

Hi Fabrizio,

Webdav deletion requests from ATLAS are coming into the site via apache:443 and apache has all dome_unlink requests rejected from xrootd:1094 with a 403 from xrootd.

This persists until a full restart of xrootd.

From the xrootd logs of failing dome_unlink requests the same worker has previously handled http request with a keepalive before the internal dome request fails. (this could be unrelated but to the untrained eye this appears related and hence why I'm reporting it here).

There appears to be at least some demonstrable (bad) cache somewhere within xrootd, or the dpm/dome xrootd plugin somehow, but the logs don't suggest the connection reaches any code higher up than the xrootd http part of the framework so the (incorrect) rejection is coming from core xrootd somehow.

Restarting xrootd on the headnode in isolation fixes this potentially cached credential problem.


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