Hello Alessandra,

You are correct in your assessment that the code does not connect to the DB. There are 2 locations in the code where the code tries to connect. In one, it does listen to the prop file, in the other the address is hard coded. In the print outs that you show, the first one … [WARNING]… is the hard coded one not getting a connection with hpsdb.jlab.org, because you are offline. In your second printout, you are online, so you don’t get any message from that, and so now it tells you that the other connection that does use the prop file indeed connected to localhost.

The file that causes the issue is here: run-database/src/main/java/org/hps/run/database/RunManager.java

Here is the bit of code that I have changed to make it work on our farm

package org.hps.run.database;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.hps.conditions.database.ConnectionParameters;
import org.hps.record.daqconfig.DAQConfig;
import org.hps.record.epics.EpicsData;
import org.hps.record.scalers.ScalerData;
import org.hps.record.svt.SvtConfigData;
import org.hps.record.triggerbank.TriggerConfigData;
import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsEvent;
import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsListener;

 * Manages access to the run database.
 * @author Jeremy McCormick, SLAC
public final class RunManager implements ConditionsListener {

     * The default connection parameters for read-only access to the run database.
    private static ConnectionParameters DEFAULT_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = new ConnectionParameters("hpsuser",
            "darkphoton", “hps_run_db", “");

     * The singleton instance of the RunManager.
    private static RunManager INSTANCE;


The is the same as “localhost”, usually. Depending on your DB setup you may need to change the username “hpsuser” or password or database name.

I hope this helps.


On Dec 10, 2016, at 4:18 AM, Alessandra Filippi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi all,
so, I guess the issue is that I'm tying to run it completely offline (I just need to debug the recostruction on a few events, but I cannot be online as I'm away). The command I run is the following:

java -Dorg.hps.conditions.connection.file=local.prop -DdisableSvtAlignmentConstants -cp hps-distribution.jar org.hps.evio.EvioToLcio -d HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v5-0-fieldmap -DoutputFile=test -x EngineeringRun2015FullRecon_Pass2_Gbl.lcsim DATA2015/hps_005772.evio.0-nominalAllevents/hps_005772.evio.0

where hps-distribution.jar is pointing to v3.11 hps-java .jar (freshly updated). If I run it offline, I just get this:

2016-12-10 09:58:08 [WARNING] org.hps.conditions.database.ConnectionParameters createConnection :: Failed to connect to database jdbc:mysql://hpsdb.jlab.org:3306/ - Communications link failure

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
(repeated for 10 times)

which tells me that it doesn't care at all about my local.prop (even if I provide the name of a prop file that does not exist).

If I run it with the network, indeed the file is read:

2016-12-10 09:52:48 [CONFIG] org.hps.conditions.database.DatabaseConditionsManager setConnectionProperties :: setting connection properties file local.prop [...]

2016-12-10 09:59:55 [INFO] org.hps.conditions.database.DatabaseConditionsManager openConnection :: opening connection ...
connection: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
host: localhost
port: 3306
user: filippi
database: hps_conditions

so, if I understand it correctly, as a provisional shortcut I should hardcode the call to my local db overriding the search over the network of hpsdb.
May you tell me where?

On Fri, 9 Dec 2016, McCormick, Jeremy I. wrote:

Alessandra, can you please send the full print output from your job and what command line you are running?

We should start by double checking that at least your prop file is being picked up for the conditions db before worrying about what is happening with the run db ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Maurik Holtrop [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2016 3:00 PM
To: Omar Moreno
Cc: McCormick, Jeremy I.; Uemura, Sho; Alessandra Filippi; hps-software
Subject: Re: problems in reading a local DB

Yes, this has been an issue for quite some time, and Jeremy has been aware of it: https://jira.slac.stanford.edu/projects/HPSJAVA/issues/HPSJAVA-665?filter=allopenissues
I think we should either obey the prop file everywhere, OR, hard code it everywhere and not deceive people with a prop file.

I have had this issue on our backend farm, which simply cannot see hpsdb.jlab.org, so I went with a local modification that hard codes the db name everywhere.

Perhaps Jeremy can comment on why this is hard to fix?

On Dec 9, 2016, at 5:21 PM, Omar Moreno <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I think she is trying to run completely offline.

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 2:07 PM, McCormick, Jeremy I. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Sho is right -- the run DB URL is currently separate from the conditions db prop file and hard-coded....

Are you trying to run completely offline?

You should be able to connect to the run db if you have an internet connection, as it is publically accessible.

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> ] On Behalf Of Sho Uemura
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2016 1:51 PM
To: Alessandra Filippi
Cc: hps-software
Subject: Re: problems in reading a local DB

The instructions don't cover making a local copy of the run DB, which is a separate database also at JLab, and uses a different set of connection parameters. I think the run DB was added sometime during/after the 2015 run, so you might not have had to deal with it before.

On Fri, 9 Dec 2016, Alessandra Filippi wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use a local copy of the conditions DB to run 2015 data
> reconstruction. I'm following the instructions given in
> https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/hpsg/Installing+the+Condi <https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/hpsg/Installing+the+Condi>
> tions+Database+Locally
> (I remember that some time ago they were working). However, when I run
> the reconstruction with the suggested command java
> -Dorg.hps.conditions.connection.file=local.prop -jar
> hps-distribution-bin.jar [args]
> it looks like the db redirection to my local file is ignored - the
> default jlab db is always searched for, and there is no complain if I
> provide a non-existent .prop filename, as if the -D instruction was neglected.
> Has anything changed (class names, etc) as of lately?
> or is the issue related to my local db copy?
> thanks, cheers
>   Alessandra
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