

Hi Adrian,

The issue is that the client is comming back to the redirector and saying 
give me a server that is not in the list of that I have specified in the 
"tried=" CGI element. There is no additional tracing information available 
(i.e. nothing that print the contents of "tried=". If you have a 
reproducible case, then you could turn on client debuggingto see why teh 
client doesn't like the servers that the redirector has offered. 
Typically, this is due to a "file not found" error or, perhaps, "I/O 
error". When you see this happen,

a) issue a locate command for the file in question.
b) Check each server's log for the eror associated with the file (a grep 
will do).

This will at least indicate wha is failing at the server level that causes 
the client to go back and ask for a different server.


On Mon, 8 Jul 2019, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:

> On 5/10/19 11:52 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
> Hi!
>> The message says it all. The reason is taht the client rejected all the 
>> possible servers so the redirector basically had no choice. All gthe 
>> servers that had the file the client said it did not want. It's that plain 
>> and simple.
> so, i get back to this as i get experiment failed test from time to time...
> so, the CLIENT is rejecting the redirection of the redirector?
> is not a problem of the server? if there is a decision by the client, what 
> options could do this?
> is there a way to debug this (a specific trace)?
> i would like to know what is going on, but i wouldn't want to blindly 
> activate all traces and then wait for the tests while the logs keep filling 
> out...
> the errors look like this:
> cmslog:190708 11:00:15 20104 monalisa.59049:52@[::] do_Select: 
> failed; Unable to write file; eligible servers shunned. 
> /home/aliprod/data/00/18955/5d0663b0-a156-11e9-828d-0242ca9cd510
> xrdlog:190708 11:00:15 19954 Decode rd gave 
> monalisa.59049:52@[::] err -2 'Unable to write file; eligible 
> servers shunned.' 
> /home/aliprod/data/00/18955/5d0663b0-a156-11e9-828d-0242ca9cd510
> And is frustrating as i have a dataserver which is almost empty
> so the write tests should pick it up and use it without any fail..
> The load is reported by the cms_MonPerf script that it is now in the master 
> branch
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Adrian
>> Andy
>> On Fri, 10 May 2019, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
>>> On 5/9/19 1:11 AM, Andrew Hanushevsky wrote:
>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>> Hi!
>>>> That message comes out when a server has a requested file but the client 
>>>> indicates that it doesn't want to use that server and there are no other 
>>>> alternatives.
>>> yes, but is there a way to find out why no servers could be selected by 
>>> the redirector?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Adrian
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Thu, 9 May 2019, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
>>>>> Hi! I have a few messages with
>>>>> "Unable to write file; eligible servers shunned"
>>>>> Is there an option that would add to log also the reason why the servers 
>>>>> were not selected?
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> Adrian
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>>> Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D.                       |
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> Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D.                       |
> Institute of Space Science - ISS, Romania    |
> adrian.sevcenco at {,} |
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