


I think that I may have found a pretty severe bug in LCIO, or at least a mismatch between the Java implementation and the C++.

It seems that in the C++ implementation now has an extra data field in  MCParticle to store the endpoint momentum which is present in the 2.7 releases and the trunk.  This seems to make simulation files unreadable in our Java code when these versions are used to simulate the data!

So I would suggest instead of changing our Java LCIO implementation (which I am reluctant to do right now), we standardize on an older known good LCIO release and do not use the 2.7 releases or the trunk (these do not have any updates in them that we need anyways).

I am using the 'v02-06' tag and it seems to not have this problem.

You can check it out using....

svn co svn://

For the recent fix to the collection types (discussed on this list and on JIRA) I forked this tag into the branches directory instead of using the trunk.

Long term, I am going to look at getting our LCIO implementation up to date with the C++ implementation, but for now this should fix the issue.

I hope that makes sense.  Let me know if you have any questions/comments.


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