

Hi ASTA-users

If you have colleagues that do user experiments at ASTA but are not on this mailing list, please spread this message. Not everyone signs up!

Training requirements at ASTA have changed.

Currently, there is no potential for activation in ASTA and there is no evidence of activation within the bunker.

Therefore, the requirement to have "Radiation Worker" training is no longer in effect.

Hands-on experimental work is now permitted without "Radiation Worker". The standard (online) training requirements for ASTA are now as follows for users:
Course 219 - Environmental Safety and Health Orientation (or Course 219R "refresher")
Course 115 - General Employee Radiation Training (GERT)
Course 120 - Work Planning and Control Overview (WPC) 

Note that there are additional requirements for out of hours access and laser use.

*A dosimeter is still required.*

Before you come to do work at ASTA, you need to contact me to review your training requirements. I will ensure that Radiation Worker is removed from your required training but you do need to reach out to me to do this. 

As a reminder, the arrival instructions are here:


Christine Clarke
FACET & Test Facilities User Manager
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Rd    MS 54
Menlo Park, CA 94025
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