

One of our OSG submit hosts,, has a somewhat odd IPv6 configuration. IPv6 stack is enabled, the main external interface only has a IPv4 address and a secondary internal interface has both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled. There is no default IPv6 route. Detailed interface and route information below.

The result is that xrootd client think this host is IPv6 enabled, and only tries IPv6 connections. For example:

[2018-01-10 18:26:56.053031 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Found 4 address(es): [2001:18e8:2:6::242]:1094, [2001:18e8:2:6::241]:1094, [::ffff:]:1094, [::ffff:]:1094
[2018-01-10 18:26:56.053067 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Attempting connection to [2001:18e8:2:6::242]:1094
[2018-01-10 18:26:56.053086 +0000][Error  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Unable to initiate the connection: [ERROR] Socket error: Network is unreachable

We understand that this host configuration is nor perfect, and we will work on improving the setup. However, we have no indicators that other tools using the network having issues with the configuration, and we believe the reason is that most tools handle dual-stack more gracefully. For example, from the wget's man page: "By default, an IPv6-aware Wget will use the address family specified by the host’s DNS record. If the DNS responds with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Wget will try them in sequence until it finds one it can connect to.". Maybe xrootd should use a similar approach?

Please note that it is not really this host we are concerned about, but for example compute nodes outside our administrative domain, which could cause a lot of job failures.

**To be more explicit, we would like xrootd to be made more resilient by trying address families in order (IPv6, and if that fails IPv4). If there rrdns is used, the order of the addresses can be randomized, but only within the ordered address families.**

More detailed debugging information:

$ ifconfig 
em1       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr EC:F4:BB:C4:06:60                                             
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:                          
          inet6 addr: fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:660/64 Scope:Link                                        
          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1                                        
          RX packets:2897670688 errors:0 dropped:12277 overruns:0 frame:0                           
          TX packets:4462670781 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0                             
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10000                                                             
          RX bytes:2356243862322 (2.1 TiB)  TX bytes:5335218056178 (4.8 TiB)                        
em3       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr EC:F4:BB:C4:06:64                                             
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:                                                    
          inet6 addr: fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:664/64 Scope:Link                                                                                             
          inet6 addr: fd2f:6feb:37::1f/48 Scope:Global                                                                                                                              
          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1                                                                                                                                                
          RX packets:1283502 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0                                                                                                                                          
          TX packets:674102 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0                                                                                                                                                                  
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000                                                                                                                                                                                               
          RX bytes:503129914 (479.8 MiB)  TX bytes:241147274 (229.9 MiB)

$ route -A inet6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                                 Next Hop                                Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
radioflyer.goc/128                          radioflyer.goc                          UC    0      2        1 em3     
fd2f:6feb:37::/48                           *                                       U     256    0        0 em3     
fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:664/128                fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:664                UC    0      2        0 em1     
fe80::/64                                   *                                       U     256    0        0 em1     
fe80::/64                                   *                                       U     256    0        0 em3     
localhost/128                               *                                       U     0      1884803       6 lo      
xd-login.goc/128                            *                                       U     0      162669       1 lo      
fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:660/128                *                                       U     0      37392       1 lo      
fe80::eef4:bbff:fec4:664/128                *                                       U     0      37622       1 lo      
ff00::/8                                    *                                       U     256    0        0 em1     
ff00::/8                                    *                                       U     256    0        0 em3  

$ xrdcp -d 3 -f root:// /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311025 +0000][Dump   ][App               ] Chunk size: 16777216, parallel chunks 4, streams: 1
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311069 +0000][Dump   ][App               ] Processing source entry: root://, type xroot, target file: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311114 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311193 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Adding job with properties: 'checkSumMode' = 'none', 'checkSumPreset' = '', 'checkSumType' = '', 'chunkSize' = '16777216', 'coerce' = '0', 'dynamicSource' = '0', 'force' = '1', 'initTimeout' = '600', 'makeDir' = '0', 'parallelChunks' = '4', 'posc' = '0', 'source' = 'root://', 'target' = '/dev/null', 'thirdParty' = 'none', 'tpcTimeout' = '1800', 'xcp' = '0', 'xcpBlockSize' = '134217728', 'zipArchive' = '0'
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311215 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] CopyProcess: 2 jobs to prepare
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311228 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311248 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311272 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311289 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311301 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Creating a classic copy job, from root:// to file://localhost/dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311323 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Monitor library name not set. No monitoring
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311373 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Available pollers: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311383 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Attempting to create a poller according to preference: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311389 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating poller: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311397 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating and starting the built-in poller...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311517 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Using 1 poller threads
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311528 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Starting the task manager...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311553 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager started
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311562 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Starting the job manager...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311627 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager started, 3 workers
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311637 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "FileTimer task" to be run at: [2018-01-12 16:54:34 +0000]
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311646 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Opening root:// for reading
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311672 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311713 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311727 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x178fef0@root://] Sending an open command
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311744 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Sending message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat )
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311763 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311780 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] Creating new channel to: 1 stream(s)
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311797 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPAuto, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Widnow: 1800
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311871 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for:" to be run at: [2018-01-12 16:54:49 +0000]
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.311891 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Sending message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) (0x1790f20) through substream 0 expecting answer at 0
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312289 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Found 2 address(es): [2600:900:6:1301:5054:ff:fe1c:ccec]:1094, [::ffff:]:1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312313 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Attempting connection to [2600:900:6:1301:5054:ff:fe1c:ccec]:1094
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312329 +0000][Error  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Unable to initiate the connection: [ERROR] Socket error: Network is unreachable
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312337 +0000][Error  ][XRootD            ] [] Unable to send the message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ): [FATAL] Socket error: Network is unreachable
Run: [FATAL] Socket error: Network is unreachable
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312403 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Stopping the job manager...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312409 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #0...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312557 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #0 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312566 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #1...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312594 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #1 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312600 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #2...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312626 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #2 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312632 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager stopped
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312636 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Stopping the task manager...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312684 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager stopped
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312691 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Stopping the poller...
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312735 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Requesting unregistration of: "TickGeneratorTask for:"
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312750 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Closing the socket
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312777 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Destroying stream
[2018-01-12 16:54:34.312785 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Closing the socket


$ XRD_NETWORKSTACK=IPv4 xrdcp -d 3 -f root:// /dev/null 2>&1  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202827 +0000][Dump   ][App               ] Chunk size: 16777216, parallel chunks 4, streams: 1
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202868 +0000][Dump   ][App               ] Processing source entry: root://, type xroot, target file: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202893 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202962 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Adding job with properties: 'checkSumMode' = 'none', 'checkSumPreset' = '', 'checkSumType' = '', 'chunkSize' = '16777216', 'coerce' = '0', 'dynamicSource' = '0', 'force' = '1', 'initTimeout' = '600', 'makeDir' = '0', 'parallelChunks' = '4', 'posc' = '0', 'source' = 'root://', 'target' = '/dev/null', 'thirdParty' = 'none', 'tpcTimeout' = '1800', 'xcp' = '0', 'xcpBlockSize' = '134217728', 'zipArchive' = '0'
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202983 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] CopyProcess: 2 jobs to prepare
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.202996 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203014 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203036 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203054 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203066 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Creating a classic copy job, from root:// to file://localhost/dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203087 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Monitor library name not set. No monitoring
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203133 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Available pollers: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203140 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Attempting to create a poller according to preference: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203146 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating poller: built-in
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203153 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating and starting the built-in poller...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203233 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Using 1 poller threads
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203242 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Starting the task manager...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203267 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager started
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203274 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Starting the job manager...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203321 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager started, 3 workers
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203331 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "FileTimer task" to be run at: [2018-01-12 16:55:05 +0000]
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203339 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Opening root:// for reading
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203357 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203382 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /tmp/test.1M
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203770 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Sending an open command
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203789 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Sending message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat )
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203808 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203827 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] Creating new channel to: 1 stream(s)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203843 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPv4, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Widnow: 1800
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203915 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for:" to be run at: [2018-01-12 16:55:20 +0000]
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.203935 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Sending message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) (0x2342f20) through substream 0 expecting answer at 0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.204191 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Found 1 address(es): [::ffff:]:1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.204220 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Attempting connection to [::ffff:]:1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.204245 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Adding socket 0x2347050 to the poller
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.226257 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Async connection call returned
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.226284 +0000][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [ #0.0] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.226313 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Wrote a message:  (0x4c000950), 44 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248319 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c000950] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248336 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header, size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248345 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248354 +0000][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [ #0.0] Got the server hand shake response (type: server [], protocol version 310)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248364 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c000950] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248369 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header, size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248375 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248381 +0000][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [ #0.0] kXR_protocol successful (type: server [], protocol version 310)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248553 +0000][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [ #0.0] Sending out kXR_login request, username: rynge, cgi: ?, dual-stack: true, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.248588 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Wrote a message:  (0x4c000a60), 127 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270569 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c000950] Expecting 16 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270587 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header, size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270595 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received a message of 24 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270604 +0000][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [ #0.0] Logged in, session: 08000000661300001700000008000000
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270613 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Stream 0 connected.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270635 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Wrote a message: kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) (0x2342f20), 36 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270645 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Successfully sent message: kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) (0x2342f20).
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270656 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Message kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) has been successfully sent.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.270665 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0.0] All messages consumed, disable uplink
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293123 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c000a40] Expecting 41 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293142 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header for 0x4c000a40 size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293157 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message 0x4c000a40 of 49 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293165 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Handling received message: 0x4c000a40.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293227 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Got a kXR_ok response to request kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat )
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293250 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Parsing the response to kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) as OpenInfo
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293256 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Parsing StatInfo in response to kXR_open (file: /tmp/test.1M, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat )
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293285 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Open has returned with status [SUCCESS] 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293291 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] successfully opened at, handle: 0x0, session id: 1
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293360 +0000][Debug  ][Utility           ] Opening file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20 for writing
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293392 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293416 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293429 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Sending an open command
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293447 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293481 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293529 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Open has returned with status [SUCCESS] 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293538 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] successfully opened at localhost, handle: 0xa, session id: 1
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293556 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Sending a read command for handle 0x0 to
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293576 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Sending message kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293589 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Sending message kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20) (0x23488b0) through substream 0 expecting answer at 0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293616 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Wrote a message: kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20) (0x23488b0), 32 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293629 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Successfully sent message: kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20) (0x23488b0).
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293635 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Message kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20) has been successfully sent.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.293641 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0.0] All messages consumed, disable uplink
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315657 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c0009b0] Expecting 20 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315673 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header for 0x4c0009b0 size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315679 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Will use the raw handler to read body of message 0x4c0009b0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315690 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message 0x4c0009b0 of 28 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315695 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Handling received message: 0x4c0009b0.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315759 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Got a kXR_ok response to request kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315774 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Parsing the response to kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20) as ChunkInfo
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315784 +0000][Dump   ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Got state response for message kXR_read (handle: 0x00000000, offset: 0, size: 20)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315808 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Sending a write command for handle 0xa to localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315849 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315873 +0000][Dump   ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Got state response for message kXR_write (handle: 0x0a000000, offset: 0, size: 20)
[20B/20B][100%][==================================================][20B/s]  [2018-01-12 16:55:05.315896 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Sending a close command for handle 0xa to localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name: 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315916 +0000][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /dev/null
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315939 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Close returned from localhost with: [SUCCESS] 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315946 +0000][Dump   ][File              ] [0x2347300@file://localhost/dev/null?oss.asize=20] Items in the fly 0, queued for recovery 0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315966 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Sending a close command for handle 0x0 to
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315977 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Sending message kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.315986 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Sending message kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000) (0x23467d0) through substream 0 expecting answer at 0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.316033 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Wrote a message: kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000) (0x23467d0), 24 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.316049 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Successfully sent message: kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000) (0x23467d0).
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.316056 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Message kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000) has been successfully sent.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.316062 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0.0] All messages consumed, disable uplink
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338088 +0000][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x4c000a40] Expecting 0 bytes of message body
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338109 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message header for 0x4c000a40 size: 8
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338116 +0000][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Received message 0x4c000a40 of 8 bytes
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338123 +0000][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Handling received message: 0x4c000a40.
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338143 +0000][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Got a kXR_ok response to request kXR_close (handle: 0x00000000)
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338161 +0000][Debug  ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Close returned from with: [SUCCESS] 
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338168 +0000][Dump   ][File              ] [0x2341ef0@root://] Items in the fly 0, queued for recovery 0
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338274 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Stopping the job manager...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338287 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #0...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338385 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #0 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338396 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #1...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338424 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #1 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338433 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #2...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338459 +0000][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #2 stopped
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338468 +0000][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager stopped
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338475 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Stopping the task manager...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338535 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager stopped
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338546 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] Stopping the poller...
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338589 +0000][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Requesting unregistration of: "TickGeneratorTask for:"
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338601 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Closing the socket
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338610 +0000][Debug  ][Poller            ] <[::ffff:]:56350><--><[::ffff:]:1094> Removing socket from the poller
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338634 +0000][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [ #0] Destroying stream
[2018-01-12 16:55:05.338645 +0000][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [ #0.0] Closing the socket

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