

Hi! I have some collegues from ALICE site of Bari Tier2 that have
undefined symbols error with the 4.8.0 epel xrootd installed on SL 6.9

/usr/bin/xrootd: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/xrootd: undefined symbol: _ZN15XrdNetSocketCFG7ka_ItvlE
/usr/bin/cmsd: undefined symbol: _ZN15XrdNetSocketCFG7ka_ItvlE
/usr/bin/xrdfs: undefined symbol: _ZN14EnvInitializerC1Ev

In which conditions can something like this happen? i am running the epel xrootd on both centos 6 and 7
for quite some time and i had no errors...
and my understanding was the SL was the same as Centos but with some additional packages ..

Does anyone have have some idea about this puzzling problem?
Thank you!!

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