top", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy, 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        clusterVsSeedEnergyBottom = aida.histogram2D("cluster vs seed energy bottom", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy, 100, 0, beamEnergy);
+        int nBinsPhi = 400;
+        thetaVsPhi = aida.histogram2D("theta vs phi", nBinsPhi, 0, .2, 628, -3.14, 3.14);
+        thetaVsPhiInRange = aida.histogram2D("theta vs phi in range", nBinsPhi, 0, .2, 628, -3.14, 3.14);
+        theta = aida.histogram1D("theta", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        thetaInRange = aida.histogram1D("theta in range", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        thetaTopOnly = aida.histogram1D("theta top", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        thetaTopOnlyInRange = aida.histogram1D("theta top in range", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        thetaBottomOnly = aida.histogram1D("theta bottom", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        thetaBottomOnlyInRange = aida.histogram1D("theta bottom in range", nBinsPhi, 0, .2);
+        uxVsUy = aida.histogram2D("ux vs uy", 300, -.16, .24, 300, -.2, .2);
+        uxVsUyInRange = aida.histogram2D("ux vs uy in range", 300, -.16, .24, 300, -.2, .2);
+        d0VsZ0 = aida.histogram2D("d0 vs z0", 100, -5, 5, 100, -5, 5);
+        d0 = aida.histogram1D("d0", 100, -5, 5);
+        z0 = aida.histogram1D("z0", 100, -5, 5);
+        d0VsZ0_top = aida.histogram2D("d0 vs z0 top", 100, -5, 5, 100, -5, 5);
+        d0VsZ0_bottom = aida.histogram2D("d0 vs z0 bottom", 100, -5, 5, 100, -5, 5);
+        pHist = aida.histogram1D("momentum", 100, 0, 1.5*beamEnergy);
+        charge = aida.histogram1D("charge", 6, -3, 3);
+        timeHist = aida.histogram1D("cluster time", 400, 0, 400);
+        chi2Hist = aida.histogram1D("chi2", 200, 0, 200);
+        clustSize = aida.histogram1D("cluster size", 20, 0, 20);
+        z0VsTanLambda = aida.histogram2D("z0 vs tan lambda", 100, -5, 5, 100, -.1, .1);
+        z0VsChi2 = aida.histogram2D("z0 vs chi2", 100, -5, 5, 100, 0, 100);
+    }
+    IHistogram2D uxVsUy, uxVsUyInRange;
+    IHistogram1D pHist;
+    IHistogram1D clustSize;
+    @Override
+    public void process(EventHeader event){
+    	//removed this criterion from this driver.
+    	//instead use a trigger filter driver preceding this driver in the steering file. 
+    	//
+        /*for (GenericObject gob : event.get(GenericObject.class,"TriggerBank"))
+        {
+            if (!(AbstractIntData.getTag(gob) == TIData.BANK_TAG)) continue;
+            TIData tid = new TIData(gob);
+            if (!tid.isSingle1Trigger())
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+        }*/
+        List<ReconstructedParticle> particles = event.get(ReconstructedParticle.class, "FinalStateParticles");
+        Cleanup.purgeDuplicates(particles);
+        for(ReconstructedParticle p : particles){
+            processParticle(p);
+        }
+    }
+	private void processParticle(ReconstructedParticle part) {
+        //reject duplicate particles that use seed tracks instead of GBL
+        if(!TrackType.isGBL(part.getType()) && part.getTracks().size() >0)
+            return;
+        //reject particles that have no cluster in the Ecal
+        if(part.getClusters().size() == 0)
+            return;
+        Cluster c = part.getClusters().get(0);
+      //cluster time
+        double time = c.getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getTime();
+        timeHist.fill(time);
+        if(!(time>minClustTime && time <maxClustTime))
+            return;
+        //find seed hit energy
+        double seedEnergy = 0;
+        for(CalorimeterHit hit : c.getCalorimeterHits()){
+            if(hit.getCorrectedEnergy() > seedEnergy)
+                seedEnergy = hit.getCorrectedEnergy();
+        }
+        double energy = c.getEnergy();
+        //these are the histograms of seed and cluster energy before
+        //the cuts on these variables 
+        this.seedEnergy.fill(seedEnergy);
+        this.clusterVsSeedEnergy.fill(energy, seedEnergy);
+        if(part.getMomentum().y()> 0){
+            this.seedEnergyTop.fill(seedEnergy);
+            this.energyTop.fill(energy);
+            this.clusterVsSeedEnergyTop.fill(energy, seedEnergy);
+        } else {
+            this.seedEnergyBottom.fill(seedEnergy);
+            this.energyBottom.fill(energy);
+            this.clusterVsSeedEnergyBottom.fill(energy, seedEnergy);
+        }
+        //seed energy cut
+        if(seedEnergy < seedEnergyCut)
+            return;
+        //cluster energy cut
+        if(energy > eMax || energy< eMin)
+            return;
+        clustSize.fill(c.getCalorimeterHits().size());
+        if(c.getCalorimeterHits().size() < nMin)
+            return;
+        charge.fill(part.getCharge());
+        if(part.getCharge() != -1)
+            return;
+        if(part.getTracks().size() == 0)
+            return;
+        Hep3Vector p = part.getMomentum();
+        double pmag = part.getMomentum().magnitude();
+        pHist.fill(pmag);
+        if(pmag > pMax || pmag < pMin)
+            return;
+        double d = TrackUtils.getDoca(part.getTracks().get(0));
+        d0.fill(d);
+        double z = TrackUtils.getZ0(part.getTracks().get(0));
+        z0.fill(z);
+        d0VsZ0.fill(d, z);
+        if(p.y() > 0)
+        	d0VsZ0_top.fill(d,z);
+        else
+        	d0VsZ0_bottom.fill(d,z);
+        z0VsTanLambda.fill(z, TrackUtils.getTanLambda(part.getTracks().get(0)));
+        z0VsChi2.fill(z, part.getTracks().get(0).getChi2());
+        if(abs(TrackUtils.getDoca(part.getTracks().get(0)))> d0cut)
+        	return;
+        if(abs(TrackUtils.getZ0(part.getTracks().get(0)))> z0cut)
+        	return;
+        chi2Hist.fill(part.getTracks().get(0).getChi2());
+        if(part.getTracks().get(0).getChi2()>maxChi2)
+            return;
+        double px = p.x(), pz = p.z();
+        double pxtilt = px*cos(beamTiltX)-pz*sin(beamTiltX);
+        double py = p.y();
+        double pztilt = pz*cos(beamTiltX)+px*sin(beamTiltX);
+        double pytilt = py*cos(beamTiltY)-pztilt*sin(beamTiltY);
+        pztilt = pz*cos(beamTiltY) + pytilt*sin(beamTiltY);
+        double px = p.x(), py = p.y(), pz = p.z();
+        double cx = cos(beamTiltX);
+        double sy = sin(beamTiltY);
+        double cy = cos(beamTiltY);
+        double sx = sin(beamTiltX);
+        double pxtilt = px*cx              -pz*sx;
+        double pytilt = -py*sx*sy + py*cy  -pz*sy*cx;
+        double pztilt = px*cy*sx  + py*sy  +pz*cy*cx;
+        double theta = atan(hypot(pxtilt, pytilt)/pztilt);
+        double phi =atan2(pytilt, pxtilt);
+        uxVsUy.fill(pxtilt/pztilt, pytilt/pztilt);
+        thetaVsPhi.fill(theta, phi);
+        this.theta.fill(theta);
+        if(phi > 0)
+            thetaTopOnly.fill(theta);
+        else
+            thetaBottomOnly.fill(theta);
+        if(cb.inRange(theta, phi)){
+            thetaVsPhiInRange.fill(theta, phi);
+            thetaInRange.fill(theta);
+            if(phi > 0)
+                thetaTopOnlyInRange.fill(theta);
+            else
+                thetaBottomOnlyInRange.fill(theta);
+            uxVsUyInRange.fill(pxtilt/pztilt, pytilt/pztilt);
+        }
+    }
+    public void setBinning(String binning){
+        System.out.println("binning scheme:\n" + binning);
+        this.cb = new CustomBinning(binning);
+    }
+    /*
+    @Override
+    protected void endOfData(){
+        createRenormalizationHistogram();
+    }
+    private void createRenormalizationHistogram(){
+        //the purpose of this histogram is so that there is a simple histogram
+        //that each bin in the theta histograms can be normalized to the 
+        //angular range in phi that I am using for the cut inside of that theta bin.
+        int xbins = thetaVsPhi.xAxis().bins();
+        double xmin = thetaVsPhi.xAxis().lowerEdge();
+        double xmax = thetaVsPhi.xAxis().upperEdge();
+        double ymin = thetaVsPhi.xAxis().lowerEdge();
+        double ymax = thetaVsPhi.xAxis().upperEdge();
+        IHistogram1D phiHist = aida.histogram1D("phiWidth", xbins, xmin, xmax);
+        for(int i = 0; i< cb.nTheta; i++){
+            double phiWidth = cb.getPhiWidth(i);
+            for(int j = 0; j<phiWidth*1000; j++){
+                phiHist.fill(cb.thetaMin[i]+.001);
+            }
+        }
+    }*/
+    CustomBinning cb;
+    double minClustTime = 40;
+    double maxClustTime = 50;
+	public double getMinClustTime() {
+		return minClustTime;
+	}
+	public void setMinClustTime(double minClustTime) {
+		this.minClustTime = minClustTime;
+	}
+	public double getMaxClustTime() {
+		return maxClustTime;
+	}
+	public void setMaxClustTime(double maxClustTime) {
+		this.maxClustTime = maxClustTime;
+	}
+	IHistogram2D z0VsTanLambda;
+	IHistogram2D z0VsChi2;

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.fee;
+public abstract class FormFactor {
+    abstract double getFormFactor(double q2);
+    double getFormFactorSquared(double q2){
+        return Math.pow(getFormFactor(q2), 2);
+    }
+    static double hbarc = .197;
+    static FormFactor carbon = new FormFactor(){
+        @Override
+        public double getFormFactor(double Q2) {
+            double Z= 6;
+            double rp = 0.8786;
+            double a = 1.64;
+            double b = Math.sqrt(a*a*(1-1/12.)+rp*rp);
+            return (1-(Z-2)/(6*Z)*a*a*Q2/(hbarc*hbarc))*Math.exp(-1/4.*b*b*Q2/(hbarc*hbarc));
+        }
+    };
+    static FormFactor tungsten = new FormFactor(){
+        @Override
+        public double getFormFactor(double Q2) {
+            double Z= 74;
+            double r = 6.87;
+            double x = Math.sqrt(Q2*r*r/(hbarc*hbarc));
+            double F_calc = 3/(x*x*x)*(Math.sin(x)-x*Math.cos(x));
+            return F_calc;
+        }
+    };
+    static FormFactor get(int Z){
+        if(Z == 6)
+            return carbon;
+        if(Z == 74)
+            return tungsten;
+        System.err.println("Form Factor for " + Z + " not implemented");
+        return null;
+    }

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/fee/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.fee;
+public class MottIntegral {
+    /**
+     * @param bin
+     * @param scale = Z^2alpha^2/(4*E^2)
+     * @param recoil = 2E/M
+     * @return the integral of 1/sin^4(th/2)*cos^2(th/2)/(1+a*sin^2(th/2)) times dPhi*sin(theta),
+     * which appears in the integral of mott scattering.
+     * 
+     * NOTE the sin(theta) is because dOmega = dTheta*dPhi*sin(theta)
+     */
+    static double mottIntegral(double recoil, double scale, int bin, CustomBinning cb){
+        double dPhi = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i< cb.phiMax[bin].length; i++)
+            dPhi += 2*(cb.phiMax[bin][i] - cb.phiMin[bin][i]); //factor of 2 from top and bottom
+        double Imax = integral(recoil, cb.thetaMax[bin]);
+        double Imin = integral(recoil, cb.thetaMin[bin]);
+        double dI = Imax-Imin; 
+        double retval = scale*dPhi*dI;
+        return retval;
+    }
+    static double mottIntegral(double recoil, double scale, double thetaMin, double thetaMax){
+        double Imax = integral(recoil, thetaMax);
+        double Imin = integral(recoil, thetaMin);
+        double dI = Imax-Imin; 
+        double dPhi = 2*Math.PI;  //full range in phi
+        double retval = scale*dPhi*dI;
+        return retval;
+    }
+    static double integral(double a, double th){
+        double sinth22 = Math.pow(Math.sin(th/2), 2);
+        return 2*(-1/sinth22+(1+a)*(Math.log(2/sinth22+2*a)));
+    }
+    static double mottIntegralWithFormFactor(double recoil, double scale, double thetaMin, double thetaMax, FormFactor ff, int nsteps, double E){
+        double sum = 0;
+        double prev = -1;
+        double dTheta = (thetaMax-thetaMin)/nsteps;
+        for(int i = 0; i<nsteps; i++){
+            double theta = i*(thetaMax-thetaMin)/nsteps+thetaMin;
+            double I = integral(recoil, theta);
+            if(i != 0)
+            {
+                double ts = Math.pow(Math.sin(theta/2),2);
+                double q2 = 4*E*E*ts/(1+recoil*ts);
+                double f2 = ff.getFormFactorSquared(q2);
+                sum+= (I-prev)*f2;
+            }
+            prev = I;
+        }
+        double dPhi = 2*Math.PI;  //full range in phi
+        double retval = scale*dPhi*sum;
+        return retval;
+    }

Modified: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	(original)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-        ShowCustomBinning.main(new String[]{"generatedbins.txt"});
+        ShowCustomBinning.main(new String[]{"generatedbins.txt", "."});
@@ -60,10 +60,11 @@
             // make the angular cuts on the tracks such that the particles that go into that cut 
             // are expected to be within 4 mm (~= 2 times the angular resolution of 1.5 mrad) of 
             // the ecal cuts.  
-            double d = 4;
+            double d = 0;
             boolean inRange = EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMin, phi, d) && EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMax, phi, d)
-                                && EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMin, -phi, d) && EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMax, -phi, d);
+                                && EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMin, -phi, d) && EcalUtil.fid_ECal_spherical_more_strict(thetaMax, -phi, d)
+                                && svt_fiducial(thetaMin, phi)&& svt_fiducial(thetaMin, -phi)&& svt_fiducial(thetaMax, phi) && svt_fiducial(thetaMax, -phi);
             if(inRange && !prevInRange)
                 phiBins[edgeNumber++] = phi;
             if(prevInRange && !inRange)
@@ -87,4 +88,15 @@
+	private static boolean svt_fiducial(double theta, double phi) {
+		double ux = Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi);
+		double uy = Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi);
+		double uz = Math.cos(theta);
+		ux/= uz;
+		uy/= uz;
+		return Math.abs(uy)> 0.008 && Math.abs(uy)<0.059 && ux < 0.1600 && ux > -.119;
+	}

Modified: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	(original)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -70,13 +70,63 @@
+        drawSVTOutline5(g);
-    void drawFidEcalOutline(Graphics g){
+    private void drawSVTOutline5(Graphics g) {
+    	g.setColor(Color.RED);
+		double x_edge_high = 0.160;
+		double y_edge_low =  0.008;
+		double y_edge_high = 0.059;
+		double x_edge_low = -.119;
+		double ux1,uy1, ux2, uy2;
+        double nPoints = 200;
+        for(int i = 0; i< nPoints-1; i++){
+            ux1 = x_edge_high;
+            ux2 = x_edge_high;
+            uy1 = y_edge_low + i*(y_edge_high-y_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            uy2 = y_edge_low+ (i+1)*(y_edge_high-y_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            drawLine(g, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2);
+            drawLine(g, ux1, -uy1, ux2, -uy2);
+            ux1 = x_edge_low;
+            ux2 = x_edge_low;
+            uy1 = y_edge_low + i*(y_edge_high-y_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            uy2 = y_edge_low+ (i+1)*(y_edge_high-y_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            drawLine(g, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2);
+            drawLine(g, ux1, -uy1, ux2, -uy2);
+            ux1 = x_edge_low + i*(x_edge_high-x_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            ux2 = x_edge_low + (i+1)*(x_edge_high-x_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            uy1 = y_edge_low;
+            uy2 = y_edge_low;
+            drawLine(g, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2);
+            drawLine(g, ux1, -uy1, ux2, -uy2);
+            ux1 = x_edge_low + i*(x_edge_high-x_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            ux2 = x_edge_low + (i+1)*(x_edge_high-x_edge_low)/nPoints;
+            uy1 = y_edge_high;
+            uy2 = y_edge_high;
+            drawLine(g, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2);
+            drawLine(g, ux1, -uy1, ux2, -uy2);
+        }
+	}
+    protected void drawLine(Graphics g, double ux1, double uy1, double ux2, double uy2){
+    	double theta1 = Math.atan(Math.hypot(ux1, uy1));
+    	double theta2 = Math.atan(Math.hypot(ux2, uy2));
+    	double phi1 = Math.atan2(uy1, ux1);
+    	double phi2 = Math.atan2(uy2, ux2);
+    	g.drawLine(getX(theta1), getY(phi1), getX(theta2), getY(phi2));
+    }
+	void drawFidEcalOutline(Graphics g){
         double x_edge_low = -262.74;
         double x_edge_high = 347.7;

Modified: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	(original)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/feecc/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@
+    protected void drawLine(Graphics g, double ux1, double uy1, double ux2, double uy2){
+    	ux1+=.0305;
+    	ux2+=.0305;
+    	g.drawLine(getX(ux1), getY(uy1), getX(ux2), getY(uy2));
+    }
     private void drawLineFromPolar(double theta1, double phi1, double theta2,
             double phi2, Graphics g, Polygon p) {
         double[] xy1 = toXY(theta1, phi1);

Added: java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/trident/
--- java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/trident/	(added)
+++ java/trunk/users/src/main/java/org/hps/users/spaul/trident/	Mon May 16 12:45:06 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+package org.hps.users.spaul.trident;
+import java.util.List;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
+import hep.aida.IHistogram2D;
+import hep.aida.IPlotter;
+import hep.aida.IProfile1D;
+import org.hps.recon.tracking.TrackType;
+import org.hps.users.spaul.StyleUtil;
+import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
+import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
+import org.lcsim.event.Vertex;
+import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
+import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
+public class TridentHistogramDriver extends Driver{
+    private String[] tridentCollections =  new String[]{
+            "TargetConstrainedV0Vertices",
+            "UnconstrainedV0Vertices",
+            "BeamspotConstrainedV0Vertices",
+    };
+    @Override
+    public void process(EventHeader event){
+        for(int i = 0; i< tridentCollections.length; i++){
+            List<Vertex> tridents = event.get(Vertex.class, tridentCollections[i]);
+            for(Vertex v : tridents){
+                if(!passesCuts(v))
+                    continue;
+                ReconstructedParticle m = v.getAssociatedParticle();
+                ReconstructedParticle top;
+                ReconstructedParticle bottom;
+                if(m.getParticles().get(0).getMomentum().y()>0){
+                    top = m.getParticles().get(0);
+                    bottom = m.getParticles().get(1);
+                }else{
+                    top = m.getParticles().get(1);
+                    bottom = m.getParticles().get(0);
+                }
+                double pypz = m.getMomentum().y()/m.getMomentum().z();
+                double pxpz = m.getMomentum().x()/m.getMomentum().z();
+                //double pypz = (top.getMomentum().y()+bottom.getMomentum().y())/(top.getMomentum().z()+bottom.getMomentum().z());
+                //double pxpz = (top.getMomentum().x()+bottom.getMomentum().x())/(top.getMomentum().z()+bottom.getMomentum().z());
+                hpypz[i].fill(pypz);
+                hpxpz[i].fill(pxpz);
+                double diff = top.getMomentum().z()-bottom.getMomentum().z();
+                double sum = m.getMomentum().z();//top.getMomentum().z()+bottom.getMomentum().z();
+                double mass = m.getMass();
+                this.diff[i].fill(diff);
+                this.sum[i].fill(sum);
+                this.mass[i].fill(mass);
+                pypz_vs_diff[i].fill(diff,pypz );
+                pxpz_vs_diff[i].fill(diff, pxpz );
+                pxpz_vs_sum[i].fill(sum, pxpz );
+                pypz_vs_sum[i].fill(sum, pypz );
+                pxpz_vs_mass[i].fill(mass, pxpz );
+                pypz_vs_mass[i].fill(mass, pypz );
+                timediff[i].fill(top.getClusters().get(0).getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getTime()
+                        -bottom.getClusters().get(0).getCalorimeterHits().get(0).getTime());
+                /*if(moreEnergetic.getMomentum().y() > 0)
+            {
+                pypz_tophighE.fill(pypz);
+                pxpz_tophighE.fill(pxpz);
+            }
+            if(moreEnergetic.getMomentum().y() < 0)
+            {
+                pypz_bottomhighE.fill(pypz);
+                pxpz_bottomhighE.fill(pxpz);
+            }*/
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    static double BIG_NUMBER = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; 
+    double _maxVtxChi2 = 10;
+    double _maxTrkChi2 = 15;
+    double _maxMass = 1.0;
+    double _minMass = 0;
+    double _minVtxPz = 2.0;
+    double _maxVtxPz = 4.0;
+    double _maxTrkPz = 0;
+    double _maxPzDiff = 4.0;
+    boolean passesCuts(Vertex vertex){
+        ReconstructedParticle part = vertex.getAssociatedParticle();
+        if(!TrackType.isGBL(part.getType()))
+            return false;
+        if(part.getMomentum().z() > _maxVtxPz || part.getMomentum().z() < _minVtxPz)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getMass() > _maxMass || part.getMass() < _minMass)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getParticles().get(0).getCharge()*part.getParticles().get(1).getCharge() != -1 )
+            return false;
+        if(vertex.getChi2() > _maxVtxChi2)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getParticles().get(0).getClusters().size() == 0)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getParticles().get(1).getClusters().size() == 0)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getParticles().get(0).getTracks().get(0).getChi2() > _maxTrkChi2)
+            return false;
+        if(part.getParticles().get(1).getTracks().get(0).getChi2() > _maxTrkChi2)
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    IHistogram1D hpypz[], hpxpz[], diff[], sum[], mass[];
+    IHistogram1D chi2TrkPlus[];
+    IHistogram1D chi2TrkMinus[];
+    IHistogram1D chi2Vtx[];
+    public double getMaxVtxChi2() {
+        return _maxVtxChi2;
+    }
+    public void setMaxVtxChi2(double _maxVtxChi2) {
+        this._maxVtxChi2 = _maxVtxChi2;
+    }
+    public double getMaxTrkChi2() {
+        return _maxTrkChi2;
+    }
+    public void setMaxTrkChi2(double _maxTrkChi2) {
+        this._maxTrkChi2 = _maxTrkChi2;
+    }
+    public double getMaxMass() {
+        return _maxMass;
+    }
+    public void setMaxMass(double _maxMass) {
+        this._maxMass = _maxMass;
+    }
+    public double getMinMass() {
+        return _minMass;
+    }
+    public void setMinMass(double _minMass) {
+        this._minMass = _minMass;
+    }
+    public double getMinVtxPz() {
+        return _minVtxPz;
+    }
+    public void setMinVtxPz(double _minPz) {
+        this._minVtxPz = _minPz;
+    }
+    public double getMaxVtxPz() {
+        return _maxVtxPz;
+    }
+    public void setMaxVtxPz(double _maxPz) {
+        this._maxVtxPz = _maxPz;
+    }
+    IHistogram1D vtx_x[], vtx_y[], timediff[];
+    IProfile1D pxpz_vs_diff[], pypz_vs_diff[], pxpz_vs_sum[], pypz_vs_sum[],
+    pxpz_vs_mass[], pypz_vs_mass[];
+    //IHistogram1D pypz_tophighE, pxpz_tophighE;
+    //IHistogram1D pypz_bottomhighE, pxpz_bottomhighE;
+    @Override
+    public void startOfData(){
+        AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
+        hpypz = new IHistogram1D[3];
+        hpxpz = new IHistogram1D[3];
+        pxpz_vs_diff= new IProfile1D[3];
+        pypz_vs_diff= new IProfile1D[3];
+        diff= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        sum= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        pxpz_vs_sum= new IProfile1D[3];
+        pypz_vs_sum= new IProfile1D[3];
+        pxpz_vs_mass= new IProfile1D[3];
+        pypz_vs_mass= new IProfile1D[3];
+        //vtx_x= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        //vtx_y= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        mass= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        timediff= new IHistogram1D[3];
+        for(int i = 0; i< 3; i++){
+            hpypz[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pypz", 60, -.005,.005);
+            hpxpz[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pxpz", 60, .025,.035);
+            pxpz_vs_diff[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pxpz vs diff", 25, -.60, .60);
+            pypz_vs_diff[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pypz vs diff", 25, -.60, .60);
+            diff[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"diff", 50, -.60, .60);
+            sum[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"sum", 50, 1.0, 1.1);
+            pxpz_vs_sum[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pxpz vs sum", 25, 1.0, 1.1);
+            pypz_vs_sum[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pypz vs sum", 25, 1.0, 1.1);
+            pxpz_vs_mass[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pxpz vs mass", 25, .03, .037);
+            pypz_vs_mass[i] = aida.profile1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"pypz vs mass", 25, .03, .037);
+            //vtx_x[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"vtx x", 60, -1, 1);
+            //vtx_y[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"vtx y", 60, -1, 1);
+            mass[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"mass", 60, .030, .037);
+            timediff[i] = aida.histogram1D(tridentCollections[i]+"/"+"time diff", 60, -6, 6);
+        }
+    }