

Hi Jeremy,

I created issues, but I am unable to assign them or add the "Enhancement"
tag. I've attached what I see on my screen, but I am unable to change
anything on the right hand side where I think I should be able to assign
these tasks to myself. Can you tell me how to do this?


On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 9:56 PM, McCormick, Jeremy I. <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is the full procedure for making a PR in hps-java, including how you
> should structure your development workflow:
> (Anything below with a "$" in front means you can execute the command in
> your shell.)
> 1) Create a github issue describing the changes you plan on making.
> Assign the issue to yourself and give it the "Enhancement" tag for new
> functionality or "Bug" if you are fixing some problem.
> Set the Milestone to "v4.0" which will be the next release.
> 2) Create a local development branch in hps-java from an up-to-date copy
> of the master.
> $ cd hps-java; git checkout master; git pull; git checkout -b iss1234
> The '1234' here is replaced by the actual issue number assigned
> automatically by the issue tracker.  (You can see this on the webpage for
> the issue you created in step #1.)
> 3) Add files to commit that you have changed or added on this branch
> (obviously the file names I use below are bogus).
> $ git add someNewFile aFileIChanged
> 4) Commit the changes to these files.
> $ git commit -m "I changed some stuff and this is my detailed commit
> message."
> These files are now "staged" which means they will be sent to github next
> time you push.
> 5) Push your local branch to the github repo.
> $ git push -u origin iss1234
> Probably you will have to type your github username and password here,
> unless you have your SSH keys setup properly.
> This will create the remote 'iss1234' branch which your local copy will
> now track, meaning that if someone else also pushes to this branch (like
> your PR reviewer), you can 'git pull' to get these updates.
> 6) Now you are ready to open a PR for your changes.
> In the second dropdown box that says "compare: master" select your
> development branch (e.g. iss1234 in this example).
> Click the "Create pull request" button.
> Give the PR a description and provide detailed information on what you
> changed.
> Select an appropriate reviewer by clicking on the gear icon next to
> "Reviewers".
> For now, you can assign all PR to me (username JeremyMcCormick), and I'll
> change it if I think someone else should do it.
> Then click "Create pull request" again.
> 7) You should have a new PR now that is visible on github in the PR list
> (empty right now).
> 8) You now need to wait for your code to be reviewed (and possibly tested
> depending on what was changed).
> The reviewer will provide feedback on changes they want to see before the
> request is merged.
> 9) Make changes requested by the reviewer using the typical 'git add',
> 'git commit' and 'git push' commands from your branch.
> 10) Once changes have been made to their satisfaction, the reviewer will
> approve the PR and your branch will be merged into master.
> Now the master will have your changes so you can pull them into your local
> copy.
> $ git checkout master; git pull
> 11) You can also delete the local and remote branches if you are done with
> them...
> Delete the local branch:
> $ git branch -d iss1234
> Delete the remote branch:
> $ git push origin --delete iss1234
> This seems more complicated than it is -- I have just explicitly listed
> all the possible steps here so everyone is clear about how it works.
> Please let me know if you have questions/comments.
> --Jeremy
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