Hi Diego,

Since 4.9.0 xrdcp will allow delegation only if it has been requested explicitly, e.g.

  xrdcp --tpc delegate only  ....

(it will also reset XrdSecGSIDELEGPROXY)

Currently, the only way to request delegation is when doing a third-party-copy.
So yes, one could say it's disabled on purpose. If you have a valid use-case and
a strong desire I could life the XrdSecGSIDELEGPROXY untouched in case of
classical copy jobs.


From: [log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Diego Ciangottini [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 04 March 2020 14:35
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: XrdSecGSIDELEGPROXY ignored by xrdcp

Hello everyone,

I'm playing a bit with several authN/Z combination for XCache and I'm facing a problem when trying to use user proxy delegation.

Even though I know that this is a "controversial" feature, it might be useful in some special cases. So, the problem is the following:

- the cache server is v4.11.2 and configured with (*)

- I'm then trying the following command with xrdcp v4.11.2:

XrdSecGSIDELEGPROXY=2 XrdSecDEBUG=1 xrdcp -f root:// /dev/null

- one thing that already sounds strange is the output (**) where I see:

200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy delegation option: 0

- and on server side accordingly:

200304 13:02:50 28389 secgsi_ErrF: Secgsi: ErrParseBuffer: error getting user proxies: kXGS_init

Am I missing something or it's indeed a problem client side? Is it  even supposed to work or is it disabled on purpose?


all.export / stage
oss.localroot /data/

xrootd.trace debug
xrd.trace debug
sec.trace debug

xrd.port 31094

xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so                                                                                                                                                         
sec.protocol /usr/lib64 gsi \
  -dlgpxy:1 -authzpxy:1 -exppxy:/tmp/x509up_g<group> \
  -certdir:/etc/grid-security/certificates \
  -cert:/etc/grid-security/xrd/cloud-vm135.cloud.cnaf.infn.it.crt \
  -key:/etc/grid-security/xrd/cloud-vm135.cloud.cnaf.infn.it.key \
  -d:3 \
  -ca:1 -crl:0 \
  -gridmap:/dev/null  \
  -vomsfun:/usr/lib64/libXrdSecgsiVOMS.so -vomsfunparms:certfmt=raw|dbg

ofs.authorize 1                                                                                                                                                                               

acc.audit deny
acc.authdb /etc/xrootd/Authfile-auth-X509-vo
sec.protbind * gsi

ofs.osslib   libXrdPss.so
pss.cachelib libXrdFileCache.so


pfc.diskusage 0.95 0.99
pfc.ram     8G

pfc.blocksize  512k
pfc.prefetch   0

sec_Client: protocol request for host token='&P=gsi,v:10400,c:ssl,ca:eec62e9c.0|bf6400bf.0'
sec_PM: Loaded gsi protocol object from libXrdSecgsi.so
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts: *** ------------------------------------------------------------ ***
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Mode: client
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Debug: 1
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CA dir: /afs/cern.ch/user/d/dciangot/CA
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CA verification level: 1
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CRL dir: ,/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dciangot/CA/
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CRL extension: .r0
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CRL check level: 1
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  CRL refresh time: 86400
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Certificate: /afs/cern.ch/user/d/dciangot/.globus/usercert.pem
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Key: /afs/cern.ch/user/d/dciangot/.globus/userkey.pem
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy file: /tmp/x509up_u34086
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy validity: 12:00
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy dep length: 0
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy bits: 512
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy sign option: 1
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Proxy delegation option: 0
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Allowed server names: [*/]<target host name>[/*]
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Crypto modules: ssl
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Ciphers: aes-128-cbc:bf-cbc:des-ede3-cbc
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  MDigests: sha1:md5
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts:  Trusting DNS for hostname checking
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_InitOpts: *** ------------------------------------------------------------ ***
sec_PM: Using gsi protocol, args='v:10400,c:ssl,ca:eec62e9c.0|bf6400bf.0'
200304 14:02:50 16321 cryptossl_X509::CertType: certificate has 3 extensions
200304 14:02:50 16321 secgsi_GetCA: CRL is missing or expired: ignoring (CRLCheck: 1)
200304 14:02:50 16321 cryptossl_X509::CertType: certificate has 3 extensions
200304 14:02:50 16321 cryptossl_X509::CertType: certificate has 9 extensions
200304 14:02:50 16321 cryptossl_X509::CertType: certificate has 4 extensions
Run: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to open /test/test.txt; permission denied

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