

It is a bit surprise. Here is what I have:

xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/
  sec.protocol /usr/lib64 unix
  acc.authdb $(scriptspath)/auth_file
  acc.authrefresh 300

and with your AuthFile 

u * /xrootd lr
u root /xrootd a

Everyone (every remote user) should be able to read from /xrootd and only (remote) root can read-write. BTW, Xrootd use access control list. The above AuthFile reflect ACL rules. 

The CNSd (composed name space, along with ofs.forward) is essentially a DB of what files are in an xrootd storage cluster. The format of the ³DB² is a directory tree with all the files. Of course, all those files there are empty holes. CNSd is kept there for rare, special use cases. The only use case I know is described here:

Wei Yang  |  [log in to unmask]  |  650-926-3338(O)

-----Original Message-----
From: <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Heiko Schröter <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, April 6, 2018 at 1:11 AM
To: xrootd-l <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: read write permissions

>>> --> sec.protocol /usr/lib/xrootd unix
>> This is wrong. It should be something like:
>> xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/
>>    sec.protocol /usr/lib64 unix
>Tried it, but it does not change a thing. Any user has r/w access to the 
>file system.
>So i it would be nice when there would be a pointer to some docs or such 
>how i can achieve the r/w permissions.
>I don't get it how xrootd decides between access to the "storage pool", 
>or access permissions for a file/directory.
>> Also, I am curious, we used the following lines a long time ago but stopped using since. Are you sure you need them?
>>>        ofs.notify closew create mkdir mv rm rmdir trunc |
>>> /usr/bin/XrdCnsd -d -D 2 -i 90 -b $(xrdr):1095:$(inventory)
>>>        ofs.notifymsg create $TID create $FMODE $LFN?$CGI
>>>        ofs.notifymsg closew $TID closew $LFN $FSIZE
>I got this from a tutorial for setting up an Inventory. The inventory 
>works. But i have to admit that i don't fully understand all the bits 
>and pieces in the docs.
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