

Registration is now open for

Workshop on Top physics at the LC (Top@LC 2018)   
4-6 June 2018, Sakura Hall, Tohoku University

The purpose of this workshop is to gather theorists and experimentalists 
from all over the world to discuss experiments on the top and bottom quarks, 
from 250 GeV to higher energies of electron-positron collision, that would 
expose the connections between the top quark and physics beyond the 
Standard Model.

You can find the workshop home page at

This is the 6th in the series where the last one took place at CERN, and 
is the 2nd one held in Asia. Top@LC 2018 is hosted by the experimental 
particle physics lab. of Tohoku University and co-hosted by KEK. This workshop
is supported in part by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 
’International research project on top quark physics at electron-positron colliders’.

Hitoshi Yamamoto
IOC chiar

<Organizing Committee>
Keisuke Fujii (KEK)
Yoshimasa Kurihara (KEK)
Yukinari Sumino (Tohoku)
Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku)
Ryo Yonamine (Tohoku)

<International Committee>
Francois LeDiberder (LAL, Orsay)
Michael Peskin (SLAC)
Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
Philipp Roloff (CERN)
Frank Simon (MPI, Munich)
Marcel Vos (Valencia)

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