

Here you go (the failing one):

( export BEARER_TOKEN=$BEARER_TOKEN ; unset X509_USER_PROXY ; xrdcp -d 3 -f root://$BEARER_TOKEN $(pwd)/sitedb.list )
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.928684 +0100][Dump   ][App               ] Chunk size: 8388608, parallel chunks 4, streams: 1
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929051 +0100][Dump   ][App               ] Processing source entry: root://, type xroot, target file:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929259 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Adding job with properties: 'checkSumMode' = 'none', 'checkSumPreset' = '', 'checkSumType' = '', 'chunkSize' = '8388608', 'coerce' = '0', 'continue' = '0', 'cpTimeout' = '0', 'delegate' = '0', 'dynamicSource' = '0', 'force' = '1', 'initTimeout' = '600', 'makeDir' = '0', 'parallelChunks' = '4', 'posc' = '0', 'preserveXAttr' = '0', 'rmOnBadCksum' = '0', 'source' =
'root://', 'target' = 'file:///afs/', 'targetIsDir' = '0', 'thirdParty' = 'none', 'tpcTimeout' = '1800', 'xcp' = '0',
'xcpBlockSize' = '134217728', 'xrate' = '0', 'xrateThreashold' = '0', 'zipAppend' = '0', 'zipArchive' = '0'
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929308 +0100][Debug  ][Utility           ] CopyProcess: 2 jobs to prepare
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929366 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file:///afs/
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929395 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /afs/
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929436 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: file:///afs/
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  file
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name: localhost
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929531 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /afs/
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929550 +0100][Debug  ][Utility           ] Creating a classic copy job, from root:// to
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929647 +0100][Debug  ][Utility           ] Monitor library name not set. No monitoring
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929761 +0100][Debug  ][Utility           ] Env: trying to get a non-existent string entry: pollerpreference
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929773 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Available pollers: built-in
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929778 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Attempting to create a poller according to preference: built-in
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929784 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating poller: built-in
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.929793 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Creating and starting the built-in poller...
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930080 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Using 1 poller threads
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930099 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Starting the task manager...
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930143 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager started
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930153 +0100][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Starting the job manager...
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930291 +0100][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager started, 3 workers
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930309 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "FileTimer task" to be run at: [2022-02-25 22:55:18 +0100]
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930367 +0100][Debug  ][Utility           ] Opening root:// for reading
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930442 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930790 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.930825 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931013 +0100][Debug  ][File              ] [0x92fa20@root://] Sending an open command
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931059 +0100][Dump   ][XRootD            ] [] Sending message kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat )
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931091 +0100][Debug  ][ExDbgMsg          ] [] MsgHandler created: 0x935440 (message: kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) ).
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931271 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] URL: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Protocol:  root
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] User Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Password:  
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Host Name:
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Port:      1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931305 +0100][Dump   ][Utility           ] Path:      
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931328 +0100][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] Creating new channel to: root://
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931358 +0100][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPAuto, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Window: 1800
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931382 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for: root://" to be run at: [2022-02-25 22:55:33 +0100]
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931402 +0100][Dump   ][PostMaster        ] [] Sending message kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) (0x92d030) through substream 0 expecting answer at 0
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931586 +0100][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Found 2 address(es): [::ffff:]:1094, [2620:104:1f:1000:faf2:1eff:fed9:dd80]:1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931637 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Attempting connection to [2620:104:1f:1000:faf2:1eff:fed9:dd80]:1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:18.931713 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Adding socket 0x938070 to the poller
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.040168 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Async connection call returned
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.040316 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.040394 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Wrote a message:  (0x8000a00), 44 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149539 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x8000b10] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149605 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149629 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149648 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Got the server hand shake response (type: server [], protocol version 510)
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149671 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x8000b10] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149678 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149686 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.149703 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] kXR_protocol successful (type: server [], protocol version 510)
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.150174 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending out kXR_login request, username: bockjoo, cgi: ?, dual-stack: true, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.150230 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.269439 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.380654 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.380900 +0100][Info   ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake done.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.381012 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Wrote a message:  (0x80010e0), 117 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489681 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x803ee40] Expecting 75 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489741 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489784 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 83 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489806 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Logged in, session: 08000000de6600002500000008000000
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489814 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Authentication is required: &P=gsi,v:10600,c:ssl,ca:ba240aa8.0|f5f0dfc2.0&P=ztn,0:4096:
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.489835 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending authentication data
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.495509 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Trying to authenticate using gsi
220225 22:55:19 1271 cryptossl_X509CreateProxy: EEC certificate has expired
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512353 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Cannot get credentials for protocol gsi: Secgsi: ErrParseBuffer: error getting user proxies: kXGS_init
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512412 +0100][Error  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] No protocols left to try
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512442 +0100][Error  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512454 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Closing the socket
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512469 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] <[2001:1458:d00:18::4f8]:42294><--><[2620:104:1f:1000:faf2:1eff:fed9:dd80]:1094> Removing socket from the poller
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512660 +0100][Error  ][PostMaster        ] [] elapsed = 1, pConnectionWindow = 120 seconds.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512762 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Attempting connection to [::ffff:]:1094
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.512867 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Adding socket 0x938070 to the poller
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.620731 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Async connection call returned
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.620814 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.620900 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Wrote a message:  (0x803eac0), 44 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729151 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x8027010] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729239 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729252 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729262 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Got the server hand shake response (type: server [], protocol version 510)
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729278 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x80008c0] Expecting 8 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729285 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729293 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 16 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729304 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] kXR_protocol successful (type: server [], protocol version 510)
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729640 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending out kXR_login request, username: bockjoo, cgi: ?, dual-stack: true, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.729661 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.843368 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.930341 +0100][Dump   ][TaskMgr           ] Running task: "FileTimer task"
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.930435 +0100][Dump   ][TaskMgr           ] Will rerun task "FileTimer task" at [2022-02-25 22:55:34 +0100]
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.952791 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake exchange.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.952965 +0100][Info   ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake done.
[2022-02-25 22:55:19.953022 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Wrote a message:  (0x8027010), 117 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061401 +0100][Dump   ][XRootDTransport   ] [msg: 0x804aed0] Expecting 75 bytes of message body
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061467 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received message header, size: 8
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061511 +0100][Dump   ][AsyncSock         ] [] Received a message of 83 bytes
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061527 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Logged in, session: 09000000de6600002200000009000000
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061535 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Authentication is required: &P=gsi,v:10600,c:ssl,ca:ba240aa8.0|f5f0dfc2.0&P=ztn,0:4096:
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061543 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Sending authentication data
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.061585 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Trying to authenticate using gsi
220225 22:55:20 1271 cryptossl_X509CreateProxy: EEC certificate has expired
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887563 +0100][Debug  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] Cannot get credentials for protocol gsi: Secgsi: ErrParseBuffer: error getting user proxies: kXGS_init
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887598 +0100][Error  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] No protocols left to try
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887617 +0100][Error  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887625 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Closing the socket
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887633 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] <[::ffff:]:51914><--><[::ffff:]:1094> Removing socket from the poller
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887833 +0100][Error  ][PostMaster        ] [] elapsed = 1, pConnectionWindow = 120 seconds.
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887860 +0100][Error  ][PostMaster        ] [] Unable to recover: [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887878 +0100][Error  ][XRootD            ] [] Impossible to send message kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ). Trying to recover.
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887898 +0100][Debug  ][XRootD            ] [] Handling error while processing kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ): [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.887920 +0100][Debug  ][ExDbgMsg          ] [] Passing to the thread-pool MsgHandler: 0x935440 (message: kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) ).
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.888117 +0100][Debug  ][ExDbgMsg          ] [] Calling MsgHandler: 0x935440 (message: kXR_open (file: /store/user/bockjoo/sitedb.list?authz=Bearer%20eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ3bGNnLnZlciI6IjEuMCIsInN1YiI6ImU1ZmJlYzg5LTQzN2YtNDViOC1hODUyLThkMjY5MGQ4NWZlZiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC93bGNnLmNlcm4uY2hcL2p3dFwvdjFcL2FueSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0NTgyNTA1MSwic2NvcGUiOiJzdG9yYWdlLmNyZWF0ZTpcLyBvZmZsaW5lX2FjY2VzcyBzdG9yYWdlLnJlYWQ6XC8gc3RvcmFnZS5tb2RpZnk6XC8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvY21zLWF1dGgud2ViLmNlcm4uY2hcLyIsImV4cCI6MTY0NTgyODY1MSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1ODI1MDUxLCJqdGkiOiIxYjI4NGNkZi02MDBkLTQwYjktYjhmYS1kMDVlYzVhMTQwNTAiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI1ZTNhNjc3NS03N2Y0LTQ1MjQtYTI1OC0wNDFmM2MwNzI4MGYifQ.d725mrx596g1W4LlJpvuV1XgGRQExceMZlqmcc-Z4Ud2mxMn7PeYeWs2FO8047LkehacbTYeVo3g3ekAAotIIa3vFgyC-WEKVWQb-KI7qKowN2LzWCmR0Rqs0xR2E9JjETos1SOfVpa_Y0yfMVAXmZpYZ_1jr1AO7vyLXaDRmJA, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ) ) with status: [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.888251 +0100][Debug  ][File              ] [0x92fa20@root://] Open has returned with status [FATAL] Auth failed: No protocols left to try
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.888280 +0100][Debug  ][File              ] [0x92fa20@root://] Error while opening at [FATAL] Auth failed: No
protocols left to try
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.888338 +0100][Debug  ][ExDbgMsg          ] [] Destroying MsgHandler: 0x935440.
Run: [FATAL] Auth failed: No protocols left to try (source)
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889403 +0100][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Stopping the job manager...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889433 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #0...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889709 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #0 stopped
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889734 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #1...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889803 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #1 stopped
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889821 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Stopping worker #2...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889875 +0100][Dump   ][JobMgr            ] Worker #2 stopped
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889885 +0100][Debug  ][JobMgr            ] Job manager stopped
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.889893 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Stopping the task manager...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890380 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Task manager stopped
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890398 +0100][Debug  ][Poller            ] Stopping the poller...
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890528 +0100][Debug  ][TaskMgr           ] Requesting unregistration of: "TickGeneratorTask for: root://"
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890552 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Closing the socket
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890561 +0100][Debug  ][PostMaster        ] [] Destroying stream
[2022-02-25 22:55:20.890568 +0100][Debug  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Closing the socket



On 2/25/22 16:39, Michal Simon wrote:
> Hi Backjoo,
> Thanks for the clarification. Could you please enable client side logging? Just "-d 3" option in xrdcp.
> Cheers,
> Michal
>> On 25 Feb 2022, at 21:52, Bockjoo Kim <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi Michal,
>> The server ztn sec.protocol is enabled.
>> The issue is one client is fine with it but the other client (built in the CMS softaware ) is not able to use ztn for some reason.
>> Here is the server log created by the client which can do the xrdcp with the token:
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 Xrd_Inet: Accepted connection on port 1094 from [log in to unmask]
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 Xrd_ProtLoad: matched port 1094 protocol xroot
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 anon.0:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: FD 34 attached to poller 0; num=1
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Accept: Accepting a TLS connection...
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 XrdLinkXeq: anon.0:[log in to unmask] connection upgraded to TLSv1.2
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 24 out of 24 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 85 out of 85 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 8 out of 8 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 16 out of 16 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:49 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 59 out of 59 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:49 26421 Xrd_Sched: running monitor fstat inq=0
>> 220225 15:35:49 26421 Xrd_Sched: scheduling monitor fstat in 60 seconds
>> 220225 15:35:49 26340 Xrd_Sched: Now have 5 workers
>> 220225 15:35:49 26340 Xrd_Sched: running monitor window clock inq=0
>> 220225 15:35:49 26340 Xrd_Sched: scheduling monitor window clock in 5 seconds
>> 220225 15:35:50 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 24 out of 24 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:50 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 722 out of 722 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:50 26421 Xrd_Sched: running stats reporter inq=0
>> 220225 15:35:50 26421 Xrd_Sched: scheduling stats reporter in 60 seconds
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 8 out of 8 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 XrootdXeq: bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] pub IPv4 TLSv1.2 login as e5fbec89-437f-45b8-a852-8d2690d85fef
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 multiuser_UserSentry: Failed to lookup UID for username e5fbec89-437f-45b8-a852-8d2690d85fef Success
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 24 out of 24 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 756 out of 756 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 scitokens_Reconfig: Parsing configuration file: /etc/xrootd/scitokens.cfg
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 scitokens_Reconfig: Successfully parsed SciTokens mapfile: /etc/xrootd/scitokens-map.json
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 scitokens_Reconfig: Successfully parsed SciTokens mapfile: /etc/xrootd/scitokens-map.json
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 multiuser_UserSentry: Switching FS uid for user bockjoo
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 multiuser_Open: Will not create checksum
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 8 out of 8 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 12 out of 12 bytes.
>> 220225 15:35:53 26362 bockjoo.2777317:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 82 out of 82
>> .....
>> Here's the log created by the client that fails to use the ztn protocol:
>> 220225 15:34:38 26340 Xrd_Inet: Accepted connection on port 1094 from [log in to unmask]
>> 220225 15:34:38 26340 Xrd_ProtLoad: matched port 1094 protocol xroot
>> 220225 15:34:38 26340 anon.0:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: FD 34 attached to poller 0; num=1
>> 220225 15:34:38 26340 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Accept: Accepting a TLS connection...
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 XrdLinkXeq: anon.0:[log in to unmask] connection upgraded to TLSv1.2
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 24 out of 24 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 93 out of 93 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 8 out of 8 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 16 out of 16 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 59 out of 59 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 XrdTLS: bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS error rc=0 ec=6 (zero_return) errno=0.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Shutdown: Doing fast shutdown.
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 XrootdXeq: bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] disc 0:00:01
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 multiuser_UserSentry: Anonymous client; no user set, cannot change FS UIDs
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: Poller 0 removing FD 34
>> 220225 15:34:39 26340 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: FD 34 detached from poller 0; num=0
>> 220225 15:34:39 26339 Xrd_Sched: running monitor window clock inq=0
>> 220225 15:34:39 26339 Xrd_Sched: scheduling monitor window clock in 5 seconds
>> 220225 15:34:39 26362 Xrd_Sched: running main accept inq=0
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 Xrd_Inet: Accepted connection on port 1094 from [log in to unmask]
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 Xrd_ProtLoad: matched port 1094 protocol xroot
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 anon.0:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: FD 37 attached to poller 0; num=1
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Accept: Accepting a TLS connection...
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 XrdLinkXeq: anon.0:[log in to unmask] connection upgraded to TLSv1.2
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 24 out of 24 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 anon.0:[log in to unmask] TLS_Read: 93 out of 93 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 8 out of 8 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 16 out of 16 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Write: 59 out of 59 bytes.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 XrdTLS: bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS error rc=0 ec=6 (zero_return) errno=0.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] TLS_Shutdown: Doing fast shutdown.
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 XrootdXeq: bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] disc 0:00:00
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 multiuser_UserSentry: Anonymous client; no user set, cannot change FS UIDs
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: Poller 0 removing FD 37
>> 220225 15:34:40 26421 bockjoo.467:[log in to unmask] Xrd_Poll: FD 37 detached from poller 0; num=0
>> Thanks,
>> Bockjoo
>> On 2/25/22 15:33, Michal Simon wrote:
>>> Hi Bockjoo,
>>> It is the server that decides what authentication protocols the client can use to authenticate. From the logs you posted it seems that the server only allows GSI authentication.
>>> In order to use tokens it is recommended that the server enables ZTN authentication.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Michal
>>>> On 25 Feb 2022, at 17:55, Bockjoo Kim <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> CMS built xrdcp as the CMS software external.
>>>> When I run it, it does not look it recognizes the token passed and is looking for X509:
>>>> -bash-4.2$ ( export BEARER_TOKEN=$BEARER_TOKEN ; unset X509_USER_PROXY ; xrdcp -d 1 -f root://$BEARER_TOKEN $(pwd)/sitedb.list )
>>>> [2022-02-25 17:53:35.503759 +0100][Info   ][AsyncSock         ] [] TLS hand-shake done.
>>>> 220225 17:53:36 23215 cryptossl_X509CreateProxy: EEC certificate has expired
>>>> [2022-02-25 17:53:36.972629 +0100][Error  ][XRootDTransport   ] [] No protocols left to try
>>>> [2022-02-25 17:53:36.972675 +0100][Error  ][AsyncSock         ] [] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
>>>> How can I check why this xrdcp version 5.4.0 built from the CMS software does not behave?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bockjoo
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