

Observed with CASTOR @ CERN and discussed with @simonmichal:

By using the standard xrootd logrotation script and starting xrootd with an instance name and the fifo option as follows:
[root@host]# grep Exec !$
grep Exec /etc/systemd/system/xrootd\@.service.d/xrootd.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/xrootd -I v4 -l /var/log/xrootd/xrootd.log -c /etc/ -k fifo -s /var/run/xrootd/ -n %i
It may happen that at log rotation time the xrootd process does not pick up the `ping` message and keeps logging on the (now deleted) log:
[root@host]# lsof -p 13852 | grep var
xrootd  13852 stage  cwd       DIR              253,1        4096    37298201 /var/spool/xrootd/server
xrootd  13852 stage    2w      REG              253,1  2199257567    46776392 /var/log/xrootd/server/xrootd.log-20180612 (deleted)
At that point, only a manual operation like `echo x >> /var/log/xrootd/server/.xrootd.log` unblocks the situation.

Unfortunately, we don't seem to find a way to reproduce the problem, so comments are much appreciated.

For internal reference, this is also tracked at (behind CERN SSO)

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