


I’ve just realized that changes to lcsim I made require us to use the trunk version of the C++ binding for now instead of a tag.  I had to update lcsim so that we did not diverge from the official C++ version of the API, and in doing this we are now using data fields that require us to use only more recent versions of the C++ library.

If you are having trouble reading LCIO files with the C++ binding, please don’t panic.  You are probably seeing this issue.  All you should need to do is rebuild the C++ library from the current trunk.  This will make sure you have an LCIO library with version > 2.6 which will make everything work.  I have verified that I can read some pretty old MC data (written by hps-java 3.5-SNAPSHOT for instance).

To verify that files are readable from C++ you can run

lcio/bin/dumpevent fileName numEvents

If you are still having issues reading any files within Java or C++ then let me know (I have checked several for readability in both C++ and Java but more testing wouldn’t hurt).

There is going to be a 2.7 LCIO release at the beginning of September which we can use but for the next few weeks please stick with the trunk!

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