

[root@pool09 ~]# cat /etc/xrootd/Authfile 
t writecmsdata /store/backfill/          a  \
               /store/data/              a  \
               /store/generator/         a  \
               /store/group/             a  \
               /store/hidata/            a  \
               /store/himc/              a  \
               /store/mc/                a  \
               /store/PhEDEx_LoadTest07/ a  \
               /store/relval/            a  \
               /store/results/           a  \
               /store/temp/              a  \
               /store/unmerged/          a  \
               /store/user/              a

t readcmsdata  /store/unmerged/          a  \
                        /store/                   lr

t writecmsuser /store/temp/              a  \
                        /store/user/              a

# CMS users have full access to their own directory, and read for CMS
# While xrootd allows the user to *attempt* any operation - even in other user's
# home directories - the underlying filesystem also has its internal permissions and will further
# limit things.

g /cms            readcmsdata writecmsuser
g /escms          readcmsdata writecmsdata
g /cms/GGUSExpert readcmsdata writecmsdata
g /cms/TEAM       readcmsdata writecmsdata
g /cms/ALARM      readcmsdata writecmsdata

this works fine for xrootd but not for http I have tried to use (o cms or g cms ) with no luck

User is always mapped to "logcise":

http Protocol 'gsi'
http Name 'locsices'
http Host '[::ffff:]'
http Vorg 'cms cms'
http Role 'NULL NULL'
http Grps '/cms /cms/escms'

Regards, I

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