

Apologies for bringing this up again, but I just read a discussion on how glibc handles similar problems and this issue popped back into my mind. It's just for the reference.

In particular, Brian has said:

> :) Maybe we work on a mutually-exclusive set of projects? Most of the ones I work on merge release branches through master as a mechanism to make sure patches in the stable series make it into the master branch.


> Like many projects, glibc fixes bugs first in its repository trunk — the branch that will eventually become 2.27 at the moment. The project does not make point releases, but that does not mean it leaves users of its previous releases entirely out in the cold. A branch in the repository is created for each release and, at the discretion of the manager for that particular release, important fixes are backported and added to that "maintenance branch" post-release. So distributors have a stream of nicely backported fixes for each release; what they don't have are point releases that contain a well-defined set of those fixes.

Coincidently, XRootD has a very similar approach ;)

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