Dear HPS,
I think I figured out the error. It was related to the detector being used. The one in the script was ECalCommissioning: I tried to use the monitoring app to manually set the 2019 detector, but for some reasons that did not work. However, setting the detector name in the configuration file did work.


On Jul 4, 2019, at 12:11, Andrea Celentano <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear HPS,
I am trying to run the HPS monitoring app on clon machines:

-> user hpsrun on clondaq5
-> script: /home/hpsrun/scripts/startEcalLEDDebugMonitoring.csh

The monitoring app starts, and I am able to connect to the ET ring. However, first I get the following error (only once, at the beginning):
(Daq is running, Ecal only: PROD66_NOSVT, trigger: $CLON_PARMS/HPS/ECal/led-mode1.cnf)

org.hps.record.RecordProcessingException: Error processing record.
        at org.hps.record.composite.RecordProcessorAdapter.process(
        at org.hps.record.composite.EvioEventAdapter.recordSupplied(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.consumeRecord(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.loop(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.execute(
        at org.hps.record.composite.CompositeLoop.loop(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find DAQ pair for sensor: module_L1b_halfmodule_axial_slot_sensor0
        at org.hps.detector.svt.SvtDetectorSetup.loadDefault(
        at org.hps.detector.svt.SvtDetectorSetup.conditionsChanged(
        at org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManagerImplementation.fireConditionsChanged(
        at org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManagerImplementation.setConditionsReader(
        at org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManagerImplementation.setDetector(
        at org.hps.conditions.database.DatabaseConditionsManager.setDetector(
        at org.hps.record.evio.EvioDetectorConditionsProcessor.initializeConditions(
        at org.hps.record.evio.EvioDetectorConditionsProcessor.process(
        at org.hps.record.evio.EvioDetectorConditionsProcessor.process(
        at org.hps.record.composite.RecordProcessorAdapter.process(

Then, in each event, I get the following:

SEVERE: Error making ECal hits.
        at org.hps.evio.EcalEvioReader.daqToGeometryId(
        at org.hps.evio.EcalEvioReader.makeWindowHits(
        at org.hps.evio.EcalEvioReader.makeHits(
        at org.hps.evio.LCSimEngRunEventBuilder.makeLCSimEvent(
        at org.hps.record.composite.LcioEventAdapter.recordSupplied(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.consumeRecord(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.loop(
        at org.freehep.record.loop.DefaultRecordLoop.execute(
        at org.hps.record.composite.CompositeLoop.loop(

The null pointer is the object "ecalConditions", that should get initialized by the method "initialize()" of EcalEvioReader class

I am correct in thinking that the first error is related to conditions system initialization, that for some reason (SVT-related) is not successful, and that this error prevents to properly initialize the ecalConditions object?


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