


We have set up a pool and an xrootd gateway on our Ceph dev cluster for ALICE. Three out four tests (add, get, rm) are green
but the TPC test currently fails.

On the ALICE side the error is

xrdcp (TPC==1) exited with exit code 54: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3005] [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3011] No such file or directory

When I try to copy the file on, I get

Run: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3005] [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to open - tpc origin mismatch /04/36435/05422528-a162-11e8-b5f9-a310691b2def; operation not permitted

I use this directive

ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp -f --nopbar

Is it in the wrong place in the config file (see attached xrootd-proxy.cfg)? Or is there anything missing from it?

Many thanks in advance,


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