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American J. of Physics and Applications
ISSN Online: 2330-4308ISSN Print: 2330-4286
American J. of Physics and Applications is an open-access, peer-reviewed
international academic journal, dedicated to serve the scholars,
consultants, practitioners, researchers, especially those who have
interests in the existing and arising topics in physics and applications
with a high-quality platform to exchange views.
Dear Keisuke Fujii;Christophe Grojean;Mi...,
Hope this email will find you well.
Impressed by your paper *"ILC Study Questions for Snowmass 2021"* published
in *High Energy Physics - Phenomenology*, we warmly welcome you to submit
other unpublished papers to our journal.
Invitations for Contributing Your Manuscripts
Our journal aims to publish academic papers including Research Articles, Rev
iew Articles, Case Reports, Communications and other theoretically or
empirically research works. Please pay attention that the articles will
only get adopted on the condition that they are well written and meet the
requirements of the journal.
If you have interests to make a contribution to our journal, please refer
to the following link:

Why Choose Us to Publish Articles?
Online Academic Journals

Articles Been Published

Editorial Team Members

Scholars Followed
We try to publish the research development, latest findings and fundamental
advances in every aspect of physics and applications for this journal.
Some of the topics welcomed:

   1. Optics
   2. Measurement Technologies
   3. Quantum Electronics
   4. Statistical Physics

   1. Dielectrics
   2. Applied Atomic & Molecular Physics
   3. Nonlinear Science
   4. Plasma and Fluid Physics

Your research has left us a deep impression and the abstract of the paper
is listed as follow: To aid contributions to the Snowmass 2021 US Community
Study on physics at the International Linear Collider and other proposed
$e^+e^-$ colliders, we present a list of study questions that could be the
basis of useful Snowmass projects. We accompany this with links to
references and resources on $e^+e^-$ physics, and a description of a new
software framework that we are preparing for $e^+e^-$ studies at Snowmass.
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For more information about the journal, please feel free to contact us.
Editorial Office of *American J. of Physics and Applications*

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