########################################################################### # This is a very simple sample configuration file sufficient to start an # # xrootd data server using the default port 1094. This server runs by # # itself (stand-alone) and does not assume it is part of a cluster. You # # can then connect to this server to access files in '/tmp'. # # Consult the the reference manuals on how to create more complicated # # configurations. # # # # On successful start-up you will see 'initialization completed' in the # # last message. You can now connect to the xrootd server. # # # # Note: You should always create a *single* configuration file for all # # daemons related to xrootd. # ########################################################################### # The export directive indicates which paths are to be exported. While the # default is '/tmp', we indicate it anyway to show you this directive. # all.export *? all.export / # The adminpath and pidpath variables indicate where the pid and various # IPC files should be placed # all.adminpath /var/spool/xrootd all.pidpath /var/run/xrootd xrootd.async segsize 67108864 xrd.buffers maxbsz 67108864 # Configure proxy memory caching # ofs.osslib /usr/lib64/libXrdPss.so ofs.ckslib * /usr/lib64/libXrdPss.so ofs.authlib /usr/lib64/libXrdAliceTokenAcc.so pss.origin ceph-test-gw691.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:1095 pss.cache max2cache 33554432 pagesize 33554432 size 17179869184 xrootd.chksum adler32 # Configure gsi security # xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so sec.protocol /usr/lib64/ unix sec.protbind * only unix # Configure authorisation # ofs.authorize acc.authdb /etc/grid-security/authdb acc.audit deny grant # Name-to-name mapping # pss.namelib /usr/lib64/libXrdCmsTfc.so file:/etc/xrootd/storage.xml?protocol=xrootd ofs.tpc pgm /usr/bin/xrdcp -f --nopbar # Redirection to CASTOR # xrootd.redirect ccmsdlf.ads.rl.ac.uk:1094 ? /store # The following line is for lhcb testing and should not be uncommented in prod (until we are doing lhcb in prod) #xrootd.redirect clhcbdlf.ads.rl.ac.uk:1094 ? /castor/ads.rl.ac.uk/prod/lhcb # Configure event reporting to AL's UDP ingester for ELK # xrootd.monitor all auth flush 30s mbuff 1472 window 5s dest files io info redir user ######################################################################## Use REPLY-ALL to reply to list To unsubscribe from the XROOTD-L list, click the following link: https://listserv.slac.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=XROOTD-L&A=1