

Dear Colleagues,

here more detailed information about the Higgs-Top-Electroweak group of the ECFA Higgs/EW/Top factory study.

Best wishes,

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Subject: ECFA WG1 HTE: Invitation to ECFA Higgs/EW/Top factory WG1 - Higgs Top Electroweak (HTE) group and its first workshop
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 18:16:04 +0100
From: Karsten Koeneke <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
CC: ECFA-WHF-WG1-HTE-conveners (WG1-HTE conveners of ECFA Workshops on Higgs/Top//EW factory) <[log in to unmask]>

Dear colleagues,

We invite the particle physics community to join the “Higgs-Top-EW and connection with (HL-)LHC” (HTE) working group, which is a subgroup of the “Working Group 1: Physics Potential” of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) series of workshops towards a future electron-positron Higgs/EW/Top factory. The aim is to bring together the efforts of various e+e- projects, to share challenges and expertise, and to further investigate the physics potential of such a collider. Please also see this indico page for further information, including information on planned workshops in all domains and the WG1 structure. 

One aim of the HTE group is to identify measurements that the HL-LHC can perform in order to increase the physics potential of a future Higgs and top/EW Factory. This includes high-precision inclusive measurements as well as differential measurements, e.g. at high pT.    The physics potential of an e+e- HTE factory will also be compared to the potential of other future colliders.

For the purpose of all future communications and announcements, an egroup email list has been created. If you would like to keep informed, please subscribe to the egroup [log in to unmask] via this link (go to the “Members” tab, and click “Add me”):

The 1st HTE workshop will be held across the three days April 20-22 2022 in hybrid mode at CERN. We hope to have a strong in-person component if the rules and regulations allow for it. However, we will also have a full zoom setup for remote participation. A decision on the in-person component will be made by the end of March. 

The aims of this first workshop will be to start this community effort, assess where we stand, and plan for the future. We foresee several invited speakers but would like to also include a component of contributed talks. For this purpose, please submit a short title and abstract via the indico abstract submission feature of the workshop no later than March 18th 2022.

Further details, including the registration and abstract submission forms, will be available on the conference page: 

We are looking forward to working with you in this exciting field. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions or inquiries you might have.

Chris Hays, Fabio Maltoni, Karsten Köneke

(conveners of the WG1-HTE group; you may reach us at [log in to unmask])

Priv. Doz. Dr. habil. Karsten Köneke (er/he/him)
Physikalisches Institut
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Office (Freiburg): Gustav-Mie-Haus 04-028
Office (CERN): 40-3-C08
Phone (Freiburg): +49 761 203 54135
Phone (CERN): +41 22 767 1169

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