i think it's not needed to install dpm-xrootd cause the crash happens before that plugin is loaded

just run xrootd with this conf file

cat /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg
ofs.trace all
xrd.trace all
cms.trace all
oss.trace all

all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd
all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd
xrd.network nodnr

if exec xrootd
xrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so
sec.protocol /usr/lib64 gsi -crl:3 -key:/etc/grid-security/cert.pem -cert:/etc/grid-security/key.pem -md:sha256:sha1 -ca:2 -gmapopt:10 
sec.protocol /usr/lib64 unix
xrootd.export /
xrd.port 1095
ofs.osslib libXrdDPMOss.so.3
ofs.authlib libXrdDPMDiskAcc.so.3
ofs.persist auto hold 0
ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp --server
all.role server

the crash happens in the gsi plugin, so you need to have host certificates and certificates files from lcg-CA

my sysconfig file has

[root@dpmdisk-trunk xrootd]# cat /etc/sysconfig/xrootd 
# Define the instances of xrootd, cmsd and frmd here and specify the option you
# need. For example, use the -d flag to send debug output to the logfile,
# the options responsible for daemonizing, pidfiles and instance naming will
# be appended automatically.

# Define the user account name which will be used to start the daemons.
# These may have many unexpected side effects, so be sure you know what you're
# doing before playing with them.

# Define the commandline options for the instances of the daemons.
# The format is:
#   DAEMON - the daemon name, the valid values are: XROOTD, CMSD or FRMD
#   NAME   - the name of the instance, any uppercase alphanumeric string
#            without whitespaces is valid
XROOTD_DISK_OPTIONS="-l /var/log/xrootd/xrootd.log -c /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg -k fifo"

# Names of the instances to be started by default, the case doesn't matter,
# the names will be converted to lowercase automatically, use space as a
# separator

so you need to add the dpmmgr user ( or another one but then you need to change the conf)

i'm running then with gdb as follows

gdb --args /usr/bin/xrootd -c /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg -Rdpmmgr

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{"api_version":"1.0","publisher":{"api_key":"05dde50f1d1a384dd78767c55493e4bb","name":"GitHub"},"entity":{"external_key":"github/xrootd/xrootd","title":"xrootd/xrootd","subtitle":"GitHub repository","main_image_url":"https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/143418/17495839/a5054eac-5d88-11e6-95fc-7290892c7bb5.png","avatar_image_url":"https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/143418/15842166/7c72db34-2c0b-11e6-9aed-b52498112777.png","action":{"name":"Open in GitHub","url":"https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd"}},"updates":{"snippets":[{"icon":"PERSON","message":"@andrea-manzi in #463: i think it's not needed to install dpm-xrootd cause the crash happens before that plugin is loaded\r\n\r\njust run xrootd with this conf file \r\n\r\n```\r\ncat /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg\r\nofs.trace all\r\nxrd.trace all\r\ncms.trace all\r\noss.trace all\r\n\r\nall.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd\r\nall.pidpath /var/run/xrootd\r\nxrd.network nodnr\r\n\r\nif exec xrootd\r\nxrootd.seclib libXrdSec.so\r\nsec.protocol /usr/lib64 gsi -crl:3 -key:/etc/grid-security/cert.pem -cert:/etc/grid-security/key.pem -md:sha256:sha1 -ca:2 -gmapopt:10 \r\nsec.protocol /usr/lib64 unix\r\nxrootd.export /\r\nxrd.port 1095\r\nofs.osslib libXrdDPMOss.so.3\r\nofs.authlib libXrdDPMDiskAcc.so.3\r\nofs.authorize\r\nofs.persist auto hold 0\r\nofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp --server\r\nall.role server\r\nfi\r\n```\r\nthe crash happens in the gsi plugin, so you need to have host certificates and certificates files from lcg-CA\r\n\r\nmy sysconfig file has \r\n\r\n```\r\n[root@dpmdisk-trunk xrootd]# cat /etc/sysconfig/xrootd \r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n# Define the instances of xrootd, cmsd and frmd here and specify the option you\r\n# need. For example, use the -d flag to send debug output to the logfile,\r\n# the options responsible for daemonizing, pidfiles and instance naming will\r\n# be appended automatically.\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n# Define the user account name which will be used to start the daemons.\r\n# These may have many unexpected side effects, so be sure you know what you're\r\n# doing before playing with them.\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nXROOTD_USER=dpmmgr\r\nXROOTD_GROUP=dpmmgr\r\n\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n# Define the commandline options for the instances of the daemons.\r\n# The format is:\r\n# DAEMON_NAME_OPTIONS, where:\r\n# DAEMON - the daemon name, the valid values are: XROOTD, CMSD or FRMD\r\n# NAME - the name of the instance, any uppercase alphanumeric string\r\n# without whitespaces is valid\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nXROOTD_DISK_OPTIONS=\"-l /var/log/xrootd/xrootd.log -c /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg -k fifo\"\r\n\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n# Names of the instances to be started by default, the case doesn't matter,\r\n# the names will be converted to lowercase automatically, use space as a\r\n# separator\r\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nXROOTD_INSTANCES=\" disk\"\r\n```\r\n\r\nso you need to add the dpmmgr user ( or another one but then you need to change the conf)\r\n\r\ni'm running then with gdb as follows\r\n\r\n` gdb --args /usr/bin/xrootd -c /etc/xrootd/xrootd-dpmdisk.cfg -Rdpmmgr \r\n`\r\n\r\n"}],"action":{"name":"View Issue","url":"https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/463#issuecomment-279390228"}}}

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