

Running readout on A's with the new 1.5mm detector ('HPS-EngRun2015-1_5mm-v5-0-fieldmap'),

this error occurs:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Distance is outside of sensor by more than 0.001. Distance = 0.45499278811630983. If this is an isolated event, then perhaps DISTANCE_ERROR_THRESHOLD must be increased in CDFSiSensorSim

It happens when setting either run 5412 (1.5mm) or 5772 in the java command:

java -DdisableSvtAlignmentConstants -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx500m -jar ${hps-java}

-r /org/hps/steering/readout/EngineeringRun2015TrigPairs1_Pass2.lcsim

-i in.slcio -DoutputFile=out -Ddetector=HPS-EngRun2015-1_5mm-v5-0-fieldmap -Drun=5412

Did anything change lately that could cause this?

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