

Dear Colleagues,

The 2021 ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021) will be held
(fully online) 26-29 October 2021:

We are writing to invite your abstracts for talks in the parallel session
of “Higgs Properties”, which includes experimental and theoretical talks on

- SM Higgs at ILC

- Extended Higgs sectors at ILC

- Higgs physics in BSM models

- Dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking

- Physics of electroweak phase transition

- and more topics which relate to Higgs physics

Abstracts can be submitted through the above web page, or by sending an
email to all the conveners, see below. Please indicate your preferred time
zone (JST, CEST, EDT, PDT).

Deadline for abstract submission to the Higgs session is set on the 10th in
October (in case if web submission does not work, please send it by email).
Abstracts submitted by this date will receive full consideration. Abstracts
submitted after this date will be considered for any remaining places in
the agenda.

We encourage young physicists to submit an abstract to Higgs Properties

Best wishes,

Higgs Properties Conveners:

Shinya Kanemura <[log in to unmask]>

Patrick Meade      <[log in to unmask]>

Chris Potter          <[log in to unmask]>

Georg Weiglein    <[log in to unmask]>

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